Superhero: Armor of GOD: Sword of the Spirit

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This is Part 20 of my Superhero series. In the introduction of this series, I provided the argument that heroes are real and then I distinguished between heroes and superheroes. I also provided a list of what defines a superhero. In Part 1, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute standard of Good and realize that evil is a mere privation of what is good. In Part 2, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute moral standard and realize that what is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. In Part 3, I defined and expounded upon love because all superheroes are full of love and are compelled to act out from love. In Part 4, I explained that superheroes desire to save people from all forms of danger and/or death and this desire comes from love. In Part 5, we learned that superheroes are solution seekers. In Part 6, we saw that solution seekers are willing to sacrifice if necessary. In Part 7, we saw that sacrificial love steps forward and offers service. In Part 8, we saw that superheroes go above and beyond the call of duty. In Part 9, we saw that superheroes never give up! In Part 10, we saw that superheroes don’t need recognition – they are motivated only by love! In Part 11, we saw that relationships matter and teamwork works! In Part 12, we saw that the struggle is real; however, Jesus is the real solution to our real problems. In Part 13, we saw that despite problems, superheroes are more than conquerors! In Part 14, we saw that true superheroes do not have identity crises – they know who they are even if others don’t! In Part 15, we saw that superheroes are always ready to fight evil with the belt of Truth. In Part 16, we saw that superheroes are always ready to resist evil by putting on the breastplate of righteousness. In Part 17, we saw that superheroes are always ready to walk with purpose. In Part 18, we saw that superheroes are always ready to deflect the enemy’s attacks by holding up the shield of faith. In Part 19, we saw that by wearing the helmet of salvation, superheroes always protect themselves from evil penetrating their minds with parasitic seeds of thought that contaminate, corrupt, and control.

In this message (Part 20), we will see that by using the Sword of the Spirit, superheroes can not only block the enemy’s attacks, but also drive the enemy away.


Continuing the examination of the whole armor of GOD, we are now instructed to take the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Roman soldiers had different types of swords at their disposal, but the word for “sword” here is taken from the Greek word machaira. This sword was approximately 19 inches long and both sides of the blade were sharp; it was a double-edged sword. 

Consider the following comic book characters: Katana (DC), Deadpool, The Swordsman, and Black Knight (Marvel) – they all use swords as their weapon of choice to fight their opponents. Though the sword is not a popular weapon of choice for superheroes, those who choose to use it find the sword to be extremely useful. And like the aforementioned superheroes, ancient Roman soldiers also considered the sword to be extremely useful. Because the sword is capable of cutting through things or even taking life away from people, it is a symbol of power. The mere sight of the sword being drawn out from its sheath could strike fear into a person’s heart. The Roman Empire equipped all soldiers with this symbol of power and fear as a reminder of their dominance and control. And just as apostle Paul used the soldier’s armor to call attention to ways of defending ourselves, Paul also calls attention to the sword as an offensive weapon. Why? Because defense without offense is unsustainable stamina.

Just as bread/manna is actually the Word of GOD (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; John 6:35,41,48,51), Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword is also the Word of GOD. The term “word” is taken from the Greek word rhema, which describes something that is spoken clearly; spoken vividly; spoken in undeniable language; or spoken in unmistakable, unquestionable, certain, and definite terms. Thus, this word is a special word of clarity that supernaturally comes into a believer’s mind. Some excellent examples of this can be seen in Matthew 10:19-20, John 14:26, and Acts 4:8-13. But we must understand that the rhema comes out from the logos. In other words, the Holy Spirit uses the written Word (that’s already within us) to extract and highlight a special Word of clarity for a specific time and for a specific purpose. If you don’t consume the written Word, then the Holy Spirit cannot highlight which specific Word to use at a specific time. Logos is prerequisite for rhema

When Jesus told us that all who live by the sword will die by the sword (Matthew 26:52), Jesus was telling us that if we use violent, forceful, or underhanded methods against other people, we can expect those same methods to be used against us. Violence begets violence. Those who practice violence will come to violent ends. Essentially, the measure and method you use toward others will be the measure and method by which you also will be judged (Matthew 7:2; Mark 4:23-25).

If those who live by the sword also die by the sword, why did Paul call the Word of GOD the Sword? Are we supposed to strike people down like the Crusaders did? Are we supposed to beat people over the head with our Bibles and subdue them into submission until they claim to be Christians? No! Conquest and forced conversion only has the power to change minds, but never hearts. And even the change of mind will most likely be superficial and temporary. If threatened, someone might proclaim to be converted; however, that same person will most likely revert to earlier beliefs once the threat of dying is no longer a possible outcome.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
(Hebrews 4:12) -ESV


As is evident from Revelation 1:16; 2:12, the double-edged sword comes from the mouth of the Lord — it is the spoken Word! The phrase “two-edged” or “double-edged” is taken from the Greek word distomos, which is a compound of the word di, meaning two, and the word stomos, which is the Greek word for one’s mouth. Thus, this double-edged sword is a two-mouthed sword. How so? GOD’s Word cuts in two ways. As explained in Hebrews 4:12, GOD’s Word cuts through sin, pride, and disobedience when it enters us humans. However, because GOD’s Word boomerangs and never returns void (Isaiah 55:10-11), the Word moves through us and out of our mouths, which then becomes the other side of the blade. So, GOD’s Word goes out from His ‘mouth,’ cuts into us, and then boomerangs back and out from our mouths, which not only strikes down the enemy, but also supernaturally splices into other humans. However, it is important to understand that GOD’s Word is not a sword that cuts people down; rather, it is the Sword used to cut people free from their enslavement of sin. GOD’s Word cuts through calloused and hardened hearts, exposing lies, revealing Truth, causing conviction, and leads to repentance and alignment with the absolute moral standard of GOD’s will. While striking the enemy down, the Word also sets people free (John 8:32)!

Words Are Powerful:

How powerful are words? Let’s begin by realizing that GOD spoke the universe into existence (Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24) – that’s how powerful words can be! When GOD created everything, He did it by starting with a formless void and then shaping it with His Word. Likewise, our lives are a formless void until GOD’s Word comes in to bring life and peace, beauty and order. The opposite is true as well: when GOD’s Word departs from our lives, they descend back into chaos.

But let’s also recognize the fact that words possess power even if they come from finite and fallible human beings. Words possess the power to affect emotions and even alter the direction in which a person will travel. Harmful words are like swords that cut people down (Psalm 55:21; 64:3; Proverbs 12:18). How many negative memories do you still have in your mind of hurtful words? Perhaps they came from strangers, friends, family, or even someone you loved most. I still carry with me a memory from my childhood when someone told me I should have been a girl because I had been crying. I also have a memory from my early adulthood when a relative of mine commented on how much time I ‘wasted’ on playing guitar and writing songs: “That will never amount to anything; dreams don’t pay bills.” But I also have memories of hearing the pretty girl I liked talk about what a perfect male looked like and me realizing I looked nothing like the male she described. I also have memories of hearing people tell me that either I wasn’t good enough or the work I presented wasn’t good enough. The old saying that “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” is a lie. As the old joke goes, those who don’t think that words hurt has never been hit in the head with a dictionary. Words can hurt; they do hurt. The power of the spoken word is so great that many people have ended up committing suicide due to their inability to block the hurtful words from penetrating their hearts and minds. In fact, at the age of 17, I even wrote out my own suicide letter because I had not been able to handle the heavy load of hurtful words I collected throughout the years.

“The words of the wicked kill; the speech of the upright saves.”
(Proverbs 12:6) –MSG

“What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words.”
(Proverbs 18:21) –GNT

“I can guarantee that on judgment day people will have to give an account of every careless word they say. By your words you will be declared innocent, or by your words you will be declared guilty.”
(Matthew 12:36-37) –GW

How powerful are words? Words penetrate both mind and heart. Words can cut people down, but words can also build people up. So, what words will we speak? If we are all to be judged by our words, then it would be wise to speak life by speaking GOD’s Word. In fact, Paul tells us that GOD’s Word is our Sword and offensive weapon in our spiritual battle against evil. Like a fencing match or real sword fight, GOD’s Word is the Sword that blocks the enemy’s sword from connecting with our hearts and minds and also helps us to drive the enemy away.

Jesus provided the example for us when He spent 40 days in the wilderness to be tempted. The devil knows Scripture. When the devil spit out sword thrusts of destructive words, Jesus responded by using the Sword in a counter attack to not only block the attack, but to also drive the enemy away. Just as Jesus said, “it is written” (Matthew 4:4,7,10) as His offensive attack against the enemy, that must also be our response. With the shield of faith in one hand and GOD’s Word as your Sword in your other hand, you can block the enemy’s attacks and launch your own attack to drive the enemy away. Ultimately, GOD’s Word enables us to fight the lies of the great Liar and be more than conquerors in Christ (Matthew 4:10; Romans 8:37; James 4:7).

In the 1999 movie, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the scene where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan battle against Darth Maul can provide a visual depiction of what our spiritual battle looks like against evil. Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon and then immediately turns his attention toward Obi-Wan. Imagine Darth Maul as a demon, Qui-Gon as an unprepared human who allowed evil to overtake him, and Obi-Wan as yourself. Obi-Wan screamed in horror at the sight of Qui-Gon falling. Likewise, we should all be screaming in horror at the knowledge that millions of people are succumbing to the devil and his demonic deeds. But we are not exempt (1Corinthians 10:11-13). The demons are going to turn their attention toward us. Obi-Wan was prepared to battle against evil and prevailed over Darth Maul. Are you prepared to effectively battle against the devil and his demons? If the adversary knows how to use the Sword, how much more should you know how to use it? Have you been trained up in the ways of the Lord? Do you know how to handle the Sword?

The Sword Is A Weapon:

Without GOD’s Word, we have no offensive weapon to drive the enemy away. In the 2010 movie, The Book Of Eli, the evil villain, Carnegie, spoke the truth when he reprimanded his henchmen, informing them that capturing the Bible was of utmost importance because, “It’s a weapon!” And because GOD’s Word is the best weapon against evil, Satan has done everything possible in this life to ban it, burn it, discredit it, and disregard it. But of course, we already know that GOD’s Word lasts forever (Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 24:35) and Satan knows this as well. And because the enemy knows that GOD’s Word is forever, he often uses the tactic of twisting the text in order to manipulate the masses. There are many buildings proclaiming to be Christian churches, but upon closer investigation, the pastors are devils in disguise. There are many wolves in sheep clothing. We shouldn’t be surprised by this – Jesus and His disciples told us it would be this way (Matthew 7:15; 10:16; Acts 20:28-31; Romans 16:17-18; 2Corinthians 11:13-15; 1Timothy 4:1-2; 6:3-5; 2Timothy 3:1-9; 4:2-5; 2Peter 2:1-3; 1John 4:1,5-6). GOD’s Word warns us about false teachers in the world. And this is why it is important for us to have the Sword. However, an available weapon won’t be of any use to a person who doesn’t know how to use it. In order to use GOD’s Word, you must know GOD’s Word. Do you know the Word of GOD? Is it in you?

The Word Saves:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
(2Timothy 3:16-17) -ESV

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
(Romans 10:17) -ESV

Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what should we do?’ Peter replied, ‘Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.’ Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, ‘Save yourselves from this crooked generation!’ Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.”
(Acts 2:37-41) -NLT

GOD’s Word is the Sword that cuts people free from the Counterfeiter’s cage of captivity. Those who have been released from the the devil’s dungeon (like myself) find themselves shouting praises of gratitude for the gift of GOD’s grace. Like Paul, I was once blind to the Truth, but now I see! Think about it! How did 3,000 people get saved in one day? Because Peter was so amazing? No. Peter finally allowed the Holy Spirit to guide him and he used the Sword of the Spirit. Thousands of people were saved due to Peter and the apostles slicing through Satan’s snares with the Sword of the Spirit – GOD’s Word! In fact, in Acts 4:4, it is written that 5,000 men had been saved due to the preaching of the Gospel – and that number didn’t even include women or children! Thousands of people can be saved if we would only allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we share the Gospel with them! Do you know GOD’s Word? Are you sharing the Gospel like Jesus commanded us to do?

Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:18-20) -NLT

Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”
(2Timothy 4:2-5) -NLT

Are you able to defend the faith like the apostles had been able to do (2Corinthians 10:5; 1Peter 3:15)? If you don’t know GOD’s Word, then you are not trained to use the Sword. If you’re not able to use the Sword, the devil and his demons will use the Sword against you. How do you know if someone is preaching the true Word of GOD? What if someone uses GOD’s Word by twisting the text like Satan did? Without GOD’s Word, we cannot know Truth. If we do not know Truth, we will inevitably believe lies. If you have the Bible in your possession, then you have the Sword in your possession. If you do not know GOD’s Word, you do not know how to use the Sword. If, however, you do know GOD’s Word, then you know how to use the Sword. Understand this: Satan has targeted you and is coming after you. Are you prepared to not only block the enemy’s attacks but to also drive him away? If you don’t know how to use the Sword, you better start training before it’s too late. If you do know how to use the Sword, you need to start training others how to use it. It’s time to take up the Sword! It’s time to cut people free from bondage and to release them from the darkness of the devil’s dungeon! How do we do that? We reflect the Light and shine bright!

