In The Name Of Atheism

My previous video/article, “Proof That Christianity Is Harmful?”, was click-bait content in order to drive home a point: atheism is actually harmful for people, not Christianity. In response, someone wrote to me and said, “look up how many have died from 1800 to now by either the hand or command of atheists.”

That’s good advice. Now, for commands, there must be a commander — someone who commands the people who obey the commands. Well, this sounds like GOD and Christians, right? Certainly, atheists have no commander, right?

Secularists, agnostics, and atheists alike all tend to claim that the world would be a better place without religion. After all, who caused the Crusades? Religious people! Who was in charge of the Spanish Inquisition? Religious people! Whose was behind 9/11? Religious people! As if listening to John Lennon’s song “Imagine” on repeat, the godless who are anti-religion seem to sing their secular song that there would be no need for greed or hunger, nothing to kill nor die for, and we would all live in peace. But is this true? Do the facts support this claim? No.

Now, as Christians, we must first admit that manmade religion does possess the potential to create evil in the world. As Christians, we should admit that evil has been created in the name of GOD. However, it is also important to remember that even GOD told us that manmade religion can create evil and it’s detestable in His sight (1Samuel 15:22; Isaiah 1:11-17; Matthew 23:27). Both the prophets and Jesus condemned the rigmarole of religious rituals and pious performances in the name of tiresome tradition, performed out from pride by super-saints. Not everything done in the name of GOD accurately reflects the true teachings of GOD. And that’s why what is descriptive in the Bible does not equate to being prescriptive. What GOD permits through our free will does not equate to what GOD prescribes us to do. There’s a big difference between allowance and approval. All the evil that has been created in the name of Christianity does not accurately reflect what Christianity actually teaches. Thus, if people actually do what GOD actually commands, people will not live evil lives. Instead, they would love GOD, love others as they would love themselves, and even love their enemies. In fact, do you know why I’m making this video? Because I love you enough to tell you the Truth.

Sadly, not all religions can say the same. Groups such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah are actively killing in the name of Islamic religion today. (There’s a big difference between Islam and Christianity.) Even some Hindu groups such as Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad result in violence as well. (There’s a big difference between Hinduism and Christianity.)

But what about all the violence done in the name of secularism? If religion has to apologize for all the violence done in its name, so should atheism. Manmade religion is not the only cause of evil in the world; in fact, it’s not even close to being the biggest reason for evil in the world. More people have been killed by atheist regimes in the 20th century than in all the religious persecutions of Western history. Mao was responsible for over 40 million deaths, Stalin for more than 20 million, and Hitler’s count is over 10 million. And those are just the big three atheists – we haven’t even mentioned other godless tyrants yet like Pol Pot, Enver Hoxha, Nicolae Ceausescu, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong-il. In a single century, atheism is responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million people. On the other hand, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the witch burnings together killed about 200 thousand people. That’s still horrible. But it’s only 0.2% of what godless people have done. Even when self-proclaimed Christians are at their worst, they don’t even achieve 1% of the evil the godless people have achieved. It is not violence done in the name of religion that has caused the most evil in the world, but violence done in the name of atheism.

Secularist violence is the result of humanity playing the role of GOD and doing a horrible job of doing so. All violence done in the name of atheism is in alignment with its beliefs that self-preservation is right because natural selection is survival of the fittest. All violence done in the name of Islam is because Islam teaches conquest. All violence done in the name of Christianity, however, is because those people are not actually practicing what true Christianity teaches. Many people claim to be Christians yet they are far from it. And for those people, the Lord will say to them, “I Never Knew You; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

Secularism sees humanity, not GOD, as the measure of all things. Instead of seeing humankind as sinful and in need of redemption (which is evident by their own violence and lack of love), secularism is convinced that humans can become perfect and create utopia here on Earth. Secularist regimes do whatever it takes to achieve this, including taking complete control of society and murdering anyone who gets in the way. Without GOD as the absolute moral standard, we cannot even distinguish between what is good and what is evil.

The facts of history reveal that religion is the cause of only a very small percentage of wars. Two different (one and two) comprehensive encyclopedias about wars (multi-volumes) examined 5 millennia worth of wars and found that only 7% were “religious in nature.” However, if we remove the 66 wars waged in the name of Islam, it cuts the number down to a little more than 3%. Politics and government control, on the other hand, has the secular body count at more than 100 million… in the 20th century alone. It is also the godless who have murdered over 63 million babies in abortions since 1973 Roe v Wade.

