If GOD Is Invisible, How Do We Know He Is Real?

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If GOD is Spirit and invisible (John 1:18; 4:24), how do we know He is real? Is GOD only a figment of imagination? And if the invisible GOD can be believed to be real, can’t other invisible beings also exist? Should we believe in the invisible pink unicorn or the flying spaghetti monster? 

Well, there are several ways GOD’s presence can be known. First and foremost, philosophically, and the then scientifically. Philosophy is first because science is a slave to philosophy; science cannot be done without philosophy. Philosophical assumptions are utilized in the search for causes, and, therefore, cannot be the result of them. For example, scientists assume (by faith) that reason and the scientific method allow us to accurately understand the world around us. That cannot be proven by science itself. You can’t prove the tools of science — the laws of logic, the Law of Causality, the Principle of Uniformity, of the reliability of observation — by running some kind of experiment. You have to assume those things are true in order to do the experiment! Thus, science is built on philosophy. Unfortunately, many pseudo-scientists are bad philosophers. Think: even the statement, “Science is the only source of objective truth” is not itself a scientific truth, but it claims to be true! Therefore, the statement is self-defeating. However, science is extremely useful and should be used. And despite what many skeptics claim, science and faith are not incompatible. You can think of it this way: GOD is the ‘Who,’ creation is the ‘what,’ and science can regularly be the ‘how.’

J. Warner Wallace, does an excellent job of outlining how evidence of the eternal One abounds and surrounds us, in his books, Cold-Case Christianity, Alive, GOD’s Crime Scene, and Forensic Faith. Wallace, a retired homicide detective, uses his intellect and skills to show how the ‘crime scene’ of creation leads to the perpetrator existing ‘outside’ the room, and then goes on to explain how all clues collectively point to Jesus.

First, we can see GOD’s presence in the world around us. Not only does the existence of life and intelligent design of all life here on Earth call attention to a Creator / Intelligent Designer, but the universe itself had a beginning, as modern science demonstrates. To say that there is no GOD, you would have to believe that nothing produces everything; non-life produces life; randomness produces fine-tuning; chaos produces information; unconsciousness produces consciousness; and non-reason produces reason. It takes more faith to believe that life and all of creation randomly generated and fine-tuned itself into an orderly universe without a Creator than to simply acknowledge the fact that all of life requires a miracle to exist. People can suppress the truth, but the evidence speaks for itself and so humans are without an excuse (Romans 1:18-20) and this is why it is written that the fool says in his heart there is no GOD (Psalm 14:1).

Second, we sense GOD’s presence by our conscience. We often do things we know to be wrong and then feel guilty for it. How did we get this moral compass? Why is morality a part of our design? Further, logic reveals that morality is an absolute standard and cannot be relative. 

Third, we can see evidence for GOD in the lives of people, who are created in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). Every good deed, act of mercy, and incident of sacrificial love calls attention to the GOD of love (1John 4:8,16). 

Fourth, fulfilled prophecies are confirmations of Truth.

Fifth, and finally, GOD made Himself known in and through Jesus. John 1:1 makes it clear that the Word existed since the beginning, the Word is with GOD and is GOD (compare: Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24; Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18; Revelation 19:13). The Word became flesh and dwelt with us (John 1:14). Jesus told us that His words and deeds are of GOD (John 12:49; 14:10), and that to see Him is to see GOD (John 14:9; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3). Jesus is GOD.

Life exists. Once we examine all of life and the evidence collected, the cumulative case becomes reality. After examining all evidence, we must now ask if any religion in the world describes such a Creator of life. The answer to this is yes: the GOD of the Bible fits this profile perfectly. He is supernatural (Genesis 1:1), powerful (Jeremiah 32:17), eternal (Psalm 90:2), omnipresent (Psalm 139:7), timeless/changeless (Malachi 3:6), immaterial (John 5:24), personal (Genesis 3:9), necessary (Colossians 1:17), infinite/singular (Jeremiah 23:24, Deuteronomy 6:4), diverse yet with unity (Matthew 28:19), intelligent (Psalm 147:4-5), purposeful (Jeremiah 29:11), moral (Daniel 9:14), and caring (1Peter 5:6-7). 

