Can Christians Lose Their Salvation?

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On May 07, 2019, The Christian Post published an article which begins by stating that “Dave Gass, a former pastor who most recently led Grace Family Fellowship in Pleasant Hill, Missouri, has renounced his Christian faith as a system rife with abuse that caused him ‘mental and emotional breaks.’ ”

Dave Gass walking away from Christianity (and thus Jesus) is important to examine and discuss for three reasons:

  1. This incident will create confusion and doubt for those who proclaim to be Christians.
  2. Atheists are already using this as ammunition to launch attacks on those who claim to be Christians in order to cause others to abandon the faith.
  3. This incident brings to light an important question: “Can a believer lose his/her salvation?”

Dave’s Explanation:

So, what were Dave’s reasons for walking away from Christianity? Though Dave’s social media accounts have either been changed, are now private, or deleted, he had posted his reasons on Instagram, which got copied and shared all over the Internet. I will post five screenshot images down at the bottom of this article that you can refer to, and I’ll be quoting from them in this article. Here’s a summarized list of reasons why Dave abandoned Christianity:

  • Dave said he had doubts since childhood regarding Greek mythology being so similar to the Bible.
  • He doesn’t like the way the Bible became canonized; consequently, he questions the inerrancy of the Bible.
  • Christianity didn’t provide him solutions to his problems; he doesn’t like suffering; he wants to be happy.
  • Prayers weren’t answered to his satisfaction.
  • He didn’t witness supernatural miracles; therefore, he believes Christianity is false.
  • His Christian parents were abusive.
  • He doesn’t like church politics and organized religion.
  • He said his marriage was a sham and never became what he was promised it would be.
  • Church people were “shitty” and hurt him yet non-Christians often showed him love and acceptance.
  • The church burdens people with fear, shame, and guilt in order to maintain control. 
  • Christianity is an impossible standard and a system that doesn’t work.

Trenton’s Examination:

Ancient Mythology:
Dave spoke about having doubts since he was a child. But why did he carry his doubts into adulthood? Why did he carry his doubts to the pulpit before he preached? He never should have preached one message until he believed what he was preaching and he was confident enough to lead others in Truth. Also, his doubts regarding ancient mythology are easy enough to research. In fact, I published an article about the topic of ancient mythology: “Is Christianity A Copycat Religion?” I believe this reason Dave gave is either a cop-out or he was lazy in his research. Either way, this excuse isn’t a good enough reason to walk away from Christianity — especially when there is so much other evidence in favor of Christianity, such as the origin of the universe, a fine-tuned universe, the origin of life, intelligent design, consciousness, morality, free will, and the historical reliability and accuracy of the texts.

Is there reason to doubt Scripture due to the way the Bible became Canonized? No. From the writings of the apostles, disciples, and early church fathers, the texts considered authentic and sacred remained consistent. See my other article, “How Did We Get The Bible?” In addition, the canonized Bible we now have has withstood all attacks on it since the beginning. Further, if Dave rejects the Bible because of the way it came to be the Bible, he must also live consistent with this rejection by rejecting the vast majority of all history taught in schools. Why? Because the historical reliability of the Bible has been tested by the same criteria by which all historical documents are tested. There are specific tests that scholars, researchers, and archaeologists use to determine the authenticity of a historical document. These are the bibliographical test, the internal evidence test, and the external evidence test. And there’s more evidence for the Bible than almost any other historical document in the world with over 66,000 total biblical manuscript evidences, not to mention citations from other sources who quoted the texts. To live consistently, Dave would need to doubt almost all of what has been taught about history. 

