
The following logical argument is written to show that abortion is unwarranted, unnecessary, unloving, and absolutely abhorrent.

“Love must be honest and true. Hate what is evil. Hold on to what is good.”
(Romans 12: 9) -NIRV

Abortion is the premature termination of a pregnancy. Abortion isn’t a new argument, but from time to time, it is argued in each new generation and becomes a fresh topic of debate. Not only am I against abortion, but I hate abortion. Why? Because I hate what is evil. My attitude is justified because GOD’s Word instructs us to hate what is evil. However, if I am to claim that the act of abortion should be hated, I must prove that abortion is evil. However, if I am to claim that something is evil, I must prove that there is an absolute standard of good by which the evil may be compared. I intend to prove, with logic and reasoning, that abortion is abhorrent and should never be allowed in a legal setting within civilization because it should never be accepted in a moral society.

The pro-abortion position holds three major arguments as to why abortions are acceptable: (1) the privacy argument; (2) the quality of life argument; and (3) the nonpersonhood argument.

Pro-abortion privacy argument: 

What is bodily autonomy? It is the self-governing of one’s own body. Essentially, this is the argument of “my body, my choice.” It becomes the privacy argument: “All people have an absolute right to privacy concerning what they do with their bodies. You can’t tell me what to do with my body.”

Pro-life response: 

Essentially, this argument proclaims that free will exists and that a person should have the absolute right to choose to keep secret the consequence of a choice made by an action of free will. However, it is the absoluteness of that declared right that should be put into question. If a person’s choice creates a consequence that negatively affects someone or others, does that person have the right to keep the negative consequence a secret? Even if that secret is murder? The main problem with the bodily autonomy argument is that it completely ignores the fact that the baby is not the body of the mother and the mother’s body is not the body of the baby. Thus, by arguing for bodily autonomy, the person’s argument becomes self-defeating because she is now agreeing that the baby’s body is not her body to harm and terminate.

If bodily autonomy is your argument, then you contradict yourself because you reveal that you don’t care about another person’s body, you only care about your own body. And so you’re not truly and consistently arguing in favor of bodily autonomy; rather, you’re arguing that your body is more important than another person’s body. And by doing so, you’re only revealing your  narcissistic inflated sense of self-importance, and perhaps revealing that you are a sociopath and that you have no empathy or remorse for murdering the life of another human being— especially a human being who is weak and innocent. And despite your argument that bodily autonomy is not “for abortion,” your actions say otherwise. By considering your life more important than the life of the baby you murder, your argument is for abortion; in fact, the only reason you’re arguing for bodily autonomy is so that you can abort a baby and attempt to justify your sin of murder. But as we now know, an argument for bodily autonomy calls attention to the baby’s body, which is not your body. And if you murder the baby, you don’t actually care about bodily autonomy, you show that you only care about seeking your own comfort, convenience, and happiness at the expense of another person.

However, If you’re going to advocate for one person’s rights to cross over into the rights of another, it’s crucial to give an equally weighted voice to both parties involved. But can we know what the baby within the womb thinks about the abortion? Yes. Research on fetal pain makes  it evident that the baby in the womb as early as 20 weeks (possibly earlier) can feel pain. There are also many documented occurrences of babies within wombs physically responding to intrusions in the womb. The baby’s body language makes it evident that his/her response is essentially, “Ow! No! Stop!” But the woman, ignoring the evidence, argues for her bodily autonomy while disregarding the value of the baby’s body. I think anyone who desires to use the horrible argument of bodily autonomy should listen to all the people who were survivors from failed abortions and allow the survivors to share details of their bodily autonomy. Perhaps then you would actually listen and honestly examine the evidence which shows that abortion is abhorrently wrong.

Pro-abortion quality of life argument:

This argument claims that an abortion either protects the child from suffering or protects the mother/family from unnecessary burden. The former argument states that if a child is deformed, defective, or might suffer in some serious manner throughout his/her life, then he/she should not be forced to endure a less-than-quality existence. The latter argument claims that an abortion may be necessary to insure the health of the mother and/or prevent an unnecessary burden on the family.

Pro-life response:

The quality of life argument is a classic appeal to desperation fallacy. The argument can be posed as such:

  1. Something must be done!
  2. This is something.
  3. Therefore, we must do this!

The abortion argument, then, would be as follows:

  1. Unwanted pregnancy would affect my quality of life and this demands a serious response!
  2. Abortion sounds like a serious response.
  3. Therefore, I should abort (terminate the pregnancy).

