Superhero University: The Ultimate Superhero Training Manual

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The Jackass Made An Entrance?

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below:

Imagine the joy and relief that helpless, distressed, and tired citizens would feel when a superhero arrives to save them from captivity, danger, or death. The people would think and/or shout, “Our savior has arrived!” To understand the full meaning of this message, I want you to first watch the following three videos which depict a hero’s anticipated arrival:

My Hero Academia: All Might announces that everything will be all right because he is there!

Justice League: Superman arrives to defend the weak and save the day!

Avengers: Infinity War: Thor, with lightning, makes a grand entrance onto the battlefield in order to lead everyone into victory!

In all three of those videos, the heroes make a memorable and remarkable entrance. But what does that have to do with my message? Everything. I’m posting this article on April 13, 2019 — the day before Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the day we (Christians) celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The story of the triumphal entry is one of the few incidents in the life of Jesus which appears in all four Gospel accounts (Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19). In combining the details of all four accounts, it becomes clear that the triumphal entry was a significant event, not only to the Jews of that time, but to all Christians throughout history! In order to fully comprehend the reason for celebrating Palm Sunday, we must fully understand the significance of the triumphal entry. But one thing you will most likely immediately notice is that Jesus’ triumphal entry isn’t like the exaggerated scenes we see in comic books, movies, or myths.

Palm Sunday marked the beginning of what is often called “Passion Week,” which is the final seven days of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Palm Sunday was the “beginning of the end” of Jesus’ work on Earth, which would become the beginning of the church (the book of Acts) before the end time. 

Palm Sunday began with Jesus and His disciples traveling over the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two disciples ahead into the village of Bethphage to find and retrieve a colt of a donkey. They found the unbroken colt just as Jesus said they would (Luke 19:29–30). When the disciples untied the colt, the owners began to question them. They told the owners what Jesus told them to say: “The Lord needs it” (Luke 19:31–34). Some people believe that Jesus stole the donkey or that He was at least presumptuous in taking it; however, Jesus had visited this region before this moment (Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1), and it is more than likely that Jesus arranged for this moment ahead of time. In fact, it is written that later on that week Jesus arranged [ahead of time] for the upper room to be available in order to celebrate Passover with His disciples (Matthew 26:17-19; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-13). And Jesus’ abilities to foresee the future and plan ahead explains why the owners of the colt accepted the disciples’ answer — the owners had been expecting them, but they wanted to be certain the men were in fact Jesus’ disciples and not common thieves. 

But why the colt of a donkey? Shouldn’t a great leader and anticipated heroic Savior arrive with a grand entrance like all superheroes? Shouldn’t there be lightning, fireworks, an orchestra, big flags or banners? Shouldn’t a great leader ride on a fancy prancing steed while wearing royal robes? Where was the pizazz? What was so majestic about a colt of donkey? The colt was young and small; in fact, the disciples brought along its mother to ride alongside it (Matthew 21:7). If you were a Roman soldier at that time and you saw a grown man riding on a young and small donkey, would it look like a grand entrance to you? If I had been a Roman soldier at that time, I probably would have pointed at Jesus and laughed while saying, “Look at that jackass! Hey! Sir! You’re making an ass of yourself! Get it? An ass is a donkey?”

What made this seemingly ordinary event a triumphal entry? The answer is found in the Old Testament — Jesus was fulfilling prophecy (Psalm 24:7-10; Isaiah 62:10-11; Zechariah 9:9; Psalm 118:25-26; 148:1)! Jesus was openly declaring to the people that He was their long-awaited King and Messiah. And because the Jewish people realized this significance, the ones who believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah (anointed or chosen one) were celebrating (John 12:18)! The Old Testament prophecy predicted a coming Deliverer, chosen by GOD to redeem Israel (Isaiah 42:1; 61:1–3). The Jews called the Deliverer the Messiah — this chosen One was going to be their ‘superhero’. The only reason why the scene of Jesus riding on a colt of a donkey was a triumphal entry was because the prophets said that the Deliverer would be riding on a colt of a donkey. This event was a big deal! However, for those who had been unaware of what prophecy foretold, they just saw a grown man riding on a tiny donkey. To a Roman soldier who had been accustomed to seeing intimidating warhorses, chariots, formation of phalanxes, and lines of legions, this event seemed trivial and wouldn’t have caused them any concern — it was just a dude on a donkey. And that’s why Jesus was able to do it without the Roman army intervening. It was genius! And again, all of this was planned ahead long before the moment ever happened. And to everyone who knew the significance of this event, it most certainly was a triumphal entry. And for this reason, the people rejoiced and celebrated!

Sadly, the majority of praise from the people were not because they recognized Jesus as the Savior of their souls but only as someone who would lead them in a revolt against Rome. The people believed that the Deliverer would set up an earthly kingdom at that time, not a heavenly Kingdom in the life that is to come. And though there were many people who did not believe in Jesus as the Savior of our souls, they nevertheless hoped that perhaps He would be the one to overthrow the empire. And this is why a mixture of people hailed Jesus as King with their many hosannas, recognizing Him as the leader of the resistance revolution. The word hosanna comes from a Hebrew word meaning “save now” or “save us, we pray.” The first word of Psalm 118:25 is howosiah-na, translated “Save us!” and the crowd’s use of this word at the triumphal entry was significant—especially as they waved palm branches (Psalm 118 was associated with the Feast of Tabernacles, which is a recurring event throughout the Bible as a way of reminding Israelites in every generation of their deliverance). By saying “hosanna” as Jesus passed through the gates of Jerusalem and referring to David and David’s kingdom, the Jews were acknowledging Jesus as their Messiah. The Jews had been waiting a long time for the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17:11–14; 2 Chronicles 6:16), and their shouts of “hosanna in the highest” indicated the hope that their Messiah had finally come to set up GOD’s Kingdom there and immediately at that time (Luke 19:11).

As Jesus rode toward Jerusalem, a big crowd gathered around Him. The people rightly understood that Jesus was the Messiah; however, they did not understand that it wasn’t yet time to set up the Kingdom. Sadly, the salvation that the people of Jerusalem wanted that day was political, not spiritual (Acts 1:6). Though Jesus had tried to tell them that He came to be the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation (Luke 19:10–12), they neglected to realize that prophecy foretold that Jesus must be a suffering servant (Isaiah 53) before He becomes King of all kings. 

Nevertheless, the crowd’s use of palm branches gives us the name “Palm Sunday” (John 12:13). And as the people celebrated on that first Palm Sunday, the allusion to a Messianic psalm drew resentment from the religious leaders (Luke 19:39).

But the celebration would be short-lived because the crowd’s commitment was shallow. In only a matter of a few days, the same people who hailed Jesus as the Deliverer would deliver Him up to be nailed on a cross. The same people who proclaimed Jesus to be Christ would soon call Him a criminal (Matthew 27:15–26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:38-19:16). And because Jesus lowered Himself to such a humbling position (Philippians 2:5-8), the people did not recognize Him for who He truly is (Matthew 27:27-31,39-44). The greatest tragedy in the history of mankind is to see Jesus yet not recognize Him as the Creator, Provider, Sustainer, and Savior — the great I AM. Devotion based only on curiosity or popularity fades quickly. Jesus told us that our faith needs to have deep roots (Matthew 13:1-9,18-23). 

At this very moment that I’m writing this article, Palm Sunday will be celebrated tomorrow. So, why should we celebrate on Palm Sunday? Because we’re celebrating the fact that the King of kings came to live amongst us and suffer with us (Hebrews 4:15)! But we’re also celebrating the fact that He will come again! And when the Lord comes again, it will most certainly be the triumphal entry one would expect from the King of kings. And on that Day, the entire world will see and know that the name of Jesus is above every other name (Acts 1:11; Matthew 24:27,30; Mark 13:26; Luke 2:26-27). Though we don’t know the day nor hour (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32), there is coming a time when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord (Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10–11). Unlike the first Palm Sunday when the celebration was superficial, the worship on the new Earth under the new heavens will be authentic, deep, and meaningful. There will come a Day when people will again be hailing Jesus as King while waiving palm branches  (Revelation 7:9-10). Just as Jesus restored Peter after Peter denied Him (John 21:15-17), the future worship with palm branches will symbolize our restoration. 

The first Palm Sunday was a celebration of GOD’s great mercy. This is what separates Christianity from all other religions: in all other religions, humans attempt to work their way to salvation, to a god or becoming a god; however, we (Christians) know that we are simply unable to save ourselves. And this is why GOD came to us! On Palm Sunday, we are celebrating that GOD loved us enough to get personally involved and mixed up in our mess so that He could absorb all our sins and redeem us. This is why we celebrate Palm Sunday! Forget about the donkey! Only a jackass fixates on a jackass. Jesus could have miraculously stood on a snail while ants pulled Him if He wanted to do so. The point here is that GOD-Almighty lowered Himself to be with us so that we can be with Him! Palm Sunday is a celebration of a triumphal entry! Jesus was born in a manger and announced Himself while riding on a little donkey, but none of that had anything to do with the real triumphal entry. The triumphal entry is Jesus existing in the world! And that’s what the people were supposed to be celebrating on that first Palm Sunday! The fact that Jesus is Immanuel — GOD with us (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23)! None of the superheroes in the comic books have ever made a more memorable or remarkable entrance than Jesus when He was miraculously born of a virgin by the Spirit (Luke 1:26-38)! The virgin birth is the true triumphal entry! Jesus in this world is the true triumphal entry! And if you think Thor’s entrance with lightning onto the battlefield was spectacular in the movie, Avengers: Infinity War, just wait until Christ comes again and opens the sky as a scroll would roll up while the stars fall from their places (Isaiah 34:4; 51:6; Matthew 24:29-31; Revelation 6:12-17)! On that Day and at that time, it will be the greatest entrance ever witnessed! And all throughout Heaven, it will be said, “Now that’s how you make an entrance!”