Problems, Suffering, and Happiness:
Are problems a problem for Christianity? Should we expect a life free from problems in this life on this Earth? Should the pursuit of happiness be our purpose? Jesus was honest and clear in that we will have problems in this world (John 16:33); Apostle Paul told us the same (2Corinthians 4:8-10). Jesus also gave us fair warning in advance that a life of sacrificial love will be required of us (Matthew 16:24-26; Mark 8:34-36); and again, Paul told us the same (1Corinthians 10:24; 2Corinthians 12:15; 2Timothy 2:10). Apostle Peter also told us the same (1Peter 2:21). Jesus never told us that this life would be without pain and suffering. In fact, logic and reasoning reveals that there is a reason for evil and there is a reason for pain and suffering. However, Jesus did tell us that our new lives on the New Earth under the new heavens will be complete with joy (Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:17; 21:4). Clearly, Dave had some unrealistic expectations regarding what his life would be like as a Christian. Dave claims to have read and memorized the Bible yet he expected what was never to be expected according to what is written. So, why did he expect such a problem-free life?

Unanswered Prayers?:
If Dave was upset about his prayers not being answered, it is only because he believed his expected outcomes are what is best and right. But if Dave knew what was best and right in all situations, then he would be GOD. He was angry because he didn’t receive what he wanted. The problem here isn’t unanswered prayers, but an unrealistic expectation regarding prayer. Therefore, we need to rightly understand prayer. While it is true that we should pray for others (Ephesians 6:18-19), it is important that we seek GOD’s will, not our own (Matthew 6:33; 26:39,42; Mark 14:35-36,39; Luke 22:42). Prayer is not a means of merely asking for what we want. GOD is not a magic genie and prayer is not the magic lamp by which to summon GOD. In the connection of prayer, the goal is to come into alignment with GOD’s will. Regarding prayer, it is important to remember that GOD always answers our prayers in one of three possible ways: yes, no, or not yet. And it is important to thank GOD for all the “no” answers. All the “no” answers eventually lead to the “yes” moment. When we pray, we must pray for the right reasons. Motive matters. For a detailed explanation regarding prayer, see my other article, “Superhero: Armor of GOD: Powerful Prayer (2/2)“.

No Miracles?:
Is the existence of GOD determined by a miraculous experience? No. It is written in Matthew 13:57-58 that Jesus didn’t perform many miracles in His hometown due to their unbelief. It is important to understand that people are often their own problems. Truly, we don’t know why GOD didn’t produce specific signs and wonders that Dave expected. Now, it is possible that Dave never witnessed a miracle. However, it’s also possible that Dave did witness miracles yet he never recognized them as being such. In fact, two of the greatest miracles of all time often get overlooked: the creation of the universe and the origin of life. But it simply doesn’t make sense to give up on GOD because GOD doesn’t do what we want Him to do. Consider what is written:

32 Two others, both criminals, were led out to be executed with him. 33 When they came to a place called The Skull,[a] they nailed him to the cross. And the criminals were also crucified—one on his right and one on his left. 34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”[b] And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.[c35 The crowd watched and the leaders scoffed. “He saved others,” they said, “let him save himself if he is really God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.” 36 The soldiers mocked him, too, by offering him a drink of sour wine. 37 They called out to him, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” 38 A sign was fastened above him with these words: “This is the King of the Jews.” 39 One of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, “So you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself—and us, too, while you’re at it!” 40 But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? 41 We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.”42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” 43 And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
(Luke 23:32-43) -NLT

Everyone had expectations regarding who the Messiah was supposed to be and what the Messiah was supposed to do. The ones who expected the Messiah thought that He would overthrow the Roman Empire by force and become King of the land in order to establish His Law with righteous living. Instead, the Messiah came as a suffering servant willing to be the sacrifice on our behalf. The people had accurate expectations, but those expectations were for the wrong time period. Jesus will come again, and when He does, He will come as the King who conquers. Likewise, Dave Gass had an accurate expectation of GOD as a miracle worker; however, Dave obviously held his unrealistic expectation for the wrong time period. GOD most certainly can and will heal people and restore us all, but His timing is precise and right. Some people will never know complete restoration until they dwell with the Lord on the New Earth under the new heavens. Consider also that the Roman soldiers and one of the criminals held an expectation of Jesus: “If you’re the Messiah, save yourself! And save us while you’re at it!” The critical criminal held an accurate expectation; however, it was for the wrong time period. Jesus did defy death, but it was days later when He rose from the grave. Jesus was able to save the criminal on the cross, and by Jesus sacrificing Himself on the cross, that criminal could have been saved if only he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior like the other criminal on the cross had done. And this why the other criminal was saved and was promised eternal salvation. Thus, Luke 23:32-43 reveals that what we think to be best and right isn’t always so. Jesus could have dominated and conquered according to everyone’s expectations; however, according to GOD’s perfect plan and perfect timing, GOD doesn’t always meet our unrealistic expectations. It is written in Matthew 26:53-56 that Jesus could have called upon thousands of angels in order to defeat the Roman soldiers with ease and thus prevent Himself from being arrested. However, the Lord had a perfect plan for a perfect sacrifice and so Jesus allowed the Roman soldiers to arrest Him. Obviously, this did not meet His disciples’ expectations. We know this because it was at that moment they decided to leave Jesus and flee. Clearly, we cannot impose our expectations upon the Lord’s perfect plan. Understand this: people often desire a change in circumstance when GOD desires a change of heart, mind, attitude and character.