It is written in Psalm 119:130 that GOD’s Word gives light. Why? Because GOD is able to bring unbelievers out of the darkness and into the light. Jesus is the Light
(2Samuel 22:29; Job 12:22; Psalms 18:28; Isaiah 42:16; John 1:5; 8:12; 12:46; Acts 26:16-18; Ephesians 5:8; 1Peter 2:9-10; 1John 1:5-10). And Jesus commanded us to be the light in the darkness of this world (Matthew 5:14). So, we are the light? But John 9:5 states that Jesus is the Light. So, which is it? Both. The first half of John 9:5 is the key to understanding this. Jesus “passed the torch” to His followers. Jesus is the primary Light; we are the secondary light, a reflection of the Light. We are light-bearers. As the light of the sun is to the moon, so the light of the Son is to us. Jesus shines the Light, the light enters us, casts out darkness, and then we reflect that light to everyone around us.

However, examine Matthew 5:14 in context. Jesus spoke about salt and light. But right before He spoke about salt and light, He gave the Sermon on the Mount and spoke about the “Beatitudes,” which is a list of blessings. In this, there are nine individual promises that come together to form one: we will be blessed if we are in alignment with GOD’s will. Within the entirety of the Beatitudes, there is only one command: rejoice and be glad. It happens to be in the midst of the warnings about persecution. The command is immediately followed by a promise that we will have a great reward in Heaven. This means we need to begin with the end in mind and make decisions based on our eternal destination, not our temporal circumstances (Psalm 30:5). Like Paul, we need to keep our eyes on the prize if we are to obtain the Beatitudes’ promise of being blessed (1Corinthians 9:24; Philippians 3:14).

Jesus then goes on to say that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We already discussed the light, but what about the salt? Salt is a necessity of life and has been used as a seasoning, a preservative, a disinfectant, and even used on icy conditions. Think: Are we preserving all the good qualities of life? Are we enhancing the ‘flavor’ of life? Are we a disinfectant, helping to eliminate the ‘germs’ of false doctrines? Are we being used for icy conditions? Are we thawing ice-cold hearts with our love? Are we helping people gain traction on slippery slopes? Our salty ‘flavor’ should cause people to salivate for salvation. Are we shining the Light and sharing the Gospel or are we hiding under a basket, thereby making it a casket? Hiding the Light under a basket is remaining silent when we should be speaking the Word. Superheroes don’t hide under baskets! Couch potato Christians are consumers in comfort-coffins. 

Comfort Is The Coffin Of Christianity:

When Jesus told us not to hide our light under a basket (Matthew 5:14-16), He meant that we should not go into hiding and remain sheltered. In fact, Jesus commanded us to go out into the world, sharing the Gospel (Matthew 28:28-20). Do not be content with the knowledge of your own salvation!

“None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.”
(1Corinthians 10:24) –GNT

Keep being compassionate to those who still have doubts, and snatch others out of the fire to save them. Be merciful over and over to them, but always couple your mercy with the fear of God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh.”
(Jude 1:22-23) -TPT

If you are content with your own comfort and decide to build protective walls around yourself and refuse to leave that safety-box, it is more than likely that you will shelter yourself into non-existence. How can superheroes save anyone if they are hiding in a box? Evil wants you to build walls of comfort around yourself and for you to stay in your safety-box – the longer you stay inside your sheltered life, the more that shelter becomes your coffin. And if you stay inside your sheltered life, how could you have relationships with others and lead people to Christ? If you cut yourself off from the rest of the world, you cut yourself off from GOD’s plan for your life. If you cut yourself off from GOD’s will, you will be the substance without its source and you will slowly wither and die. Don’t shelter yourself; however, don’t live as the rest of this world lives. Rise above with love and speak out and reach out while inviting others in. 

The safety-box of a sheltered life is a comfort-coffin. People try to justify their sheltered lives in many different ways, but here is the truth: those who are content with their own salvations and live sheltered lives don’t obey GOD’s laws nor live by His decrees. GOD has called us to love others – it’s not possible to reach out (with love) to those in the darkness if we are hiding in our safety-box (hiding our light). 

Everyone’s coffin is different, yet they are all the same: the coffin is crafted to contour to your comfort. What does your coffin look like? It’s important to know what your coffin looks like – knowing what it looks like will help you stay out of it! A coffin can look like the car that someone loves to work on and invest in, it can look like the sports team someone spends all his/her time studying, it could look like the beer can someone can’t let go of long enough to use his/her hands for a better purpose, or it could even look like someone’s television set or his/her own apartment/house. Understand this: a coffin can even look like protection against evil. Although the coffin appears to be protection that keeps evil away from you, is the opposite – you need to realize that it is a trap, designed to keep you out of the world. Evil doesn’t want Christians out in the world. A comfort-coffin can even look like a church building. 

I urge you – do not seek shelter! I urge you to step outside of your sheltered life; I urge you to get out of your comfort-coffin. Batman does not stay in the Batcave! If he did, he would never save anyone. Too many men are hiding in their man-caves. Do your hobbies consume all of your free time leaving you unable to help others? Examine your decisions and the motives behind your decisions. With the time you do have, do you use it to advance the Kingdom of GOD? Are you willing to leave your comfort-coffin in order to save others? Are you willing to go places you might not want to go and help people regardless of your opinion of them? Do your video games, beer pong, sports, etc. stand in the way of leading people to Christ? We are called to love others and to lead people to Christ. Let us go out and do exactly that! How? By knowing GOD’s Word and sharing the Good News! But how can you do that if you don’t know GOD’s Word? Is it in you?

The Word Is The Link To Your Sword:

Because rhema (a special word of clarity from the Holy Spirit) only comes from logos (the written Word of GOD), we must first know the Word of GOD in order to receive the Sword. Some people sit idly by in the darkness of their comfort-coffins, hoping to receive a Sword from GOD. But we will only receive the Sword by living in the light and reading our Bibles.

Consider the classic 1986 video game, Legend of Zelda. The main character, Link, can find and collect helpful items that enable him to live a victorious life. In the game, you are able to uncover hidden areas and discover game-changing items such as a map, compass, food, potion, shield, candle, bomb, key, boomerang, or even an upgraded sword. 

To be a superhero in the name of the Savior, we must go on a quest much like Link does in the Legend of Zelda. Think about it. The only way Link will ever find and attain any game-changing items and reach the end of the game is by advancing forward, examining everything, and using his gifts while battling evil. To Link, game-changing items help him to be victorious and reach the end; likewise, superheroes end up as conquerors for Christ due to the life-changing Word. Link has a map and compass to help him find his way; likewise, we have GOD’s Word and moral compass to guide us in life. Link is sustained by food he finds; GOD’s Word is our food. Link has potion to give him life; GOD’s Word comes from the Lord, the Lord is Life and gives life. Link has a shield to protect him from evil’s attacks; we have the whole armor of GOD. Link has a candle to give him light to use in the darkness; the Lord is the Light and we are the light of the world. Link has a bomb he can use to blast his way through walls; we destroy strongholds with Truth-bombs. Link has a key to unlock new areas; by reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit will help us understand ‘secret passages’ and this will unlock new areas of life for us. Link has a boomerang that returns to him; we have GOD’s Word, which also acts as a boomerang because it never returns void. Link can get an upgraded sword; we receive a Sword as an upgrade after knowing the Word. According to, Link can attain an upgraded Magical Sword by following these steps:

Requirement: Min. 12 Heart Containers

From the starting screen, head right one screen, up five screens, left two screens, down one screen, left one screen up one screen, left two screens, down one screen, left two screens, and up one screen to find yourself in part of the graveyard.

Push the middle grave in the third column from the left to reveal a stairwell leading to the sword.”

Likewise, in order for superheroes (Christians) to receive a rhema (Sword), we must be willing to take the required action of the necessary steps. What are these necessary steps? Just as there was a minimum requirement of 12 heart containers for Link to receive the Magical Sword, there is a minimum requirement for us to receive the Sword: we must read the Bible. Just as there are directions to follow in order for Link to receive the Magical Sword, there are directions we must follow to receive the Sword: read the Bible, study the Bible, meditate on what is written, and trust the Holy Spirit to present you with the Sword at the right time. Link received the Magical Sword only after the secret passage was revealed. Likewise, the special Sword we receive from the Holy Spirit is like a secret passage being revealed. But if we have not read GOD’s Word, then the Holy Spirit cannot help us bring it to mind at the right time for a specific purpose. Link had to put forth effort in order to attain game-changing items. Likewise, we must also put forth effort in order for the life-changing Sword. All we need to do is know the Word. Have you consumed the Word? By consuming the Word you can receive the Sword. Is it in you?

Church History – Part 1 (AD 30-177)

[ If you missed the introduction to this series, you can read it here: “Church History – Introduction” ]

Christian church history did not begin at the birth of Jesus [like many assume]; rather, it started “in the beginning” (Genesis 1:1). Christianity is the continuity and completion of Judaism. To see how this is so, read my other article, “Is Judaism and Christianity Complementary or Contradictory?

In AD 30, Jesus was crucified, He resurrected, and then ascended into Heaven after revealing Himself to multiple people. Also in that same year was the Holy Spirit’s arrival at Pentecost. In 33, Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Saul of Tarsus had been one of the people responsible for the death of Stephen. In that same year of 33, Saul encountered Jesus, became a Christian, and was from that point on known as Paul. Around 43, Antioch became the center of Christian activity. In 45, Barnabas brought Paul to Antioch. In 47-48, Paul and Barnabas visited Galatia during their first missionary journey. In 49, the Jerusalem Council recognized that the Gospel is also for Gentiles. In that same year, Roman emperor, Claudius, forced the Jews out of Rome; Priscilla and Aquila left Rome and ended up in Corinth where they meet Paul. Around 49-52, Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia and visited there for the first time during his second missionary journey; Timothy traveled with Paul and Silas. In 50, Paul, Silas, and other missionaries landed at Philippi and the church was established there. In that same year, Paul also went to Thessalonica and established a church there. Around 50-52, Paul visited Corinth for the first time on his second missionary journey. Around 51, Luke joined Paul, Silas, and Timothy during Paul’s second missionary journey. In 52-54, Paul taught in Ephesus. In 52, Emperor Claudius installed Felix as procurator of Judea. From 52-62, Paul defended his faith before Roman procurators Felix (52-60) and Festus (60-62). From 54-68, Emperor Nero ruled the Roman Empire. Around 57-59, Paul was imprisoned in Caesarea. In 60, Paul had been shipwrecked on the island of Malta en route to Rome. Around 60-63, Luke wrote his Gospel and the book of Acts.

In AD 64, there was a great fire in Rome that destroyed 70% of the capital city. Emperor Nero (AD 54-68) blamed the fire on Christians. Prior to the Jewish revolts and the great fire, Christians had been largely ignored by those in power, with of course some martyrs sprinkled throughout the timeline. According to the Jewish-Roman historian Josephus, the Sanhedrin ordered James (linking James as the brother of Jesus) to be stoned to death around AD 62. But because of the great fire two years later (AD 64), persecution came down hard on Christians because Nero blamed the fire on the Christians. According to early church tradition, Peter died in Rome during Nero’s persecution, crucified upside down. It is said that Paul also died during the intense persecution between AD 64-65. And because of the Jews’ open revolts against the empire’s overstepping of boundaries, Nero eventually gave General Vespasian 60,000 soldiers to regain Galilee and Judea. And because Vespasian conquered Galilee, we have the writings from Josephus. It is said that Josephus surrendered to Vespasian. Before attacking Jerusalem, Nero had apparently committed suicide and Vespasian returned to Rome to claim the imperial throne. Josephus went with him and ended up writing his major treatises there. An important mention in the historian’s writings (Antiquities of the Jews) is the reference to Jesus as a historical figure who was reputed to be a prophet and miracle worker who had been crucified under Pontius Pilate.

After becoming emperor, Vespasian sent his son, Titus, and an army back to Jerusalem to besiege the city. However, before besieging the city, the Jews were allowed to enter into the city for the Passover celebration, thereby collecting more Jews in one area than might have been possible otherwise. But just like in the lyrics of Hotel California by the Eagles, they could come in, but they were not to leave. The Temple was eventually destroyed in AD 70, thereby fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus (see Matthew 24:2). Only one wall of the temple mount (known today as the “Wailing Wall”) remained. And because of all this, many Jews who desired to avoid further tragedies, excluded all fringe groups, including Christians, from their synagogues. But where had the Christians been during the siege of the city? Eusebius tells us that the Christians, acting on a revelation, to flee to a certain town called Perea, which they called Pella. After the disastrous Jewish War of AD 66-73, large numbers of Jews moved away from their traditional homes (Dispersions). And then up until AD 81, Christians were largely ignored again. But then Vespasian’s son, Domitian, became emperor (AD 81-96) and demanded divinity status (divus) and to be declared as Dominos et Deus Noster (‘Our Lord and God’). But persecution continued even after a new emperor, Trajan, took the throne.

Polycarp was one of the martyrs — he had been burned alive because he refused to deny Christ. According to Irenaeus, Polycarp was his spiritual mentor and Polycarp was a disciple of apostle John. In the second century century AD, apologists began defending their faith and their innocence, desiring to prove that Christians weren’t criminals. The most famous of the apologists was a man named Justin. Justin studied the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato, Pythagoras, and the Stoics. Around AD 132, he eventually came to the conclusion that Christianity was the “one sure worthy philosophy.” In AD 165, he was beheaded and soon became known as “Justin Martyr.” Christianity was unpopular in the first and second centuries for a few reasons: Christianity went against the social order and opposed the pluralistic, polytheistic, and relativistic ways of life that catered to the pursuit of pleasure. And if we substitute polytheistic for atheistic, we find the reasons for Christianity being unpopular remain the same today of the Western world in 2017. And much like today, GOD used human factors to produce spiritual results. The allowance of the Roman empire produced the dissatisfaction of the empire; consequently, many found refuge in the grace of Christ. Those in power produced persecution, which caused the stirring of faith and the scattering of believers; consequently, seeds of salvation grew in areas that needed the Gospel. Think about it: in the depth of the darkness, surrounded by soil, the future of the buried seed always looks hopeless. But that’s where growth takes place; that growth will eventually be known when it shoots up, breaking through the soil to proclaim life.