Happy Palm Sunday. As you celebrate the fact that Jesus entered our pain and suffering to be our Savior, know this:

“What can we say about all of this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
(Romans 8:31) -GW


Additional Study:

Superhero: Superpowers

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below…

This is Part 23 of my Superhero series. In the introduction of this series, I provided the argument that heroes are real and then I distinguished between heroes and superheroes. I also provided a list of what defines a superhero. In Part 1, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute standard of Good and realize that evil is a mere privation of what is good. In Part 2, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute moral standard and realize that what is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. In Part 3, I defined and expounded upon love because all superheroes are full of love and are compelled to act out from love. In Part 4, I explained that superheroes desire to save people from all forms of danger and/or death and this desire comes from love. In Part 5, we learned that superheroes are solution seekers. In Part 6, we saw that solution seekers are willing to sacrifice if necessary. In Part 7, we saw that sacrificial love steps forward and offers service. In Part 8, we saw that superheroes go above and beyond the call of duty. In Part 9, we saw that superheroes never give up! In Part 10, we saw that superheroes don’t need recognition – they are motivated only by love! In Part 11, we saw that relationships matter and teamwork works! In Part 12, we saw that the struggle is real; however, Jesus is the real solution to our real problems. In Part 13, we saw that despite problems, superheroes are more than conquerors! In Part 14, we saw that true superheroes do not have identity crises – they know who they are even if others don’t! In Part 15, we saw that superheroes are always ready to fight evil with the belt of Truth. In Part 16, we saw that superheroes are always ready to resist evil by putting on the breastplate of righteousness. In Part 17, we saw that superheroes are always ready to walk with purpose. In Part 18, we saw that superheroes are always ready to deflect the enemy’s attacks by holding up the shield of faith. In Part 19, we saw that by wearing the helmet of salvation, superheroes always protect themselves from evil penetrating their minds with parasitic seeds of thought that contaminate, corrupt, and control. In Part 20, we saw that by using the Sword of the Spirit, superheroes can not only block the enemy’s attacks, but also drive the enemy away. In Part 21, we saw that it matters to whom we pray. In Part 22, we saw that prayer has a purpose; furthermore, persistent and purposeful prayer with proper priority is a powerful weapon for the Savior’s superheroes.

In this message (Part 23), we will see that the Savior’s superheroes do possess superpowers even though they are often taken for granted.


As I have shown thus far, superheroes share many of the same qualities that average humans possess. But how do superheroes relate to us in reality if they have superpowers and real human beings do not? Many people love superheroes (myself included) because they possess special superpowers and they end up helping people or even saving people. Perhaps some people like superheroes because they envy the superheroes’ superpowers. In my younger years, the topic of superpowers had often sparked debates between my friends and I. We would often ask each other, “If you could have any one superpower, what would it be and why?” At that time in my youth, I had always desired to have the superpower of teleportation so that I could go anywhere at any time. And if I’m being honest, I still want to have that power today. (After all, who wants to sit in traffic behind a long line of cars? Not me!) And as long as I’m being honest, I can openly admit that my childhood fascination of superheroes and their superpowers made me feel less than adequate, unimpressive, ordinary, dull, and incapable of being someone of significance. Have you ever felt that way?

Marvel has created many movies in recent years that have topped the box-office sales, including Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Infinity War, and Ant-Man and the Wasp. I never even knew that Ant-Man was a superhero until Marvel came out with the movie in 2015. And I was fairly certain that I wasn’t going to like the movie, but I decided to go see it anyway. To my surprise, I enjoyed the movie; in fact, I enjoyed the movie a lot. Why? Because the Holy Spirit spoke to me during that movie and gave me a message to share with everyone else: superheroes have superpowers. (Enlightening, huh?) Obviously, superheroes in the comic books and movies have superpowers. But that’s just the top layer of that truth, the scratch on the surface. We need to dig deeper. There is a greater depth to this truth that we can apply to our lives.

The superhero, Ant-Man, has a very interesting origin and storyline that parallels many of our own lives. Prior to becoming Ant-Man, he was a burglar named Scott Lang. Scott had been a misguided guy who ended up in prison. And once he got out of prison, he promised himself he wouldn’t go back to a life of crime so that he could be a good father to his daughter; however, his love for his daughter and his desire to have visitation rights with her eventually led him back into crime in hopes of gaining a lot of money in a short amount of time. But Scott soon realized the truth that there are no shortcuts to success and he ended up getting arrested yet again and sent back to prison. However, a scientist, Dr. Hank Pym, became Scott’s mentor, guided Scott and brought the good out of him. In order to radically change Scott’s life, Dr. Pym met Scott where he was currently at in life and then raised him up to use his gifts for good. Dr. Pym encouraged Scott to take what he already knew and to use it for good – to do what he hadn’t previously been able to do on his own. 

Christ Jesus is our ‘doctor’ and ‘mentor.’ Dr. Pym gave Scott the ability to shrink. Jesus doesn’t give us the ability to shrink; instead, Jesus enables us with supernatural and spiritual tools in order to grow. And Jesus meets us wherever we are currently at in life. Jesus can meet someone in a prison cell, on the streets, on top of a bridge, in a car, in a shack, or even in a mansion – Jesus can save at any place and at any time! Physically, Jesus already came to us and died on the cross for us – He met us where we were! But Jesus can still meet us where we are today with the Holy Spirit. And when we accept Jesus as our Teacher, we will be able to do things that we had not previously ever been able to do on our own. Anyone can become a hero, but with Jesus, anyone can become a superhero!

“For though we walk in the world, we do not fight according to this world’s rules of warfare. The weapons of the war we’re fighting are not of this world but are powered by God and effective at tearing down the strongholds erected against His truth.
(2Corinthians 10:3-4) -Voice

We Are All Equipped With Spiritual Gifts:

“God in his kindness gave each of us different gifts. If your gift is speaking what God has revealed, make sure what you say agrees with the Christian faith. If your gift is serving, then devote yourself to serving. If it is teaching, devote yourself to teaching. If it is encouraging others, devote yourself to giving encouragement. If it is sharing, be generous. If it is leadership, lead enthusiastically. If it is helping people in need, help them cheerfully.”
(Romans 12:6-8) -GW [See also: 1Peter 4:10-11; 1Corinthians 12:4-11,28]

We All Possess The Ability To Tap Into Supernatural Power:

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
(1Corinthians 3:16) -NKJV

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.”
(Romans 8:11) -NLT

“I tell you the truth, whoever believes in me will do the same things that I do. Those who believe will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And if you ask for anything in my name, I will do it for you so that the Father’s glory will be shown through the Son. If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.”
(John 14:12-14) -NCV

Superman got his superpowers because he was not of this world, but he also received his powers due to the sun, which is for our world. We get our supernatural spiritual gifts due to the Son, who is for us (Romans 8:31); moreover, we are not of this world (John 17:14-18)! Jesus told us that we will do even greater things than He did because He was going to empower us to do so!

Hero Or Villain?

David understood and proclaimed his superpower! When evil threatened to conquer GOD’s people, David used his supernatural gifts of courage and faith and he said to Goliath, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
(1Samuel 17:45) -NLT

Mordecai used his supernatural gift of wisdom to speak into the life of Esther (Esther 4:13-14). And then Esther used her supernatural gifts of courage and faith to speak up for what was right and address the truth to the king even though she knew she could be killed for doing such a thing. However, she ended up saving an entire population of Jews (Esther 8:11-17) because she decided to speak Truth out from love (Ephesians 4:15).

We need to start realizing that we (Christians) are all superheroes who possess different powers – given to us by GOD-Almighty! Too many Christians tuck their tails between their legs and then go bury their heads in the sand. We are a new creation in Christ (2Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 4:21-24; Colossians 3:1-17)! I want to reveal to you just how super you could be if only you possessed the faith necessary to allow yourself to be super. 

First, we are all merely humans. All humans possess the potential of either becoming an evil villain, a citizen that merely exists in the background but is never noticed, or a hero. Just as Scott Lang was a villain (a burglar) and then transformed into a superhero known as Ant-Man, we are all quite capable of transforming and becoming greater versions of ourselves. In the Bible, Jesus transformed the evil villain Saul into the superhero of Paul (Acts 9:1-22; 13:9)! Prior to becoming the apostle Paul, he was known as Saul and he persecuted Christians (Acts 7:58; 8:1-3; 9:1,4)! But when Jesus transformed Saul’s life, he became a superhero and new creation in Christ known as Paul. You have a choice. You could be:

Ant-Man: A.N.T. (Automatic Negative Thoughts):
Don’t sabotage yourself! Negative thoughts eat away at life! When one ant finds its way inside to the spiritual fruits, many ants will follow and they will devour your spiritual fruits. Once you allow negative thoughts to infiltrate your mind, you then transform from Ant-Man into Can’t-Man.

Can’t-Man: C.A.N.T. (Convinced About Negative Thoughts):
Once you accept the negative thoughts as truth, you speak lies and become an evil villain named Liar Man. 

