Are Christians Narrow-Minded?

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Throughout the many years I’ve preached GOD’s Word, one comment in particular consistently comes from the mouths of those who reject GOD: “You Christians are always so narrow-minded!” But is that true? 

Ignorance in the name of tolerance is the perfect condition necessary for complacency; it is in complacency that evil spawns; evil spreads from ignorance in the name of tolerance. Without Christ as the core and compass, humans are easy targets. (Take a moment to ponder…)

Humans. What a perfect host for evil. Spores require moisture, heat, and organic matter for food. Think of evil as the mold that grows within the perfect conditions of the ‘house,’ which is the human host. To restore the ‘house’ to a safe and healthy condition, the first step is to stop the leak and eliminate the moisture. What is this leak? It’s indoctrination interwoven with true information that comes from the advertisement industry, entertainment industry, and public ‘education’ system. To reject Truth in the name of tolerance is to accept ignorance and lies as a foundation on which to build lives. I reject lies. I reject fallacies. Am I narrow-minded? Isn’t a tolerance to lies an intolerance to Truth?

A false claim is either accepted by ignorance or intimidation. With intimidation, the person who accepts a lie in the name of tolerance does so out of fear of being labeled hateful and intolerant and thereby subjected to ridicule and rejection. I refuse to succumb to moral and logical death out of fear of being labeled and rejected. I will not be intimidated into accepting a lie. I will speak the Truth, but I will always do my best to speak the truth out from love (Ephesians 4:15).

Because some people claim that Christians are narrow-minded, I desire to honestly examine that claim. The argument of narrow-mindedness is more emotional than rational. Rather than allowing emotion to direct our reasoning, we need to find the reason for the emotion. We need to be able to separate feelings from facts. In order to discover whether Christians are narrow-minded, the person staking the claim must first provide a definition of what it is to be narrow-minded. Next, who fits that definition? I will boldly proclaim that everyone fits the definition of being narrow-minded, not just a Christian. Muslims believe Allah is the only true god, and if you disagree, they will tell you that you’re wrong. Isn’t that equally narrow-minded? Or what about the relativist? They believe Truth is relative, but if you disagree and say that Truth is absolute, they’ll fault you. Isn’t that narrow-minded? Atheists believe that GOD does not exist, and if you believe in GOD, they will tell you that you are wrong. Isn’t that narrow-minded? Polytheists believe there are multiple gods, but if you believe in only one GOD or reject all gods, they will tell you that you’re wrong. Isn’t that narrow-minded? What about the religious pluralists who believe all roads lead to the same heaven or god? Can they be narrow-minded? Well, they believe there are many ways to Heaven, but if you believe there is only one way to Heaven or no way to Heaven, they will tell you that you’re wrong. Even the pluralist is narrow-minded.

Everyone is narrow-minded. Even those who say there is no such thing as right or wrong believe they are right about their claims that there is no such thing as right. Even the person who thinks you can’t know what Truth is believes it’s true that you can’t know what Truth is.

Truth by its very nature has a narrow feature to it. Consider some examples:

  • 3 + 4 = 7.
  • There are no married bachelors.
  • A circle cannot be a square.
  • All kangaroos are marsupials.

Are you narrow-minded for believing common truths? Of course. Truth is what it is and Truth is narrow and defined.

Relativism denies absolute Truth. This is self-refuting because they say there are no absolutes and they are absolutely certain of that belief. Pluralism proclaims that all beliefs can be true. This is self-refuting because many opposing beliefs contradict each other. Therefore, if all are true, yet each one will negate the others, none of them will end up true. Naturalism proclaims that no supernatural events occur. But if GOD exists, miracles can exist. In fact, miracles have been documented in the medical field; there does exist evidence that supports the belief in the supernatural. To be a naturalist, one would also need to be an absolutist. If someone is an absolutist asserting that GOD does not exist, that person will carry the burden of proof to disprove all of the evidence collected that has already been provided for the cumulative case for Christianity.

People have conjured up many false ideas and concepts, all of which have created confusion. Essentially, there is a melting pot of cultures and an insurmountable amount of information on the Internet. Doubt floats about like a mosquito that’s ready to suck the life out of people. The many lies that exist are accessible to the general population. I proclaim that there exists absolute Truth. Therefore, some people are right and some people are wrong; some people do good and some people do bad. Not all beliefs can be right. Not all beliefs should be accepted; in fact, some beliefs should be rejected. If all truth is relative to the individual and everyone is right, then no one is ever wrong – regardless of how ridiculous, perverse, or immoral their beliefs. Those who believe in a square Earth, transageism, beastiality, rape, human trafficking, or human sacrifice would be just as right as everyone else who declares such acts to be evil. But how can that be? If all Truth is relative, this includes all moral truth; consequently, no one would have the right to complain about crime and be angry when their loved ones are robbed and/or murdered. However, there is moral truth. So… Why? By whose moral standards do humans operate?

