In The Name Of Atheism

My previous video/article, “Proof That Christianity Is Harmful?”, was click-bait content in order to drive home a point: atheism is actually harmful for people, not Christianity. In response, someone wrote to me and said, “look up how many have died from 1800 to now by either the hand or command of atheists.”

That’s good advice. Now, for commands, there must be a commander — someone who commands the people who obey the commands. Well, this sounds like GOD and Christians, right? Certainly, atheists have no commander, right?

Secularists, agnostics, and atheists alike all tend to claim that the world would be a better place without religion. After all, who caused the Crusades? Religious people! Who was in charge of the Spanish Inquisition? Religious people! Whose was behind 9/11? Religious people! As if listening to John Lennon’s song “Imagine” on repeat, the godless who are anti-religion seem to sing their secular song that there would be no need for greed or hunger, nothing to kill nor die for, and we would all live in peace. But is this true? Do the facts support this claim? No.

Now, as Christians, we must first admit that manmade religion does possess the potential to create evil in the world. As Christians, we should admit that evil has been created in the name of GOD. However, it is also important to remember that even GOD told us that manmade religion can create evil and it’s detestable in His sight (1Samuel 15:22; Isaiah 1:11-17; Matthew 23:27). Both the prophets and Jesus condemned the rigmarole of religious rituals and pious performances in the name of tiresome tradition, performed out from pride by super-saints. Not everything done in the name of GOD accurately reflects the true teachings of GOD. And that’s why what is descriptive in the Bible does not equate to being prescriptive. What GOD permits through our free will does not equate to what GOD prescribes us to do. There’s a big difference between allowance and approval. All the evil that has been created in the name of Christianity does not accurately reflect what Christianity actually teaches. Thus, if people actually do what GOD actually commands, people will not live evil lives. Instead, they would love GOD, love others as they would love themselves, and even love their enemies. In fact, do you know why I’m making this video? Because I love you enough to tell you the Truth.

Sadly, not all religions can say the same. Groups such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah are actively killing in the name of Islamic religion today. (There’s a big difference between Islam and Christianity.) Even some Hindu groups such as Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad result in violence as well. (There’s a big difference between Hinduism and Christianity.)

But what about all the violence done in the name of secularism? If religion has to apologize for all the violence done in its name, so should atheism. Manmade religion is not the only cause of evil in the world; in fact, it’s not even close to being the biggest reason for evil in the world. More people have been killed by atheist regimes in the 20th century than in all the religious persecutions of Western history. Mao was responsible for over 40 million deaths, Stalin for more than 20 million, and Hitler’s count is over 10 million. And those are just the big three atheists – we haven’t even mentioned other godless tyrants yet like Pol Pot, Enver Hoxha, Nicolae Ceausescu, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong-il. In a single century, atheism is responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million people. On the other hand, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the witch burnings together killed about 200 thousand people. That’s still horrible. But it’s only 0.2% of what godless people have done. Even when self-proclaimed Christians are at their worst, they don’t even achieve 1% of the evil the godless people have achieved. It is not violence done in the name of religion that has caused the most evil in the world, but violence done in the name of atheism.

Secularist violence is the result of humanity playing the role of GOD and doing a horrible job of doing so. All violence done in the name of atheism is in alignment with its beliefs that self-preservation is right because natural selection is survival of the fittest. All violence done in the name of Islam is because Islam teaches conquest. All violence done in the name of Christianity, however, is because those people are not actually practicing what true Christianity teaches. Many people claim to be Christians yet they are far from it. And for those people, the Lord will say to them, “I Never Knew You; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

Secularism sees humanity, not GOD, as the measure of all things. Instead of seeing humankind as sinful and in need of redemption (which is evident by their own violence and lack of love), secularism is convinced that humans can become perfect and create utopia here on Earth. Secularist regimes do whatever it takes to achieve this, including taking complete control of society and murdering anyone who gets in the way. Without GOD as the absolute moral standard, we cannot even distinguish between what is good and what is evil.

The facts of history reveal that religion is the cause of only a very small percentage of wars. Two different (one and two) comprehensive encyclopedias about wars (multi-volumes) examined 5 millennia worth of wars and found that only 7% were “religious in nature.” However, if we remove the 66 wars waged in the name of Islam, it cuts the number down to a little more than 3%. Politics and government control, on the other hand, has the secular body count at more than 100 million… in the 20th century alone. It is also the godless who have murdered over 63 million babies in abortions since 1973 Roe v Wade.

So, who are the evil commanders and the wicked people who act out those evil commands? The godless. Now, I do concede to the fact that manmade false religions do cause wars and create some evil in this world. But Christianity is not a ‘religion;’ rather, it is Truth. False religions that exist apart from Truth most certainly do cause wars. And just so you’re aware, the war is constantly waging in your mind. The adversary wants to cover Truth and disguise lies by creating counterfeits so that the lies appear to be true. And that’s why you have consumed propaganda and indoctrination while allowing woke celebrities, wicked professors, and self-professing experts to manipulate your mind and determine your direction. You are in a war whether you realize it or not and whether you like it or not. From advertisements, to entertainment, to “education,” the godless are destroying lives. Do you want the Truth? Here’s the Truth: Jesus is the Truth, the life, the light, and the only way. …The only way. And the Truth is the only way you will ever be set free (John 8:31-32; 14:6).

Now, it is true that the pages of history are stained with the blood of religious violence; however, those same pages are also covered in the blood of Jesus because of His perfect sacrificial love on the cross. So, why does GOD always get blamed when the godless are the cause of most evil in the world? Do you hate evil? Good! So does GOD. That’s why GOD commanded evil to be purged in the Old Testament and why Christ will be returning as the King to purge evil in His second coming. Do you want that utopian life you’ve always desired? Then put your faith in Jesus because He is the Commander who will command evil to be cast out! Jesus is the One who will separate all the evil from the righteous and then cast all the evil into eternal quarantine so that there will be no evil on the new earth under the new heavens (Genesis 1:4; Leviticus 10:10; Deuteronomy 11:26-28; 30:19; Job 14:4; Ezekiel 44:23; Matthew 7:13-14,21-23; 10:32-33; 12:30,33-37; 13:18-23,37-43,47-50; Luke 13:23-30; Revelation 3:15-16; 20:11-15).

Many atheists claim, “I am my own commander!” No. You are deceived and delusional. It is written in Romans 6:16, “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?”

The godless are not the captains of their own ships; rather, they are the captives of the devil who is the slave owner. You are either a slave to sin or you are a servant of righteousness. The godless believe themselves to be the captains of their ships, but they don’t realize that without the Holy Spirit for a Christ-compass, they travel the wrong direction and sail right into the enemy’s hands. And when they least expect it, the enemy will make it known to them at that time that they were never truly in charge. [video: Captain Phillips, “I’m the captain now”]

The evidence is clear: my previous video revealed that atheism is harmful for people and this article reveals that the godless are the cause of most evil in this world. Choose this day whom you will serve. But as for me, I will serve the Lord.


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