Identity Crisis

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What do you do when you first meet someone? Let’s examine some examples from both teenage and adult perspectives:

(1)  Teen Friendship only:  

  • Get his/her name?
  • Ask what he/she likes to do?
  • Find out where he/she typically hangs out?
  • Do you know any of the same people?
  • Find out what you have in common.
  • Discern who the person is and if you want that person to be in your life. 

(2)  Teen Romantic interest:  

  • Robot mode: Judge by appearance. Scan the subject.
  • Facial recognition: Approved. Does not need a bag over the head.
  • Body: mid-section: Approved.
  • Body: lower-section: there’s some junk in the trunk but that’s okay because I like big butts and I cannot lie—
  • We don’t even think about who they are! They could be the most attractive serial killer you’ve ever met.

(3)  Adult friendship only:  (we are worse than teens)

  • What’s your name? (I don’t really care and I probably won’t remember it)
  • What do you do for a living? (Do I have a better career than you? Do I make more money than you? Am I better than you?)

(4)  Adult romantic interest: 

  • Adults basically do the same thing as teens.

(5)  Is it any wonder why so many friendships last a long time — even a lifetime? Is it any wonder why so many romantic relationships end in heartache, pain, and divorce? 

  • When seeking friendships, we typically seek to find who the person is – we seek to discover that person’s identity.
  • When seeking romantic relationships, we typically seek to find what is physically attractive to look at and then try to force that person to become the best friend we’re hoping to find.


“When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’ ‘Well,’ they replied, ‘some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.’ Then he asked them, ‘But who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, ‘You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being.’ ”
(Matthew 16:13-17) -NLT


How To Play:

Get out a piece of paper and a writing utensil. Write numbers 1-7, going down. I am going to describe to you seven different people, one at a time. As I am describing each person to you, I want you to try to imagine what each person looks like. First, imagine whether the person is male or female. Write it down — male or female. After you assume the gender of the person, I want you to imagine the age, height, and even the weight of the person. I want you to also imagine if the person has a lot of facial hair or if the person is clean shaven. Imagine the person’s skin tone, hair color and even the eye color. Does the person have freckles? Wrinkles? Does the person have scars? What clothing would the person be wearing? Be as specific as possible in your guess as to who this person is. If you know who the person is, simply write the name of the person. 



This person had a sister and a brother who both died at an early age. Not too much longer after the death of both siblings, this person’s mother also died. This person eventually became a part-owner of a store, but the business failed. This person studied law. This person eventually fell in love; however, this person’s love interest also eventually died. With only two saddlebags to hold all of this person’s possessions, this person moved to a new city to live in at the age of 28. This person eventually got into politics. This person ran for president year after year and got rejected year after year; however, this person finally got elected as the president of the United States at the age of 52.

Identity Revealed:

It was only after years of rejection and ‘failure’ that this man succeeded. That man was Abraham Lincoln.



This person was born in 1929. This person lived in a confined space with many other people and felt as if the atmosphere was suffocating at times. At the age of only 15, this person got arrested. At the young age of 16, this person died from typhoid fever; in addition, all family members with the exception of the father ended up dying. But the father found this person’s diary and this diary became famous.

Identity Revealed:  

The young girl named Anne Frank eventually went on to inspire millions of people despite the fact that she wasn’t even alive here on Earth. Her father — the only remaining family member — found Anne’s diary, was amazed by her maturity and character and then he got it published into a book. Anne provided wonderful insight into a dark moment of history inundated with Nazis and also showed the world that maturity can be found in youth and a hero can look like a female. 

{She was 16! You are not too young to make a difference!}



This person was born in Australia. As a child, this person struggled mentally, emotionally, and even physically. At one point, this person considered suicide. At the age of 21, this person graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. This person is now a Christian evangelist and motivational speaker.

Identity Revealed:  

This person is Nick Vujicic; he was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. Nick has encouraged, motivated and inspired millions of people simply because he overcame and never quit. Though he lives a life without limbs, his heart propels him in the direction he needs to go.



This person was one of eight siblings and was also the runt of the litter. Being the smallest, this person was sent to watch over sheep rather than being in war or hunting. On one occasion, a special visitor came to the father and desired to choose one of the siblings for a special task and rare position. But on this occasion, this person was excluded from the other siblings and wasn’t even presented as a choice to the special visitor. Neither the father nor the siblings thought very much of this person.

Identity Revealed:  

This person is the great David of the Bible. Even Samuel — a prophet — admitted he wanted to choose David’s brother over David. But GOD’s response in 1Samuel 16:6-7 tells us that GOD does not look at appearance, but looks at the heart.



This person dressed with clothing that proclaims importance and that is because this person possesses an important title or position. This person was one of the few who comprised the ruling class in the area. This person was a successful person by human standards. However, this person eventually caused an innocent and much loved man to receive a death sentence and was later despised because of it. 