Liar Man:  L.I.A.R. (Living Inside Adversary’s Realm):
While living inside the Adversary’s realm, the Adversary introduces you to another evil villain named Doubt Man and convinces you to team up with him.

Doubt Man: D.O.U.B.T. (Destroying Our Unresolved Beliefs Tactfully):
Or as my mom told me, Don’t Overthink Upon Basic Truth. While inside the Adversary’s realm, Doubt Man convinces you that you never actually knew the Truth and that you have nowhere else to go. If you have seen the 2019 movie, Dark Phoenix, you will realize that this happened to Jean Grey when the villain, Vuk, invited Jean into a house with the other aliens. While in there, Vuk tried to convince Jean that she didn’t belong anywhere else and that Vuk was her only chance because Jean had nowhere else to go. And so, Doubt Man then introduces you to another evil villain: Fear Man.

Fear Man: F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real):
Doubt Man and Fear Man both convince you that happiness is the only truth and that the only way to be happy is to serve yourself. Again, an example can be seen in Dark Phoenix when Vuk said to Jean, “You’re special, Jean. And if you stop fighting that force inside you, if you embrace it, you will possess the very power of a god.” Once Doubt Man and Fear Man have convinced you that you need to seek pleasure for self to find happiness, the Adversary returns and gives you a superpower called Pride. Once you accept Pride and integrate it into your life, you become callous, live in complacency, and then become a super villain known as Chaos Man.

Chaos Man: C.H.A.O.S. (Creating Hell Amongst Others’ Souls):
Once you get to the point where you have teamed up with the Adversary, you then become a super villain who destroys the loving and beautiful work of GOD and you start to create Hell for not only yourself, but also for everyone else around you.  

Examine The Origin:

“You planned something bad for me, but God produced something good from it, in order to save the lives of many people, just as he’s doing today.”
(Genesis 50:20) -CEB

Understand this: GOD can take what was meant to destroy us and then transform it for our good! The Adversary had convinced Joseph’s brothers to get rid of Joseph and sell him into slavery. Joseph found himself in a horrible place in life only for GOD to transform that bad into something good – Joseph went from being in a prison to being in a palace and saving everyone from famine.

Also, consider Moses and Rahab. Moses was a murderer, but GOD used him and transformed his bad into something good and the Israelites were freed from slavery and the terrible reign of Pharaoh. Rahab lived a life of prostitution, but GOD used her and transformed her bad into something good and her life was spared because of her decision to use her supernatural gift of faith in GOD.

Superheroes always have origins, but evil villains also have origins. Examine the origin! Both superheroes and super villains have something in common: they were both average and not super in their origins. What they both have in common is the crossroad at which they stood where they had to choose good or evil. At the crossroad is where average people either become super villains or superheroes, either traveling down the path of evil or the path of righteousness. In Dark Phoenix, Charles Xavier told a young Jean Grey that she had a gift, but it was up to her whether she would use her gift for good or evil. Adam and Eve found themselves at the crossroad and they chose to act in disobedience. Adam and Eve’s sons found themselves at the crossroad; sadly, Cain chose to do evil and murder his brother despite GOD’s warning to master his anger:

“If you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”
(Genesis 4:7) –NLT

“Today I’m giving you the choice of a blessing or a curse. You’ll be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I’m giving you today. You’ll be cursed if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God, if you turn from the way I’m commanding you to live today, and if you worship other gods you never knew.”
(Deuteronomy 11: 26-28) –GW

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”
(Deuteronomy 30:19) –NLT

“Keep your eyes focused on what is right, and look straight ahead to what is good. Be careful what you do, and always do what is right. Don’t turn off the road of goodness; keep away from evil paths.”
(Proverbs 4:25-27) –NCV

“There’s a way of life that looks harmless enough; look again—it leads straight to hell.”
(Proverbs 14:12) –MSG

Every single person has the Fantastic Four:

  1. Origin
  2. Opposition
  3. Opportunity
  4. Outcome

Today, I am a preacher and teacher of GOD’s Word, but I didn’t start out that way. I was an atheist actor in the entertainment industry who was seeking fame and fortune. I have the same body, but I have a renewed mind and transformed spirit – I am a new creation in Christ! Batman had an origin – he witnessed his parents get murdered. This is where he met his opposition and came to a crossroad. But from the bad, Bruce Wayne discovered opportunity and out came the good. Batman is still Bruce Wayne, but he becomes a new creation when he puts on his suit and uses his utility belt. As Christians, we also have a suit (the whole armor of GOD) and a ‘utility belt’ of spiritual gifts we can use. At any given time, we can choose to use our ‘utility belt’ and pull out and use our spiritual gifts! The following is not an exhaustive list; rather, it is only a small sample of possible ‘tools’ we can choose to use for good:

  • Service (serving)
  • Instruction (teaching)
  • Encouragement
  • Compassion
  • Generosity
  • Words of life (affirmation)
  • Truth
  • Wisdom
  • Discernment
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Forgiveness
  • Gentleness
  • Hospitality
  • Loyalty
  • Patience
  • Love

By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, Jesus takes you out of the Adversary’s realm and transforms all the bad into something good. Jesus was sent here on a mission of relentless rescue. Jesus sacrificed Himself so that we would not be held captive in the depths of Hell. Even if you were Chaos Man prior to hearing this message, Jesus can transform you into the true person GOD has called you to be. By accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will become Can Man!

Can Man: C.A.N. (Conquering Adversary’s Necrosis):
It’s time to squash your automatic negative thoughts! Speak life! Yes – you can! With GOD, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37)! Know Jesus, know peace; no Jesus, no peace. Stop creating hell within yourself and for others around you. GOD transforms nothing into something! GOD transforms mistakes into miracles! Your trial can be your triumph! Your test can be your testimony! Once you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you repent from all the bad in your life, Jesus gives you forgiveness and then also heals your soul – this is called a fresh start (or clean slate)! Once you accept His forgiveness and fresh start, you become Ant-Man once again; however, you are now a new creation!

Ant Man: A.N.T. (A New Testimony):
You can transform from the Ant-Man who was the negative person full of bitterness, resentment, anger, hatred, doubt, fear, etc. and become the new Ant-Man superhero simply because you have a new testimony! Once you have a personal testimony, the Adversary and his demons no longer posses power in your life! Once you accept that GOD possesses all power and authority (leaving Satan with none!), you transform from the new Ant-Man into a Christian. And a Christian is a true superhero for the Savior! Or, to say it another way, a Christian is a sidekick for the real superhero, Jesus.

Christian: I didn’t create an acronym for a Christian because it would only water down the true definition. If you are a Christian, then you are a follower of Christ Jesus. That means that you follow all that Jesus taught and commanded. And Jesus told us that we will do the great things that He did and even greater because we will be empowered by Him! 

GOD equips, enables, empowers, enhances and emboldens us! We have the whole armor of GOD and we have weapons of love and Truth to combat evil. Our deeds are our seeds and the evidence of supernatural power is found in the fruit that blossoms from our seeds of deeds (Matthew 12:33; Luke 6:43-44; John 13:34-35; Galatians 5:22-23; Ephesians 5:9).

“But the fruit that comes from having the Holy Spirit in our lives is: love, joy, peace, not giving up, being kind, being good, having faith, being gentle, and being the boss over our own desires. The Law is not against these things.”
(Galatians 5:22-23) -NLV

So, are you being the superhero GOD has called you to be? You have a direct connection with the Source of Power and you have been given certain spiritual gifts of supernatural power! So, what good are you doing? Are you making others’ lives better? Are you creating joy in others’ lives? You may not be able to produce webs like Spiderman and use those webs to catch someone falling; however, you most certainly can catch someone when they fall or even pick that person back up after a fall. You may not have X-ray vision like Superman; however, you can still use the supernatural gift of discernment to see through the enemy’s schemes. You may not have super strength and the ability to lift up vehicles; however, you most certainly do possess the strength necessary to lift people up with your prayers and emotional support. You may not be able to crash through buildings due to your super-strength, but you most certainly do possess the strength necessary to be able to destroy strongholds of the enemy! Where is your fruit? If you don’t have any fruit, it’s time to start planting seeds.

If you are currently standing at the crossroad of good and evil, I invite you to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and become the superhero GOD created you to be. You can change others’ lives for the better!

If you have already started traveling down the path of evil, it’s not too late to repent and turn around! Allow Jesus to transform your mistake into a miracle! Allow Jesus to transform you from a Saul to a Paul! Simply call upon Christ and ask Him to forever change your life and redirect your steps. Simply repent, accept forgiveness, accept your fresh start, begin your journey and use your spiritual gifts.

In the 2015 movie, Ant-Man, Dr. Pym said to Scott Lang, “Everyone deserves a chance for redemption.”

You deserve a chance for redemption and restoration! In fact, GOD is so loving that He is patient enough to provide everyone with an opportunity to accept Him (1Timothy 2:4; 2Peter 3:9). GOD is the GOD of second chances! GOD is the GOD of miracles! If you desire a second chance (or 3rd, 4th, or 100th), I pray right now that GOD would cleanse you of all evil, purify your heart, fill you with the Holy Spirit, anoint you, and make you fit to be who you were created and called to be!

I pray that GOD would equip you with godly ideas and empower you, enable you, and enhance your abilities! May you become the superhero GOD has created you to be! May you decide to use the spiritual gifts of supernatural power to love people into the Truth.