So, who are the evil commanders and the wicked people who act out those evil commands? The godless. Now, I do concede to the fact that manmade false religions do cause wars and create some evil in this world. But Christianity is not a ‘religion;’ rather, it is Truth. False religions that exist apart from Truth most certainly do cause wars. And just so you’re aware, the war is constantly waging in your mind. The adversary wants to cover Truth and disguise lies by creating counterfeits so that the lies appear to be true. And that’s why you have consumed propaganda and indoctrination while allowing woke celebrities, wicked professors, and self-professing experts to manipulate your mind and determine your direction. You are in a war whether you realize it or not and whether you like it or not. From advertisements, to entertainment, to “education,” the godless are destroying lives. Do you want the Truth? Here’s the Truth: Jesus is the Truth, the life, the light, and the only way. …The only way. And the Truth is the only way you will ever be set free (John 8:31-32; 14:6).

Now, it is true that the pages of history are stained with the blood of religious violence; however, those same pages are also covered in the blood of Jesus because of His perfect sacrificial love on the cross. So, why does GOD always get blamed when the godless are the cause of most evil in the world? Do you hate evil? Good! So does GOD. That’s why GOD commanded evil to be purged in the Old Testament and why Christ will be returning as the King to purge evil in His second coming. Do you want that utopian life you’ve always desired? Then put your faith in Jesus because He is the Commander who will command evil to be cast out! Jesus is the One who will separate all the evil from the righteous and then cast all the evil into eternal quarantine so that there will be no evil on the new earth under the new heavens (Genesis 1:4; Leviticus 10:10; Deuteronomy 11:26-28; 30:19; Job 14:4; Ezekiel 44:23; Matthew 7:13-14,21-23; 10:32-33; 12:30,33-37; 13:18-23,37-43,47-50; Luke 13:23-30; Revelation 3:15-16; 20:11-15).

Many atheists claim, “I am my own commander!” No. You are deceived and delusional. It is written in Romans 6:16, “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?”

The godless are not the captains of their own ships; rather, they are the captives of the devil who is the slave owner. You are either a slave to sin or you are a servant of righteousness. The godless believe themselves to be the captains of their ships, but they don’t realize that without the Holy Spirit for a Christ-compass, they travel the wrong direction and sail right into the enemy’s hands. And when they least expect it, the enemy will make it known to them at that time that they were never truly in charge. [video: Captain Phillips, “I’m the captain now”]

The evidence is clear: my previous video revealed that atheism is harmful for people and this article reveals that the godless are the cause of most evil in this world. Choose this day whom you will serve. But as for me, I will serve the Lord.


If GOD Is Invisible, How Do We Know He Is Real?

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below:

If GOD is Spirit and invisible (John 1:18; 4:24), how do we know He is real? Is GOD only a figment of imagination? And if the invisible GOD can be believed to be real, can’t other invisible beings also exist? Should we believe in the invisible pink unicorn or the flying spaghetti monster? 

Well, there are several ways GOD’s presence can be known. First and foremost, philosophically, and the then scientifically. Philosophy is first because science is a slave to philosophy; science cannot be done without philosophy. Philosophical assumptions are utilized in the search for causes, and, therefore, cannot be the result of them. For example, scientists assume (by faith) that reason and the scientific method allow us to accurately understand the world around us. That cannot be proven by science itself. You can’t prove the tools of science — the laws of logic, the Law of Causality, the Principle of Uniformity, of the reliability of observation — by running some kind of experiment. You have to assume those things are true in order to do the experiment! Thus, science is built on philosophy. Unfortunately, many pseudo-scientists are bad philosophers. Think: even the statement, “Science is the only source of objective truth” is not itself a scientific truth, but it claims to be true! Therefore, the statement is self-defeating. However, science is extremely useful and should be used. And despite what many skeptics claim, science and faith are not incompatible. You can think of it this way: GOD is the ‘Who,’ creation is the ‘what,’ and science can regularly be the ‘how.’

J. Warner Wallace, does an excellent job of outlining how evidence of the eternal One abounds and surrounds us, in his books, Cold-Case Christianity, Alive, GOD’s Crime Scene, and Forensic Faith. Wallace, a retired homicide detective, uses his intellect and skills to show how the ‘crime scene’ of creation leads to the perpetrator existing ‘outside’ the room, and then goes on to explain how all clues collectively point to Jesus.

