Does a Creator (GOD) exist?

Materialism and Naturalism simply cannot explain how the universe came to be. Not only that, but materialism, naturalism, and evolution fail to explain the origin of life. Using Frank Turek’s acronym SURGE, five main lines of scientific evidence point to the definite beginning of the universe:
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Universe is expanding
Radiation Afterglow from the Big Bang Explosion
Great galaxy seeds in the Radiation Afterglow
Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

Big Bang cosmology is a widely accepted theory regarding the origin of the universe, according to which the material universe or cosmos exploded into being. A radiation ‘echo’ that seems to come from everything was discovered by Penzias and Wilson. It was first thought to be a malfunction or static on the instruments, but research has discovered that the static is coming from everywhere – the universe itself has a low-level radiation from some past catastrophe that looks like a giant fireball. Agnostic astronomer Robert Jastrow said, “No explanation other than the big bang has been found for the fireball radiation. The clincher, which has convinced almost the last doubting Thomas, is that the radiation discovered by Penzias and Wilson has exactly the pattern of wavelengths expected for the light and heat produced in a great explosion.”

Since the explosion (big bang), the universe has been expanding and developing according to conditions set at the moment of its origin. In addition, according to the second law of thermodynamics, in a closed, isolated system, such as the universe is, the amount of usable energy is decreasing. The universe is expanding and also running down; therefore, the universe cannot be eternal. If the universe is not eternal, it had a cause. Nature and natural forces did not exist prior to the Big Bang; therefore, nature and natural forces could not have been the cause. If the universe has a cause, it must be beyond nature – a supernatural intelligent Cause (as I will provide reasoning for below). If this Cause is intelligent, it must either be only one GOD or many gods. Logically, if we are looking for a cause that existed before the universe (nature) began, we are looking for a supernatural Cause.

  1. Something exists, and
  2. owes its existence either to nothing or to something.
  3. Nothing cannot cause something.
  4. There is, then, a Something, which is either one or many.
  5. If many, the beings would be mutually dependent on another.
  6. They cannot be mutually dependent for their existence. Something cannot exist through a being on which it confers existence.
  7. Therefore, there must be one Being through which all other beings exist.
  8. This Being must exist through itself.
  9. Whatever exists through itself exists in the highest degree of all.
  10. Therefore, a supremely perfect Being exists in the highest degree.

Humans are possible beings. Possible beings, whose essence is distinct from their existence. These beings do not have to exist; in fact, once they did not exist, for existence is not part of their essence. The First Cause must be an essential Being, whose essence is to exist. No being can produce itself. In order to cause its own existence, it would have to exist prior to its own existence. And possible beings are not possible unless there is a Necessary Being from whom they can receive existence. If a GOD exists and created the universe, this GOD would need to be an intelligent and Necessary Being who is all-powerful. The First Cause of all producible beings must be one (and not many), because:

  1. it is perfect in knowledge, and there cannot be two beings that know everything perfectly, for one would know itself more completely than would the other.
  2. it is perfect in will; hence, it loves itself more completely than it loves anything else, which means that the other infinite would be loved less than perfectly.
  3. it is infinitely good, and there cannot be two infinitely good beings, for then there would be more than an infinite good, and this is impossible, since there cannot be more than the most.
  4. it is infinite in power. If there were two with infinite power, this would mean that there would be two total primary causes of the same effect, and this is impossible, since there cannot be two causes each doing all the causing.
  5. absolute infinite cannot be excelled in perfection, since there cannot be a more perfect than the wholly Perfect.
  6. there cannot be two Necessary Beings, for to differ, one would have to have some perfection the other lacked (if there is no real difference, they do not really differ and are one and the same). But whatever a Necessary Being has, it must have necessarily. Hence, the one lacking what the other had necessarily would not be a Necessary Being.
  7. omnipotent will cannot be in two beings, for then one could render impotent what the other wills omnipotently. Even if they agreed not to hinder each other, they would still be incompatible, for each would be the total primary (and direct) cause of any given thing that they agreed should exist. But an omnipotent Cause must be the total primary (and direct) Cause of what it wills. The cause agreeing to, but not directly willing, the effect would be only the indirect cause and hence not the direct (omnipotent) Cause of the effect.


Astronomer Robert Jastrow said, “That there are what I or anyone would call ‘supernatural forces’ at work is now I think a scientifically proven fact.” In addition, he also wrote, “The astronomical evidence leads to a Biblical view of the origin of the world.”

Robert Wilson, winner of the Noble Prize in Physics, observed of the Big Bang, “Certainly, if you’re religious, I can’t think of a better theory of the origin of the universe to match with Genesis.”

Science and logic support that the universe was created by one intelligent and Necessary Being, whom we can refer to as GOD.

[ Continue the Quest: If GOD is the Creator, then who created GOD? ]


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