Dave Gass is upset because GOD didn’t perform the miracles he believed should have happened. I empathize with Dave’s desire to witness a miracle. In fact, it was one of my demands that needed to be met in order for me to become a believer when I had been an atheist. I refused to believe in GOD unless I witnessed a miracle. GOD didn’t have to show me a miracle (Luke 11:29), but He did — and not just one, but five miracles! I don’t know why GOD deemed me worthy to experience and witness His miracles; I know I didn’t deserve to experience GOD’s miracles. But perhaps GOD allowed me to experience miracles because He knew I would faithfully deliver the Gospel to as many people as possible. Only GOD knows. But I understand that the miracles I experienced were not only for me so that I could believe, but for others when they hear my testimony so that they might believe. To read or see my story, see my other article, “My Testimony: From Agnosticism, To Atheism, To Christianity“. However, the major issue here is the possibility of miracles. Are miracles possible? Dave claims he never experienced a miracle, therefore, Christianity isn’t true. And so he abandoned the Lord. But even without ever experiencing a miracle, logic and reasoning help us understand that miracles are most certainly possible. See my other article, “Miracles or Myths?“. 

Abusive Parents?:
Dave listed his Christian abusive parents as one of the reasons for abandoning GOD. First and foremost, we need to determine what he believes to be the definition of abuse. But Dave didn’t provide that definition. We will give Dave the benefit of the doubt and assume that he had been abused. But even if he had been abused, how does that warrant a conclusion that Christianity is false? It doesn’t. Many people who have been abused have become overcomers and still believe in GOD. In fact, the very argument that abuse is wrong is an appeal to an absolute moral standard, which simply could not exist if GOD did not exist. What is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. We simply cannot know what is crooked unless we first know what is straight. But this issue simply cannot be addressed properly without knowing what Dave’s definition of abuse entails. After all, what if his definition of abuse meant that his parents were strict and set boundaries he believed to be oppressive (ex: you can’t drink any alcohol ever)? This excuse is simply that — an excuse. But it’s not a good one.

Church Politics & Organized Religion?:
Dave doesn’t like the religious rules and/or structure of what the church has become. Truth be told, I also despise church politics and man-made traditions. But Jesus did too (Matthew 15:1-9). I despise the rigmarole of religious rituals, pious performances, superficial celebrations, and pseudo-sacrifices. Truly, I don’t believe that our organized structure of what we call “church” is the way it’s supposed to be. Far too much money goes into operating a church building and programs instead of using that money to actually do the great commission. So, for once, Dave seems to have a valid argument. I’ve witnessed many churches who place their focus on the wrong areas in order to please people rather than GOD. I’ve witnessed fruitless arguments about curb appeal or marketing material. When I had been a youth pastor, I was even once told by my senior pastor not to wear my Goonies t-shirt because the skull and crossbones on the shirt would give the church a bad image. All of this is superficial nonsense misses the point of Christians living out authentic relationships with GOD and other people. Even the popular pastor, Francis Chan, left his megachurch because he believed the politics and religious structure watered down the true meaning of being a Christian. But Francis left his church in order to grow closer to GOD, not to escape. Regardless, I completely understand why Dave would feel this way toward the church in general. However, we must view the church as GOD intends us to view the church. And this means we must examine GOD’s Word to discover what GOD says about the church and how we should live according to His Word regarding the church. So, what does GOD say about the church and religion?