[ To read Part 2, CLICK HERE! ]

Church History (Introduction)

What does church history look like? When reading and studying the entire history of the church, we must keep our focus on the bigger picture and compare what GOD’s Word actually teaches to what GOD’s people actually did or did not do. There has always been and will always be deviation from Truth and lights that get extinguished from the church, leaving only darkness in some areas and at some times. This all is from the Fall. From Cain murdering his brother, Abel, to the Day of Christ’s return and the battle of Armageddon, GOD’s people and the church will always be forced to shine light through the darkness of this world. Sadly, when evil infiltrates and contaminates GOD’s people, the world is left with doubt about GOD and His Word. And when they look at the stained glass in the church window, they are uncertain if the color red should represent the claim of Christ’s sacrificial blood or the notorious fame of a blood-thirsty mass of supercilious saints who masquerade about with malicious motives and pious performances. GOD’s people must live out a delicate balance of love and Truth. Even the slightest ‘one-degree’ deviation demonstrates demonic deeds that make the world believe blood-saturated saints to be devils in disguise and Christ a mere guise.

This is what church history looks like — it is one long war with many battles of GOD’s people trying to keep the faith, defend Truth, yet all the while correct the mistakes that have tarnished the perfect name of GOD. As representatives of GOD, Christians, with wrong actions, are capable of driving people away from right belief. I recently encountered the trending hashtag on Twitter, “ChurchToo”, which essentially was used for people to share their horrible stories of how church members or church leaders abused their position and power in order to sexually assault people, or mentally or physically abuse people. Are all the accusations true? Probably not. This hashtag popped up only after sexual allegations against celebrities became popular news headlines and Hollywood started devouring itself like a king snake swallowing another snake. Many unbelievers probably took advantage of the situation in order to throw mud on the church. However, many of the “ChurchToo” accusations are undoubtedly true, coming from victims who had once been afraid to speak up but now emboldened to do so because of what’s happening in Hollywood. It is all a sobering reminder of the real problem of sin in this world and humanity’s inability to save themselves. While reading and studying church history, it is important to keep in mind the bigger picture of the Creator’s original design and intent, the Fall, and the purpose of Christ to reunite the creation with Creator. Keep these following points in mind while reading and studying church history:

  • Humanity’s inability and often refusal to abide by the absolute moral standard does not prove GOD’s standard to be wrong, it only reveals that the Law is good and necessary (read Romans 7).
  • Purity is good & commendable, which is highlighted by the uproar against immorality. The Law is good and necessary, which is highlighted by the uproar against injustice.
  • The church is not a country club for saints but a hospital for sinners (read Matthew 9:11-13). The church is not a place for perfect people, but for finite and fallible fallen people who need a perfect GOD.
  • Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone needs Jesus, all the time, even those in the church — especially those in the church.
  • The church is not above correction; in fact, all Christians should be held to a higher standard because they should know better (read James 3:1; 4:17).
  • We should not confuse the problem of sin with the only solution of Jesus and the absolute moral standard as being the problem. The mistakes of humanity are not accurate reflections of the character quality of the perfect GOD.
  • To purge the church of sin is to restore the church to righteousness; restored churches will help victims heal from pseudo-saints.
  • Sin is the problem, not the church, unless sin is in the church, then the church becomes a problem, but not the problem.

It all leads back to the beginning and we must keep our focus on the bigger picture and compare what GOD’s Word actually teaches to what GOD’s people actually did or did not do. For it is GOD’s Word and only GOD’s Word that should define how the church is to be both operated and viewed. And with that said, may GOD’s light of Truth shine as you read and study even the darkest periods of the church and remember that the church is the purified Bride of Christ at the end of days. View the church as a total makeover transformation, much like we have seen on reality television shows. The church is to be viewed as a whole and seen as Christ will see her at the end of days — she’s beautiful! Just as individual humans have had bad pasts before becoming good later in life, the church is the same. Just as individual humans have seemed ugly prior to receiving a total makeover transformation and then looking marvelous, the church is the same. Don’t judge the church by her past, judge the church by who she strives to become and who Jesus tells us she will be. Church history reveals the growth of the church. Just as Abraham’s descendants are beyond counting (Genesis 15:5), the church started out with a dozen disciples and it will end with a countless number (Revelation 7:9). Don’t judge a sequoia tree by the sprout or seed — only in its final stage will you know what its glorious state will be.



If you are already a Christian, then church history is your family history. Studying church history is like opening a photo album with commentary and exploring family heritage. If you are a Christian and do not know church history, it is imperative that you take the journey to learn the past. Our past history will help mature us for the future by rooting us in reality, replacing ignorance with Truth, and opening us up to understanding of what actually happened rather than us assuming what might have happened or what we wished would have happened. The beauty of church history is that it enables us to learn from past mistakes, which will help us to grow in righteousness and help us to stay in alignment. Church history provides us with perspective and helps us plan for our purpose. As you learn church history, may you be in awe of GOD’s faithfulness despite humanity’s unfaithfulness. Though church history is the study of the works of men and women, it is ultimately the study of the work of GOD.

[ Read: Church History – Part 1 ]

Understanding Revelation

Before reading this article, I highly recommend that you first read my other article: Should The Bible Be Taken Literally?

Also, before you begin reading this [lengthy] article, you should do two important things:
(1) Pray to GOD that the Holy Spirit would fill you with wisdom so that you may understand all that is written in His Word and this article.
(2) Commit yourself to investigating every Scripture that I quote. They are easy to skip over while reading this article, but don’t allow yourself to do that. The Scriptures I quote are necessary to understanding what is written.

Now that you have [hopefully] prayed and made a commitment to dedicating yourself to discovery, there are three important things that must be taken into consideration prior to discussing the contents of the book of Revelation.

The first and most important thing to consider is that no one completely comprehends the book of Revelation in its entirety. If anyone should tell you that he/she has decoded it and figured it all out, that person is unaware of his/her blind spots and is ignorant of his/her ignorance. Revelation is riddled with echoes of the Old Testament — especially the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Isaiah. Daniel had even admitted that he didn’t completely comprehend what he had seen and heard (Daniel 8:27; 12:8). Furthermore, GOD has not revealed everything to us because there will be things that will only be revealed at the end of days (Deuteronomy 29:29; Daniel 12:4,9; Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32; Revelation 10:4). But having clarified that concern, may it be understood that a lot can be known about the book of Revelation simply because Revelation is a recap of the entire Bible. One cannot attain a good understanding of Revelation without first knowing the rest of the Bible. Revelation is last in the Bible and it is so for good reason.

A second important thing to consider in light of the first is that there are a few different ways to interpret the book of Revelation and the position depends upon the perspective of the reader. Over centuries, four main approaches of interpretation have developed: Preterist, Futurist, Historicist, and Idealist. Each approach has had capable supporters, but none has proved itself to be the only way to read the book. Regardless of what position the reader holds, we need to interpret with caution and care. We must remind ourselves that most biblical prophecy has both an immediate and a future application. We should never assume that we have “figured out” the future, and we should be careful before labeling current events or leaders as fulfillments of the book of Revelation. In addition to the interpretive approaches, there exists three major positions on the issue of the 1,000 years mentioned in chapter 20: Postmillennialism, Premillennialism, and Amillennialism. These different views about the Millennium need not cause division and controversy in the church because each view acknowledges what is most crucial to Christianity: Christ will return, defeat Satan, and reign forever! Whatever and whenever the Millennium is, Jesus will unite all believers; therefore, we should not let this issue cause division amongst us.

The third important thing to consider is the fact that Revelation, in common with other apocalyptic writings, makes frequent use of numbers. These numbers have special significance:

4: Usually refers to the earth or a place
6: Falls short of perfection
7: Perfection or completeness
12: speaks of GOD’s people
1,000: stands for ‘a great number’

It is also important to remember that John wrote Revelation around AD 95 from the island of Patmos while in exile (1:9). Emperor Domitian had John sent to an isolated place where his spirit may be broken and his words could not be heard. With that in mind, read Romans 8:31-39 and allow the truth of those words to fill you with courage. Though the Roman empire desired to squelch the spread of the Gospel, GOD’s plans always prevail. Through the book of Revelation, it was almost as if GOD had said to the Roman empire, “Your phalanx can never be tight enough nor big enough to push back the army of GOD. Your armor will never be strong enough nor thick enough to prevent the penetration of My Word. For every disciple you kill, more messengers will multiply. Though you imprison or isolate My messengers, My Holy Spirit can never be contained. I will transform stagnation into Revelation and in the depth and darkness in the soil of your dirty deeds of death I have planted seeds of life that will emerge and come to Light. Though you believe your empire to possess power, you will see My power come through you and ultimately consume you.” (See Isaiah 40:8; 1Peter 1:23-25)

“The more often we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is seed [for the church].”
(~Tertullian from Apology, around AD 197)

The book of Revelation is a letter to seven churches in the province of Asia: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea (1:11). This unusual letter is a revelation — an unveiling, uncovering, or revealing — of past, present, and future (1:19). Do not continue reading this until you allow what I just wrote to sink in. Find 1:19 in your Bible and highlight it. To understand Revelation, you must understand that the entire book is about the past, the present, and the future. After highlighting 1:19, find 1:8 and highlight that as well. And somewhere next to 1:8, write “Hebrews 13:8” and then go find that and highlight that as well. Was, is, and will be. Past, present, and future. This is the key to understanding Revelation [apart from knowing the rest of the Bible].

The fact that John was directed to write to seven churches is important because numbers are important in Revelation. Numbers are important in Revelation because numbers are often symbolic; symbolism is prominent within prophecies; Revelation is a prophetic book (1:3; 22:18-19); consequently, many of the numbers found within Revelation are symbolic. John was instructed to write to seven churches. The seven churches were real churches; however, the number seven represents completion. Because GOD has a message for seven churches, GOD also wants all churches to learn from the letters to the real churches (see 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22). And as we will discover, the message GOD wants all churches to know will be needed in order to digest the prophetic words that are to come in later chapters. So what message does GOD want all churches to know? To discover this, we must examine the seven letters to the seven churches.

GOD states that they do the right works, but they have lost the love that should motivate the works. In other words, GOD’s message is that they need to get back to the basics of love being the core and that everything else will come from that love (see Matthew 22:36-40; 1Corinthians 10:12). Keep the passion burning! Keep the fire flickering flames of love! Don’t let the fire burn out! Keep the main thing the main thing! If you don’t have love, you have nothing (see 1Corinthians 13). A promise to the victor is the right to eat from the tree of life in GOD’s paradise, which is the great reversal and restoration of Genesis 3:22-24.

They are persecuted and in poverty, yet GOD declares them to be rich (2:9; see also Matthew 5:10; 6:19-21). This church receives no rebuke because they are faithful. In fact, the main message to this church is this: when it comes time to either compromise or Christ, be faithful and do not fear (see Matthew 24:13; Philippians 1:21; James 1:12). We must endure until the end even unto death. Life is found only through Jesus. And that is perhaps why a promise to the victor here is that he/she will never be harmed by the second death (see 20:14-15).

Though they reside at the location of “Satan’s Throne” — which is a difficult place to live — they held on to His name and did not deny their faith (2:13). However, GOD has some things against them. GOD’s main message: Cooperate with those around you, but do not compromise (see Leviticus 18:3-4)! Don’t be a stumbling block to others (see Numbers 31:16; Micah 6:5; Romans 14:13,21; 1Corinthians 8:9; 1John 2:10)! Essentially, you are either gathering or scattering, which means you are either helping Christ or helping Satan (see Matthew 12:30). So choose whom you will serve (see Joshua 24:15)! Jesus concludes by telling them that the victor will receive some hidden manna and a white stone with a new name on it. The hidden manna is Jesus Himself, the Sustainer, the Source of energy and the Bread of Life (see John 4:32; 6:47-51). Scholars are not certain about the meaning of the white stone, but among the most-likely interpretations that may fit the context is a suggestion that the white stones, with names of the recipients inscribed, were given to contest winners of the Roman sport races. This would explain why Jesus said the “victor” will receive it. The white stone inscribed with a personal name presumably served as a pass to a prestigious banquet only attended by the winners (see 19:9). This stone would have been received upon completion of the race. While this is not a particularly Jewish cultural reference, we do know of many biblical examples of the use of Greco-Roman cultural references as illustrations for and by the Jews (see Philippians 3:12-14; 1Corinthians 9:24-27; 2Timothy 4:6-8; Hebrews 12:1). The victor is the one who endures to the end and is granted access to the marriage feast of the Lamb (see “Marriage of the Lamb” for details).

They have love, faithfulness, service, and endurance; however, they tolerate ‘Jezebel’ and commit sexual immorality. GOD gave ‘Jezebel’ time to repent, but ‘she’ does not want to repent. In 1Kings 16:30-32, we see that Ahab married Jezebel, who worshipped Baal, which caused Ahab to accept, condone, and even promote Baal. This is what I call sleeping with Satan because the one who worships idols and commits sexual immorality is having sex with sin itself. Be careful — the person who sleeps with the enemy and becomes pregnant from sin will give birth to death (see James 1:14-15). Because Ahab was unequally yoked (see 2Corinthians 6:14), Jezebel had contaminated and corrupted the people of Israel and even murdered many of them. You must flee from sexual immorality (see 1Kings 21:23-25; 1Corinthians 6:12-20; 10:8) and stay yoked only to a partner of righteousness who will travel in the same direction as you. Truly, the One we should be yoked to is Jesus (see Matthew 11:28-30). This letter concludes with a promise to the victor that he/she will receive authority over the nations (see 1Corinthians 6:2-3) and the morning star (compare 2:28 and 22:16). Again, Jesus is the prize.