If you don’t know what your spiritual gifts are and desire to discover them, there are spiritual gifting tests you can use as a guide (most churches nowadays have them). However, A common problem for Christians is the temptation to get so caught up in identifying our specific spiritual gift that we only seek to serve GOD in the limited area in which we feel we have been gifted. That is not how the spiritual gifts work. GOD calls us to obediently serve Him in all things (1Samuel 10:7; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Colossians 3:23). He will equip us with whatever gift(s) we need to accomplish the task He calls us to do. All throughout the Bible, it is evident that GOD qualifies whom He calls, He doesn’t call the already-qualified.

Identifying our spiritual gift(s) can be accomplished in a few different ways. Spiritual gift tests or inventories, while not to be fully relied upon, can definitely help us understand where our gifting might be strongest. Confirmation from others also provides insight as to what our spiritual gift(s) might be. Other people who see us serving the Lord can often identify a spiritual gift in us that we might take for granted or not recognize. Prayer is also important. The one person who knows exactly how we are spiritually gifted is the gift-giver Himself — the Holy Spirit. We can ask GOD to show us how we are gifted in order to better use our spiritual gifts for His glory. But better yet, let us ask GOD to reveal to us what He wants us to do and then let us pray for Him to equip and enable us to do what He has called us to do. This very book is an example. When I first knew I had been called to write this book, I felt incapable of doing so. But I acted in obedience. And in the process of being obedient, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind specific ideas I hadn’t before thought about. This book was compiled piece by piece. And then all the pieces were arranged. This book took me a little over a year to write and arrange. 

Obviously, some people are called to specific areas of life. GOD calls some to be teachers and gives them the gift of teaching. GOD blesses some people with awesome artistic abilities. However, specifically knowing our spiritual gift(s) does not excuse us from serving GOD in areas outside our strongest areas of gifting. Is it beneficial to know what spiritual gift(s) GOD has given us? Of course it is. Is it wrong to focus so much on specific spiritual gifts that we miss other opportunities to serve GOD? Yes. If we are dedicated to being used by GOD, He will equip us with the spiritual gifts we need and empower us to use them according to His will. Don’t refuse to serve coffee and donuts because you’re a teacher. Don’t refuse to help someone move because you’re an artist. Instead, seek to serve because you are the greatest sidekick to the greatest Superhero! Remember: the greatest superhero is the greatest servant (Matthew 18:1-5; Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48; 22:24-26)!

The sad reality is that evil exists in this world. The evil villains possess powers to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). However, we have supernatural power through our spiritual gifts to repair, restore, heal, fulfill, and lead people to the Light. Are you using the spiritual gifts you have been given? Where is your fruit? If you don’t have fruit, it’s time to start planting seeds. There’s a real infinity war waging all around us. At the end of days, there will be a real End Game. But there’s only One way to salvation and that is through Jesus

“ ‘Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.’ Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.’ ”
(John 14:1-7) -ESV

Superhero: Armor of GOD: Powerful Prayer (2/2)

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below…

This is Part 22 of my Superhero series. In the introduction of this series, I provided the argument that heroes are real and then I distinguished between heroes and superheroes. I also provided a list of what defines a superhero. In Part 1, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute standard of Good and realize that evil is a mere privation of what is good. In Part 2, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute moral standard and realize that what is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. In Part 3, I defined and expounded upon love because all superheroes are full of love and are compelled to act out from love. In Part 4, I explained that superheroes desire to save people from all forms of danger and/or death and this desire comes from love. In Part 5, we learned that superheroes are solution seekers. In Part 6, we saw that solution seekers are willing to sacrifice if necessary. In Part 7, we saw that sacrificial love steps forward and offers service. In Part 8, we saw that superheroes go above and beyond the call of duty. In Part 9, we saw that superheroes never give up! In Part 10, we saw that superheroes don’t need recognition – they are motivated only by love! In Part 11, we saw that relationships matter and teamwork works! In Part 12, we saw that the struggle is real; however, Jesus is the real solution to our real problems. In Part 13, we saw that despite problems, superheroes are more than conquerors! In Part 14, we saw that true superheroes do not have identity crises – they know who they are even if others don’t! In Part 15, we saw that superheroes are always ready to fight evil with the belt of Truth. In Part 16, we saw that superheroes are always ready to resist evil by putting on the breastplate of righteousness. In Part 17, we saw that superheroes are always ready to walk with purpose. In Part 18, we saw that superheroes are always ready to deflect the enemy’s attacks by holding up the shield of faith. In Part 19, we saw that by wearing the helmet of salvation, superheroes always protect themselves from evil penetrating their minds with parasitic seeds of thought that contaminate, corrupt, and control. In Part 20, we saw that by using the Sword of the Spirit, superheroes can not only block the enemy’s attacks, but also drive the enemy away. In Part 21, we saw that it matters to whom we pray.

In this message (Part 22), we will see that prayer has a purpose; furthermore, persistent and purposeful prayer with proper priority is a powerful weapon for the Savior’s superheroes.


We are instructed to pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion (Ephesians 6:18-20).

But what is prayer? Are there examples of prayer we should follow? Is there a right or wrong way to pray? How often should we pray? Why do we need to pray? What if GOD doesn’t answer our prayers?Many people have many questions regarding prayer; many people have many different opinions regarding prayer. But what does GOD’s Word tell us about prayer? How does prayer fit in with the whole armor of GOD? Why is prayer mentioned with the Sword of the Spirit? How can prayer be a powerful weapon?

What Is Prayer?

In short, prayer is simply talking to GOD. It is the direct communication of the human soul with the Lord who created the soul. Because prayer acknowledges our lack of power and also petitions acknowledgment from the Ultimate Power, the act of praying is an act of humility. The very act of producing a prayer is to admit that we need GOD. This means that prayer combats pride. For this reason alone, prayer is a weapon associated with the Sword of the Spirit that helps us cut pride out of our lives. The powerful weapon of prayer can be activated by softly spoken words that come from your audible voice, but it can also be activated from a silent scream from within your soul. Communication is the key to unlocking the power of prayer. As the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia puts it, “Christian prayer in its full New Testament meaning is prayer addressed to God as Father, in the name of Christ as Mediator, and through the enabling grace of the indwelling Spirit” (“Prayer” by J. C. Lambert).

An Example Of Prayer:

In Luke 11:1 (see also Matthew 6:9-13), one of the disciples requested that Jesus teach them how to pray. Jesus then gave them an example of a prayer:

Jesus said, ‘This is how you should pray: “Father, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. Give us each day the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation.” ‘ “
(Luke 11:2-4) -NLT

Notice that the prayer had three parts; notice also the order in which the parts were given:

  1. GOD’s Kingdom is priority number one (Your will be done, not mine: Matthew 6:33; 26:39).
  2. Secondly, may we receive all that we need (gratitude and contentment: Philippians 4:11-13).
  3. Lastly, keep us from all that we do not need (faith/trust in GOD: Psalm 9:10; 28:7; 31:14; 37:5; 84:12; Proverbs 3:5-8).

Just as GOD provided for the Israelites with daily manna (Exodus 16:4,19), GOD is to be our ‘daily bread’ (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4). We need GOD every new day just as much as we did the day before. We must communicate with GOD on a daily basis. In Luke 11:5-13, after Jesus provides an example of prayer, Jesus then teaches His disciples two important things to remember in regards to prayer:

  1. We need to be persistent in our prayers.
  2. GOD is faithful and will provide.

Is There A Right Or Wrong Way To Pray?

Those of us who attend church have most likely noticed that people tend to both worship and pray differently from each other. Some people are standing up, but others are sitting down, kneeling, or even prostrating themselves flat on the ground. Some people have their hands open, some have their hands closed, but some have their hands lifted up as if trying to touch GOD in Heaven. Is there a right or wrong way to pray? Are we holy when we close our eyes during prayer and unholy if our eyes are open? Is it better to pray in a church building or out in nature? Do we have to bow our heads? Do we have to put our hands together? Should we pray in the morning when we get up or at night before we go to bed? Are there certain words we need to say in our prayers? What if we forget to say those specific words or phrases? How do we begin our prayers? What is the proper way to close a prayer? If we don’t pray properly, will our prayers not be answered? Are prayers only answered for those who give the most money to the church? Does GOD not answer my prayers because I’ve been struggling with sins? These questions, and many others, are frequently asked questions regarding prayer.

Jesus shined some light on what’s important in prayer:

When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!”
(Matthew 6:5-8) -NLT

Prayer is genuine, open, honest, and real. So, talk. It’s that simple. However, some people might wonder why we need to pray if GOD already knows what we need. Well, prayer is not a means of asking for what we want. Prayer is a connection between us and GOD; in prayer, we are connected with our Christ-compass and it keeps us in alignment with GOD’s will. A healthy relationship requires constant communication. Therefore, talk. However, pray with purpose. Prayer is a way for us to discover what we need rather than request what we want.

“The Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words. God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny.”
(Romans 8:26-27) -TPT

We don’t always need to know what to pray for or exactly how to pray, but we do need to pray at all times and on every occasion. Philippians 4:6 instructs us to pray about everything. Everything? Yes. 1Thessalonians 5:17 instructs us to pray without ceasing. Without ceasing? At all times? Yes. Even without speaking words, our soul can still cry out to the Lord. GOD must be in everything we do, not just some of what we do. Jesus did not provide to us an exact prayer to repeat; rather, He gave us a simple example to follow. There does not exist a magic formula to prayer. In fact, it’s possible to say all the right things yet not believe in any of them. GOD’s Word tells us that GOD looks at our hearts (1Samuel 16:7).