The church can either be seen as an individual Christian congregation or the total body of Christian believers. There is one universal church, consisting of all Christian believers, which takes the form of individual local churches in any given region. The many different individual churches are like the many different branches from the one tree. Of course, some rogue branches will go beyond the boundaries of what is biblically accurate and acceptable; GOD will cut those rogue branches off like a gardener trimming his hedges. The unity of the kath’ holou (the whole) or catholicus (universal) church is in Christ. Jesus is the head and the church is the body (Ephesians 5:29-33; Colossians 1:18). The body consists of all believers. We are all like individual jigsaw puzzle pieces that come together to form one picture. The unity of the church must not be understood sociologically or organizationally, but theologically. The church is one. One body. Just as the body itself has different parts (foot, leg, hand, or arm) yet makes up the whole body, the many different individual churches make up the one body of the universal church (1Corinthians 12:12-31).

The church ought to be pure because GOD’s Word tells us to distinguish ourselves between the holy and the common, the sinner and the saint (Leviticus 20:7-8; Ezekiel 44:23; 2Corinthians 6:14-16); righteousness is the goal. Though righteousness is the goal, the church is stained with sin and will never be able to achieve that pure status in this life; however, our inability to attain holiness does not provide reason for sin nor excuse the sin (Romans 6). So long as the church is striving to be righteous, the unintentional sins can be overlooked and forgiven. In fact, one cannot receive forgiveness unless that person forgives. Forgiveness is fruitful and intercession is important (Psalm 130:3-4; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 6:14-15; 18:21-35; Mark 11:25; Luke 23:34; Deuteronomy 9:18-20; Job 42:10; 1Timothy 2:1). The church will not become holy until the body is connected to the head at the end of age; consequently, the church must expect to find itself including both saints and sinners. To attempt a separation in this life is premature, improper, and unloving. The individual churches are hospitals for sinners, not a supercilious society of saints. For the saints, however, the individual churches act as recharging stations and help the saints to acquire what they need so they can go back out into the world. For the sinner, it is comforting to see that the saints are also in need and are not perfect. For the saints, it is comforting to see sinners who desire to become saints. The universal church is made up of sinners who will one day become saints, new saints, and older and experienced saints. But if the church is not defined by holiness, what is its distinguishing feature?

To believe in the church is not to trust in the institution of the church, but to affirm that the church is ultimately called into being by GOD, with a mission and authorization which derives from GOD. What truly matters is the great commission. The distinguishing feature of the church should be both the preaching of the gospel and the fruit that becomes evident from the seeds of love planted. The church is not an extension of Christ, but is united with Christ, and called and commissioned by Him to serve the world. The church is thus seen as an event, not an institution. A building does not make the church; rather, the people make the church and then buildings just happen to be built in order to accomplish the great commission. Jesus made disciples and then those disciples became the church. The disciples made more disciples and then those disciples did the same. Every believer is called to be equipped, enabled, empowered, enhanced and emboldened in order to accomplish the great commission. Individual churches are made up of those who are teaching and those who are learning; however, those who are learning are never to stay as the learner. We are all called to grow the church and advance GOD’s Kingdom. Every learner should eventually become a teacher and preacher. They are called in a special way to make the church present and operative where only through them can the church become the salt of the Earth. The church is made up of parts who should act as a whole. The distinguishing feature of the church is the message of the Gospel while performing acts of love.