The problem with relativism is that it is too inconsistent and illogical to be true. If relativism is true, the absolutist can never be challenged; therefore, whoever challenges my belief must also be an absolutist. No one can live relativism consistently and without contradiction. Everyone acts as if absolutes are true in some way or another and that is because there is absolute Truth. And when you see a ‘coexist’ bumper sticker on a vehicle, you should realize that the claim contradicts itself and renders itself invalid. That bumper sticker should say, “contradiction.” And may it be known I’m not saying this out from hate, but from love. To allow someone to live a lie and go to Hell simply to appease feelings is hateful. 

I proclaim an absolute Truth: Christ Jesus is Lord and Savior; He willingly sacrificed Himself and saved us because we were incapable of saving ourselves. All other religions declare that you must do works to earn your way to a god or a utopia; however, Christianity declares that GOD loves us, GOD came to us so that we can be with GOD. GOD bridged the gap for us due to His love for us. Absolute Truth. Seek and you shall find. Keep knocking and the door shall be opened to you. If you seek with all your heart and mind and power, the veil will be lifted and Truth you will see. From the infinitesimal intricate details of DNA to the colossal cosmic universe that harbors thousands of organized galaxies which resembles gears of a clock/watch, there is much to see! There is too much evidence of the Eternal One to deny it all! All that has been designed must have a Designer! All that has been created must have a Creator!

Does a Creator (GOD) exist? and Who Created GOD?

Is Belief In An Intelligent Creator Reasonable? (1 of 2)

Is Belief In An Intelligent Creator Reasonable? (2 of 2)

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
(Matthew 7:13-14) -NIV

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ ”
(John 14:6) -ESV

A true system of thought must be comprehensive of thought and life. It must possess consistency and coherence in its overall claims. But most important, the system must correspond to reality, past, present, and future, natural and supernatural. No truth claim is all-inclusive; any truth claim is exclusive. A system that is all-inclusive makes no truth claim. And every proposition that affirms something denies something else by logical implication.

Consider the facts that laws exist in society and that humans often post signs as reminders of the laws. For example, if one were to go hiking, that person will most likely see signs posted that instruct the hiker to stay on the trail. Is a command to stay on the trail hateful or intolerant to those who desire to disobey? No. It is simply a command; the human being has free will and is able to decide if he/she will stay on the trail or disobey. Why obey? First and foremost, it’s the law. Also, wildlife preservationists will assert that the command to stay on the trail was only created to help both the human hiker and the environment and its wildlife. By disobeying and straying from the trail, the hiker can and will most likely cause further erosion to the landscape, destroy plant life, disturb the natural order for wildlife, and perhaps even cause injury or death to self. And if that’s not enough, getting off the path will create new paths that others may follow, believing them to be the trail, only to find out later that it was a false path that only led to a dead end.


GOD’s Word is ‘the trail’ that we need to stay on. Jesus is the right path. Many people throughout history have disobeyed the Law, ignored the posted signs, and ventured off the trail. The new paths they created caused further erosion, destroyed the environment, injured and destroyed lives, and led others astray to a dead end.

Summary & Conclusion:

The Design was created, the Way was clearly marked, and the Law was posted (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). The way to Heaven is exclusive – it is through Jesus. Heaven is a universal offer through an exclusive person – Christ Jesus. Therefore, I am narrow-minded (with good reason) about who can save me, but I’m wide-minded about who can be saved. GOD has provided salvation for everyone (1Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9; John 3:16; 1John 2:2). Anyone anywhere who seeks Jesus can find Truth (Acts 10:35; Hebrews 11:6). Anyone who accepts Truth can be saved through the narrow gate of Christ Jesus. The entrance is narrow, but the gate is wide open, not closed. Not yet. But there will come a Day when Jesus will return. On Judgement Day, people will be separated into two classes: Darkness will be separated from the light, the common from the Holy, unclean from the clean, impurities from the pure, curse from the blessing, the bad from the good, evil and lawless from the righteous, and the sinner from the saint. At Harvest Time, the weeds will be gathered and thrown into the fire.
(Genesis 1:4; Leviticus 10:10; Deuteronomy 11:26-28; 30:19; Job 14:4; Ezekiel 44:23; Matthew 7:13-14,21-23; 10:32-33; 12:30,33-37; 13:18-23,37-43,47-50; Luke 13:23-30; Revelation 3:15-16). And on that Day, it will be too late for the unrighteous weeds to enter the Kingdom of GOD (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 13:25; 16:19-31). 

You and I are both narrow-minded. However, who lives according to Truth?