First, are you capable of judging what is or is not a “quality” existence? One must define what would constitute as a “quality” existence. If one determines that poverty isn’t a quality existence, then how many people in third world countries would be exterminated? How many homeless people would be exterminated? Examine the life of Nick Vujicic. Nick was born with tetra-amelia syndrome — he didn’t have arms or legs! Many people would say that being born without arms and legs would definitely be a less-than-quality existence. But if you conduct proper research on Nick’s life, it is evident that Nick has prevented others from committing suicide and has inspired others to be grateful and live life to the fullest. If Nick’s mother had abided by the logic of the pro-abortion’s quality of life argument, Nick would have been terminated. How many lives would have been affected in a negative way by one woman’s decision to play the role of Judge? Humans are incapable of determining how someone’s life will end up in the future. Because you don’t know if someone’s life will end up in a state of quality existence, it’s illogical to abort a baby based on a possibility of a “less-than-quality” existence. By that logic, everyone would have to be aborted.

Second, can suffering be a reason for one not to exist? How many people suffer? Have you ever suffered? Because you have suffered, should you not exist? Have you ever experienced joy after suffering? There are many people who will testify that their greatest days came after a great time of suffering. Worldly experience affirms what is written in Romans 5:3-4: “We know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.”

Third, can a burden be an excuse for termination? All children become burdens to parents. Think about it. Does a child’s existence require the parents to spend their time on him/her? Does a child’s existence require that parents sometimes lose some sleep at night? Does a child’s existence require parents to spend their money? Financial loss and the loss of time are burdens that all parents who have rightly raised children have known. You were once a burden on your parent(s). By this logic, all babies should be aborted due to the burdens they will inevitably place on the parents. Should you have been aborted?

The proposed solution of abortion that would eliminate the burden on one’s [subjective] quality of life doesn’t warrant implementation. There are better ways of resolving the “problem.” The proposed solution is worse than the original problem. The “problem” is creation of unwanted life; the proposed solution is unwarranted and unnecessary death.

And the fourth and most important response is that the duty to do no harm applies only to persons. The main issue boils down to definition. Is the being in the womb a human? This is the main issue in the abortion debate. If the fetus is a person, then whatever reason is given to justify the taking of his/her life should also be applicable to any adult person as well.

Pro-abortion nonpersonhood argument:

This argument states that the “thing” in the woman’s womb is not yet a person. Many argue that “it” is a human organism (biological concept), but not a human person (psychological / philosophical concept). No one debates that the human organism comes into existence at the moment of conception. However, many pro-abortion advocates claim that “it” is merely a lump of mass or tissue and not yet a human person. Because the duty to do no harm refers only to persons, one can have an abortion without any violation against a human person.

Pro-life response:

Some ‘scientific’ studies claim that the life inside a pregnant woman is not actually a person until a certain amount of time has passed and the fetus has had enough growth to be considered a person. This is absurd and hypocritical. If scientists declare bacteria to be life, then an embryo or fetus must also be proclaimed as such. Instead, a person must be defined by the essentialistic definition. According to this definition, a person is a living being who has the essential capacity for rational reflection, emotional expression, willful direction, and moral deliberation concerning him/herself and the world around him/her. Essential capacity means a capability that exists by nature of the kind of being the person is — whether or not such a capacity is ever actualized. All human organisms have this basic inherent capacity for personhood by nature of being human. This essential capacity for personhood comes into existence at the moment of conception. Conception is the key and the reason why women on their menstrual cycles are not immoral. Likewise, it is why an emission of semen by a male in his sleep is not immoral either. A sperm alone will never become a human being. A female egg alone will never become a human being. It is in conception from the sperm and egg combining that begins the process of human life.

Things either exist or they do not. There is no such concept of something “becoming” into existence. What exists may develop, but there is no such thing as something that “partially exists.” Development concerns functioning as a person, not being a person. As we develop, we function better as persons, but that doesn’t mean we are more of a person than we were earlier in life. Likewise, when a person is old and deteriorating, that person isn’t less of a person than he/she was earlier in life. When a sperm and egg become one (zygote) and conception begins, life also begins. Conception is the origin of personhood. And if an unborn becomes a person from the moment of conception, then no one can take his/her life without just cause. Such a cause would have to be one that can apply to any other person regardless of age.