GOD has harsh words for this church: Though there remain a few people who have not defiled themselves (3:4), the church at large is dead (3:1). They have a reputation for being alive yet they are dead inside (see Matthew 23:27-28). They are superficial saints with pious performances, only going through the meaningless motions of redundant rituals of the rigmarole of religion. They were admonished to be alert and strengthen what remains because He has not found their works complete (3:2). They were also warned that He will come like a thief in the night at an unexpected time (3:3; see also Matthew 24:43; Luke 12:39; 1Thessalonians 5:2; 2Peter 3:10). The letter concludes with a promise that the victor will be clothed in white and will walk with Jesus (compare 3:4-5 to 16:15; 19:8; 22:14 or see “Sixth Bowl” for details).

Though they have limited strength, they have kept His Word and didn’t deny His name (3:8). And GOD will work within their weakness (see 2Corinthians 12:9).  We must be faithful with what we have; we must be good stewards (see Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 12:48; 1Corinthians 4:2). This church receives no rebuke because they were faithful and kept His command to endure (3:10). This letter concludes with a promise to the victor that he/she will receive His name, which represents the loving gesture of claiming us as His children. The victor will also be made a pillar of the sanctuary. A pillar is used as support to strengthen a structure and make it more complete. Though we will not be the foundation, we will all be a part of what makes Heaven so great. And because we are a part of the structure, this implies our permanency in the place of paradise.

This church receives no praise. GOD states that because they are neither hot nor cold and merely lukewarm, GOD is going to spit them out of His mouth (3:15-16). The people claimed that they need nothing because they are wealthy, but GOD called them wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, naked, and shameful (3:17-18). GOD proclaims His love, advises they accept His discipline, and admonishes them to repent. The insipid are intolerable; their indecisiveness leads to indigestion. Indifference leads to idleness. Fence-sitting, couch-potato, comfort-Christianity receives no praise! (See Hebrews 10:38; 12:4-13; Proverbs 3:11-12) In 3:20, Jesus tells us that He stands at the door and knocks, simply waiting for someone to respond and allow Him in. And when that person allows Jesus within, He will have dinner with that person. Why is this important? In Mark 2: 15-17, we see that this is how Levi — a tax collector — became Matthew, the disciple. Once we allow Jesus within and we fellowship with Him, hearing His Word in itself would be the meal we would be eating; consequently, being filled with the Bread of Life, life would exude out of our very pores and we would be on fire for Christ, thus incapable of being lukewarm. This letter concludes with a promise to the victor that he/she will have the right to sit with Him on His throne. This promise is to say that we will be part of the family and will share in His glory.

Summary of the seven church letters:
Each of the seven letters contained a promise to the “victor.” In order to receive the promises, you must be a victor. How do we become a victor? Stay in alignment with GOD’s Word and His absolute moral standard! Keep the faith and endure until the end! The only way to be a victor is to fight the good fight, endure it until the end, and finish the race. Everyone who finishes the race will be exhausted, but they will also come into rest. Just as GOD rested from His work on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2), we too will come into rest on our ‘seventh day.’ We can picture this life here on Earth as our six days of work and Heaven will be our seventh day of rest. Everything we accomplish in life here on this Earth within our ‘six days’ falls short of perfection. It is only in our ‘seventh day’ that we will come into perfection and receive rest.

Every church leader and congregation member will need to keep their faith and stay in alignment with the Truth of GOD’s Word and absolute moral standard for two important reasons:

  1. A lot will happen in the final days that will test our faith. Without knowing what to expect, you may be deceived and fall away.
  2. No one knows the day nor hour when Jesus will return.

Chapter 4:
John, “in the Spirit,” is invited into Heaven and sees GOD seated on the throne with 24 thrones around His throne and in those thrones are the 24 elders. Because 12 represents GOD’s people, and since “elders” refers to leaders in both Israel (Numbers 11:16) and the church (1Timothy 1:5), 12 of the 24 represent the tribes of Israel and 12 represent the apostles of Christ, mirroring the reference in the new Jerusalem (Revelation 21:12,14). The 12 from the Old Testament and 12 from the New Testament equal 24, which represent all of GOD’s people over time, whether under the Law of Moses or grace of Christ. The seven torches are the seven spirits, which represent the perfection of the Holy Spirit (see Isaiah 11:2). The sea of glass like crystal represents the purity and holiness of GOD. John also sees “four living creatures” (4:6) covered with eyes in front and back, which represents GOD’s ability to see all. They each have six wings (4:8). Four creatures; six wings. 4 x 6 = 24. There are 24 wings and 24 elders. Everyone is covered by the grace of GOD!

Chapter 5:
This chapter introduces the scroll with the seven seals. The scroll has writing on the inside and on the back. There is no wasted space and no room for words from anyone else. GOD’s Word is the only Word and the final Word (see 22:18-19). John discovers that no one is worthy and able to open the seals on the scroll — no one except the Lion from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:9; Micah 5:2), the Root of David (Isaiah 11:1), the Slaughtered Lamb (Isaiah 53:7) with the seven horns (omnipotent) and seven eyes (omniscient), which are the seven spirits (Holy Spirit) of GOD sent into all the earth (omnipresent). Of course, the One who is worthy is Jesus! And why is Jesus the One who is worthy? Because Jesus is the One on the throne; Jesus is GOD, the second person in the Trinity. (compare 4:10-11 with 5:12; see also John 10:30)

Introduction to the Seven Seals:
The first four seals reveal the four horsemen (see Zechariah 1:8-11; 6:1-8). There is debate as to whether any or all of what is pictured has already taken place or if it will happen sometime in the future. While conquest (6:2), widespread warfare (6:4), and devastating effects from famine on economies (6:5-6) have occurred throughout history since the first century AD, no catastrophe has devastated a full fourth of the earth, as is described in the fourth seal (6:8), at least not all at once. It is possible, however, that war, famine, plague, and the animals have killed a fourth of the earth’s population over a span of time. For a few reasons that will be explained later in greater detail, I hold the position that the book (or letter) of Revelation was written to help the first century AD Christians stay faithful; however, the depth of GOD’s wisdom in this letter is also for future events. It was first first century Christians, but it is also for us in this present time, and everyone in the future until Christ returns. Some parts of Revelation concern the past, some speak to us in the present, and some are for future events. I can make this claim confidently from the simple fact that the other prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, Malachi, Zechariah, etc.) spoke to the current situations of their time while also prophesying of the future. To say that the book of Revelation concerns only the past is [in my opinion] rather nearsighted and almost irresponsible. Many predictions from the Bible were made between 500—1,200 years in advance. An exhaustive study of the Bible reveals around 1,800 predictions: about 70% of the predictions are found in the Old Testament and about 30% in the New Testament. Different scholars have counted around 190 prophecies concerning the anticipated Jewish Messiah and Savior, around 50% of which were fulfilled at Christ’s first coming. A lot from Revelation must concern future events (see the section “The Angel and the Smaller Scroll” below). The “birth pains” spoken of in Matthew 24:5-8 and Mark 13:5-8 are the signs of the end of age and they match the descriptions of much of the first four seals.

First Seal:
Jesus opens the first seal and we see a horseman on a white horse, holding a bow (no arrows mentioned) and with a crown on his head. This horseman represents military, empire, or even political dominance. For reasons that will be explained later in greater detail, I don’t believe this horseman represents Jesus like the white horseman of 19:11-16 clearly does. One reason is that John saw Jesus open the seal and then saw the horseman immediately after. I believe this specific horseman to be the one from Daniel 9:27 (see Matthew 24:15-20) who brings in pseudo-peace that will lead to the abomination of desolation. It is that abomination that initiates GOD’s wrath and causes the great tribulation. This horseman is a demonic mockery of Jesus, who is the true white horseman.

Second Seal:
This seal pictures the release of a horseman on a red horse, which represents  violence, warfare and bloodshed. This horseman is empowered to remove peace (that was present for a short time in the first seal) from the earth and people will slaughter one another. This horseman serves as a mirror-image of one truth seen in two different time periods: in the first century with the Roman empire, but also in the future as well. Ponder on the greatness of GOD and you will realize that GOD explained the end times in a way that first century Christians would understand yet future Christians would also understand. (see Jeremiah 32:27; Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27) Because it is written that a large sword was given to this rider, it seems to be a critique of the pax Romana (Latin for “Roman peace”). The Roman peace was both policy and ideology. Augustus Caesar had boasted that the Roman military machine had established a peaceful order to disparate lands and united the civilized world. But empires rise and empires fall. And peace enforced by the sword is not true peace at all (see Matthew 26:52). Just as the Romans used their swords for authority and judgment, Jesus’ sharp two-edged sword represents ultimate authority and judgment. GOD will have the last word. (see Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 1:16; 2:16; 19:15,21) In whom will you place your trust? (see Psalm 118:8-9) Sadly, humanity is going to place their trust in the empire (see “First Seal”), peace will be removed, and people will eventually fall apart and slaughter one another.

Third Seal:
This seal pictures the release of a horseman on a black horse, which represents famine. The horseman holds a set of scales, which represents unbalanced and unfair inflated prices in the market place. The economic crisis produces injustice and most likely chaos.

Fourth Seal:
This seal pictures the release of a horseman on a pale-green horse, which represents death; in fact, this is the only rider with a name and that name is Death. It is written that Hades followed after him. Hades is the greek version of the Hebrew sheol, which is the realm of the dead. Death passes with Hades (sheol) as a net behind him, gathering the dead. This rider comes because of the first three: wherever there is empire, warfare, and famine, death is sure to follow.

Summary of the Four Horsemen:
GOD uses what humans consider as their refuge to reveal His ultimate power and authority. What had once been humanity’s security blankets that gave them a false sense of security have now been turned upside down. The government they relied upon for their pleasure and benefits became the evil master who put them into hardship, the peace they enjoyed turned into war, prosperity and plenty turned into famine and misfortune, and the good life turned into death, which was no life at all. The four horsemen expose the corrupt and fragile idols for what they truly are.

Fifth Seal:
This seal reveals martyred people of the great tribulation (see 7:13-14). (See “Sixth Seal” for explanation regarding the great tribulation.) The people cried out and wanted to know how much longer it would be until GOD delivers His justice and avenges their blood. GOD tells them to rest a little longer because more must first be killed just as they had been. This reveals GOD’s patience and His desire to see more people come to Him (see 2Peter 3:9). It is written in 2Thessalonians 2:3-4 that rebellion and the man of lawlessness precede the Day of the Lord.

Sixth Seal:
There’s a lot of information and happenings packed into this one seal. To better understand this seal, see Isaiah 2:6-22; 13:10,13; Joel 2:10,31; 3:15-16, Zephaniah 1. When this seal is opened, a violent earthquake occurs, the sun turns black, the moon turns red, the stars fall to the earth like figs dropping from its tree, the sky rolls up like a scroll, and every mountain and island move from their places. Matthew 24:29 and Mark 13:24 tell us that the 6th seal events happen after the great tribulation. Therefore, the tribulation most likely occurred in the fourth or fifth seal. As for the stars falling to earth like figs, we know that this is the sign that Jesus is about to return (see Isaiah 34:4; Matthew 24:32-33; Mark 13:28-29). When the events take place, everyone will hide in caves and among the rocks out of fear from the wrath of the Lamb. Jesus’ first coming was love and Truth; His second coming will be Truth and justice. His second coming to us will bring us coming to Him for the final judgment. This section concludes by asking a very important question: Who is able to stand?

Are We In The Last Days?
According to some scholars, the “last days” began with the resurrection of Christ (see Acts 2:17; Hebrews 1:2). Two possible options to consider: the abomination of desolation must have occurred prior to or during the breaking of the first seal. So either the first seal was broken back when the Roman emperors demanded to be worshipped as gods or we are still awaiting for Jerusalem to have a Temple again and the abomination of desolation has not yet happened. Either the great tribulation already occurred when Christians were persecuted by the Roman empire or the great tribulation has not yet happened. Either way, I believe we are definitely in the last days because Christ already came once before and the next time He comes again it will be to bring everything to an end. Therefore, the question should not be as to whether we are in the last days or not, but the question we should be asking is, “Where are we in the timeline of the last days?” And that of course, is the great debate. I’ll provide my answer (opinion) to that question at the end of this article.

Those Who Are Sealed:
Chapter 6 ended with an important question: Who is able to stand? Of course, everyone will stand — they will stand in front of the great white throne of judgment (see 20:12-14). But GOD marks His children to be saved (7:3; 9:4). This seal of GOD is confirmation that we have been examined and inspected. Once inspected, we are approved and then sealed for security purposes, protected from tampering, and authorized by the King (see Exodus 12:1-13; Ezekiel 9:4; Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30; 2Corinthians 1:21-22). A seal can represent a finished transaction (Jeremiah 32:9-10; John 17:4; 19:30); it can represent ownership (Jeremiah 32:11-12; 2Timothy 2:19); it showcases security (Esther 8:8; Daniel 6:17).