Dave listed his “sham” of a marriage as one of the reasons he abandoned Christ. Dave said it was not what he was promised it would be. However, Dave did not clarify what he was promised. What was he promised? I’m certain that what he committed to was for better or for worse. But sadly, he didn’t desire to stay true to his own promise of “or worse.” We simply don’t know if Dave put forth the effort to be faithful to his wife; however, the deacon of his church, Justin Tuttle, tweeted that Dave committed adultery and was unfaithful to his wife (image at bottom of article). This makes sense now as to why Dave would want to walk away from the Lord; GOD’s standard is now at odds with Dave’s desires. GOD’s Word clearly tells us that male and female become one in marriage (Genesis 2:24) and that divorce covers a person with injustice (Malachi 2:16). Except in a case of sexual immorality, divorce is adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Matthew 5:31-32; Luke 16:18). Two become one in marriage. What GOD joins together, no one should separate. Moses only permitted divorce due to hardness of hearts, but that was never the design (Matthew 19:3-12; Mark 10:2-12). Adultery is abhorrent. Everyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Discern the difference between lust and love. Marriage must be respected by all, and the marriage bed kept undefiled, because GOD will judge immoral people and adulterers (Genesis 2:24; Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 5:18; Proverbs 5; 6:20-35; 7; Matthew 5:27-28; 1Thessalonians 4:3-8; Hebrews 13:4). The Bible affirms that we must defend marriage. See my other article, “Defending Marriage“.

Christians Are Bad; Non-Christians Accept Him?:
Dave Gass said church people are “shitty” people. But what he failed to mention is that it’s not “church people” who are the problem. It’s all people. GOD’s Word clearly tells us that no one is without sin and we all need Jesus (Romans 3:23). The church is not an elite club for saints. It’s a hospital for sinners. Of course you’re going to encounter people with problems! But as a pastor, you should be filled with love for people and not hatred. Like Jesus when he looked upon the crowd with compassion (Matthew 9:36), a pastor should also look at his congregation and staff with that same compassion and understanding. Dave, upon making his claim of Christians being crappy people, became the very hypocrite he despises. Dave is now the person who doesn’t accept people. Also, it’s worth pondering on why the non-Christians accept him. Do they accept him because they validate his adultery? They would like to call it freedom. After all, many non-Christians don’t live by the absolute moral standard.

The Church Is Controlling?:
Dave says the church only tries to maintain control via fear, shame, and guilt. But is that true? There is a big difference between conviction and condemnation. I don’t know what Dave was doing as a pastor, but a pastor’s duty is to preach the Word of GOD and to teach what it means to the congregation. Teaching Truth can lead to conviction, but a true teacher of the Word does not use manipulation and does not bring judgment of condemnation. There is one Judge and that is the Lord. Teaching Truth is not a method of maintaining control over anyone’s life; on the contrary, the Truth sets people free (John 8:32). A relationship with GOD is out of love, not fear. Examine what is written:

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 17 By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 19 We love because he first loved us. 20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot[a] love God whom he has not seen.21 And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.”
(1John 4:7-21) -ESV

13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.”
(Galatians 5:13-15) -ESV

Dave claims the church is controlling. But the truth is that sin is controlling and those who practice sin are slaves to sin (John 8:34). I believe that Dave allowed himself to get tangled into the snare of sin and started calling evil good and good evil. If that is the case, woe to him (Isaiah 5:20). 

Christianity Is An Impossible Standard & System That Doesn’t Work?:
Does the absolute moral standard set an impossible standard? Yes. But that should be expected if you believe the Bible to be true. That’s the point GOD made when Jesus had to do what we were incapable of doing in order to save us from ourselves. In this sinful and fallen state we all live in, we are incapable of living perfect holy lives. But does that mean that Christianity is a system that doesn’t work? To answer that, we need to know what Dave believed Christianity was supposed to do for him. From the reasons he listed, it seems evident he believed Christianity was supposed to be a cure-all for this present life on this Earth. Christianity doesn’t work if you desire to escape pain and suffering in this life on this Earth. Christianity doesn’t work if you want to be your own god and fulfill your every desire in order to pursue pleasure and feel happy. But Christianity most certainly does work if you desire to grow closer to GOD every day, become a better person every day, and eventually escape pain and suffering by living in eternal joy with the Lord on the New Earth under the new heavens. It all depends on what you believe Christianity is supposed to do for you. What are your expectations? Are they realistic? Are they in alignment with what GOD’s Word says?