Even if the mother’s health were at risk, it’s not right to take someone else’s life just to save your own. The essentialistic definition, psychological / philosophical concept, and GOD attribute the same characteristics to the unborn human as the adult human (Psalms 139:15-16; Isaiah 49:1; Jeremiah 1:5). Therefore, the unborn human is a person. Abortion is killing an innocent person. Taking the life of an innocent person to save your own life violates one of GOD’s commandments not to kill (Exodus 20:13). In contrast, John 15:12-13 states that sacrificing yourself for the love of another is not only commendable, but there is “no greater love” than that.

Now that we know what defines personhood, let’s examine another definition. The very definition of an abortion admits to life and admits to sin.

Abort: 1) To fail, cease, or stop at an early or premature stage

2) To terminate a procedure prematurely

Something cannot be stopped unless it has already begun! And if the process of a human life has already begun, then it is the natural course for the process to continue; therefore, we must allow it to continue.

Not only is abortion an act of murder, but it is a blatant disregard of GOD’s authority. If a person decides to terminate the process of life that GOD began, the person assumes the role of Judge, to sit in the throne of GOD. When GOD says ‘yes’ to life forming, it is a sin to say ‘no’ and abort that which GOD has already approved. If you have the audacity to claim that it is your right to abort a baby and veto GOD’s decision for life, I have the confidence to proclaim that you are ignorant, selfish, and wrong. To abort a baby is to assume that the baby desires to commit suicide. You have no idea who that baby could become. That baby could be the person to cure cancer, to be the next president, or someone who creates an invention that will help all of mankind. When you defy GOD’s approval of life, you assume that you know more than GOD and are better equipped to make the decisions GOD makes.

“Even wild jackals nurture their babies, give them their breasts to suckle. But my people have turned cruel to their babies, like an ostrich in the wilderness.”
(Lamentations 4:3) -MSG

Alpha ostrich males may breed with many females, but he only bonds with the dominant female. All the females will lay their fertilized eggs in a single communal nest, but the dominant female lays her eggs first; moreover, when it comes time to cover the eggs for incubation, she discards all the extra eggs from the weaker females. GOD instructs us not to be as heartless as this ostrich. Are we not better than a bitter bird? While most spiders hang their eggs from their web, wolf spider moms actually strap their egg sacs to their bodies and carry it. Once the eggs hatch, the mom lets the baby spiders continue to hitch a ride: she carries them on her back until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Are we not more significant than a savage spider? Once baby alligators are born, the mother gently carries them around in her jaw for protection, assisting them to the water. Are we not to be more reputable than a remorseless reptile? After an octopus lays eggs, it takes around 40 days for the eggs to develop before hatching. The octopus mom stays close to them the entire time, protecting them from predators while gently blowing currents of water over them to provide oxygen. However, being a full-time bodyguard to the eggs also prohibits her from hunting for herself and she usually ends up either eating one of her own tentacles or becomes too weak to defend herself from a predator’s attack. Are we not capable of being more caring than a courageous cephalopod?

Genesis 1:27 tells us that we are created in the image of GOD. Abortion is the murder of an innocent person; therefore, murder is something done to GOD because it is against the person created in His image. This is also confirmed in Genesis 9:6. The fact that a person is made in the image of GOD gives him/her a unique status in comparison to all else that was created. To take the life of another human is to desecrate the image of GOD.

Molech (Moloch, Molek, Melek, Malik) was the ancient false god of child sacrifice. Children were burned to death as a sacrifice to this false god. Nowadays, the false god of Molech can be compared to Planned Parenthood. But instead of people worshiping a false god, people have begun to worship themselves. Every abortion is a murder that is done in sacrifice for self.

First, I’m going to list facts about the creation and formation of a baby human and then I will address points of opposition from those who agree with and commend abortion.