First, we can see GOD’s presence in the world around us. Not only does the existence of life and intelligent design of all life here on Earth call attention to a Creator / Intelligent Designer, but the universe itself had a beginning, as modern science demonstrates. To say that there is no GOD, you would have to believe that nothing produces everything; non-life produces life; randomness produces fine-tuning; chaos produces information; unconsciousness produces consciousness; and non-reason produces reason. It takes more faith to believe that life and all of creation randomly generated and fine-tuned itself into an orderly universe without a Creator than to simply acknowledge the fact that all of life requires a miracle to exist. People can suppress the truth, but the evidence speaks for itself and so humans are without an excuse (Romans 1:18-20) and this is why it is written that the fool says in his heart there is no GOD (Psalm 14:1).

Second, we sense GOD’s presence by our conscience. We often do things we know to be wrong and then feel guilty for it. How did we get this moral compass? Why is morality a part of our design? Further, logic reveals that morality is an absolute standard and cannot be relative. 

Third, we can see evidence for GOD in the lives of people, who are created in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). Every good deed, act of mercy, and incident of sacrificial love calls attention to the GOD of love (1John 4:8,16). 

Fourth, fulfilled prophecies are confirmations of Truth.

Fifth, and finally, GOD made Himself known in and through Jesus. John 1:1 makes it clear that the Word existed since the beginning, the Word is with GOD and is GOD (compare: Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24; Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18; Revelation 19:13). The Word became flesh and dwelt with us (John 1:14). Jesus told us that His words and deeds are of GOD (John 12:49; 14:10), and that to see Him is to see GOD (John 14:9; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3). Jesus is GOD.

Life exists. Once we examine all of life and the evidence collected, the cumulative case becomes reality. After examining all evidence, we must now ask if any religion in the world describes such a Creator of life. The answer to this is yes: the GOD of the Bible fits this profile perfectly. He is supernatural (Genesis 1:1), powerful (Jeremiah 32:17), eternal (Psalm 90:2), omnipresent (Psalm 139:7), timeless/changeless (Malachi 3:6), immaterial (John 5:24), personal (Genesis 3:9), necessary (Colossians 1:17), infinite/singular (Jeremiah 23:24, Deuteronomy 6:4), diverse yet with unity (Matthew 28:19), intelligent (Psalm 147:4-5), purposeful (Jeremiah 29:11), moral (Daniel 9:14), and caring (1Peter 5:6-7). 

But even if all creation calls attention to the fact of GOD’s existence, why doesn’t GOD make Himself more present and available to those who are seeking Him? Sure – GOD made Himself present in Jesus, but Jesus ascended and left us without a physical presence. How does that help us? Why does GOD seem so distant or hidden? The answer to that is found in our free will. GOD doesn’t desire people to feel compelled to believe in Him and love Him simply because He is there. Think about it: students act differently in the presence of the principle; children act differently in the presence of their parents; and criminals act differently in the presence of an officer of the law. GOD desires genuine faith and relationship. Also, GOD doesn’t desire people to merely acknowledge Him intellectually. Even demons believe that GOD exists and they shudder rather than love Him (James 2:19). GOD wants us to trust Him with all of our hearts (Proverbs 3:5-8). And do not mistake silence for absence or silence for indifference. Even Jesus experienced silence on the cross (Mark 15:34). Ultimately, Jesus is our example for trusting GOD when the silence seems unbearable.


Many people claim that they never hear from GOD, but that’s not true. GOD gave us a love letter that is basic instructions before leaving Earth: the Bible. Have you read this long love letter? If not, you need read it. Furthermore, we were given the Holy Spirit as the Helper to teach us all things and bring to our remembrance all that GOD has said  (John 14:26). Once GOD’s Word is within you and the Spirit is guiding you, the Spirit will help you remember GOD’s Word for whatever situation you may find yourself in. You’re not alone. There will come a Day when the Lord will make His presence known to the entire world (Matthew 24:29-31), but until that Day, we have His Word and the Spirit to guide us. 

Superhero (series) – Introduction

Why am I writing a book about superheroes? After all, I’m a Christian pastor. Can I justify writing a book on such an unbiblical concept such as superhumans with superpowers? I admit that at first glance, this book appears to be unbiblical, but that’s merely the surface. Remember: don’t judge a book by its cover. To discover Truth, we must dig into the depths beyond the surface. The real question we need to ask ourselves is, “What biblical truths can we learn by studying superheroes?” For all superheroes only exist because of the One true Superhero: Jesus. The purpose of this book is to define the qualities of a superhero and reveal how all of those qualities come from GOD. 