Conclusion of Examinations of Explanations:

Dave Gass forced religion (not true relationship) upon himself when he didn’t truly believe. He said so himself — he faked it. He also filled his mind with unrealistic expectations and then got upset because his desires and/or fantasies weren’t fulfilled. I completely understand why he crashed and burned. Did Dave make the right choice by stepping down from being pastor? Yes. He never should have been a pastor. But did he make the right choice by abandoning Christianity (and thus Jesus)? No. 

I don’t believe Dave is a devil in disguise. I don’t believe he had malicious intent. In fact, I believe he started with good intentions. However, good intentions can travel in the wrong direction. I do believe he was selfish and pursued his own pleasure and happiness over purpose. I believe he was unwilling to sacrifice in order to live the life that a pastor must live. He was not content with placing others before himself, and this is why he became miserable. In fact, his deacon stated that he had an affair and became an adulterer. And Dave did ramble on about his marriage causing him misery, so it’s plausible. But until Dave Gass admits that himself, he’s innocent until proven guilty.

Because of this incident (and many others like it), it’s important to remember what is written:

“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
(James 3:1) -ESV

“Jesus said to him, ‘No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’ ”
(Luke 9:62) -ESV

Here are some important things to consider from this incident of a pastor falling away:

  1. Do you have doubts? Do you have questions? Ask questions! But if you ask questions, you should also be willing to pursue the answers with complete commitment.
  2. Identify unrealistic expectations and deal with them! Don’t try to push them down and cover them up. Write out all expectations you have and examine each one to see if any are unrealistic and/or unbiblical. 
  3. Examine your motives. See my other article, “Superhero: Motive matters“. Why do you believe what you believe? Why do you do what you do? What’s your ultimate end goal? What do you hope to achieve or accomplish? Is your motive loving? Is your motive selfish or selfless?
  4. Do you have accountability or do you try to do conquer all your battles by yourself? The lion seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (1Peter 5:8; John 10:10) desires to find isolated victims. Don’t go into battle by yourself. 
  5. Head knowledge is not enough! It is not enough to know the Bible. Satan knows GOD’s Word yet never took it to heart. Satan even used Scripture to try to tempt Jesus (Matthew 4:6). Knowing what the Bible says doesn’t mean you understand what it says. And even if you understand what it says, you must be willing to live in obedience to GOD’s Word. Are you willing?
  6. Are you being controlled? Are you a slave? Many people don’t believe they’re slaves, but they are. See my other article, “Break Every Chain“.
  7. We need to pray for Dave Gass (in a loving way). May he realize where he went wrong, repent, and return to the Lord with all his heart. Let’s not condemn him to Hell. It’s not our place to do that. Until his set time, he still has time to come into a right relationship with the Lord. 
  8. We need to pray for all the people who will inevitably be shaken by this incident. May this only help people to realize the seriousness of what is to come and how we need to be prepared (Matthew 24:24). It is written that many people will be led astray due to false teachers and false doctrines. But may the Holy Spirit guide people in wisdom and Truth so they won’t be led astray due to the decision of Dave Gass.
  9. We need to pray that truly righteous leaders will rise up and lead for the right reasons.

Can A Believer Ever Lose His/Her Salvation?