  • Once a male’s sperm gains access into the female’s egg, the creation of life begins.
  • At around 3 weeks, the eyes and spinal cord are visible and the developing brain has two lobes.
  • At around 4 weeks, the heart is beating and a circulatory system is in place. Lungs are beginning to develop.
  • At around 7 weeks, muscles and nerves begin working together.
  • At around 8 weeks, the baby will feel physical pain during an abortion.
  • At around 9 weeks, more than 90% of the body structures found in a full-grown human are present. The medical classification changes from an embryo to a fetus.
  • At around 10 weeks, the baby even starts to make facial expressions.
  • At around 12 weeks, electrical signals from the nervous system are measurable.
  • At around 16 weeks, the baby makes eye movements.
  • At around 18 weeks, the portion of the brain responsible for functions such as reasoning, memory and language (the cerebral cortex) has the same number of nerve cells as a full-grown adult.
  • At around 20 weeks, the baby sleeps, awakens and can hear sounds.
  • At around 24 weeks, the taste buds are functional, the baby has grip, and if born and given specialized care, the survival rate is more than 80%. And week 24 is typically when states start to restrict abortions — even though at 20 weeks, the baby can hear you discussing the abortion with the doctor.
  • At around 28 weeks, if born and given specialized care, the survival rate is more than 95%.

Restriction of abortion:

The vast majority of our states allow abortion up until 24-26 weeks; however, there are some states that will allow abortion so long as the baby is still in the womb and has not yet come out. The last time I checked, 9 states had no restrictions for abortions.

Points of opposition:

“The fetus is not a human — it is just a mass of tissue.”

  • False. The fetus is a person; it’s just in a different stage of development. If the fetus is not a human, then you’re not pregnant; therefore, you wouldn’t be able to abort a baby. And again, going back to the definition of “abort,” it is clear that the fetus will become a baby if the process is not interfered with and interrupted.

“Abortion is safer than childbirth.”

  • False. There have been around 58 million babies aborted (murdered; terminated) since Roe vs Wade in 1973. There’s nothing safe about murder. In fact, 100% of all ‘successfully’ aborted babies died.

“Not everyone wants to have a child; you shouldn’t have a child unless you want it.”

  • There are many people who desire children yet aren’t able to have children of their own. If you’re too selfish and don’t want the baby, adoption is an option. People will gladly take your child. Also, if you don’t want to create a child, then don’t participate in the activity that will create a child until you are mature enough to accept responsibility for your actions. Abstinence is also an option.

“Oh so you only care about life before it’s born, but not afterwards? How many children do you foster? How many teen moms do you help?”

  • This is a fallacious argument. Like any ad hominem, this kind of argument is simply irrelevant. Attacking someone’s character or reputation has no bearing on the truth of the argument itself. Even if a pro-life representative did not foster children, the truth regarding the essentialistic definition of a person and the definition of abortion remain.

“The number of abortions are relatively small.”

  • False. Nearly 3,000 babies are aborted (murdered) every day. Do you believe that 3,000 is a relatively small number? Would you allow someone to punch you in the face 3,000 times every day? I am willing to bet everything I own that you wouldn’t consider that number to be a small amount if that were the case.

“Nobody has the right to impose their morals on me. What’s true for you isn’t true to me. Your beliefs shouldn’t infringe on my beliefs and freedoms!”

  • It is not my morals that are being enforced. You are a product of creation, created by the Creator; consequently, you are subject to the Creator’s Law. There exists an absolute Truth and with it an absolute Moral Law. You don’t have the right to defy the Law or create your own laws. (See my arguments, “What is Truth?” and “Moral Relativism”.) My concern is not for your feelings and emotions; my concern is for life and prosperity. It is just, reasonable, and necessary for society to outlaw certain choices. That’s why laws were created. And although our godless government goons of officials haven’t yet made abortions illegal, GOD-Almighty has already declared abortions to be illegal because abortions are acts of murder. Therefore, I do have the right to remind you of what is right because the morals I speak of are from the absolute Moral Law to which we all are under.
  • I agree that your freedom should not infringe on the life of another (Galatians 5:13). If your subjective truth claim infringes upon another person’s life (aborting; denying life), how can it be good & acceptable? It is you who do not have the right to impose your freedom of choice — you don’t have the right to impose death upon an innocent baby. Why do you demand tolerance for your life while being so intolerant of an innocent baby’s life within the womb?

“A woman should be able to control her own body.”

  • I agree. You should be able to control your own body. So control yourself! For the logically impaired, allow me to explain it to you: your body is your body, but the baby’s body is not your body. You can terminate that baby, but you would not be terminated yourself; therefore, that baby is not your body. Furthermore, the right for life (to not be murdered) supersedes the right to not be pregnant. It is reasonable for society to expect an adult to live with temporary inconvenience if the only alternative is to murder a baby. And by the way, that inconvenience was produced by your own choice to have sex, which then led to your inconvenient situation of pregnancy. Therefore, be an adult and take responsibility for your actions or control your body.