Praying expectantly is the natural response to living out a faith-filled life. GOD is there, GOD is aware, and GOD does care. Jesus clearly teaches us to expect answers to prayers that are specific and persistent. However, Scripture never presumes prayer will remove all suffering. It’s important to know what to expect while praying expectantly. We are to expect that GOD’s will is the way and that GOD’s will is what is best and right. Should we expect answers for prayers? Absolutely. But we should not be so naive to believe that the answer will arrive as we demand or believe it should. Our answer may arrive as a “no” while we are still alive or it may even arrive after we leave Earth to be in the presence of GOD. Consider Joseph from the Bible. If we had been with Joseph, we might have prayed for him to be delivered from his brothers and not to be sold into slavery. But if that prayer was granted, Joseph never would have saved Egypt and the lives of his family later on. If we had been with Mary and Martha, we might have prayed for Lazarus not to die. But if that prayer had been granted, the glory of GOD would not have been revealed when Jesus rose him from the dead. How many people prayed for Jesus to save Himself and be spared from crucifixion? Had that prayer been granted, Jesus would not have accomplished His mission to save all of humanity. We are to expect answers to our prayers, but we must above all else expect that GOD’s will be done. Prayer is not our last resort before deciding to abort because we came up short; prayer is our first concentrated effort and direct line of support. Prayer is not our last option before collapsing into a coffin; it is our first response of action, second to none, priority number one. The power behind prayer is the purpose that propels it forward.

Praying persistently provides opportunity for us to discover the value for whatever it is we are praying. If something is important, we make it a priority and continue to ask GOD for a way. Persistent prayer makes us more Christlike by tempering our human selfishness and by strengthening our divine dependence. The Bible reveals that many believers prayed for months or even years before finally receiving an answer. Persistent prayer must be met with patience and the ability to forbear. The Bible reveals that people who were commended with great faith often didn’t receive immediate answers to prayers. Faithful prayer is not distinguished by the immediacy of answers but by the persistency of the petitions. Expecting immediate answers is a sign of immaturity. Christ’s ministry, from conception to the cross, took years to fulfill. The Jewish people had prayed for centuries for their Messiah. And when Jesus finally arrived, some people prayed for Him to provide immediate political, military, or economic deliverance, but GOD had a better plan. We trust our Savior because He works perfectly, not because He works quickly. GOD is not limited by our time and He answers prayers in His perfect time. We do not need to see the result of our prayers in our lifetime to know that GOD will do what is best and right in the eternal picture. GOD knits together a blanket of love of His purposes from the yarn of our prayers and circumstances, but in His knowledge, His power, and His time.

Prayers that are answered too soon can create complacency and can desensitize us to our need for patience through our persistence. Understanding GOD’s primary goal that our prayers is for our spiritual transformation helps explain the delay for some requests. We may desire a change in our current circumstances when GOD desires first a change within our hearts, minds, character, and overall attitudes. We want quick solutions, but GOD wants growth in our patience and trust. We may want a problem out of our lives when GOD wants us to learn how to overcome those problems so that we might be able to help others overcome at a later time. We may want an end to the pressure of life’s demands, but GOD might desire for that pressure to transform us into spiritual diamonds. Delayed answers do not necessarily mean that our prayers are wrong, but neither is it wrong to consider altering or refining our prayers. For prayers, it is most important that our petitions are in alignment with GOD’s will. If our prayers are in alignment with GOD’s Word and GOD’s ways, then we may be persistent in our prayers. However, patience must accompany persistence or else our persistence can transform into our own pain that plagues us with an irrational fear of unfulfilled purpose.

Praying in GOD’s will within the boundary of righteousness is necessary for praying what is right. If a football player runs too far in either direction of left or right, he will be out of bounds. Only while staying within the set boundaries and progressing forward can a football player achieve a first down or score a touchdown. We can view the boundary on the right as the line of righteousness and the boundary on the left as the line of wisdom or prudence. GOD grants whatever we ask in prayer if it is in agreement with His will. We head in the wrong direction if we pray for what is wrong in hopes of arriving at the right destination. Asking for what is wrong to hopefully end up in the right cannot be GOD’s will. Discerning righteousness keeps our decisions and petitions in prayer from going out of bounds. GOD’s Word is more authoritative than personal feelings or priorities. Rearranging the order to accommodate personal agenda is to pray outside of GOD’s will and we will find ourselves outside the boundary of righteousness. Our feelings become our authority whenever they determine the priorities of our prayers. Praying in Jesus’ name requires that we give His Word authority over our desires. A football player’s obedience to the rules of the game ensures his continuance in the game without penalties. Likewise, a Christian’s obedience to GOD’s Word (rules) ensures righteousness and his/her continuance in life without penalties (negative consequences brought about by sinful disobedience). One simply cannot know what is righteous unless that person knows GOD’s Word. Because “it is written” for a reason, we must know what is written, understand what is written, and apply what is written to our daily decisions.

Praying in GOD’s wisdom within the boundary of prudence keeps us from being nearsighted and noncompliant. As a Christian, we should not make decisions based on worldly priorities. We must be mindful of our motives. The boundary of righteousness determines whether our decision is moral; the boundary of prudence helps us determine if the decision is wise. Are our prayers loving? Loving prayers place others’ needs and interests before our own (Philippians 2:3-8). We must consider others as we weigh the appropriateness of our prayers (1Thessalonians 4:9-12). We should not pray for GOD to bless choices that disregard the welfare of other loved ones. We should not pray to be lifted up if our elevation causes others to sink. Instead, we should pray to be lifted up so that we may be in a position to help pull others out of despair. It is wise to do our best and then pray for GOD to take care of the rest. Are our prayers legitimate? Legitimate prayers weigh GOD’s interests above our own (1Corinthians 10:31). While there is nothing intrinsically evil about a life lived without concerns, Christians should question whether such a carefree life is in alignment with Biblical requirements to love others. If GOD blesses us with a favorable answer to a prayer, would we use that opportunity to advance the Kingdom of GOD or to keep the blessing for selfish gain? Our prayers are in His will only when the glory of His name is our highest aim. Are our prayers responsible? We cannot pray according to GOD’s will and prioritize according to our own. Are we using our abilities in a responsible manner? We should pray for GOD to use our gifts for Jesus’ sake, rather than praying others will serve our interests. We must always listen to our own prayers with an ear as to whether they are designed to make us givers or takers. We should pray for GOD to guide us away from the desire to seek our good at the expense of others or GOD’s glory. If we are seeking for self, we are acting irresponsibly. The bottom line for responsible prayers: do they further the cause of Christ and do they further His cause without violating the principles of His Kingdom?

Praying forward is the praying ourselves into growth. We are not moving forward unless we are walking in step with GOD. The truest and deepest joys follow prayers that are loving, legitimate, and responsible. We are to consider biblical priorities over worldly pragmatics. When we depend on the quantity or quality of our prayer (or fasting or study or sacrifice) to determine its spiritual effectiveness, we imprison GOD within the limits of our abilities. GOD hears our prayers because of His mercy, not because of our mastery of them or of Him. What matters is the motive, not the mantra. We discern whether our patterns of prayer are accomplishing GOD’s purposes by asking ourselves why we are praying for what we are praying and why we are praying so habitually. As our thoughts, attitudes, and actions are increasingly controlled by the Word and by our union with Christ, our inclinations conform more and more to GOD’s will. Our prayers align with GOD’s desires, because that which grieves Him grieves us and that which pleases Him pleases us. When life becomes immersed in prayer, increasingly we understand that we take no step without GOD’s aid, and we take every step forward with His blessing.

GOD answers prayer requests based on whether they are asked according to His will and in the name of Jesus (to bring glory to Jesus). The ultimate example of prayer can be found in Matthew 26:39,42,44 when Jesus concludes His prayer by saying, “nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” In all of our prayers, we must be seeking first the Kingdom of GOD (Matthew 6:33). Like Hannah pouring out her soul (1Samuel 1:15), the proper way to pray is to pour out our hearts to GOD, being open, honest and real with GOD, as He already knows us better than we know ourselves.

Ask And It Will Be Given To You:

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”
(Matthew 7:7-8; see also Luke 11:5-13) -ESV

James, the brother of Jesus, explains the special stipulation to this promise of receiving after asking:

You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.”
(James 4:2-3) -NLT

Our desires need to be in alignment with GOD’s will. But knowing GOD requires faith, focus, and follow-through. Jesus promises a reward for the passionate pursuit of seeking GOD’s will. Before making requests, we should ask ourselves three important questions:

  1. For what are you asking?
  2. Why are you asking for this request?
  3. Does this request first focus on the Kingdom of GOD?

Seek First The Kingdom of GOD:

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
(Matthew 6:33) -NLT

Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we present any request agreeable to his will, he will hear us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we also know that we have obtained the requests we ask of him.”
(1John 5:14-15) -TPT

Praying in Jesus’ name requires placing the priorities of Christ before our own. It’s imperative that Christ comes first. Too often our prayers are like Christmas wish lists for Santa Claus rather than meaningful conversations with our Creator. GOD is not a genie in a magic lamp who exists to grant our wishes at our will. The purpose of prayer is not to get what we want. GOD is not a celestial vending machine who dispenses miracles or blessings simply because we input our ‘faith coins’ into a prayer request. We must ensure that our prayers are not spiritual coins being shoved into the celestial slot machine — methodically, ritualistically, and mechanically — with the hope of divine payout.

