How To Apply GOD’s Word Without Losing Faith

Someone wrote to me and asked, “How does one come to God and apply the word of God in today’s world without losing faith?”

That’s a good question. In order to answer that question thoroughly, I believe I need to break it down into the three different questions being asked.

[1] How does one come to GOD?:
Well, the answer to this question will be different depending on whether you are not yet a believer or if you’re already a believer. If you’re already a believer, we approach GOD as it is written in
Hebrews 4:16 in that we, “draw near with confidence to the throne of grace.” Christians can approach with confidence because we are the King’s children (John 1:12) and because the Father is loving (Matthew 7:11; 1John 4,8,16), the King is not going to cast us out (Luke 11:9-13; John 6:37). But how do we become the children of GOD? As it turns out, I wrote an article on that: “Come As You Are. Jesus will accept all people as they are whenever and wherever they approach Him; however, Jesus will not approve of sin and will require righteousness through the process of sanctification. For some people, change will be a slow process in order to shed the old self who is dead and gone. GOD loves you so much that He accepts you and invites you in just the way you are; however, GOD loves you so much that He won’t allow you to remain as you are. This process of sanctification is a process of refinement. Please take the time necessary to read my other article, “Become Like Children“. Essentially, we humble ourselves, live as doers of the Word while loving and serving others, and we place our complete trust in the Lord. Jesus said that people should trust in Him with a childlike faith just as a son would with his father.
However, if someone is not yet a believer, the only way to come to GOD is by allowing the Holy Spirit to fill your heart with conviction of your sinful nature (John 16:8-11; Acts 2:37-38). From this conviction comes repentance. As it turns out,
I wrote an article on that. Please take the time necessary to read my other article, “Repentance“. And through repentance, a person genuinely seeks after the Lord. But the person can only come to GOD through faith in Christ Jesus alone (John 14:6). But now presupposing the person came to GOD in faith, how does that person apply the Word of GOD in today’s world?

[2] How does one apply the Word of GOD in today’s world?:
Well, this action is called application. It’s not enough to merely know the Word of GOD; we must apply GOD’s Word to our lives and allow His Word to continually shape us in order to accurately reflect Christ (
Luke 6:46-49; Romans 2:13; James 1:22). Applying GOD’s Word in today’s world requires a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s conviction regarding sin and reminders regarding Truth (John 14:26; 16:8,13-15). And this entire process is known as working out our salvation. Please read my other two articles that thoroughly explain this application, “Take Up Your Cross” and “Work Out Your Salvation. Thus, we work out the salvation which was worked into us. GOD’s love and Truth enters us, changes us, works through us, and out to others.

[3] How does one apply the Word of GOD in today’s world without losing faith?:
Well, if you know, understand, and believe the Word of GOD, then you will know that to be a follower of Christ is going to be the most extreme challenge you’ll ever endure in your life yet it will end up being the most rewarding accomplishment you’ll ever celebrate in your life. Truly, to walk by faith and not lose faith is as simple as
Proverbs 3:5-7: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil.” Now granted, simple does not mean easy. Our entire lifetime as Christians will probably not be easy because we will strive to live righteously in Truth and light whereas the world and its ways will strive to live in sin and darkness (John 3:19-21; 8:12; 15:18-20; Ephesians 5:8; 2Timothy 3:12). And so we’re always going to swim upstream against the current of this world. However, as it is written in Romans 8:28, “we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” We don’t lose faith because our faith is not in ourselves, but in the Lord. And because we trust in the Lord with all our heart, we don’t lose faith. GOD has already shared with us the end of the story and it’s a happy ending (which actually becomes a new beginning, as it is written in Revelation 21-22). So, walk by faith (2Corinthians 5:7) because “without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Please take the time necessary to read my other article, “Armor of GOD: Shield of Faith“.


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