Ever since I was a little boy, I had been fascinated by superheroes. And like many others kids, I wore Superman and/or Batman pajamas with an attached cape. I played with my action figures and used my imagination to create different scenarios for which the superheroes would be needed in order to save the day. I had even created my own mask out of a paper plate and made up my own superhero name. Eventually, however, life redirected my attention to other matters such as sports, girls, jobs, bills, etc. But in recent years, Marvel has released many superhero movies. And as an adult, those movies spoke to my inner child and inspired me to once again think about superheroes. While watching the 2012 movie, The Avengers, I thought, “It would be so awesome to be a real superhero!”

Almost as soon as I finished that thought, I had another: “Because it would be awesome to be a real superhero, I bet there are people who have attempted to fight crime while wearing ridiculous outfits.”

I then went home and researched news articles that might have mentioned such people and sure enough, there have been grown adults who attempted to fight crime in ridiculous costumes! One such example was in Seattle, Washington – a man by the name of Phoenix Jones. In fact, he was the leader of the “Rain City Superheroes” – a group of 10 crime-fighters at that time. While I admired Jones’ passion to patrol the city and keep it safe, I also recognized that real superheroes possess more than enthusiasm. But it made me think: “What if superheroes were real? What would they actually look like? Would they even bother wearing a costume? Are superheroes actually possible? Do superheroes exist?”

And – yes! They are not only possible, but they are real! Their appearance doesn’t usually match our expectations, but superheroes do exist. 

GOD uses ordinary people to achieve extraordinary accomplishments. Heroes are not specific species born into existence, nor are they genetically modified or engineered beings; rather, they are average humans who become above-average people due to the decisions they make out from their free willHow a person freely responds to the challenges and difficulties of life will determine if he/she is a hero. An example of a hero would be a man who risks getting injured by pulling a woman out of a burning vehicle in order to save her life. That would be a heroic act; therefore, we can recognize that man as a hero. But how will that man choose to live the remaining time of his life after the initial heroic moment? Will that incident puff up his pride and cause him to glorify himself? Will he continue to respond in a consistent heroic manner in the future? Will he be a one-hit-wonder? Will he later decide that taking risks for other people is too dangerous and that he’s not willing to sacrifice anymore? It’s worth thinking about it. Anyone can become a hero by simply doing one noteworthy act. Just one noteworthy act can bump someone up from average status to above-average status. But should we set our standards so low? 

A superhero is not a Superman who comes to Earth from outer space wielding supernatural powers; rather, a superhero is merely a hero with supreme status due to his/her decision to go above and beyond the call of duty through sacrificial love on a consistent basis. An example of a superhero would be Mother Teresa — she went above and beyond by sacrificing nearly everything in order to dedicate her life to loving the unloved. She proved that a woman can be a superHERo.

Sadly, superheroes should be common, but they are not. In this sinful and fallen world, people are often selfish. And because of this sad truth, you would think that superheroes shine and stand out against the backdrop of the darkness in this world. Unfortunately, superheroes often go unnoticed unless the spotlight of fame happens to highlight them. Mother Teresa was one of the superheroes who ended up in the spotlight. But there are many superheroes who work in the background, blend in, and go unnoticed. People are usually distracted with entertainment, celebrities, and their own problems, and so the background superheroes go unrecognized. But there’s another reason why superheroes often go unnoticed: they don’t need the recognition. Superheroes are not superheroes because they get recognized as such; rather, they are superheroes whether anyone recognizes them or not simply because of what they do and who they are. Superheroes do not live for the praise of humanity; they’re not in it for the audience applause, they’re merely doing it for the cause. They don’t seek to please people; rather, they desire to pursue people with a loving purpose. 