Proper prayer must put more trust in GOD’s will than human desire. When GOD’s people pray in the name of Jesus, they indicate that they are seeking to bring Christ the glory. To do anything in the Lord’s name means to do it for His purposes. Praying in Jesus’ name keeps our prayers mature and in proper alignment with GOD’s will. If the motive behind every prayer is for the name of GOD to be glorified, we need not doubt that He will answer according to His perfect will. Trust in GOD is not based on our circumstances but on His character. If we truly grasp the goodness of GOD, our prayers don’t seek GOD for our purposes, but to offer ourselves for His purposes.

Here is a challenging question regarding your prayers: If GOD answered all your prayers, would others’ lives be changed or only your own? Prayer is also a way to love others. We should pray for others. But we should also pray that GOD’s will be done. In the connection of prayer, the goal is to come into alignment with GOD’s will. Prayer, like love, has proper priorities: 

  1. GOD
  2. Others
  3. Self

What If GOD Doesn’t Answer My Prayers?

Praying without doubting is to simply have faith in our loving Father and know that GOD’s will is what is best and right. We are not to believe that GOD will respond to every prayer request with a ‘yes’ answer. GOD always answers prayers with either a yes, no, not yet, not quite, or better yet. GOD often does better than what we ask for ourselves and exceeds expectations. Too often confident prayers transform into doubt simply because the answer doesn’t match our unrealistic expectations or the answer is not immediate. It is not wise to believe that our expected result is the best result; it is immature to believe that answers need to be immediate. To pray without doubt is to believe that our answer is on the way or GOD has something better in mind. Answers to prayers don’t need to accommodate specific individual demands in order to fulfill desires and bless everyone. If all personal prayers were affirmed and granted, what would keep the world from exploding into a zillion shards of personal priorities and prevent contradictions and catastrophe? Praying without doubt is recognizing that a ‘no’ answer might just be the best answer. The inconvenience of delayed prayers and even denied prayers may actually save our lives.

Before we adopt a prayer philosophy that requires GOD to provide all our wants, we must adjust our thinking to consider the limitations of our understanding. To pray without doubt is to recognize that we are finite and fallible beings, but we pray to the Eternal One who does what is best and right. We do not doubt GOD, but we may doubt ourselves. Luke 23:34 calls attention to the fact that we may not know what’s best for us even when we think we do. Proper belief is not unwavering confidence that something we want will happen but that something will happen that we will eventually recognize to be something we needed. GOD knows the future we cannot discern and consequences we cannot anticipate. His thoughts and ways are far above our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). The Bible’s message of a sovereign GOD who rules over all things in all places among all people and for eternity answers simply to calm our hearts and stimulate our prayers: “GOD is able.” It is important to thank GOD for all the ‘no’ answers. All the ‘no’ answers eventually lead to the ‘yes’ moment. Remember: when you pray, it is important to pray for the right reasons. Though there is no mandated mantra that needs to be memorized, there does exist a proper priority for prayer. Motive matters.

How Can Prayer Be A Powerful Weapon?

  • GOD is the ultimate Power (Genesis 1; Exodus 7:10-14:31; 1Kings 17:14-24; 2Kings 4:2-7; Job 42:2; Jeremiah 32:27; Daniel 2:21; 3:19-27; Matthew 8:1-4; 9:27-31; 17:24-27; Mark 4:35-41; 16:1-8; Luke 1:37; 9:10-17; John 6:16-21).
  • Prayer is a petition to the Powerful One.
  • The High Priest has direct access to Power (Exodus 28; Hebrews 9:7).
  • Jesus is both the Priest and Power (Hebrews 2:17; 4:14; 5:6; 9:12; 10:19-20).
  • The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Spirit that dwells within us (Romans 8:10-11).
  • The Holy Spirit ensures that our prayers are received and understood (Romans 8:26-27).
  • Because of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit, we now have direct access to Power and are able to bring our petitions straight to the Source of Power.
  • GOD is love and all-good (1John 4:8,16: Psalm 106:1; 135:3; Nahum 1:7; Mark 10:18; John 3:16-17; Galatians 5:22; 2Thessalonians 1:11; Titus 3:4). Because GOD is love and all-good, GOD will hear our prayers.
  • GOD is Holy (Leviticus 11:44-45; 1John 1:5; Revelation 4:8; 15:4). GOD is just (Acts 17:31; Revelation 20:12). If GOD is Holy and just, then GOD will act in His power to do what is best and what is right.
  • In the end, good prevails and GOD wins (Revelation 20-22) because we know that for those who love GOD all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
  • If our prayers are in alignment with GOD’s will, our prayers have the power of the inevitable victory that belongs to GOD and His people.
  • Therefore, persistent and purposeful prayers with proper priority are powerful.

Persistent And Purposeful Prayer With Proper Priority Is Powerful:

Praying boldly is a right granted to us as children of GOD through the blood of Christ who died for us. We can do away with rigmarole of religious rituals, pious performances, superficial celebrations, and pseudo-sacrifices. As a child approaches a loving father, we may approach our loving Father with confidence. We do not need to depend on stodgy formulas or arcane speech. GOD is more concerned with hearing our prayers than grading their forms. If you have children of your own, you understand that you want your children to call you when they are in distress, without being timid or hesitant to do so. You want to hear from them because you are delighted to provide the best for them. With these fatherly desires in our own hearts, we discover the boldness the Father GOD expects from us (Matthew 7:7-11; Luke 11:5-13). Those who truly discover the power of His abiding presence of love do not reserve prayer for periods of isolated retreat when a miracle is needed. How strong can a relationship be if a child only calls the parents once in a blue moon to ask for money? Neither should we only pray once in a blue moon when we need a miracle or a blessing. If our prayers are only formal or occasional, we will miss out on the comfort and blessing of knowing we can pray anytime to our GOD who is attentive to our needs (Psalm 34:15). We may pray about mustard seeds in addition to the mountains; we may pray about colds in addition to cancer; we may pray praises of blessings in addition to petitions to problems. Super prayers are for all superheroes, even if the situation doesn’t demand a super need. As a child of GOD, we can pray confidently and boldly anytime, anywhere, with anyone, and about anything! Because prayer is a connection with the Source of Power, prayer is a powerful weapon that casts the enemy back and propels us forward in faith. Because prayer is a connection with the Source of Power, it brings Light into our lives.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
(John 1:5) -ESV

For you are my lamp, O Lordand my God lightens my darkness.”
(2Samuel 22:29; see also Psalm 18:28) -ESV

[ For an example of a powerful prayer, CLICK HERE ]

Superhero: Armor of GOD: Sword of the Spirit

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below…

This is Part 20 of my Superhero series. In the introduction of this series, I provided the argument that heroes are real and then I distinguished between heroes and superheroes. I also provided a list of what defines a superhero. In Part 1, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute standard of Good and realize that evil is a mere privation of what is good. In Part 2, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute moral standard and realize that what is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. In Part 3, I defined and expounded upon love because all superheroes are full of love and are compelled to act out from love. In Part 4, I explained that superheroes desire to save people from all forms of danger and/or death and this desire comes from love. In Part 5, we learned that superheroes are solution seekers. In Part 6, we saw that solution seekers are willing to sacrifice if necessary. In Part 7, we saw that sacrificial love steps forward and offers service. In Part 8, we saw that superheroes go above and beyond the call of duty. In Part 9, we saw that superheroes never give up! In Part 10, we saw that superheroes don’t need recognition – they are motivated only by love! In Part 11, we saw that relationships matter and teamwork works! In Part 12, we saw that the struggle is real; however, Jesus is the real solution to our real problems. In Part 13, we saw that despite problems, superheroes are more than conquerors! In Part 14, we saw that true superheroes do not have identity crises – they know who they are even if others don’t! In Part 15, we saw that superheroes are always ready to fight evil with the belt of Truth. In Part 16, we saw that superheroes are always ready to resist evil by putting on the breastplate of righteousness. In Part 17, we saw that superheroes are always ready to walk with purpose. In Part 18, we saw that superheroes are always ready to deflect the enemy’s attacks by holding up the shield of faith. In Part 19, we saw that by wearing the helmet of salvation, superheroes always protect themselves from evil penetrating their minds with parasitic seeds of thought that contaminate, corrupt, and control.

In this message (Part 20), we will see that by using the Sword of the Spirit, superheroes can not only block the enemy’s attacks, but also drive the enemy away.


Continuing the examination of the whole armor of GOD, we are now instructed to take the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Roman soldiers had different types of swords at their disposal, but the word for “sword” here is taken from the Greek word machaira. This sword was approximately 19 inches long and both sides of the blade were sharp; it was a double-edged sword. 

Consider the following comic book characters: Katana (DC), Deadpool, The Swordsman, and Black Knight (Marvel) – they all use swords as their weapon of choice to fight their opponents. Though the sword is not a popular weapon of choice for superheroes, those who choose to use it find the sword to be extremely useful. And like the aforementioned superheroes, ancient Roman soldiers also considered the sword to be extremely useful. Because the sword is capable of cutting through things or even taking life away from people, it is a symbol of power. The mere sight of the sword being drawn out from its sheath could strike fear into a person’s heart. The Roman Empire equipped all soldiers with this symbol of power and fear as a reminder of their dominance and control. And just as apostle Paul used the soldier’s armor to call attention to ways of defending ourselves, Paul also calls attention to the sword as an offensive weapon. Why? Because defense without offense is unsustainable stamina.