But even if all creation calls attention to the fact of GOD’s existence, why doesn’t GOD make Himself more present and available to those who are seeking Him? Sure – GOD made Himself present in Jesus, but Jesus ascended and left us without a physical presence. How does that help us? Why does GOD seem so distant or hidden? The answer to that is found in our free will. GOD doesn’t desire people to feel compelled to believe in Him and love Him simply because He is there. Think about it: students act differently in the presence of the principle; children act differently in the presence of their parents; and criminals act differently in the presence of an officer of the law. GOD desires genuine faith and relationship. Also, GOD doesn’t desire people to merely acknowledge Him intellectually. Even demons believe that GOD exists and they shudder rather than love Him (James 2:19). GOD wants us to trust Him with all of our hearts (Proverbs 3:5-8). And do not mistake silence for absence or silence for indifference. Even Jesus experienced silence on the cross (Mark 15:34). Ultimately, Jesus is our example for trusting GOD when the silence seems unbearable.


Many people claim that they never hear from GOD, but that’s not true. GOD gave us a love letter that is basic instructions before leaving Earth: the Bible. Have you read this long love letter? If not, you need read it. Furthermore, we were given the Holy Spirit as the Helper to teach us all things and bring to our remembrance all that GOD has said  (John 14:26). Once GOD’s Word is within you and the Spirit is guiding you, the Spirit will help you remember GOD’s Word for whatever situation you may find yourself in. You’re not alone. There will come a Day when the Lord will make His presence known to the entire world (Matthew 24:29-31), but until that Day, we have His Word and the Spirit to guide us. 

Superhero: The Struggle Is Real

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This is Part 12 of my Superhero series. In the introduction of this series, I provided the argument that heroes are real and then I distinguished between heroes and superheroes. I also provided a list of what defines a superhero. In Part 1, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute standard of Good and realize that evil is a mere privation of what is good. In Part 2, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute moral standard and realize that what is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. In Part 3, I defined and expounded upon love because all superheroes are full of love and are compelled to act out from love. In Part 4, I explained that superheroes desire to save people from all forms of danger and/or death and this desire comes from love. In Part 5, we learned that superheroes are solution seekers. In Part 6, we saw that solution seekers are willing to sacrifice if necessary. In Part 7, we saw that sacrificial love steps forward and offers service. In Part 8, we saw that superheroes go above and beyond the call of duty. In Part 9, we saw that superheroes never give up! In Part 10, we saw that superheroes don’t need recognition – they are motivated only by love! In Part 11, we saw that relationships matter and teamwork works!

In this message (Part 12), we will see that the struggle is real; however, Jesus is the real solution to our real problems.


We all have real problems because we are real people and all people are finite and fallible beings who falter, flounder, and even fail at times. No one is perfect. In fact, GOD’s Word tells us that we are born into sin; we are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of GOD (Genesis 6:5; Psalm 51:5; Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:9-18,23; 5:12; Ephesians 2:3; 1John 1:8,10). Superheroes do not allow pride to puff themselves up and fill their minds with a false proclamation of perfection. Not even Superman was perfect and superior in character quality. He had a mental weakness in that he needed his parents to help teach him work ethics and the absolute moral standard. But Superman also had a weakness to his physical abilities: kryptonite. In fact, all superheroes have problems because all superheroes have weaknesses. Iron Man battled against pride due to his intellect, but he also battled depression and had heart complications. Both Batman and Spider-Man suffered through the loss of a loved one and they get mentally drained and physically fatigued after a period of time. Wolverine has to watch others grow old as he remains relatively the same, Rogue just wants to be able to cuddle or kiss someone without sucking the life out of him, and Professor Xavier can’t use his legs. In fact, most or all of the X-Men felt like they didn’t fit in with society. But aside from personal problems, superheroes must also face temptations just like anyone else.

Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.”
(James 1:14-15) -NLT

Real Problems:

“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.”
(John 16:33) -NLT

Remember this Scripture because we are going to return to this passage at the end of this message. Now, if fictional superheroes with superpowers are not impervious to evil’s attacks, why would humans be impervious to the enticements of Satan’s snares? The Bible records real people with real problems:

  • Adam and Eve were unable to resist temptation to be like GOD (Genesis 3:5-6);
  • Cain was unable to control his jealousy and anger and then murdered his brother Abel (Genesis 4:5-8);
  • Noah got drunk (Genesis 9:20-23);
  • Abraham and Sarah considered themselves to be too old (Genesis 17:17; 18:11-12);
  • Rebekah played favorites with her children (Genesis 25:28; 27:5-10);
  • Jacob was a liar and wrestled against GOD (Genesis 27:19-24; 32:24-32);
  • Leah was considered to be ugly (Genesis 29:17);
  • Dinah was raped (Genesis 34:2);
  • Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers (Genesis 37:18-36);
  • Moses murdered someone and also had a speech impediment (Exodus 2:11-12; 4:10);
  • Rahab was a prostitute (Joshua 2:1);
  • Gideon was afraid (Judges 6:15,22-23,27);
  • Samson was a cocky sinful womanizer (Judges 14-16);
  • Naomi was a widow (Ruth 1:3-5);
  • David was an adulterer and murderer (2Samuel 11);
  • David’s son (Amnon) raped David’s daughter (Tamar) and then David’s other son (Absalom) murdered Amnon (2Samuel 13);
  • Solomon was a sex-addict who allowed his body to be contaminated by sexual immorality and his heart to be corrupted by idolatry (1Kings 11);
  • Elijah was suicidal (1Kings 19:4);
  • Job lost his possessions and family (Job 1:13-19);
  • Jeremiah and Timothy were considered to be too young (Jeremiah 1:6-7; 1Timothy 4:12);
  • Hosea married an unfaithful prostitute (Hosea);
  • Jonah ran from GOD (Jonah 1:3);
  • John the Baptist wrestled with doubt (Matthew 11:2-3);
  • Martha worried about the nonessentials (Luke 10:41);
  • Zacchaeus was considered to be too short (Luke 19:3);
  • The Samaritan woman at the well had experienced divorce five times (John 4:16-17);
  • Saul (Paul) was too religious (Acts 7:54-58; 9:1-2; 23:6);
  • Peter denied Christ three times (John 18:15-18,25-27);
  • Thomas doubted Christ’s resurrection (John 20:24-25).

Real people have real problems. Whether it’s pride, laziness, anger, gossip, coping with change or conflict, doubt, fear, depression, suicide, personal addictions of gambling, drugs, alcoholpornographysexual immorality outside the bond of marriage, losing loved ones and dealing with death, or having specific doubts regarding the Bible, one thing is true for all: the struggle is real!

In a pluralistic, polytheistic, and relativistic society, Truth often gets painted over with a layer of lies to make for a convincing counterfeit. Personal problems plus a corrupt culture equals more problems. It is stressful for spiritual saints trying to survive within a secular and sinful society. If a sinful society becomes the standard of living, many Christians often compromise character and get contaminated in their desire to fit in with everyone else or appease the appetite of their desires.

Thus, real people have real problems; the struggle is real. But as we have already learned, superheroes are solution seekers. And where there is a struggle against sin or evil, there should also be a superhero striving to seek solutions that lead to salvation. So, what is the solution to our problems?

Real Solutions:

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, ‘If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord’ [Jeremiah 9:24].
(1Corinthians 1:26-31) -NLT

Rather than calling the qualified, GOD typically qualifies whom He calls. People have problems; people are not perfect. GOD knows this. But GOD is more than capable of helping us overcome our problems. How? The short answer is that the Solution is Jesus. The longer answer is that Jesus is the Word (John 1:1,14) and the Word provides us with all the necessary information we need to deal with our problems.