Identity Revealed:  

This person is one of the many Pharisees whom Jesus opposed and often rebuked. These are the people who seemed like they had it all together and were doing everything right! Though the Pharisees had the appearance of importance and right character, they lacked heart. Examine the words of Jesus regarding the Pharisees:

“Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by others…. Woe to you, blind guides…. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness…. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?”
(Matthew 23:1-5, 16, 27-28, 33) -ESV 



This person grew up agnostic and eventually became a performer in Hollywood for the entertainment industry and had been in dozens of television shows. This person became a nihilistic atheist whose only concern was experiencing fun. Sadly, this person’s nihilism brought this person to write out a suicide letter, considering everything in life to be worthless and meaningless — even life itself. After failing to commit suicide, this person eventually left the entertainment industry and ended up receiving unemployment checks until working such jobs as a janitor for an elementary school and as a groundskeeper for an apartment community. By the world’s standards, this person became a failure and an insignificant and invisible nobody.

Identity Revealed:  

This person is me (Trenton Gill). Jesus saved me from myself. To see my entire testimony, please see my other article, “My Testimony: from Agnosticism, to Atheism, to Christianity“.



As a baby, this person was born in a dirty place where animals typically go to eat. There never seemed to be anything remarkable about this person; in fact, this person worked an ordinary job as a typical carpenter. When this person was around 30 years of age, this person went above and beyond to love people. And yet despite of this person’s great love, this person was condemned to a death sentence on false accusations and died a horrible death. People mocked this person as this person died.

Identity Revealed:  

This person is Christ Jesus. Jesus — fully GOD — became fully human in order to save us from ourselves. By His great sacrificial love, our bloodstained sinful selves have been whitewashed and cleansed and we will be able to live in His presence for all eternity.


When I described each person, did the physical appearance ever make a difference as to who they ended up becoming? Did physical appearance have anything to do with the person’s identity? 

(1)  Think:  

  • Did age or gender make a difference?
  • Did all of their ‘current’ jobs, tasks, labels or titles ever define who they would end up becoming?
  • Did their history determine their future?

(2)  The heart is the start and most important part:  

  • From examples in this game and everyone we read about in the Bible, what matters most is the heart. 


(1)  Examine yourself:  

  • If I were to write a description about you and share it with someone else, would that person picture you?
  • Is the current description of you the person you want to be in the future?
  • What do you care about most in life?
  • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  • What are your dreams?
  • Who do you want to become?
  • You need to know your identity. Otherwise, people will tell you who you are and you just might believe them. 

(2)  Examine others:  

  • Are you judging someone by their appearance instead of looking at their heart?
  • Do you even know enough about someone to write a description about that person’s heart?
  • If you don’t know a person well enough to write a description about that person’s heart, then you don’t truly know who they are.


Pastor Steve Fender from Livingway Church of San Antonio, Texas once shared with me one of the most amazing testimonies I’ve ever heard. After an alter call at one of Steve’s services, a man by the name of Ernest had asked Steve to talk to him and pray with him. Eventually, Ernest confessed to being a Mexican mafia hitman and that he had killed a lot of people. Ernest asked if GOD would still accept him because of all the murders he had committed and pastor Steve told Ernest that no one is too far gone to be saved. Pastor Steve asked Ernest to lift up his hands in surrender to GOD; Ernest told Steve that he would, but only if Steve would hold his shirt down so that no one would see his gun while his arms were up. Ernest — a hitman with a loaded gun in church service — gave his life to Christ that day and eventually led many other people to Christ. One day, Ernest was shot while walking the streets. When pastor Steve arrived at the scene, Ernest was face down on the ground, already dead. In Ernest’s hand appeared to be a gun; however, it was a copy of the New Testament. The world labeled Ernest as a murderer; Ernest proclaimed himself to be a murderer at one point; however, Ernest was made new in Christ and was called to be a preacher. Ernest’s title of ‘hitman’ wasn’t his true identity. And once Ernest realized his real identity, he received his true calling and his true title. Repentance and faith bring salvation. Despite his past, Ernest was a preacher and that is how we should remember him.


(1)  Perhaps you genuinely desire to have a relationship with GOD, but you are guilty of judging people by their appearances. If that’s you, repent and ask GOD to help you see people in the loving way He sees them. “GOD, remove the veil of lies from my eyes! Open my eyes to see Truth! Help me to see people as you see them!”

(2)  Perhaps you don’t judge people by their appearances and assume the worst of them, but you do distance yourself from people who seem questionable. If that’s you, ask GOD to cast out fear and to fill you with the love and courage necessary to go introduce yourself to those people. You just might introduce yourself to someone who needs love the most.

(3) Perhaps you view yourself as the person who has only been judged by his/her appearance. Is it possible that you’ve closed yourself off and have prevented people from establishing relationships with you because you’re afraid of getting hurt? If that’s you, open yourself up again and allow people to get to know who you truly are. If possible, link up with someone else and then together go introduce yourselves to someone else.

(4)  Perhaps you just found yourself here but you’re not a committed follower of Christ. If that’s you, perhaps it’s time to get to know the One who died for you. Perhaps it’s time to get to know the GOD who desires to have a relationship with the person He created. GOD created you for a purpose. If you want to discover that purpose and know more, let it be known to GOD. Seek and you will find.


Holy Spirit, please inundate our hearts and convict us of the truth. Please open our eyes and help us to see beyond the superficial surface and to dive deep into the depth of Truth. Open our minds and enable us to see true identity beyond the facade of the face or the build of the body. Help us to love people the way you love them. I proclaim in the name of Jesus, the person reading this will discover his/her true identity in You.