“Getting pregnant is not always a choice! What about all the incidents of women becoming pregnant due to rape or incest?”

  • Finally! A valid question and a fair concern. Of course rape wouldn’t be the fault of the pregnant woman, but it’s not the fault of the innocent baby either. And there are plenty of people who have been conceived due to rape yet they have become good people and have accomplished good things in life. Layne Beachley was conceived due to rape, but she ended up as a 7-time world champion surfer. And to assume that a baby conceived from incest should be aborted is almost to assume the role of Hitler or Satan in asserting that the weak or handicap must be exterminated. Neither rape, incest, poverty, or inconvenience are valid excuses to justify murder. Abortion has become the world’s largest holocaust.

“An embryo or fetus is not the same as a baby.”

  • Again, we need to go back to the essentialistic definition of a person and the definition of “abort” and create a logical response based on origin. An embryo or fetus only explains the stage of development in the person who has already been created. Just as an adolescent or toddler describes who will become an adult, the embryo or fetus only describes who will become a baby. And a baby only describes who will become an adolescent or toddler, who will then become an adult. If the process is not aborted and interrupted, the embryo will become a fetus and a fetus will become a baby. The creation is a human being. Human beings inside the womb are smaller, weaker, and more dependent upon the adult human; therefore, the embryo or fetus requires even greater nourishment, love, and protection. Regardless of what stage of development the person is in, a person would be aborted, not a thing.

“If abortions are banned, women will be forced to seek back-alley abortion clinics, thus a woman would be forced to become a potential victim due to unsafe and unsanitary conditions..”

  • False. Again, all abortions are unsafe because every successful abortion is a successful murder or termination of a baby’s life. Murder is not safe. Also, no righteous person would “force” a woman to get an abortion because no righteous person desires for a baby to be murdered. If a woman went to a back-alley abortion clinic, she would have arrived there by her own choice. And because abortion terminates an innocent life, women shouldn’t be getting abortions; therefore, if they try to have abortions and are “forced” to seek back-alley places that are unsafe for them, then the chance of injury or death to the pregnant woman would be warranted for her desire to murder a baby. Either ignorance or evil dwells within the woman who considers a baby’s innocent life to be unimportant enough to be aborted (murdered), yet she declares herself to be important enough to deserve safety and preserve her own life. Does a woman deserve safety and protection while she is trying to murder a baby? No. If a woman chooses to put her life at risk to have an abortion, that would be her choice and she would have to accept the natural consequences of her choice to murder a baby. A woman who desires to murder her own baby does not deserve refuge. Further, banning abortions should encourage women to consider natural consequences. The seriousness of abortions should encourage women to keep their babies and promote life, not death. Not only is it logically absurd for a woman to complain about the possibility of death for her own life while she ignores the fact that she is murdering the innocent life of a baby, it is hypocritical. Does life matter or not? What is the value of life? Is your life more valuable than someone else’s life? Why or why not?

“Aborting unwanted children reduces the number of children who get abused.”

  • False. Aborting an unwanted child does not reduce the current population of children getting abused. At best, abortion only prevents the possibility of adding to the number of children who get abused. However, abortion also prevents the chance of someone experiencing life and love. Giving birth to an unwanted baby does not determine whether the child will get abused. The choices the parents make after the birth will determine whether the baby will end up abused. Even if a parent didn’t want to have a baby, that parent would still be held responsible to do what is best and right for that baby. Remember: adoption is an option. If you don’t want the baby, it would be best for the baby that you give him/her to someone who is willing to make the necessary sacrifices to ensure the baby is cared for in the right way. It is never the child’s fault if he/she gets abused. The real issue boils down to rebellious  and selfish adults who refuse to live by the absolute Moral Law. The real issue boils down the the refusal to accept responsibility of the consequences for the choices made.
  • Also, abuse does not warrant death. There are many people who have been abused and have still grown up to be amazing people to accomplish many good things. And again, adoption  or abstinence should be the only other options. If the mother is too selfish to keep that child, then someone else will happily take the child.

“The number one reason for abortion is financial hardship.”