The perceived problem isn’t often the real problem we believe it to be. Often times, the problem is that Christians do not know the Word of GOD and are unable to access the emergency numbers of the Bible that will provide us with solutions. Remember: when Satan temped Jesus (Matthew/Luke 4), Jesus responded with, “It is written.” So, we need to know what is written. If you need a concordance or topical Bible to help you with specific concerns, then get those helpful tools. Seek out your solution! The goal is to absorb GOD’s Word. Once GOD’s Word is within you, the Holy Spirit can help you call to mind specific passages that would help with specific areas of concern. An example of an area of concern [that’s not listed on the above image] would be temptation. Is there ever a time when someone will not be able to overcome temptation? GOD’s Word provides us with answers:

“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
(Matthew 26:41) -ESV

Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
(1Corinthians 10:12-13) -ESV

When it comes to temptation, GOD always provides us with a way out so that we can escape. GOD never promised us a temptation-free life; rather, He promised us an escape so long as we seek Him. The way of escape is to know GOD’s Word, remain in GOD’s Word, and to live out GOD’s Word. If you want an escape, ask two questions:

  1. What does GOD say?
  2. What would Jesus do?

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
(Romans 12:2) -ESV

Christians have problems, but we are not to allow those problems to define who we are or determine our direction. Superheroes have problems. Having problems doesn’t make you any less of a superhero; in fact, superheroes would not even be considered to be superheroes unless they were battling problems. We should thank GOD in advance for providing us with the opportunity to be an overcomer; we cannot develop into overcomers without having problems to overcome. But it’s important to remember that in our battles against evil, we need to run away from our temptations yet face our problems. Don’t get those two confused with each other. It’s important, so I’ll reiterate: run away from temptations but face problems.

We need to seek solutions rather than a scapegoat and join together as a team rather than feeling overwhelmed dealing with problems alone. And most importantly, we need to believe that GOD can help us with our problems. And if we use the Biblical emergency numbers, we can discover the specific solutions to our specific problems. It’s easy to complain about our problems, but we need to consider what GOD has said regarding those problems. Are we refusing to act, change, and do what GOD requires? Do we even take the advice He has already given to us? What has GOD told us to do? What would Jesus do? You may not receive new guidance from GOD until you have acted on His previous directions. And GOD has spoken:

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”
(Philippians 4:8-9) -NLT

GOD has already told us this. But are we listening? Are we obeying? People often desire for GOD to change their situations when GOD desires to change our hearts, minds, attitudes, and character qualities. Perhaps we need to change and grow in our attitude toward our problems.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
(Romans 8:28) -NLT

GOD works in “everything” – not just isolated incidents – for our good. This does not mean that all that happens to us is good. Evil is prevalent in our fallen world and many people experience pain and suffering; however, GOD is able to turn every circumstance around for our good in the long run. This is the Great Reversal. Note that GOD is not working to make us happy but to fulfill purpose. Note also that this promise is not for everyone. It can be claimed only by those who love GOD and are called by Him. Such people have a new perspective, a new state of mind. They trust in GOD and their treasure is in Heaven and not on Earth (Matthew 6:19-21). Their faith in GOD does not waver in pain and persecution because they know GOD is with them and GOD is for them. And if GOD is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?

Trials may be a part of GOD’s plan for believers. I believe they are. Experiencing problems and persecutions can build character (James 1:2-4), perseverance (Romans 5:3-5), and sensitivity toward others who also face trouble (2Corinthians 1:3-7). Problems are unavoidable for GOD’s people. Consider this: your troubles may be a sign of effective Christian living. That’s a good thing. If you’re not targeted by the enemy, he doesn’t consider you much of a threat. If you’re comfortable, you might want to ask yourself why you’re so comfortable. If the Adversary is leaving you alone, there’s probably a reason for that. Consider this: the problems you encounter just might be because you are a superhero and the enemy wants to take you out. Therefore, consider it all joy and endure until the end.

This message began with John 16:33 informing us that we will have problems in this life; however, the passage was taken out of its context. Now examine the Scripture in its proper context:

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33) -NLT

Yes – we will have problems, but Jesus has also told us to take heart. Understand this: we already know the ending of this story: Jesus returns, and all evildoers will come under judgment and go into eternal separation and all believers will dwell with Him for eternity in eternal joy (Revelation 21-22). Superheroes have problems, but they also have a Savior who quarantines the problems. Take heart! Jesus saved the world! Heaven awaits the arrival of the righteous. We are the Righteous League! Sure – the struggle is real, but our Savior is real and salvation is real.

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, ‘Who then can be saved?’ But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’ ”
(Matthew 19:25-26) -ESV

After all, Jesus is the Savior. Jesus is the Solution. Superheroes have problems. And that’s okay. Because superheroes are solution seekers and more than conquerors in Christ