In reality, superheroes don’t typically wear ridiculous costumes. So, how can we recognize these superheroes working in the background who go unnoticed? In order to find these superheroes, you need only to seek to find the character qualities of these superheroes. So, what are these qualities? I have dedicated one chapter per character quality so that we can expound upon each quality and discover the depth beyond the surface of superheroes. Superheroes:

  1. recognize evil because they realize there is an absolute standard of goodness by which all evil can be known (GOD is the standard for all that is good)
  2. recognize what is right and wrong because they realize there is an absolute moral standard by which all wrong can be known (GOD is the standard of all that is right)
  3. are full of love and are compelled to act out from love (GOD is love and love comes from GOD)
  4. desire to save people from danger and/or death (this desire comes from love)
  5. see beyond problems, through the potential and to the possibilities (if they are to save people, they need to be solution seekers)
  6. do not “what if” themselves into failure (because they are solution seekers)
  7. are willing to sacrifice for the betterment of others (if the solution means sacrifice, then so be it)
  8. make themselves available to be used (sacrificial love steps forward and offers service)
  9. are not blue cord bums (they walk the walk and don’t just talk the talk)
  10. go above and beyond the call of duty (if you’re going to make yourself available, don’t just put your foot in the water — dive in)
  11. are courageous, committed, consistent, and unwilling to quit (going all in is to never back out; because they are willing to do what is necessary, they will not back down, give in, or give up)
  12. know why they do what they do
  13. do it for the cause, not for an audience applause — they don’t need recognition (they are only motivated by love)
  14. understand that meaningful REALationships require love; they desire to be loved
  15. understand that teamwork works — Batman linked with Robin; Ironman was smart, but still linked with Avengers; even Superman linked with Justice League)
  16. understand pain and suffering
  17. have real problems because they’re real people (in an intimate connection with close personal relationships, they can receive as much as they give by simply admitting they don’t want to deal with their problems alone)
  18. make conscious decisions to overcome darkness with Light
  19. are more than conquerors (our problems don’t define us; exterior circumstances should never alter our inner dispositions)
  20. are woven together by faith (we are defined by our identity and our identity is found in origin)
  21. understand their calling
  22. are always ready for battle because they wear the Belt of Truth
  23. understand Truth
  24. are always ready for battle because they wear the Breastplate of Righteousness
  25. are always ready for battle because they wear the Shoes of Readiness
  26. are always ready for battle because they hold the Shield of Faith
  27. are always ready for battle because they wear the Helmet of Salvation
  28. are always ready for battle because they carry the Sword of the Spirit
  29. live, eat, and breathe Truth
  30. are always ready for battle because they pray at all times and on every occasion (Powerful Prayer – Part 1)
  31. understand who they are praying to (nature of GOD)
  32. understand who they are praying to (Jesus)
  33. understand who they are praying to (Trinity)
  34. know how and when to pray (Powerful Prayer – Part 2)
  35. Superheroes have superpowers!
  36. are focused and completely committed
  37. understand what it means to be a Superhero
  38. choose to be superheroes rather than evil villains

The Heart Is The Start

When meeting someone for the first time, one of the first (if not the first) questions people usually ask is, “What do you do for a living?”

Many people try to identify others by the things they do or the way they look instead of seeing them for who they truly are, what they care about, and who they are striving to become. I believe it is more important to know who a person is striving to become than to know what it is that person currently does. Truly, the heart should be the start because what’s important is hidden within and often remains unseen.

And so, we are going to play a game. I am going to describe to you seven different people. As I am describing these people to you, I want you to try to imagine what each person looks like. First, imagine whether the person is male or female. After you assume the gender of the person, I want you to imagine the age, height, and weight of the person. I want you to also imagine if the person has a lot of facial hair or if the person is clean shaven. Imagine the person’s skin tone, hair color and even the eye color. Does the person have freckles? Does the person have scars? What clothing would the person be wearing? After I describe all seven individuals, I will reveal the identity of each person.

Take out a piece of paper, a writing utensil, and write the numbers one through seven going down. Write your guess after reading each description. The answers will follow. (Let me know if you guessed any correctly, and if so, how many.)

The Descriptions:

(1) This person had a sister and a brother who both died at an early age. Not too much longer after the death of both siblings, this person’s mother also died. This person eventually became a part-owner of a store, but the business failed. This person studied law. This person eventually fell in love; however, this person’s love interest also eventually died. With only two saddlebags to hold all of this person’s possessions, this person moved to a new city to live in at the age of 28. This person eventually got into politics. This person ran for president year after year and got rejected year after year; however, this person finally got elected as the president of the United States at the age of 52.

(2) This person was born in 1929. This person lived in a confined space with many other people and felt as if the atmosphere was suffocating at times. At the age of only 15, this person got arrested. At the young age of 16, this person died from typhoid fever; in addition, all family members with the exception of the father ended up dying.