Who Are The 144,000?:
In 7:4, it is written: “And I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 sealed from every tribe of the Israelites.” It goes on to list 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes; however, the 12 tribes are not the usual listed tribes (see Numbers 1:5-15; 1Chronicles 2:1-2). Judah is listed first because Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Dan is missing because Dan had a history and reputation for apostasy (1Kings 12:28-30). It most likely serves as a warning that only those who persevere to the end will be saved. Sadly, not everyone who starts the Christian race will finish the race. Regardless, we know that Israel is GOD’s chosen people and Israel will be redeemed and restored. (See Genesis 13:15; Matthew 19:28; Romans 11:23-26.) The number 12 represents GOD’s people; 1,000 represents a great number. 12 x 1,000 = 12,000 (a great number from each tribe). And 12,000 x 12 = 144,000 (a great number of all tribes of all GOD’s people). Regardless of who the 144,000 are, the important thing to know is that the seal of GOD is given to all believers (3:12; 7:3-5; 14:1; 22:4). We also know that the Jews are not the only ones who are to be saved — the gentiles will be grafted in (Romans 11:11-24; Ephesians 2:11-22; Galatians 3:26-29). We also know that Heaven constitutes a vast multitude of every tribe, nation, and language (Genesis 17:4; Revelation 5:9,11; 7:9). We should not allow the debate of the 144,000 to derail us from the main point: GOD’s people are sealed and protected from GOD’s wrath. Though our earthly bodies may perish, GOD’s people are promised a new spiritual body (1Corinthians 15:40-55).

Seventh Seal:
In 8:1, the opening of the seventh seal brings a long moment of silence as everyone becomes still in revenant awe (see Exodus 14:14; Zephaniah 1:7; Psalm 46:10). We can also say that this is the calm before the storm. The Day of the Lord begins with trumpets. Smoke, incense, and prayers go up and then justice comes down. In 6:10, the martyrs asked how long it would take for justice to come. The answer to their prayers now arrives (see more in “First Trumpet”). In 8:5-6, it is written: “The angel took the incense burner, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it to the earth; there were rumblings of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.”

The Connection:
The thunder, lightning, and earthquake together is an important sign. The three occur together for the first time at the conclusion of the seventh seal (8:5) and beginning of the first trumpet. The seven trumpets are actually contained within the seventh seal. The opening of the seventh seal reveals the seven trumpets. The sign is next seen together in 11:19 at the conclusion of the seventh trumpet and beginning of the first bowl. The seven bowls are actually contained within the seventh trumpet. So the bowls come out of the seventh trumpet just like the trumpets come out of the seventh seal. This can be compared to perhaps a set of Matryoshka dolls (Russian nesting dolls; stacking dolls) or even a telescoping ladder. Out of one comes another until the plan is fully unraveled and unveiled or revealed. The thunder, lightning, and earthquake sign is next seen together in 16:17-21 at the conclusion of the seventh bowl and beginning of the fall of Babylon and the coming of Jesus.

First Trumpet:
The seventh seal caused an angel to hurl fire to the earth. The first trumpet is the same action, delivered from the prayers of 6:10. The angel hurling down fire is doing this as the first trumpet blows; the events are tied together. If you recall, the martyrs of 6:10 asked, “how long until You judge and avenge our blood from those who live on the earth?” The first trumpet is the beginning of the judgment in order to avenge their blood. Once the trumpet sounds, hail and fire, mixed with blood, were hurled to the earth to burn up a third of the earth. Why was it mixed with blood? Because GOD is the avenger of blood because blood is life. (See Genesis 4:10; 9:4; Leviticus 17:11; Psalm 9:12; 72:14; 79:10; Isaiah 26:21; Ezekiel 36:18; Revelation 6:10; 19:2.) However, the real avenging of their blood doesn’t culminate until 16:3-6. The first six trumpets echo the plagues in Exodus 7-12.

Second Trumpet:
A huge rock like a mountain ablaze with fire was hurled into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the living creatures in the sea died. (see Jeremiah 51:25)

Third Trumpet:
A great star blazing like a torch fell from Heaven onto a third of the rivers and springs of water, turning the water bitter. People died from the water because it was bitter. This judgment seems to contrast the blessing and miracle at Marah (which means “bitter” in Hebrew), when Moses — because of the Israelites’ grumbling — threw a piece of wood into the region’s bitter waters and turned them sweet (see Exodus 15:23-25).

Fourth Trumpet:
A third of the sun, moon, and stars (see 12:4) were struck and were darkened. A third of the day and night was without light. (See Exodus 10:21-29; Amos 8:9; Mark 13:24.) This trumpet tells of an eagle crying out a “woe” to the ones living on earth because of what the final three trumpet blasts will bring. The next three trumpet blasts will each be a “woe.” The eagle symbolizes GOD’s imminent judgment swooping down on Israel’s enemies (see Jeremiah 48:40-42). The eagle is also meant to conjure up dread for the unrepentant — they might as well be called the walking dead — but also produce hope for GOD’s people — those who have been sealed (see Exodus 19:4; Isaiah 40:31).

Satan Wages War:
Between the fourth and fifth trumpets, there is a time period of Satan waging war against all of GOD’s children on Earth. In 8:13, we see the warning of the “woes” to “those who live on the earth” because of what will happen next. The next three trumpet blasts (fifth, sixth, and seventh) affect the people of the earth. If we compare 8:12 to 12:4, we can see that the third of the stars are affected because of Satan (dragon). In 12:1-6, we are shown that Satan desperately desired to prevent Jesus from ever being born and coming into the world. In Matthew 2:13-20, we see the events that took place. Satan used Herod in an attempt to kill Jesus and prevent Him from coming into the world. An angel warned Joseph and Mary and they fled to Egypt to escape Herod’s reach (thus fulfilling the prophecy of Hosea 11:1). Herod was so angry that he gave orders to massacre all the male children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and under (which fulfilled the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:15 and coincides with Revelation 12:17). And this is why Satan was thrown from Heaven down to earth (12:7-9) and the reason for the ‘woes’ to those living on the earth (8:13). There is a ‘woe’ to those on Earth because Satan is now there, thrown down from Heaven, and he is furious. And for all of this, we know that Satan was thrown down after the fourth trumpet but before the fifth. Because in the fifth trumpet, Satan is bound and thrown into the abyss.

Fifth Trumpet:
The fifth trumpet is the first of three “woes.” A ‘star’ falls from Heaven to Earth. The key to the shaft of the abyss is given to him (star = him). Jesus had said He saw Satan fall from Heaven like a lightning flash (Luke 10:18); Satan was thrown out of Heaven down to Earth (12:9); however, this star is not Satan because Revelation always refers to Satan as the dragon or by name. In addition, it is written that the key to the shaft of the abyss was given to him. I believe the star is the angel who received the key from the Key Holder, Jesus. We know that an angel possesses the key to the abyss (20:1-3) and also opens the abyss after binding Satan and throwing him in. (Therefore, 9:1-2 is the same event as 20:1-3.) We also know that Michael was the angel who fought Satan and threw him down to Earth (12:7-9); therefore, this star is definitely an angel and most likely Michael. And this is why the abyss is opened (9:2) and the smoke and locusts came out. The abyss is a horrible place and that’s where Satan is imprisoned for ‘1,000 years’ (see 20:2,7). Here’s something to ponder: the abyss is so horrible that demons didn’t even want to go there (Luke 8:31)! The abyss is the bottomless pit or the depths (of the sea); it is the prison for Satan and the demons. Is it possible that the demons that begged not to go to the abyss didn’t want to go there because Satan was inside? Is it possible that Jesus didn’t send the demons to the abyss (Luke 8:32-33) because it wasn’t time for the abyss to be opened again? We don’t know. But what we do know is that once Michael unlocks the shaft of the abyss and it is opened, thick smoke comes out and the sun and air are darkened. Then locusts come out of the smoke (see Joel 1:1-2:11; Exodus 10:12-20) and are given power like that of scorpions to harm only the people without the seal of GOD (see 7:3). It would seem that having the “seal” is possessing the Holy Spirit (see Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30; 2Corinthians 1:21-22). The main focus of the fifth trumpet is that unbelievers will be tormented. Perhaps only the unbelievers are tormented at this time because Satan is imprisoned in the abyss (see 20:3).

Sixth Trumpet:
This is the second “woe.” Four angels who had been bound at the great River Euphrates are released and kill a third of the human race by fire, smoke, and sulfur. John heard that the number of mounted troops was 200 million. It is written that the people who were still alive afterwards still did not repent from their evil ways. Like Pharaoh of Egypt (see Exodus 8:15,32), their hearts remained hardened.

The Angel and the Smaller Scroll:
The sixth and seventh seals are separated in the book of Revelation by two sections discussing a small scroll and two witnesses. In this first section, a “mighty” angel holds a smaller scroll and stands with his right foot on the sea and his left on land. Both land and sea are covered — GOD is in control. In 10:4, John is told not to write what the “seven thunders” had said. This (combined with Deuteronomy 29:29 and Daniel 8:27; 12:4,8-9) lets us know that we don’t have to understand every detail of Revelation; the point is made clear in 10:7 in that GOD’s hidden plan will eventually be revealed (after the seventh trumpet blast). It is at this point within this section that John is directed to take and eat the scroll (see Jeremiah 15:16; Ezekiel 3:1-3). Just as we have seen before, GOD’s Word is sweet as honey, but the truth is painful to digest. GOD’s love is sweet, but justice and judgment can seem rather bitter. Here’s the bitter truth: things will get worse before they get better. In the same way that Ezekiel received GOD’s Word with joy but also received an impossible mission to proclaim judgment to a hardened people, John, the seven churches, and all of us in the present day are called to preach a sweet yet bitter gospel that offers grace yet demands repentance.

The Two Witnesses:
John was given a measuring reed (see Zechariah 2; Ezekiel 40) and was told to measure GOD’s sanctuary but to exclude the courtyard outside the sanctuary because it will be given to the nations and will be trampled (see 22:15). Ponder on that for a moment. The temple had been destroyed in AD 70 and John wrote the letter of Revelation around AD 95. There was no temple when John wrote this letter, there is no temple right now, perhaps a new temple will be built in Jerusalem in the future(?); however, there won’t be a temple in the New Jerusalem because GOD is the sanctuary (21:22). We are to find everything we need in GOD. We ourselves will be the new temple because Christ dwells within us (1Corinthians 3:16; Hebrews 3:6; 1Peter 2:4-5). Two become one — that is what the marriage is all about (see 19:7-9 and Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:31-32). There is no courtyard outside the sanctuary because Christ is the sanctuary and you’re either in or you’re out (Matthew 12:30). If in Christ, you will find protection (you have been sealed); however, outside the safety of Christ, you are subject to the world and its ways, which is devoid of GOD’s love, mercy, and grace.

But it is written (11:2) that the holy city will be trampled for 42 months (3 and a half years of 30-day months). Some say this refers to the great tribulation that will happen for half of seven years. Truly, we don’t know. In 11:3-5, it is written that GOD will empower two witnesses to prophecy for 1,260 days (3 and a half years of 30-day months) and they are “the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. If anyone wants to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and consumes their enemies.” (See Jeremiah 5:14) Whether the 42 months / 1,260 days / 3.5 years are literal or not does not matter in the bigger picture. We must remember to keep the main thing the main thing. The timing of GOD’s plan is fixed and GOD will be in control, just as He has always been. The important thing for us to keep in mind are the signs (birth pains) that we should be looking for in order to recognize the coming of Christ.

The two olive trees and two lampstands are important symbols. In Zechariah 4:1-14, the two olive trees represent “the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.” But who are these two witnesses? Some argue that they are Moses and Elijah because they had been the two standing next to Jesus in His transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-7). Some argue that they are two future prophets. I don’t care to get caught up in the details that could derail us from the main message. What is more important to know about these two witnesses is that they fulfill what is written (Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15) that two witnesses are required for a valid testimony. (Also, contrast these two witnesses with the two beasts in 13:1,11 and it clearly depicts the Holy Trinity against an unholy trinity, which represents the bigger picture of Satan against GOD’s authority and His beloved creation. See “The Beast From The Earth” for details.) These two witnesses represent the entire prophetic tradition in the history of GOD’s people. In fact, it is written that these two will have the power to perform miracles and cause plagues — just as it had been in the days of Moses and Pharaoh. So what about the two lampstands? The two olive trees pour their [anointed] oil into the lampstands; the lampstands represent the churches. Thus, the witnesses and their valid testimonies shall empower the churches. Leon Morris once said that the churches are no more than lampstands. The Light is Christ, and they are to show Him forth (see Matthew 5:14-16; Mark 4:21-22; Luke 11:33-36).

It is written (11:7-10) that the two witnesses will finish their testimony and then the beast from the abyss will wage war against them and kill them. As it has been throughout history, GOD’s anointed usually receive persecution and sometimes get martyred (see Hebrews 11:32-40). So who is this beast? Though this beast will be revealed in chapter 13 (see “The Beast From The Sea” for details), we also know him from Daniel 7, 2Thessalonians 2:1-12, and 1John 2:18. This beast is commonly referred to as the antichrist. Once the two witnesses are killed, their bodies will remain out in the open for all to see in the same place where Jesus had been crucified. Their bodies will not be allowed to be put in a tomb and will remain there for three and a half days. The evil people will gloat over them and celebrate over them and even send gifts to one another. However, it is also written (11:11-14) that after the three and a half days, the two witnesses will be resurrected by the breath of GOD and will stand to their feet. A great fear will fall upon the people, the witnesses will ascend up into Heaven as everyone watches, and then a violent earthquake will cause a tenth of the city to fall and kill 7,000 people. A praiseworthy moment of repentance arrives in 11:3: “The survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.” So we know that some people will come into repentance; good does come out of the the bad. William Barclay said that the real victory is not to live in safety, to evade trouble, cautiously and prudently to preserve life; the real victory is to face the worst that evil can do, and if need be to be faithful unto death. This section ends with the second “woe” passing and with the third “woe” promised to come quickly.