Well, we possess free will, right? At any time a person decides to leave, GOD will not keep that person captive and force him/her to stay. Of course, GOD will continue to send reminders their way and pursue them with love. GOD will always continue to watch to see if they desire to return. The ones who leave the beautiful knowledge and relationship of the Father will end up wallowing in mud and muck. But if they ever decide to repent and return to the Father, GOD will see them coming and run toward them in order to accept them once again (read Luke 15:11-32). But I am convinced that a true believer would never abandon this gift of grace. The humbling knowledge of my sin when compared to the greatest gift of grace leaves me awestruck and full of joy to know of GOD’s love for me. Why would I ever leave that? The ones who leave Christ after having come to Him never truly knew Him. People leave Christianity because of their offense to other people or the way people have chosen to operate a religious institute. A person would never leave Christianity because he/she knew Christ unless that person despised being loved. Therefore, because truly knowing Christ will ultimately prevent someone from walking away, I would say that once someone is truly saved, that person will always be saved. I believe the act of being saved is what needs to be put into question, not the act of losing salvation. Was the person ever truly saved? Did the person truly say “yes” to Christ and a complete life transformation? Or did the person say “yes” to a mere moment in order to feel better? When uncommitted followers experience difficulties and no longer possess good feelings, I believe they are walking away from their perceived notion that Christianity is a cure-all concoction. When people walk away, I find that it’s usually because they had desired GOD to be a genie in a magic lamp who exists to grant their wishes. When people don’t get what they want, they tend to go somewhere else to fulfill their desires. I don’t believe a true follower of Christ can lose his/her salvation. I do believe, however, that people claim to be saved when they never were. Did they truly let go and let GOD lead? Did they truly submit their lives and allow Jesus to take the lead? Did they truly allow the Holy Spirit to fill them with conviction and guide them? I’ve never met one fully devoted follower of Christ who ever walked away. Why? Because to truly know Jesus is to truly know the greatest gift we could ever receive. Having knowledge of this, where would one go? And why? Certainly, it’s not because the person knew Christ. Even in Apostle Peter’s case where he abandoned Jesus prior to the crucifixion, Peter only abandoned Jesus out of fear because Jesus wouldn’t allow them to fight (Matthew 26:52-56). If a person can’t fight, they will choose flight. But even when Peter abandoned Jesus, he followed Him out of love and concern (Matthew 26:58). This is not the case with Dave Gass. Dave chose to walk away because he wasn’t happy. But I’m not happy in every occasion, but I would never abandon the One and only Source of Life and Light just because I’m not getting my way. Now that I know Jesus and understand what He taught, my decision to follow Christ is not based upon what I get from Christianity. Just as the Lord had said, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). 

It all boils down to relationship. Do you truly know Jesus? Do you truly trust in the Lord with all your heart?

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ ”
(Matthew 7:21-23) -ESV

Greater than hearing or knowing GOD’s Word is actually living it out (Romans 2:13; James 1:22-25). Obedience is better than sacrifice (1Samuel 15:22). However, relationship is greater than religious acts (Deuteronomy 6:5-6; Matthew 6:1; 22:36-40). Here’s the crucial question: do you only know of Jesus or do you truly know the Lord (John 8:19; Matthew 16:13-17)?

When a person believes and accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, that person is sealed by the Holy Spirit, who guarantees our salvation. Revelation 6:17 asks an important question: Who is able to stand at the End of Days? Of course, everyone will stand — they will stand in front of the great white throne of judgment (Revelation 20:12-14). But GOD marks His children to be saved (Revelation 7:3; 9:4). This seal of GOD is confirmation that we have been examined and inspected. Once inspected, we are approved and then sealed for security purposes, protected from tampering, and authorized by the King (Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30; 2Corinthians 1:21-22). A seal can represent a finished transaction (Jeremiah 32:9-10; John 17:4; 19:30); it can represent ownership (Jeremiah 32:11-12; 2Timothy 2:19); it showcases security (Esther 8:8; Daniel 6:17). The Lord knows who is sealed for protection; the Lord knows His children (Exodus 12:1-13; Ezekiel 9:4). 

GOD may allow someone to wander knowing that he/she will repent and return (as was the case in the Prodigal Son of Luke 15:11-32), but no one who is truly saved can ever be taken away by Satan or the world. Remember what is written:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”
(John 10:27-30) -ESV

Never Give Up!

The main theme throughout the Bible that runs parallel to the Good News of salvation is the need for endurance. We must endure until the very end, remaining faithful and obedient (Matthew 10:28; 1Corinthians 9:24-27; Philippians 3:14-16; 1Timothy 6:11-16; 2Timothy 4:3-5; Hebrews 10:35-39; 2Peter 1:5-11; Revelation 3:16).

See my other article, “Superhero: Never Give Up“.