(3) This person was born in Australia. As a child, this person struggled mentally, emotionally, and even physically. At one point, this person considered suicide. At the age of 21, this person graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. This person is now a Christian evangelist and motivational speaker.

(4) This person was one of eight siblings and was also the runt of the litter. Being the smallest, this person was sent to watch over sheep rather than being in war or hunting. On one occasion, a special visitor came to the father and desired to choose one of the siblings for a special task and rare position. But on this occasion, this person was excluded from the other siblings and wasn’t even presented as a choice to the special visitor. Neither the father nor the siblings thought very much of this person.

(5) This person dressed with clothing that proclaims importance and that is because this person possesses an important title or position. This person was one of the few who comprised the ruling class in the area. This person was a successful person by human standards. However, this person eventually caused an innocent and much loved man to receive a death sentence and was later despised because of it.

(6) This person grew up agnostic and eventually became a performer in Hollywood for the entertainment industry and had been in dozens of television shows. This person became a nihilistic atheist whose only concern was experiencing fun. Sadly, this person’s nihilism brought this person to write out a suicide letter, considering everything in life to be worthless and meaningless — even life itself. After failing to commit suicide, this person eventually left the entertainment industry and ended  up receiving unemployment checks until working such jobs as a janitor for an elementary school and as a groundskeeper for an apartment community. By the world’s standards, this person became a failure and an insignificant and invisible nobody.

(7) As a baby, this person was born in a dirty place where animals typically go to eat. There never seemed to be anything remarkable about this person; in fact, this person worked an ordinary job as a typical carpenter. When this person was around 30 years of age, this person went above and beyond to love people. And yet despite of this person’s great love, this person was condemned to a death sentence on false accusations and died a horrible death. People mocked this person as this person died.

The Revealing:

(1) It was only after years of rejection and ‘failure’ that this man succeeded. That man was Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln signed the first of the Homestead acts, allowing poor people to own land. He also established the United States Department of Agriculture, he signed the Morrill Land-Grant Act which led to creation of numerous universities, and he also issued the Emancipation Proclamation which led to abolishing slavery in US.

(2) The young girl named Anne Frank eventually went on to inspire millions of people despite the fact that she wasn’t even alive here on Earth. Her father (only remaining family member) found Anne’s diary, was amazed by her maturity and character and then got it published. Anne provided wonderful insight into a dark moment of history inundated with Nazis and also showed the world that maturity can be found in youth and a hero can look like a female.

(3) This person is Nick Vujicic; he was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. Nick has encouraged, motivated and inspired millions of people simply because he overcame and never quit. Though he lives a life without limbs, his heart propels him in the direction he needs to go.

(4) This person is the great David of the Bible. Though no one else thought much of David because of his appearance, GOD saw David’s heart and it looked like a lampstand ready to shine GOD’s light. Before Samuel anointed David as the king who would replace Saul, Samuel saw David’s brother and thought he would be king because of his appearance. But examine GOD’s response:

“When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, ‘Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.’ But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’ ”
(1Samuel 16:6-7) -ESV

(5) This person is one of the many Pharisees whom Jesus opposed and often rebuked. These are the people who seemed like they had it all together and were doing everything right! Though the Pharisees had the appearance of importance and right character, they lacked heart. Examine the words of Jesus regarding the Pharisees:

“Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by others…. Woe to you, blind guides…. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness…. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?”
(Matthew 23:1-5, 16, 27-28, 33) -ESV

(6) This person is me, Trenton Gill. Worthless and meaningless is how I saw myself. Yet somehow, GOD saw in me the goodness I never saw in myself. Jesus knew my good heart and He saved me from myself and helped me to repent (turn around) and start living a righteous life of servitude that gives praise to GOD rather than the superficial life that would receive praise from people.

(7) This person is Christ Jesus. Jesus — fully GOD — became fully human in order to save us from ourselves. By His great sacrificial love, our bloodstained sinful selves have been whitewashed and cleansed and we will be able to live in His presence for all eternity.

When I described each person, did the physical appearance ever make a difference as to who they ended up becoming? Did age or gender make a difference? Did all of their ‘current’ jobs, tasks, labels or titles ever define who they would end up becoming? Did their history of whatever they lacked ever define who they would eventually become? No. Who you are right now can change so long as you possess the desire to change and put forth the effort and never quit.