Seventh Trumpet:
As written in 10:7, the time has come for GOD to begin His reign, to judge, and destroy those who destroy the earth (15:17-18) and for His hidden plan to be revealed. Though the seventh trumpet and the first bowl are separated by many sections of explanation, they are connected. The seven bowls come out of the seventh trumpet and 11:19 continues again at 15:5. The sections of explanation between the seventh trumpet and the first bowl are placed between them to help us understand what was going on behind the scenes and why they are related. (See 1Corinthians 15:52-58)

The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon:
A pregnant woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and with a crown of 12 stars on her head gives birth to a Son. The 12 stars represent the 12 tribes of Israel; in fact, the woman is Israel (see Genesis 37:9; Isaiah 13:6,8; Jeremiah 6:24). The Son, of course, is Jesus. Jesus came from the chosen people of Israel, as was always prophesied. A dragon (Satan) stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth in order to devour the child (see Matthew 2:13-20), but the child was protected and is going to shepherd all nations with an iron scepter (see Psalm 2:9). The woman fled into the wilderness. The Israelites fled from Pharaoh into the wilderness; Jesus overcame the Tempter in the wilderness. The wilderness is a place to seek GOD.

The Dragon Thrown Out Of Heaven:
Ephesians 6:11-12 explains that there is a spiritual battle raging all around us. War broke out in Heaven, Michael (see Daniel 12:1) fought Satan, and Satan and his angels were thrown out of Heaven down to Earth (see 20:1-3; Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:11-19; Luke 10:18; Proverbs 16:18). In 12:11, it is written that believers “conquered [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their lives in the face of death.” We conquer evil by remaining faithful, obedient, and by enduring until the end (see Philippians 1:21).

The Fallen Dragon And The Woman:
When the dragon (Satan) saw that he had been thrown to earth, he persecuted the woman (Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Jesus). In other words, Satan persecuted GOD’s chosen people, the original branches. However, the woman was saved from the dragon. The dragon, furious with the woman, left to wage war against the rest of her offspring (see Romans 11:11-24). Know this: If Satan cannot get to you, he will go for the ones you love.

The Beast From The Sea:
To better understand the beast from the sea, read Daniel 7-12. The beast from the sea with the blasphemous names on his heads is referred to as the antichrist, the one whom Satan gives power (13:2; see also Matthew 4:8-9; Luke 4:5-7). This creature with all his characteristics represents his pseudo-power and pseudo-perfection. Also, see Isaiah 27:1. Since Satan had been defeated by Jesus’ sacrificial death, resurrection, and ascension, and the beast had been embarrassed by the resurrection and ascension of the two witnesses, some people believe that 13:3 refers to a false resurrection in order to entice people to worship him. We don’t know. What we do know is what is described immediately after: the whole earth was amazed and followed the beast (antichrist) and worshipped the dragon (Satan) because the dragon was the one who gave the beast authority. We also know that a mouth was given to the beast (13:5), he was permitted to wage war against the saints and conquer them (13:7), and was given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation (13:7-8). This beast will captivate everyone — everyone whose name is not in the Book of Life! And this is why 13:10 tells us that this will demand perseverance and faith. In fact, along with the good news of Christ’s return and ultimate victory, the main theme found in the book of Revelation running parallel to the good news is that we must endure until the very end, remaining faithful and obedient. (See Matthew 10:28; 1Corinthians 9:24-27; Philippians 3:14-16; 1Timothy 6:11-16; 2Timothy 4:3-5; Hebrews 10:35-39; 2Peter 1:5-11; Revelation 3:16)

The Beast From The Earth:
As if having the beast from the sea (antichrist) isn’t bad enough, another beast comes up out of the earth with two horns like a lamb yet sounded like a dragon. This is the false prophet who will end up helping the antichrist. He looks or performs like Jesus (the lamb), yet his motives are evil like that of Satan (the dragon). The dragon plus the two beasts equals an unholy trinity alliance that unites as a mockery of the Holy Trinity to stand in opposition of GOD’s authority. It is written that this beast will exercise the authority of the first beast on his behalf in order to compel everyone to worship the first. So the false prophet will compel everyone to worship the antichrist (see 2Thessalonians 2:7-12). This second beast performs great signs and deceives people because of these signs. An image of the first beast (antichrist) will be made and anyone who does not worship the image is to be killed (see Daniel 3:17-18). And everyone will be given a mark on his right hand or forehead; no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark. I want to linger on this ‘mark’ for a moment. Before sailing on to the next subject matter, I want to dock here for a brief moment in order to think this one through. This subject matter is important because we will be brought to the crossroad of Christ or compromise and when that day comes, you need to be ready and know when to say no (see Acts 5:29).

The Mark:
Many people have argued that the two beasts and this ‘mark’ refers only to the past. These people argue that the first beast represents the Roman imperial rule and the second beast represents the wealthy social elite of Asian Minor, its magistrates, city officials, and trade guilds, who not only held political office but were also priests in the imperial cult. The argument is that they erected imperial temples, set up “the image” of the emperor on statues and other icons, and sponsored extravagant festivals. Since the success of the festivals guaranteed political favors from Rome, those who refused to participate in the imperial cult could not buy/sell since they were ostracized by the trade guilds. While it is true that the Christians in the past had to decide whether to Christ or compromise, is it wise to believe that the two beasts and this ‘mark’ refers only to the past? If we assume that they refer only to the past, does that mean it won’t happen in the future? I believe it is wise to consider the possibility that someone in the future could persuade nations to follow him and that it could happen to us just as Nero and Hitler happened to people in the past (see 1Corinthians 10:11-13).

On the other side of this coin, many have argued that the two beasts and the ‘mark’ refers to a time in the future and that it will be a literal mark upon the hand or forehead. It is not unthinkable that Christians will be unable to buy/sell in the marketplace due to their allegiance to Christ. It is easy to see how a future society could ‘force’ a literal mark upon someone’s hand or forehead. After all, cash has been slowly becoming obsolete; debit/credit cards became the new normal and accepted way of buying/selling. And now we have chips in debit/credit cards that came to be only because they were marketed as being more convenient and safer to use. It’s not absurd to believe that our government could sell the idea of chips implanted within our hands or foreheads. Ponder on it: So long as the ‘mark’ is marketed as being for our benefit due to its convenience and safety, I believe people would accept it. Over time, we have accepted and integrated into our lives the allowance of facial recognition and even using our fingerprints as our passwords on our phones. It has literally gotten to the point where everything is becoming digital and all accounts are starting to merge into one. Can you imagine the ad campaign for the ‘mark’? I believe it would be something like this: “With it being implanted inside of you, you will never lose it! You will never again have to worry about losing coins, bills, or cards! There is no longer a need for a wallet to weigh you down! It is the ultimate convenience! And you also don’t have to worry about about identity theft! What is yours belongs to you and only you! With facial recognition and/or the use of your fingerprint for confirmation, making purchases or confirming your identity will now be simple, easy, and quick!”

To some people that scenario might sound like something a conspiracy theorist or science fiction writer might conjure up, but it truly is quite possible. If you examine how far we have allowed ourselves to push the line that separates right from wrong, a future scenario such as that is not unbelievable. The ‘mark’ wouldn’t be something forced upon those who resist until the majority accepted it. Much like everything has become nowadays. Once the majority accepts something, the government can enforce that something without much of a struggle.

However, let us focus on the reality of this topic instead of the theories that come from it. Remember: past, present, and future! There had been churches in the past who had been unable to participate in the imperial cult due to their convictions in Christ as the only Lord. However, we must also keep in mind that Christ has not yet returned and life most certainly will get worse before He returns. Rather than allowing this topic to divide us, let us focus on what is definitely true. The ‘mark’ is in opposition to the seal of GOD (7:3; 14:1) and is the demonic mockery of the shema and the use of phylacteries on the foreheads of the Jews (Deuteronomy 6:8). Essentially, Satan is pridefully boasting to GOD something like this: “You’ve got your weak and pathetic people who have your seal, but I’ve managed to steal the loyalty of much of Your beloved creation and they’ve got my mark. If You’re all-powerful, why did a third of Your angels and much of your beloved people follow me? I can reign and rule just as well as You can, if not better!”

And this, of course, leads us to 13:18, which is the most famous and argued text of Revelation. John writes that this is going to require wisdom, but if you calculate the number of the beast — which is a number of a man — his number is 666. Many have attempted to calculate not just the number (666) but also the exact identity of the man to whom it refers. Since 1John 2:18 states that “many antichrists have come” (i.e., as foreshadowing the ultimate Antichrist figure), there may be some marginal usefulness in noting that names such as Nero and Hitler can be shown to have a numerological value of 666 by assigning a numerical value to each letter of the alphabet (research: gematria). However, it is wise to realize that such a numerological calculation will be clear only as the actual events unfold. I believe that John had Nero in mind, but I am also aware that GOD’s depth goes beyond current circumstances and extends to the future. Instead of placing our focus on an exact identity of the Antichrist, let us focus on the fact that 666 is the number of the beast, which refers to the first beast (antichrist). And we already know that the first beast was given power by the dragon, which is Satan. Therefore, the number 666 ultimately represents a person who is anti-Christ. And who is the person who is anti-Christ except the person who denies Jesus (1John 2:22; 4:3; 2John 1:7)? Ultimately, everyone who follows the ways of Satan and possess such arrogant pride will fall (Proverbs 16:18). This is just another way for GOD to say that He knows the people who have His seal and those who don’t. The number 666 can be seen as the code of rejection. The person who is anti-Christ will always lead people astray and into an evil way. The best advice we can take away from the mark of the beast and the number 666 is this: If someone’s terrific words don’t match the Truth of GOD’s Word, that person’s words are glamorous lies; if someone’s call-to-action would cause us to step outside the sanctuary of GOD’s absolute moral standard, that person is against us, not for us. Stay awake and alert (1Peter 5:8).

The Lamb and the 144,000:
In 14:1-5, the 144,000 are mentioned again and they are seen having the Father’s name written on their foreheads. It is written that they sing a “new song” (see 5:8-14 and Psalm 96) and no one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. Who are the redeemed from the earth? Everyone who places their faith in Christ (see Ephesians 1:7-10; Romans 9:11-28). In 14:4, it is written that the redeemed are the undefiled virgins. Okay, so who are the undefiled virgins? Literal virgins? No. To discover the meaning of the virgins, we must know the entire book of Hosea. The impure, the adulteress prostitutes are those who are unfaithful to GOD. At one time, the entire nation of Israel was compared to a prostitute — that’s what the book of Hosea is about! Even though Israel was unfaithful, GOD decided to love them anyway and create a way to make sure they can be together. That way was Jesus. The faithful are the pure just as the Church is the Bride of Christ, and the Bride is undefiled; therefore, the faithful are also undefiled. How? By acceptance of the gracious gift of salvation through Jesus. Our sins were like scarlet before Jesus made them white as snow. The sacrificial Lamb made pure the Bride (see 19:7-8). In 2Corinthians 11:2-3, we see that the defiled are those who are led astray. In 14:4-5, it is written that the virgins are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They were redeemed as firstfruits. So who are the ones who follow Christ wherever He goes? All His faithful followers. Because Jesus is the Shepherd and we are His flock. But what about the firstfruits? The firstfruits is that which is harvested first. John would not have known the “new song” because he had not yet passed from the first death into Heaven. He only received the revelation in spirit. It’s a “new song” because we will only know it in Heaven. Those who are in Heaven are the redeemed and they would know the “new song.” For everyone who is already in Heaven is the redeemed and firstfruits (see Exodus 23:19; James 1:18) — they’ve already been gathered or harvested. In 5:8-14, the “new song” is sung by the 24 elders. Again, we must go back and remember who the 24 elders are. The 24 elders represent the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles; thus, the 24 elders represent every believer whether under the Law of Moses or the grace of Christ. In addition, 5:11 states that the number of the 24 elders singing were “countless thousands, plus thousands of thousands.” Also, 5:10 tells us that the kingdom has people from every tribe and language and people and nation, which is in alignment with who the 144,000 represent. This is just another way of stating that GOD’s people will be separated from those who deny and reject Christ. Only those who are sealed and found in Christ will ever know and learn the “new song.” In Psalm 96, “all the earth” is told to sing and it is written that the singing precedes the coming of Christ for Him to judge. Appropriately placed, this section in Revelation (14:1-5) comes prior to what is next, where angels provide one last opportunity to repent (14:6-13) before the Harvest begins (14:14-20).

Proclamation of Three Angels:
John then saw a total of three angels proclaiming messages, one at a time, each with a different message. The first angel proclaimed the Gospel to every nation, tribe, language, and people. In other words, everyone was told the truth. The second angel proclaimed that the great Babylon has fallen (see 18:1-8). In other words, everyone was told that the worldly ways have crumbled and there is nothing left to stand on except for Christ. The third angel proclaimed that anyone found with the mark of the beast will drink the wine of GOD’s wrath (see Isaiah 51:17; Jeremiah 25:15-29; Psalm 75). The three messages come together to form one last chance of repentance. It will not be said that GOD didn’t give people a chance to repent. The third angel concludes his message by stating the recurring theme that salvation demands perseverance of the saints. Endurance requires trust and obedience (see Proverbs 3:5-7). This section concludes by saying that everyone from that point on who dies in the Lord will be blessed, but for those who have hardened hearts there will be no rest (see Psalm 95:8-9; Hebrews 3:7-19).