Just as bread/manna is actually the Word of GOD (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; John 6:35,41,48,51), Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword is also the Word of GOD. The term “word” is taken from the Greek word rhema, which describes something that is spoken clearly; spoken vividly; spoken in undeniable language; or spoken in unmistakable, unquestionable, certain, and definite terms. Thus, this word is a special word of clarity that supernaturally comes into a believer’s mind. Some excellent examples of this can be seen in Matthew 10:19-20, John 14:26, and Acts 4:8-13. But we must understand that the rhema comes out from the logos. In other words, the Holy Spirit uses the written Word (that’s already within us) to extract and highlight a special Word of clarity for a specific time and for a specific purpose. If you don’t consume the written Word, then the Holy Spirit cannot highlight which specific Word to use at a specific time. Logos is prerequisite for rhema

When Jesus told us that all who live by the sword will die by the sword (Matthew 26:52), Jesus was telling us that if we use violent, forceful, or underhanded methods against other people, we can expect those same methods to be used against us. Violence begets violence. Those who practice violence will come to violent ends. Essentially, the measure and method you use toward others will be the measure and method by which you also will be judged (Matthew 7:2; Mark 4:23-25).

If those who live by the sword also die by the sword, why did Paul call the Word of GOD the Sword? Are we supposed to strike people down like the Crusaders did? Are we supposed to beat people over the head with our Bibles and subdue them into submission until they claim to be Christians? No! Conquest and forced conversion only has the power to change minds, but never hearts. And even the change of mind will most likely be superficial and temporary. If threatened, someone might proclaim to be converted; however, that same person will most likely revert to earlier beliefs once the threat of dying is no longer a possible outcome.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
(Hebrews 4:12) -ESV


As is evident from Revelation 1:16; 2:12, the double-edged sword comes from the mouth of the Lord — it is the spoken Word! The phrase “two-edged” or “double-edged” is taken from the Greek word distomos, which is a compound of the word di, meaning two, and the word stomos, which is the Greek word for one’s mouth. Thus, this double-edged sword is a two-mouthed sword. How so? GOD’s Word cuts in two ways. As explained in Hebrews 4:12, GOD’s Word cuts through sin, pride, and disobedience when it enters us humans. However, because GOD’s Word boomerangs and never returns void (Isaiah 55:10-11), the Word moves through us and out of our mouths, which then becomes the other side of the blade. So, GOD’s Word goes out from His ‘mouth,’ cuts into us, and then boomerangs back and out from our mouths, which not only strikes down the enemy, but also supernaturally splices into other humans. However, it is important to understand that GOD’s Word is not a sword that cuts people down; rather, it is the Sword used to cut people free from their enslavement of sin. GOD’s Word cuts through calloused and hardened hearts, exposing lies, revealing Truth, causing conviction, and leads to repentance and alignment with the absolute moral standard of GOD’s will. While striking the enemy down, the Word also sets people free (John 8:32)!

Words Are Powerful:

How powerful are words? Let’s begin by realizing that GOD spoke the universe into existence (Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24) – that’s how powerful words can be! When GOD created everything, He did it by starting with a formless void and then shaping it with His Word. Likewise, our lives are a formless void until GOD’s Word comes in to bring life and peace, beauty and order. The opposite is true as well: when GOD’s Word departs from our lives, they descend back into chaos.

But let’s also recognize the fact that words possess power even if they come from finite and fallible human beings. Words possess the power to affect emotions and even alter the direction in which a person will travel. Harmful words are like swords that cut people down (Psalm 55:21; 64:3; Proverbs 12:18). How many negative memories do you still have in your mind of hurtful words? Perhaps they came from strangers, friends, family, or even someone you loved most. I still carry with me a memory from my childhood when someone told me I should have been a girl because I had been crying. I also have a memory from my early adulthood when a relative of mine commented on how much time I ‘wasted’ on playing guitar and writing songs: “That will never amount to anything; dreams don’t pay bills.” But I also have memories of hearing the pretty girl I liked talk about what a perfect male looked like and me realizing I looked nothing like the male she described. I also have memories of hearing people tell me that either I wasn’t good enough or the work I presented wasn’t good enough. The old saying that “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” is a lie. As the old joke goes, those who don’t think that words hurt has never been hit in the head with a dictionary. Words can hurt; they do hurt. The power of the spoken word is so great that many people have ended up committing suicide due to their inability to block the hurtful words from penetrating their hearts and minds. In fact, at the age of 17, I even wrote out my own suicide letter because I had not been able to handle the heavy load of hurtful words I collected throughout the years.

“The words of the wicked kill; the speech of the upright saves.”
(Proverbs 12:6) –MSG

“What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words.”
(Proverbs 18:21) –GNT

“I can guarantee that on judgment day people will have to give an account of every careless word they say. By your words you will be declared innocent, or by your words you will be declared guilty.”
(Matthew 12:36-37) –GW

How powerful are words? Words penetrate both mind and heart. Words can cut people down, but words can also build people up. So, what words will we speak? If we are all to be judged by our words, then it would be wise to speak life by speaking GOD’s Word. In fact, Paul tells us that GOD’s Word is our Sword and offensive weapon in our spiritual battle against evil. Like a fencing match or real sword fight, GOD’s Word is the Sword that blocks the enemy’s sword from connecting with our hearts and minds and also helps us to drive the enemy away.

Jesus provided the example for us when He spent 40 days in the wilderness to be tempted. The devil knows Scripture. When the devil spit out sword thrusts of destructive words, Jesus responded by using the Sword in a counter attack to not only block the attack, but to also drive the enemy away. Just as Jesus said, “it is written” (Matthew 4:4,7,10) as His offensive attack against the enemy, that must also be our response. With the shield of faith in one hand and GOD’s Word as your Sword in your other hand, you can block the enemy’s attacks and launch your own attack to drive the enemy away. Ultimately, GOD’s Word enables us to fight the lies of the great Liar and be more than conquerors in Christ (Matthew 4:10; Romans 8:37; James 4:7).

In the 1999 movie, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the scene where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan battle against Darth Maul can provide a visual depiction of what our spiritual battle looks like against evil. Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon and then immediately turns his attention toward Obi-Wan. Imagine Darth Maul as a demon, Qui-Gon as an unprepared human who allowed evil to overtake him, and Obi-Wan as yourself. Obi-Wan screamed in horror at the sight of Qui-Gon falling. Likewise, we should all be screaming in horror at the knowledge that millions of people are succumbing to the devil and his demonic deeds. But we are not exempt (1Corinthians 10:11-13). The demons are going to turn their attention toward us. Obi-Wan was prepared to battle against evil and prevailed over Darth Maul. Are you prepared to effectively battle against the devil and his demons? If the adversary knows how to use the Sword, how much more should you know how to use it? Have you been trained up in the ways of the Lord? Do you know how to handle the Sword?

The Sword Is A Weapon:

Without GOD’s Word, we have no offensive weapon to drive the enemy away. In the 2010 movie, The Book Of Eli, the evil villain, Carnegie, spoke the truth when he reprimanded his henchmen, informing them that capturing the Bible was of utmost importance because, “It’s a weapon!” And because GOD’s Word is the best weapon against evil, Satan has done everything possible in this life to ban it, burn it, discredit it, and disregard it. But of course, we already know that GOD’s Word lasts forever (Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 24:35) and Satan knows this as well. And because the enemy knows that GOD’s Word is forever, he often uses the tactic of twisting the text in order to manipulate the masses. There are many buildings proclaiming to be Christian churches, but upon closer investigation, the pastors are devils in disguise. There are many wolves in sheep clothing. We shouldn’t be surprised by this – Jesus and His disciples told us it would be this way (Matthew 7:15; 10:16; Acts 20:28-31; Romans 16:17-18; 2Corinthians 11:13-15; 1Timothy 4:1-2; 6:3-5; 2Timothy 3:1-9; 4:2-5; 2Peter 2:1-3; 1John 4:1,5-6). GOD’s Word warns us about false teachers in the world. And this is why it is important for us to have the Sword. However, an available weapon won’t be of any use to a person who doesn’t know how to use it. In order to use GOD’s Word, you must know GOD’s Word. Do you know the Word of GOD? Is it in you?

The Word Saves:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
(2Timothy 3:16-17) -ESV

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
(Romans 10:17) -ESV

Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what should we do?’ Peter replied, ‘Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.’ Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, ‘Save yourselves from this crooked generation!’ Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.”
(Acts 2:37-41) -NLT

GOD’s Word is the Sword that cuts people free from the Counterfeiter’s cage of captivity. Those who have been released from the the devil’s dungeon (like myself) find themselves shouting praises of gratitude for the gift of GOD’s grace. Like Paul, I was once blind to the Truth, but now I see! Think about it! How did 3,000 people get saved in one day? Because Peter was so amazing? No. Peter finally allowed the Holy Spirit to guide him and he used the Sword of the Spirit. Thousands of people were saved due to Peter and the apostles slicing through Satan’s snares with the Sword of the Spirit – GOD’s Word! In fact, in Acts 4:4, it is written that 5,000 men had been saved due to the preaching of the Gospel – and that number didn’t even include women or children! Thousands of people can be saved if we would only allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we share the Gospel with them! Do you know GOD’s Word? Are you sharing the Gospel like Jesus commanded us to do?

Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:18-20) -NLT

Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”
(2Timothy 4:2-5) -NLT

Are you able to defend the faith like the apostles had been able to do (2Corinthians 10:5; 1Peter 3:15)? If you don’t know GOD’s Word, then you are not trained to use the Sword. If you’re not able to use the Sword, the devil and his demons will use the Sword against you. How do you know if someone is preaching the true Word of GOD? What if someone uses GOD’s Word by twisting the text like Satan did? Without GOD’s Word, we cannot know Truth. If we do not know Truth, we will inevitably believe lies. If you have the Bible in your possession, then you have the Sword in your possession. If you do not know GOD’s Word, you do not know how to use the Sword. If, however, you do know GOD’s Word, then you know how to use the Sword. Understand this: Satan has targeted you and is coming after you. Are you prepared to not only block the enemy’s attacks but to also drive him away? If you don’t know how to use the Sword, you better start training before it’s too late. If you do know how to use the Sword, you need to start training others how to use it. It’s time to take up the Sword! It’s time to cut people free from bondage and to release them from the darkness of the devil’s dungeon! How do we do that? We reflect the Light and shine bright!

It is written in Psalm 119:130 that GOD’s Word gives light. Why? Because GOD is able to bring unbelievers out of the darkness and into the light. Jesus is the Light
(2Samuel 22:29; Job 12:22; Psalms 18:28; Isaiah 42:16; John 1:5; 8:12; 12:46; Acts 26:16-18; Ephesians 5:8; 1Peter 2:9-10; 1John 1:5-10). And Jesus commanded us to be the light in the darkness of this world (Matthew 5:14). So, we are the light? But John 9:5 states that Jesus is the Light. So, which is it? Both. The first half of John 9:5 is the key to understanding this. Jesus “passed the torch” to His followers. Jesus is the primary Light; we are the secondary light, a reflection of the Light. We are light-bearers. As the light of the sun is to the moon, so the light of the Son is to us. Jesus shines the Light, the light enters us, casts out darkness, and then we reflect that light to everyone around us.

However, examine Matthew 5:14 in context. Jesus spoke about salt and light. But right before He spoke about salt and light, He gave the Sermon on the Mount and spoke about the “Beatitudes,” which is a list of blessings. In this, there are nine individual promises that come together to form one: we will be blessed if we are in alignment with GOD’s will. Within the entirety of the Beatitudes, there is only one command: rejoice and be glad. It happens to be in the midst of the warnings about persecution. The command is immediately followed by a promise that we will have a great reward in Heaven. This means we need to begin with the end in mind and make decisions based on our eternal destination, not our temporal circumstances (Psalm 30:5). Like Paul, we need to keep our eyes on the prize if we are to obtain the Beatitudes’ promise of being blessed (1Corinthians 9:24; Philippians 3:14).

Jesus then goes on to say that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We already discussed the light, but what about the salt? Salt is a necessity of life and has been used as a seasoning, a preservative, a disinfectant, and even used on icy conditions. Think: Are we preserving all the good qualities of life? Are we enhancing the ‘flavor’ of life? Are we a disinfectant, helping to eliminate the ‘germs’ of false doctrines? Are we being used for icy conditions? Are we thawing ice-cold hearts with our love? Are we helping people gain traction on slippery slopes? Our salty ‘flavor’ should cause people to salivate for salvation. Are we shining the Light and sharing the Gospel or are we hiding under a basket, thereby making it a casket? Hiding the Light under a basket is remaining silent when we should be speaking the Word. Superheroes don’t hide under baskets! Couch potato Christians are consumers in comfort-coffins. 

Comfort Is The Coffin Of Christianity:

When Jesus told us not to hide our light under a basket (Matthew 5:14-16), He meant that we should not go into hiding and remain sheltered. In fact, Jesus commanded us to go out into the world, sharing the Gospel (Matthew 28:28-20). Do not be content with the knowledge of your own salvation!

“None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.”
(1Corinthians 10:24) –GNT

Keep being compassionate to those who still have doubts, and snatch others out of the fire to save them. Be merciful over and over to them, but always couple your mercy with the fear of God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh.”
(Jude 1:22-23) -TPT

If you are content with your own comfort and decide to build protective walls around yourself and refuse to leave that safety-box, it is more than likely that you will shelter yourself into non-existence. How can superheroes save anyone if they are hiding in a box? Evil wants you to build walls of comfort around yourself and for you to stay in your safety-box – the longer you stay inside your sheltered life, the more that shelter becomes your coffin. And if you stay inside your sheltered life, how could you have relationships with others and lead people to Christ? If you cut yourself off from the rest of the world, you cut yourself off from GOD’s plan for your life. If you cut yourself off from GOD’s will, you will be the substance without its source and you will slowly wither and die. Don’t shelter yourself; however, don’t live as the rest of this world lives. Rise above with love and speak out and reach out while inviting others in. 

The safety-box of a sheltered life is a comfort-coffin. People try to justify their sheltered lives in many different ways, but here is the truth: those who are content with their own salvations and live sheltered lives don’t obey GOD’s laws nor live by His decrees. GOD has called us to love others – it’s not possible to reach out (with love) to those in the darkness if we are hiding in our safety-box (hiding our light). 

Everyone’s coffin is different, yet they are all the same: the coffin is crafted to contour to your comfort. What does your coffin look like? It’s important to know what your coffin looks like – knowing what it looks like will help you stay out of it! A coffin can look like the car that someone loves to work on and invest in, it can look like the sports team someone spends all his/her time studying, it could look like the beer can someone can’t let go of long enough to use his/her hands for a better purpose, or it could even look like someone’s television set or his/her own apartment/house. Understand this: a coffin can even look like protection against evil. Although the coffin appears to be protection that keeps evil away from you, is the opposite – you need to realize that it is a trap, designed to keep you out of the world. Evil doesn’t want Christians out in the world. A comfort-coffin can even look like a church building. 

I urge you – do not seek shelter! I urge you to step outside of your sheltered life; I urge you to get out of your comfort-coffin. Batman does not stay in the Batcave! If he did, he would never save anyone. Too many men are hiding in their man-caves. Do your hobbies consume all of your free time leaving you unable to help others? Examine your decisions and the motives behind your decisions. With the time you do have, do you use it to advance the Kingdom of GOD? Are you willing to leave your comfort-coffin in order to save others? Are you willing to go places you might not want to go and help people regardless of your opinion of them? Do your video games, beer pong, sports, etc. stand in the way of leading people to Christ? We are called to love others and to lead people to Christ. Let us go out and do exactly that! How? By knowing GOD’s Word and sharing the Good News! But how can you do that if you don’t know GOD’s Word? Is it in you?

The Word Is The Link To Your Sword:

Because rhema (a special word of clarity from the Holy Spirit) only comes from logos (the written Word of GOD), we must first know the Word of GOD in order to receive the Sword. Some people sit idly by in the darkness of their comfort-coffins, hoping to receive a Sword from GOD. But we will only receive the Sword by living in the light and reading our Bibles.

Consider the classic 1986 video game, Legend of Zelda. The main character, Link, can find and collect helpful items that enable him to live a victorious life. In the game, you are able to uncover hidden areas and discover game-changing items such as a map, compass, food, potion, shield, candle, bomb, key, boomerang, or even an upgraded sword. 

To be a superhero in the name of the Savior, we must go on a quest much like Link does in the Legend of Zelda. Think about it. The only way Link will ever find and attain any game-changing items and reach the end of the game is by advancing forward, examining everything, and using his gifts while battling evil. To Link, game-changing items help him to be victorious and reach the end; likewise, superheroes end up as conquerors for Christ due to the life-changing Word. Link has a map and compass to help him find his way; likewise, we have GOD’s Word and moral compass to guide us in life. Link is sustained by food he finds; GOD’s Word is our food. Link has potion to give him life; GOD’s Word comes from the Lord, the Lord is Life and gives life. Link has a shield to protect him from evil’s attacks; we have the whole armor of GOD. Link has a candle to give him light to use in the darkness; the Lord is the Light and we are the light of the world. Link has a bomb he can use to blast his way through walls; we destroy strongholds with Truth-bombs. Link has a key to unlock new areas; by reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit will help us understand ‘secret passages’ and this will unlock new areas of life for us. Link has a boomerang that returns to him; we have GOD’s Word, which also acts as a boomerang because it never returns void. Link can get an upgraded sword; we receive a Sword as an upgrade after knowing the Word. According to, Link can attain an upgraded Magical Sword by following these steps:

Requirement: Min. 12 Heart Containers

From the starting screen, head right one screen, up five screens, left two screens, down one screen, left one screen up one screen, left two screens, down one screen, left two screens, and up one screen to find yourself in part of the graveyard.

Push the middle grave in the third column from the left to reveal a stairwell leading to the sword.”

Likewise, in order for superheroes (Christians) to receive a rhema (Sword), we must be willing to take the required action of the necessary steps. What are these necessary steps? Just as there was a minimum requirement of 12 heart containers for Link to receive the Magical Sword, there is a minimum requirement for us to receive the Sword: we must read the Bible. Just as there are directions to follow in order for Link to receive the Magical Sword, there are directions we must follow to receive the Sword: read the Bible, study the Bible, meditate on what is written, and trust the Holy Spirit to present you with the Sword at the right time. Link received the Magical Sword only after the secret passage was revealed. Likewise, the special Sword we receive from the Holy Spirit is like a secret passage being revealed. But if we have not read GOD’s Word, then the Holy Spirit cannot help us bring it to mind at the right time for a specific purpose. Link had to put forth effort in order to attain game-changing items. Likewise, we must also put forth effort in order for the life-changing Sword. All we need to do is know the Word. Have you consumed the Word? By consuming the Word you can receive the Sword. Is it in you?