  • This argument is all around fallacious: it is an appeal to emotion, an appeal to pity, an appeal to fear, an appeal to possibility, and an appeal to desperation. The fallacious argument looks like the following:
    [1] I don’t have much money
    [2] Giving birth to a child costs money I don’t currently have
    [3] I fear that I won’t ever receive that money
    [4] Therefore, I need to murder my baby so that I won’t need to spend money that I don’t currently have.
  • The person making this fallacious argument inserts emotion in place of reason, creating his/her own what-if scenario, uses the shock tactic of fear out from his/her perceived possibility, and then presents an abhorrent solution out of desperation, which leads to appealing to an extreme solution that is logically unwarranted. Now, let’s examine that argumentum in terrorem, which is the fear-induced scare tactic. The fear-based argument is actually a red herring and is not based on actual evidence. What do I mean by that? That is to say that all aborted babies were murdered via abortions before the mother ever had an opportunity to provide for her child. That means that the mother believed she would not have enough money to support the baby and then out from her fear she chose an extreme solution of desperation, which was to murder the baby. How did she know she wouldn’t be able to provide for the baby? She didn’t. And you don’t either. People often use fear to manipulate people, counting on the audience being irrational and emotional rather than reasonable and calculating. Financial hardship has never been, is not now, and will never be a reason to murder a person— especially a weak an innocent person.
  • Further, the argument is founded on the misinformation that no help exists for women giving birth to children. That’s simply false. Evil establishments, such as AbortionFunds.org give women financial aid so that they can murder their babies. However, women can just as easily receive financial aid to support life rather than death through focusonthefamily.com , prolifeaction.org , prolifeacrossamerica.org , or several churches who would be both willing and able to support a mother until she is able to support herself. And if a woman can receive financial support to either murder her baby or support the life of her baby, why should she choose to murder the baby? Thus, money is not an issue. Therefore, if this excuse is the number one reason for abortions (as claimed), then the person making this argument is actually admitting that the number one reason for abortions is unwarranted and unnecessary.

“The planet is overpopulated enough as it is — why add more people?”

  • The myth of overpopulation seems to have originated out of England in 1798 when Thomas Malthus believed that food production increased incrementally while people reproduced exponentially. His math calculations brought him to believe that the world would be out of food by 1890. In his published work, “Essay on the Principle of Population,” Malthus blamed reduced mortality rates and recommended that doctors not cure diseases and that the weak and poor be killed off. Malthus died in 1834, but his argument lived on through Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University. In 1968, Paul’s work of “The Population Bomb” proclaimed that reckless reproduction had overwhelmed the Earth and suggested that massive famines would ensue and one-fifth of the human population would be destroyed by the end of 1970’s and the rest of the planet would follow. The fear that Paul created in the people produced large donations for the newly created UNFPA (United Nations Fund for Population Activities). UNFPA has been involved in programs with governments around the world who deny their women the right to choose the number of their children. Their complicit work with the infamous “one-child policy” mandated by the government of the People’s Republic of China, uncovered by an investigation of the U.S. State Department in 2001, led the United States to pull its funding. The truth is that lies spread like cancer or wildfire. The myth of overpopulation has been going around for quite some time. A generous estimate for the world population in 2017 is between 7.5 – 8 billion people. I’ve read many arguments about how the entire population of the world could fit in the state of Alaska. It’s possible, but not plausible; it could happen, but it wouldn’t be feasible. The point is that the ratio of land to people reveals that the world is not overpopulated.
  • The warped and distorted lifeboat ethics of Garrett Hardin has no substantial value in the abortion argument. Is anything too difficult for GOD? The GOD who used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed over 5,000 people can certainly provide! GOD’s not worried about overpopulation. Nothing is impossible for GOD (Genesis 18:14; Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; 18:27)! If the world does get overpopulated, I believe GOD will multiply food to feed the masses or Christ will return to gather His children. I’m not worried about overpopulation; I’m concerned with a lack of love.

As mentioned earlier in this argument, even predators care for their offspring. I’ve seen an alligator gently carry its young in its jaws. The alligator was fully capable of crushing that baby with its many teeth, yet it chose not to do so out of instinct or love and concern. Are we not better than primitive animals? GOD designed us to be better than the primitive animals, yet many people act worse than animals!

“Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God – you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration – what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; you know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.”
(Psalms 139: 13-16) -MSG

GOD was intimate with us before we were even born! May the arguments I presented and GOD’s Word be a reminder of why abortion is abhorrent and should never be allowed in a legal setting within civilization because it should never be accepted in a moral society. By aborting a child, you are assuming the role of GOD. Abortion is not a natural process — it is the unnatural termination of a natural process! Not only is an abortion a slap in the face to life itself, but it is blatant blasphemy. The godless people of this world should understand this — perhaps more so than anyone else. The consensus nowadays is that a ‘Big Bang’ created this entire universe — that a ‘coincidental’ collision in the cosmos was just destined to happen thereby creating the universe and ‘fate’ produced a planet teeming with life. Which by the way, cosmologists have determined that the creation of the universe and the life we have is astronomically and unfathomably unrealistic. So… if a female is pregnant, you should automatically assume that the woman is destined to have that child unless a miscarriage happens naturally.

Ponder on this: Every single person who supported slavery was a person who was blessed with and possessed freedom. And every single person who supports abortion, was born and is blessed with and possesses life. To believe that someone who was granted life has the authority to terminate life is illogical. The person granted life has no authority to revoke life from another because he/she is not the Creator of life.

To the workers who help women abort babies: Please reconsider what you’re doing. You will be held accountable for your actions. I understand that some people are young and frightened and think that abortion is the only choice, but abortion is never the answer. Never.

Furthermore, I propose a few solutions to the ‘problem’ of unwanted pregnancies and/or fear of overpopulation: If you don’t want a problem, then don’t create one. Do you desire a solution? It is written. Your choices have consequences. Choose wisely (Deuteronomy 30:19). To be blunt, I implore you to repent of your selfish actions and think of others. Stop acting as promiscuous whores; women should close their legs; men should keep their penes to themselves; save sex for marriage; have self-control; and think of the baby’s rights for life instead of yourself. I love you and that’s why I’m telling you the truth.

Here is the good news: even if you have had an abortion in the past, you can still be forgiven so long as you repent. GOD hates sin but loves the people who repent of sins. If you are truly repentant in regards to the abortion you had, it’s simple to receive forgiveness. GOD loves you. Don’t confuse the truth of the matter. I challenge you to progress forward. Do not abort. I’m not only talking about pregnancies — I’m talking about your life and the plans GOD has for your life. If you choose not to do all you can in order to live out your full potential and your purpose, you choose to abort GOD’s plan for your life. You’re here. You’re alive. GOD already began the plan. Keep going. If you’ve started your journey with Christ, do not abort! You are meant for so much more than you even realize and are loved more than you currently recognize! And all babies are meant for so much more than you realize. You have no idea who a person can become. Think of the greatest people in history and what they accomplished for everyone else in life. What if they had been aborted?

GOD created you for a specific purpose. If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ, I pray that you will seek Him with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your might. GOD created you for a reason! Discover that reason! Only the Holy Spirit can reveal your calling; however, you can only learn to understand the Holy Spirit by accepting Jesus Christ and understanding all that Jesus taught and commanded. You are here for a reason. Don’t abort. Keep going! Seek and you will find!

“But from there, you will search for the Lord your God, and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul.”
(Deuteronomy 4:29) -HCSB

“ ‘For I know the plans I have for you’ — this is the Lord’s declaration — ‘plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.’ ”
(Jeremiah 29:11-13) -HCSB

“Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
(Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11: 9-10) -HCSB

Summary of abortion in light of GOD’s Word:

  • All humans are created in the image of GOD (Genesis 1:26-27).
  • GOD is the Creator of unborn life and no person within the womb is being formed without GOD’s knowledge (Job 10:8-12; 31:15; Psalms 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:5).
  • Psalm 127:3 says, “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”
  • GOD alone has the right to take life; GOD literally commanded us not to murder (Deuteronomy 32:39; 1Samuel 2:6; 2Kings 5:7; Revelation 1:18 / Genesis 9:6; Exodus 20:13; 21:12; Leviticus 24:17; Matthew 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9; James 2:11).
  • GOD cares about a person within the womb (Psalms 139:13-16; Isaiah 49:1; Jeremiah 1:5).
  • Men and women must not murder a person within the womb (Exodus 21:22-25; Amos 1:13; Matthew 5:21).
  • Don’t worry about financial hardship, for the Lord has already told you through His Word not to worry because the Lord will provide (Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-9; 1Peter 5:7)
  • Abortion is impermissible, even in cases of rape or incest (Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:20; Romans 8:28).
  • Unborn babies who have potential disabilities deserve life. GOD is the Creator of all.
  • GOD opposes abortion, but loves all and will forgive all if they turn to Him (1 John 1:9; Ephesians 1:7-8).


Choose love; value life.

[To see why I am a Christian, see my other article, “Why I Am A Christian“]

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