Harvest Time:
In 14:14, it is written that Jesus returns on a white cloud. The cloud represents GOD’s presence and protection (see Exodus 13:21; 14:19-20; 24:15-18; Numbers 9:16); GOD led the way before His people and even stood between them and their enemies. In Acts 1:9-11, we were told that Jesus, who was taken up into Heaven, will return in the same way as He was seen going to Heaven. In 14:14-20, the time for Jesus to return and claim what rightfully belongs to Him has come. The time to reap has come because the harvest of the earth is ripe. The best way to understand the Harvest is to read what is written in Scripture regarding the event (Isaiah 24:13; Micah 7:1-7; Matthew 3:12; 10:32-33; 13:29-30,37-43,47-50; 24:31; 25:41-46; Luke 3:17).

The fire mentioned [in the Scriptures regarding the Harvest] calls to mind two things: First, it is a great reversal of all prior so-called kings who would throw GOD’s people in the fire for not bowing to them (see Daniel 3:6) — there is only one King and He is Jesus! Second, only what is pure can withstand the fire and the wicked will be utterly consumed in their impurity and wickedness and will therefore be in anguish because they will realize that they are not in alignment with GOD’s absolute moral standard; they are unclean (see Psalm 12:6; Proverbs 25:4; Isaiah 48:10; Jeremiah 6:29; Daniel 3:25-30; 12:10; Zechariah 13:9; Malachi 3:2-3; Matthew 5:8; 2Timothy 2:21). Again, those who are pure are the ones redeemed through the blood of Christ (Isaiah 1:18). From the Harvest, some people will know and experience eternal joy; some people will experience the winepress of GOD’s wrath (Isaiah 18:5-7; 63:3-6; Jeremiah 25:30; 51:33; Lamentations 1:15; Joel 3:12-13) and know eternal anguish. On the Day of Judgment, blood will flow in about 1,600 stadia (4 x 4 x 1,000 = 1,600; or, the area of a place squared multiplied by a great number equals a large area). If we are to take the 1,600 stadia literally, it will be about 184 miles. The area of blood would cover all of Palestine (from Tyre in the north to Egypt in the south) and immerse a person as high as his/her chest. The image of the Harvest calls us all into question: After the swing of the sickle, will you be found to be one of the fickle unfaithful? This recalls to mind the challenge of Joshua 24:15: Choose whom you will serve! The Lamb or the Liar? Lion of Judah or the Beast of Babylon?

Preparation For The Bowl Judgments:
This section brings us right back again to the seventh trumpet. Compare 11:19 to 15:5 and you will see that they are the same event. In addition, we can see that this is the seventh trumpet by comparing 10:7 to 15:4, which makes known that the revealing comes at the seventh trumpet. The blast of the seventh trumpet, the Harvest, and the first bowl all occur simultaneously. All of the bowls are a part of the Harvest process in which the “weeds” are gathered first (see Matthew 13:29-30). Chapter 15 opens up with everyone who shares in victory over the beast singing the song of GOD’s servant Moses and the song of the Lamb while standing on a sea of glass. Because the victorious person is standing on the sea of glass, that image calls to mind Peter in his victorious [yet brief] moment of standing on the sea of doubt and fear (see Matthew 14:22-32). Those who remain faithful stand on a sea of glass just like Peter stood on the sea when he remained in faith. The song of the Lamb is essentially multiple ways of singing praise (see Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 98:1-2; 111:2-9; Jeremiah 10:7; 16:19; Amos 4:13). And because those victorious people were singing the song of Moses (see Exodus 15:1-18), the sea of glass they were standing on also calls to mind how the wicked are below, drowned in the depths of the sea. The victorious are above the drowning depths of demonic deeds and therefore stand victoriously on the sea [of glass]. Just as the evil Egyptians had been swallowed, the evil wicked people of the earth are now about to be swallowed in GOD’s wrath. And Pharaoh/Egypt had been likened to Leviathan/Rahab (see Isaiah 30:7; 51:9-10) and Satan likened to the dragon. GOD will defeat the ancient serpent; in addition, the sea (often a symbol of cosmic evil) will be no more (21:1). Whereas the depths of the ocean can hide or conceal, the sea of glass is transparent because nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known (see Matthew 10:26; Luke 12:2). Whereas the trumpets produced partial judgment, people were indirectly affected, and they were still able to repent, the bowls will be complete judgment that directly attacks those who are no longer able to repent (see Amos 8:2). They made their choice and now they will have to live with it. Or as the old saying goes, they made their bed and now they will lie in it. And truthfully, each one of us have the same decision to make (see Deuteronomy 11:26-28; 30:15-20).

First Bowl:
I believe the seven bowls are all poured either simultaneously or one immediately after another. The first bowl affects land and severely painful sores break out against the wicked.

Second and Third Bowls:
If you recall, the martyrs of 6:10 asked, “how long until You judge and avenge our blood from those who live on the earth?” The second and third bowls affect water: the second bowl turns the sea into blood and all life in the sea dies, the third bowl turns the rivers and springs of water into blood, leaving only blood for the wicked to drink (see Exodus 7:17-21; Psalm 78:44). It is here in the third bowl we see GOD avenging the blood of all the righteous martyrs.

Fourth Bowl:
Now affecting the sun, people are burned with fire and intense heat. Remarkably, these people blaspheme the name of GOD and still do not repent. And truly, that is why they suffer — the wicked refuse to align themselves with the absolute moral standard. GOD doesn’t punish those whom have been sealed. And GOD never desired for these people to experience any of these horrible events. The only reason why they suffer through them is because they have decided not to be with or around GOD. Like in Jeremiah 14:16, evil gets poured out on the wicked who do evil. James 1:12-15 tells us why judgment takes place: sin leads to death.

Fifth Bowl:
Affecting the throne of the beast, his kingdom is plunged into darkness and people gnaw their tongues because of their pain. This seems to be more of a spiritual affliction of darkness much like Saul felt when GOD’s Spirit left him (see 1Samuel 16:14). Without GOD’s Spirit (the Source of life), all that remains is torment and a desire for death (see Isaiah 24:11). Both the darkness and the gnawing of the tongues calls to mind the image of those apart from GOD with weeping and gnashing teeth (see Matthew 8:12; 13:42,50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30). And just like Pharaoh who kept a hardened heart, these wicked people remain with hardened hearts as well; they refuse to repent. The wicked refuse to acknowledge GOD due to the pain they feel which they themselves cause (see Proverbs 19:3). Why are they the cause and not GOD? Simply put, sin cannot be with that which is Holy; darkness cannot exist in the Light (see Genesis 1:4; Leviticus 10:10; Ezekiel 44:23; Matthew 6:24; 1Corinthians 10:21; 2Corinthians 6:14-16). The wicked refuse to accept the love and gracious gift of salvation which turns scarlet into white (Isaiah 1:18). Without accepting Christ, there is no refuge. Without Jesus, there is no way into Light (see Isaiah 42:6; 50:10; John 8:12); all that remains is darkness, gnawing of tongues, and gnashing of teeth (see John 14:6).

Sixth Bowl:
Affecting the great Euphrates River, its water dries up, making a way for an easy invasion from the east. In Jeremiah 51:59-64, Jeremiah wrote a scroll regarding all the disaster that would come to Babylon. After having the scroll read, he had it thrown into the middle of the Euphrates River, stating, “In the same way, Babylon will sink and never rise again because of the disaster I am bringing on her.” Of course, that referred to the actual Babylon and the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC, but all the evidence seems to point to it being a double-entendre. Interestingly, those were the last words of Jeremiah and the next chapter (chapter 52) is the last chapter of the book of Jeremiah, which describes the fall of Jerusalem. Because Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and Babylon the Great (see “The Notorious Prostitute” for details) is destroyed before the New Jerusalem (see “The New Jerusalem” for details), the evidence seems to support a deeper meaning behind Jeremiah’s prophetic words. Keep in mind that the words Jeremiah shared came from GOD who knows the future. The sixth bowl dries up the Euphrates River, where Jeremiah’s words had been hidden. The drying of the river water is the unveiling of Jeremiah’s words that would allow them to be seen again. That is important because Jeremiah’s words return, activating yet again the promise that Babylon will sink and never rise again. Babylon is going down! But this time it’s a different Babylon. (This will all make more sense after reading the two sections previously mentioned.)

After the drying up of the Euphrates River, the sixth bowl reveals unclean spirits coming out from the mouths of the unholy trinity: the dragon (Satan), beast (antichrist), and false prophet (beast from the earth). It is written in 16:14,16 that these are spirits of demons performing signs, who travel to the kings of the whole world to assemble them for the battle of the great day of GOD, assembling them at the place called Armageddon (see 14:14-20; 19:17-21). Armageddon is traditionally known to be the hill of Megiddo, a great city that guarded the pass between the coast and the valley of Jezreel or Esdraelon (see Judges 5:19; 2Kings 9:27; 23:29), about 60 miles north of Jerusalem. In ancient times, the Megiddo valley was the site of many crucial battles that determined who possessed control of valuable trade routes connecting Egypt with Mesopotamia. Today, it is an expansive flat area which is home to rich farmland, livestock, and agriculture. In a great reversal, Jesus will use this location to prove His authority over all and showcase His power — He is the One who possesses control and there is no other king who can take His authority away! The spirits coming out of the mouths of the unholy trinity is Satan’s attempt to create his own environment using his words just as GOD created with His Word (see Genesis 1). GOD’s Word created; Satan endeavors to undo GOD’s “very good” work by his own words in order to show GOD that creation is not good as He said it was (see Genesis 1:31), which would prove GOD wrong. And this is the reason behind the entire final battle and Satan’s fall and eternal banishment: pride. The final battle will be a showdown to determine who is right, who is wiser, and who should possess all power and control. In the midst of this description is the third blessing statement of the book of Revelation, which keeps with the recurring theme of perseverance and endurance. It is written in 16:15 that the one who is alert and remains clothed is blessed. What is this clothing? I believe it to be none other than the full armor of GOD that we should be wearing at all times (see Ephesians 6:10-20), but also the “white clothes” of the victor (see 3:4-5,18), for once we graduate from this life to the next, we will no longer need the armor and can put on the white clothes of comfort. Until Christ comes, we must be clothed and ready (see Luke 12:35-40). This warning to be alert is also seen in 1Peter 5:8, but especially in 1Thessalonians 5:1-6. Only those who are ready will make it (see Matthew 25:1-13) into the Kingdom of GOD.

Seventh Bowl:
The seals, trumpets, and bowls all conclude with final judgment in each set. The seventh [and final] bowl is poured into the air and a voice says, “It is done!” (see John 19:30; compare Revelation 16:17 with 21:6) As seen before (8:5; 11:19), the flashes of lightning, rumblings of thunder, and severe earthquake occur and signify a transitional change, but this time “it is done.” The seven bowls conclude with an earthquake so great that the ‘great city’ (see 17:18) splits into three parts (see Isaiah 24:19), islands moved, mountains disappeared, and enormous hailstones weighing 100 pounds fell from the sky onto people. What the conclusion means is as follows…

The Notorious Prostitute:
Then one of the seven angels showed John the judgment of the “notorious prostitute who sits on many waters.” The many waters are peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages (17:15). When the angel said that the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, he meant that the powerful leaders and people of prominent positions all sleep with Satan under the covers with this sinful slut. (Contrast this notorious prostitute with the woman of 12:1-6 and also the pure Bride of Christ of 19:7-8.) The Notorious Prostitute is pictured as a woman sitting on a scarlet (saturated in sin) beast that was covered in blasphemous names (antichrist; see 13:1). The woman was dressed in purple (pseudo-royalty) and scarlet (sin), adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls (representing status and importance). Despite her facade, in her gold cup was filled with everything vile, which represents her true nature. On her forehead a name was written: Babylon the Great; the mother of prostitutes and the vile things of the earth. The woman was drunk on the blood of the saints and on the blood of the witnesses to Jesus.

The Notorious Prostitute is Babylon the Great and also the “great city that has an empire over the kings of the earth,” which splits into three parts in the seventh bowl (see 16:19; 17:18). Basically, we can call her Sin City (not a reference to Las Vegas, but that sinful city too will one day fall). ‘Babylon’ has essentially the same relationship with the earth inhabitants as ‘Jezebel’ did with the sinners in the church at Thyatira (see 2:20), who was named after the real Jezebel who was evil and against GOD’s people (see 1Kings 21:23-25). Babylon also has a close relationship with the beast. Undoubtedly, the Babylon of John’s time was Rome; however, Rome was merely the most recent archetype of humanity’s rebellion against GOD (see 1Peter 5:13). Jezebel was a codename taken from the name of a real person just as Babylon is a code name taken from the name of a real place. Some people have argued that Babylon was a code name only for Rome in John’s time, but I believe that to be nearsighted. There does exist a Babylon the Great that will fall; if not, Jesus cannot return and announce that it has fallen (see 18:2). And if Babylon only meant Rome, it would be a little strange for Jesus to return about 2,000 years later in order to announce Rome’s fall. Moreover, the fall of Babylon the Great occurs after cataclysmic events such as the sea, rivers, and springs turning to blood (16:3-6), intense heat burning people with fire (16:8-9), the Euphrates River drying up (16:12), islands and mountains moving, and 100-pound hailstones falling from the sky (16:20-21). Because none of this has yet happened, I am certain that Rome was only a Babylon, but not the Babylon the Great. Because Babylon the Great is the mother of prostitutes (implying that all prostitutes come from her) and the mother of the vile things of the earth (implying the root of sin), I believe that Babylon the Great is none other than Satan’s domain of darkness, which has an empire over the ‘kings’ of the earth (see 18:2). Babylon the Great represents that which is demonic and evil; it represents humanity’s pride and opposition to GOD. While Babylon could include an actual city in the last times, it is more likely the lament in chapter 18 is modeled after Jeremiah 51, which speaks of the wider Babylonian Empire, represented by the city of Babylon.