Therefore, if you’re reading this and we don’t know each other, I will not risk shaming you by asking you what you do for a living. What you currently do is sometimes irrelevant to who you are and who you will become. After all, the famous rocker, Jon Bon Jovi, was a janitor before he became famous and eventually helped out with different charities. There’s something more important I want to ask you than what you do for a living: “Who are you and who are you striving to become?”

Share with me the following:

  • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  • What are your dreams?
  • What do you care about most in life?
  • Where do you want to end up in the near future and distant future?
  • Who do you want to become?
  • After you leave Earth and go into eternity, what do you want to leave behind for everyone else still living on Earth?

You can be the person you desire to be; you can be the person you dream to be. Do you know your identity? Dare to dream! Vision and belief that are united with wisdom leads to possibility; possibility harbors potential; therefore, full potential is only possible with vision and belief. Do you believe? How is your faith?

“Jesus told them. ‘I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.’ ”
(Matthew 17:20) -NLT

“The Lord answered, ‘If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea,” and it would obey you!’ ”
(Luke 17:6) -NLT

“I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”
(Philippians 4:13) -GW

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.’ ”
(Matthew 19:26) -NLT

Through Christ, you can accomplish anything so long as it is in alignment with GOD’s will. Again, I want to ask you a very important question: who are you and who are you striving to become? You need to know your identity.

“But Amos stood up to Amaziah: ‘I never set up to be a preacher, never had plans to be a preacher. I raised cattle and I pruned trees. Then GOD took me off the farm and said, “Go preach to my people Israel.”’ ”
(Amos 7: 14-15) -MSG

Scripture states that Amaziah was a priest and Amos was a shepherd. Amaziah basically told Amos not to preach in Bethel because it offended him and others.

I can relate to Amos quite well because I have told many people the same message and many people have responded by telling me the same thing that Amos heard. I never set up to be a preacher; I never had plans of being a preacher. Amos was a shepherd. I was an atheist actor in the entertainment industry with aspirations of fame and fortune. I had my sights set on money. But my desires and my title changed after I found my identity. And many people often tell me not to preach because my words sometimes offends people. It saddens me that people would get offended by Truth, but I must rank truth as more important than feelings. And it’s not my Truth to change. I didn’t write the Book of Truth, I merely share the message. I’m a messenger.

Pastor, teacher, or messenger — titles are irrelevant to GOD’s calling and are obsolete in Heaven. Titles are created by humans to accommodate human agenda; moreover, titles are not indicative of the true calling and cannot change the character of any human. As of right now — November 15, 2017 — I do not possess a certified title of pastor or minister; however, the lack of an official title doesn’t take away from my calling. I will continue to fulfill my calling and eventually people will throw a title on me because of the way I’m living out my calling. Consider the following four examples:

(1) Albert Einstein failed an entrance examination for the school of ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. He didn’t have a title then, but GOD designed him to be a genius. Later in life, he was awarded a Ph.D., became a professor at Karl-Ferdinand University in Prague, became President of the German Physical Society, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, and received the Copley Medal from the Royal Society. Einstein is proof that a ‘nobody’ can be a ‘somebody’ of great significance. Einstein’s wisdom would have helped the human race advance whether he acquired those titles or not. But he acquired those titles because he lived out his calling and then humans threw titles on him.

(2) Adolf Hitler was considered a great leader at one point, but his title didn’t alter the demonic demeanor within him. Hitler’s title labeled him to be a leader and respected ruler; however, his orders to his army brought about the deaths of millions of innocent people. Hitler’s earthly title amongst the nazis meant very little to the soldiers who opposed him; moreover, his title meant nothing in the big picture of eternity. The nazis called him Fuhrer, which meant, “leader.” But do you know what he is called in Heaven? Well, he isn’t called anything because he’s not in Heaven.

(3) Pastor Steve Fender from Livingway Church of San Antonio, Texas shared with me one of the most amazing testimonies I’ve ever heard. After an alter call at one of Steve’s services, a man by the name of Ernest had asked Steve to talk to him and pray with him. Eventually, Ernest confessed to being a Mexican mafia hitman and that he had killed a lot of people. Ernest asked if GOD would still accept him because of all the murders he had committed and Steve told Ernest that no one is too far gone to be saved. Pastor Steve asked Ernest to lift up his hands in surrender to GOD; Ernest told Steve that he would, but only if Steve would hold his shirt down so that no one would see his gun while his arms were up. Ernest — a hitman with a loaded gun in church service — gave his life to Christ that day and eventually led many other people to Christ. One day, Ernest was shot while walking the streets. When pastor Steve arrived at the scene, Ernest was face down on the ground, already dead. In Ernest’s hand appeared to be a gun; however, it was a copy of the New Testament. The world labeled Ernest as a murderer; Ernest proclaimed himself to be a murderer at one point; however, Ernest was made new in Christ and was called to be a preacher. Ernest’s title of ‘hitman’ wasn’t his true title. And once Ernest realized his real identity, he received his true calling and his true title. Repentance and faith bring salvation. Despite his past, Ernest was a preacher and that is how we should remember him.

