The Bible: GOD’s Word or Mere Moral Message?

“Reverend” Brandan Robertson, a “progressive Christian” and self-proclaimed “theologian” posed an argument to me, asserting that the Bible is not the Word of GOD. The overall argument presented by Brandan is as follows:

(1) Only Christ Jesus is the Word of GOD.
(2) Much of what is written in the Bible is not
the words of Jesus but the words of other people.
(3) Therefore, the Bible cannot be the Word of
GOD because much of what is written are words
from fallible humans who were not Jesus.

But is this true? Not at all. In fact, it doesn’t take long for his argument to collapse in on itself. The Bible most certainly is the Word of GOD for several reasons. Consider all that follows. Even if you accept premise one as being true that only Jesus is the Word of GOD, you would be forced to reject premise two because even the words of Jesus were not written by Jesus Himself— His words were recorded by His disciples. But that’s irrelevant. Both Christ and Scripture have dual aspects of divinity and humanity, indivisibly united in one expression. Both involve the use of fallible human agents.

The argument that the Bible cannot be GOD’s Word because it was written by humans who are capable of erring does not follow logically for several reasons. First of all, humans do not always err. Even without any special divine aid, humans can and do write books without errors— usually short ones. There are, for example, inerrant math books, where every formula is worked out correctly.

Second, there is no contradiction for a perfect GOD to use imperfect writers as the means to produce a perfect book. Why not? Because even imperfect humans can draw a straight line with a crooked stick. How much more can GOD? But for some reason, critics attempt to limit a limitless GOD. And they fail.

Third, according to the biblical doctrine of inspiration, GOD was the primary cause of the Bible, and human writers were only secondary causes. It is written in 2Peter 1:21, “for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (cf. 2Samuel 23:2). So in the overall process of inspiration, GOD superintends the process of revelation so as to preserve it from all error (cf. John 14:26; 16:13).

In fact, both Christ (John 1:1; Revelation 19:13) and the Bible (John 10:35; Matthew 15:6) are called the Word of GOD. Both Christ and the Bible are called perfect (Psalm 19:7; Hebrews 4:15). The Bible is GOD-breathed (2Timothy 3:16); it comes from the mouth of GOD (Matthew 4:4), cannot be broken (John 10:35), and is [תָּמִים] [8549] tamim (taw-meem’), meaning it is without flaw (Psalm 19:7).

The word “inspired” is the English translation of the Greek word [θεόπνευστος] [2315] theopneustos (theh-op’-nyoo-stos), which is a compound of the words [θεός] [2316] theos (theh’-os) and [πνεῦμα] [4151] pneuma (pnyoo’-mah). The word theos is the word for God and the word pneuma comes from its root word [πνέω] [4154] pneo (pneh’-o), which communicates the idea of the dynamic movement of air as to breathe hard or blow, like a gust of wind. Therefore, the word theopneustos means God-breathed. The root word pneuma carries a profound range of meanings, including life-force, energy, dynamism, and power. The Jews considered the pneuma to be the powerful force of GOD that created the universe and all living things, and the force that continues to sustain creation. In the Old Testament, the pneuma of GOD would sometimes move mightily upon a person, enabling him to do supernatural feats. The authors became the unique instruments through whom GOD expressed His heart and will. They were the physical writers of Scripture, but GOD — who is Spirit (John 4:24) — was the Great Musician and Master Composer who breathed through them. And each one of them produced their own distinct ‘sound’ according to their distinct personalities. Thus, the Bible is GOD’s message delivered through human writers to the human race. As human beings, we are copper wire, conduits, vessels whom the Spirit speaks to and works through.

Since the GOD of the Bible is all-knowing (Psalm 139:1-6; 147:5), all-good (Psalm 136; 1Peter 2:3), and all-powerful (Genesis 1:1; Matthew 19:26), it follows that He would not inspire books for the faith and practice of believers down through the centuries and then fail to preserve them. Lost inspired books would be a lapse in GOD’s providence. The GOD who knows and numbers the stars by name (Psalm 147:4; Isaiah 40:26) and cares for the sparrows and numbers the hairs on your head (Luke 12:6-7) will certainly care for His Scriptures so that His Word will not be lost nor will it return void (Isaiah 55:11). In short, if GOD inspired the Scriptures (2Timothy 3:16), GOD will preserve them. GOD completes what GOD begins (Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 40:8; 59:21; Matthew 5:18; 24:35; Philippians 1:6; Revelation 22:13). To say that the Bible is not GOD’s Word because GOD produced and preserved His Word through finite and fallible humans is to try to change the definition of GOD to fit the finite and fallible flaw of the humans themselves. And just because your three-pound, finite and fallible brain forgets where you put your car key doesn’t mean GOD would do the same. In fact, GOD says “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). That’s why in Luke 18:27 it is written, “The things that are impossible with people are possible with God.” The Bible is GOD’s Word because the very people GOD used to produce the Bible were inspired and guided by the infallible GOD. And if all the authors of Scripture were carried along by GOD, then the words of Scripture were breathed out by GOD and without error, since GOD cannot err (Numbers 23:19; 1Samuel 15:29; Isaiah 40:8; 55:11; Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2; John 17:17). The Bible is irrefutably GOD’s Word.

And as for the “reverend” of the “inclusive” club he leads known as “Metanoia Church,” he has revealed that he is a child of the devil, an apostate, and a wolf in sheep’s clothing who is a false teacher. I encourage every single true child of GOD to contact Brandan for two reasons:
(1) admonish him to repent and step down from teaching;
(2) let him know that you will be praying for him to come to repentance so that he might be saved.

Ironically, the “church” Brandan leads is called “Metanoia Church.” Why is this important? Because the very name is a Greek word for “repentance,” which Brandan deliberately defies and rebels against. See my other article “Repentance” to understand the depth beyond the surface of how demonic Brandan’s agenda is, which only showcases the devil’s deeds within the “progressive” community. Truly, there is absolutely nothing “Christian” about the progressive movement; in fact, it is of the apostasy. Please see my other article, “Apostasy” to examine the depth beyond the surface of the great falling away that is happening and will continue to happen. Point in case, according to Brandan’s website, Metanoia Church is “a progressive, inclusive, digital, Christian community for wanderers, seekers, deconstructionists, and all who are interested in rethinking and reforming their faith.” Therefore, it is obvious that the “progressive” agenda is to infiltrate the true church and corrupt it in order to mislead many. This is the work of the devil. But that much became obvious as soon as Brandan presented his fallacious and Biblically unsound argument that the Bible is not the Word of GOD. However, as I clearly showcased, the Bible is most certainly GOD’s Word, which only reveals Brandan to be a liar. It is for this reason it is written in Romans 3:4, “let God be found true, though every man be found a liar.”

Further, if you want to discover what the real “church” of Christ is, please see my other articles “Church” and “Cornerstone“.