(4) There are [far too] many people who earned the title of being a Priest, yet they were then later convicted and declared to be pedophiles.

There are some people who possess the title of ‘Priest’ (like Amaziah), yet their character proclaims them to be frauds and dirty — just like the Pharisees whom Jesus condemned. Amaziah was wrapped up in religion (rules, regulations, and rituals) and neglected to have a relationship with GOD.

Ponder on this: Jesus was wisdom in human form, yet He didn’t possess a Ph.D. Jesus didn’t need a P-H-D because he was with the title of G-O-D. His title was Messiah, or Christ, or Savior; however, He didn’t receive that title until after He already fulfilled the role. No one except His disciples gave Him the title of Messiah before His crucifixion. But the lack of the title didn’t take away from His calling.

Though the world tells us to take up titles, we are called to live the calling. Do not allow yourself to be beguiled by titles! Do not be fooled into believing you are who the world says you are! To fulfill your calling, you need only to look beyond the façade of worldly titles and possess zeal for the seal of GOD’s approval. The start is the heart!

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
(Psalm 51:10) -ESV

“And he called the people to him and said to them, ‘Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.’…. But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person.’ ”
(Matthew 15:10-11, 18-20) -ESV

Amaziah was a Priest, yet GOD chose a shepherd (like David) named Amos to do the preaching of His Word. Amos made himself available to be used! If Amos was capable of caring for a herd and tending little details such as yard work [with honesty and integrity], then he could be trusted to do and say what was right – to preach. GOD basically said, “I don’t care that other humans label Amaziah as a Priest. Amos is my preacher.”

I challenge you to know your identity and pursue your calling rather than a title. Take action on what GOD has called you to do. If the world declares you to be nothing but a janitor yet GOD calls you to preach, then you’re a preacher! If the world declares you to be nothing but an old man (like Noah) yet GOD calls you to build an ark and protect the animals, then you’re a contractor, carpenter, soon-to-be sailor and captain, and wildlife preservationist! If the world declares you to be nothing but a tax collector yet GOD calls you to write a book, then you’re an author! Worldly titles mean nothing. Do not get so wrapped up in nothing that you end up missing out on everything GOD has for you. What is the true title you possess? Proclaim it in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of GOD-Almighty! But know and understand that the heart is the start. In order to fulfill your calling, you need to purify and protect your heart. The reason David was chosen above all others was because he was a man after GOD’s own heart (1Samuel 13:14).

“But as for those whose heart goes after their detestable things and their abominations, I will bring their deeds upon their own heads, declares the Lord God.”
(Ezekiel 11:21) -ESV

But for those of us who desire to fulfill our true calling, all we need to do is ask Jesus to purify our hearts and align our thoughts with His will. By seeking first the Kingdom of GOD (GOD’s will), everything else will fall in place.

“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.”
(Ezekiel 36:26-27) -ESV

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”
(Matthew 6:33) -ESV

Once purified, we must put on the breastplate of righteousness for protection (read Ephesians 6:10-20; see also Isaiah 59:17). Take note that the heart is protected by righteousness. A righteous life prevents the penetration of sin that desires to find its way in. Sin finding its way into the heart is like a sperm finding its way into an egg. We must protect the heart because the heart is the start.

“But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.”
(James 1:14-15) -ESV

I want to pray for three types of people:

  • If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior yet you desire to do so, I want to pray with you and encourage you in your decision.
  • If you need to purify your heart and desire for GOD to remove your heart of stone and give you a new heart of flesh, let me know and I’ll pray with you and continue to pray for you. And I will also partner with you in a commitment to protecting your newly purified heart.
  • If the Holy Spirit has purified your heart throughout this message and you now desire to put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect your purified heart, I want to pray with you and continue to pray for you. And I will also partner with you in a commitment of fellowship to ensure accountability of a righteous life.