In what should be an anticipated outcome, both the “10 kings” awaiting their day of power and the beast turn on the notorious prostitute, making her desolate and naked, devouring her flesh, and burning her up with fire (17:16). This is the image of evil and how Satan operates. Sin’s insatiable appetite devours even its own; evil causes its own destruction. There is no loyalty on Satan’s side. Can you picture it? The notorious prostitute sits on all the people (acting as their covering) while they whore around and she even rides on the beast (antichrist). The beast allows Babylon to be on its back until the beast desires to go elsewhere and then he will throw the great city Babylon off his back without care or concern for her or the people she covered. Like a decorator crab that will use almost anything to disguise itself, Satan’s counterfeit and camouflage ways operate in the same manner. And once Satan tires of his attire, he will shed it off like the serpent he is and decorate himself with something new. Empires rise; empires fall. There has always been a new empire to take the place of the old one, but those days will end. Think about it: if the beast destroys the prostitute (Babylon), evil would be casting out evil, which means it would be a house divided against itself and would therefore not be able to stand (see Mark 3:23-26; Luke 11:17-18). But that has always been GOD’s plan (see Isaiah 25:1). GOD is the GOD of the Great Reversal, using the devil’s own deeds to boomerang them back on him. Satan simply cannot stand (see 6:17) and his empire will come to an end (see Daniel 8:25).

The Fall of Babylon the Great:
Think about this: The notorious prostitute is Babylon the Great (17:5), which is the ‘great city’ (17:18). The ‘great city’ splits into three parts (16:19). I believe this represents what Jesus said regarding a divided house that will not stand (Mark 3:26). The dragon and the two beasts had formed an unholy trinity alliance, but now the ‘great city’ splits into three parts, showing that the unholy trinity — which mocks the Trinity and righteous fellowship/teamwork (see Ecclesiastes 4:12) — cannot overpower GOD and inevitably collapses in on itself. Why would the unholy trinity be unstable and collapse in on itself? A foundation not built on The Rock is unstable and will collapse (Matthew 7:24-27). In 18:2, an angel announces that Babylon the Great has fallen (see 14:8 and Isaiah 21:9). An important description of this ‘great city’ follows, stating she is the dwelling for demons, a place for everything unclean, and that all nations have drunk the wine of her sexual immorality. Certainly, this ‘great city’ is Satan’s domain where demons dwell in dedication to the darkest deeds. In the Old Testament, the city was often a false course of security for those who left the presence of GOD. In fact, after Cain murdered his brother, Abel, he formed his own city (Genesis 4:16-17) and it became a cesspool for sin. Cain’s Sin City eventually falls because it should never have been built — it had been built on a godless foundation. The ‘great city’ will fall because its inhabitants were deceived and believed that the best foundation to build on was sinful sand and not the saving Rock of the Cornerstone. And then a voice from Heaven says, “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or receive any of her plagues.” (See Jeremiah 51:45) The only way out of the ‘great city,’ the domain of darkness, is through Christ into Heaven. The only way out is through the Harvest when the weeds will be separated. But we can all make personal decisions on a daily basis to exit out of sin, align ourselves with GOD’s will, and live righteously (see 1Corinthians 10:13).

The World Mourns Babylon’s Fall:
All people who committed sexual immorality and lived luxuriously with Babylon the Great are the ones who indulged in a sinful lifestyle, who built on the wrong foundation; they will weep and mourn when they see the smoke of her burning. The merchants of the earth will also weep and mourn (see Isaiah 24:2) because no one buys their merchandise any longer — and that merchandise includes slaves and human lives. Evil will no longer win! Satan the salesman is no longer Kingpin; those who sell sin find themselves in tailspin. In 18:20, we are told to rejoice because GOD executed judgment!

The Finality of Babylon’s Fall:
In 18:21, a mighty angel picked up a stone like a large millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “In this way, Babylon the great city will be thrown down violently and never be found again.” (See Jeremiah 51:63-64 and Isaiah 24:20) Once again, the same sign stands for the destruction of Babylon, except this time it’s a little different. In Jeremiah 51, Jeremiah had his scroll thrown into the Euphrates River. Here, an angel throws a large stone like a millstone (see Matthew 18:6) instead of a scroll. Also, the angel threw the stone into the sea (which should still be blood; see 16:3). The stone is to represent the finality of the judgment and it being thrown into the sea (blood) suggests that Babylon the Great will drown in the blood. In 18:22, it is written that no music shall ever be heard from Babylon again (see Isaiah 24:8-9). Never again will the sound of celebration come from Babylon. No work will be heard — evil works are no more! In 18:23, light will never shine there — only darkness! People will never get married there — marriage will be restored to its original design, but in the form of one bride (all believers; the church) and one groom (Jesus). Cain had sinned, murdered his brother, built his own city on a godless foundation, called the city Enoch after his son, and then Lamech eventually came from Enoch and defiled and destroyed the design of marriage by taking a second wife (Genesis 4:18-19). For this reason and many others, GOD is going to restore marriage (see 19:7-8). All of this will happen because all the nations were deceived by this Babylon and all the blood of prophets and saints, and of all those slaughtered on earth — all that blood was found in Babylon! Who else could be responsible for all people? Who else could have deceived all the nations? The same sinful serpent who caused the separation in the first place (see Genesis 3:13)! That serpent has a name and his name is Satan.

Celebration In Heaven:
If all of Heaven celebrates due to one single sinner who comes into repentance (see Luke 15:7), then Heaven has a reason to celebrate! A vast multitude shout, “hallelujah,” which means, “praise the Lord!” Judgment has come. GOD has avenged the blood of all faithful believers. Babylon has fallen and the Harvest has arrived. This is an important message to all Christians — especially those suffering for their faith. No matter how much Rome or any other power wants to stop the church’s witness, a church that sings out resistance to evil and absolute faith in Christ cannot be defeated! The faithful who can praise Him in the storm are the same ones who can dance in the rain (see Matthew 8:23-27; Acts 16:25-34; Romans 8:28). Keep this in proper perspective: While everything looks like a bloody war zone on Earth, Heaven is celebrating at this time because they know all the good that is happening and is about to happen. Our joy should be unstoppable and we should be unbreakable because we know there will be a Day when Jesus will return as the Bridegroom to claim His bride (the entire church; all believers). (See Isaiah 61:10)

Marriage of the Lamb:
The marriage of the Lamb has finally come and the Bride of Christ (see Ephesians 5:22-32) is given fine linen to wear, bright and pure, which represents the righteous acts of the saints. The bright and pure clothes are the same as the white clothes found in Revelation (see 3:4-5; 7:13; 16:15; 22:14) because those are the clothes of the victors, those who have been sealed by GOD. Those invited to the marriage feast of the Lamb are fortunate! (See Matthew 8:11; 22:2-9; 25:10; Luke 13:29; 14:15-17)

The Rider on a White Horse:
Heaven opens and Jesus appears on a white horse. Again, much like the white clothes the victors wear and the white stone the victors receive, this white horse represents the pureness of Jesus, and the many crowns on his head represent His holiness and authority. This is the great reversal of when Jesus humbled Himself as a suffering and sacrificial servant on a donkey (see Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:4-5; John 12:14-15). Now Jesus returns as the expected powerful Messiah King that the Jews had always expected. Yet He wears a robe stained with blood (see 5:6,12; Hebrews 9:20-28; 1Peter 1:19) before the battle even begins and His name is the Word of GOD (see John 1:1,14,18). A sharp sword came from His mouth (see Isaiah 11:4; 49:2; Hebrews 4:12). He is the Shepherd (see John 10:11-16). He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Much detail is provided about this rider and His white horse so that the rider of the white horse in 6:2 will not be mistaken as Jesus. Though the rider of 6:2 seems to be a close comparison, a closer investigation reveals the counterfeit. But by now, we shouldn’t be surprised to know this because we should already realize how the decorator crab operates (2Corinthians 11:14).

The Beast And His Armies Defeated:
An angel commands the birds to come gather to eat the bodies of the defeated armies (see Matthew 24:28?; Luke 17:37?). The beast (antichrist) and false prophet are captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. The rest are killed with the sword that came from Jesus’ mouth (see 1:16; 2:16; 19:15; Matthew 26:52).

Satan Bound:
An angel comes down from Heaven with the key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand. He seizes the dragon (Satan) and binds him for 1,000 years (see 9:1-2; 20:1-3). Satan gets thrown into the abyss, it gets closed and sealed until the 1,000 years are completed. After that, he will be released only for a short time. First, let’s examine the angel who binds Satan. In 12:7-9, Michael fights Satan in Heaven and throws Satan down to earth. Who else would be powerful enough to bind Satan if not Michael through the power of GOD? I believe that the angel who binds Satan is Michael. And what about the 1,000 years? Truly, we don’t know. I have read multiple opinions on this matter, but nothing sticks out as being certain. Because most of the numbers in Revelation are symbolic, I believe that this means Satan is bound for an indefinite length of time. But when in the timeline would this occur? Just like no one knows the Hour of Jesus’ return, this is most likely one of the great mysteries that will be revealed later on, but I believe Satan was imprisoned at the beginning of the fifth trumpet (see “Putting The Pieces Together” for details). Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19 prophesied about Satan’s fall, and the only other two places where the fall is mentioned is in Luke 10:18 and Revelation 12:7-18. From Revelation 12, we know that Satan was thrown down to earth (12:9). We also know that after Satan was thrown down, he was able to roam about in order to wage war against people (12:12,17). In Luke 10:18, Jesus told us that He saw Satan fall (past tense). The context of Luke 10:18 (because of Luke 9:46-48) indicates that the disciples were in danger of allowing the power and authority Jesus [temporarily] gave to them go to their heads. Satan’s fall was due to pride and Jesus was steering His disciples away from the same mistake. Jesus’ response in that context was to tell His disciples to be humble and just be thankful they will make it into Heaven. Altogether, all we know is that Satan was thrown out of Heaven sometime after the fourth trumpet and was imprisoned at the fifth trumpet. We don’t know when Satan was/is released (see 20:7) and that’s perfectly acceptable because it doesn’t take away from the main message.

The Saints Reign With The Messiah:
Those who have been martyred are there; they came to life and reigned with the Messiah for 1,000 years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1,000 years were completed. This is the first resurrection. It seems that everyone up until the point of Satan being bound in the abyss reign with Jesus. Because it is written that the rest of the dead do not come to life until the 1,000 years are complete, it seems that the ‘1,000’ years is a time period without the full power of Satan (because he is imprisoned in the abyss). It is also written that those who share in the first resurrection are blessed and the second death (see 20:14-15) has no power over them. Because this section is connected with the section where Satan is bound and the section of Satan’s release, this section is uncertain. The understanding of this entire section is dependent upon what the “1,000 years” means.

Satanic Rebellion Consumed:
When the 1,000 years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations and gather them for one last battle. (This entire section is best understood in light of Daniel 7 and Ezekiel 38-39.) The army’s number is like the sand of the sea and they surround the saints, the beloved city. So we know from this that when all the armies surround Jerusalem, fire comes down from Heaven and consumes them. Then Satan is thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, to remain there forever. Why is Satan bound and imprisoned in the abyss only to be released again? We don’t know. To ask that question would be like asking why humans had to live through the painful process of suffering in the temporary old Earth in order to experience, enjoy, and appreciate the eternal joy within the everlasting new Earth. Sometimes, we must accept the truth found in Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Great White Throne, Book of Life, Judgment:
There is a great white throne and Jesus is seated on it. All the dead stand in trial and books were opened. Another book was then opened — the book of life! The dead are judged according to their works by what was written in the books. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire (death will no longer exist). Anyone not found in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire. (See 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 21:27; John 5:19-30)

New Heaven And New Earth:
John then saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, but the sea no longer existed. The first Heaven and Earth had passed away (see Isaiah 65:17; 66:22). Then John saw the new Jerusalem, prepared like a bride. (see Ezekiel 37:21-28) GOD’s dwelling is with humanity and He will live with them. GOD will wipe away every tear from their eyes (see 7:17; Isaiah 25:8) because these things no longer exist: death, grief, crying, nor pain. The previous things have passed away. GOD makes everything new! This new Heaven and new Earth is the final promise to the victor. There will be a new Eden to replace the old (see Genesis 2; Ezekiel 47). And there will be a new Jerusalem (see Isaiah 2; Zephaniah 3).

New Jerusalem:
In 21:9-27, we see the Bride, the wife of the Lamb. There are 12 gates and the names of the 12 tribes of Israel’s sons are inscribed on the gates. This represents the fact that the 12 tribes of the Old Testament is the starting point. Before we can even enter the city, we must acknowledge that the Old Testament must first be encountered, entered into, and experienced. The city wall has 12 foundations and the 12 names of the Lamb’s 12 apostles are on the foundations. This represents the fact that the 12 disciples laid down the ground work and because of them and every faithful person who came after them, we can be secure in the knowledge of our faith just like a wall provides security for a city. In addition, we know that we will be surrounded by other believers just like the wall surrounds the city. Of course, we know that Jesus is the Cornerstone, the foundation of everything (see Isaiah 28:16; Deuteronomy 32:4; 2Samuel 22:2-3; Psalm 118:22; 1Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 2:20; 1Peter 2:6-7). The measurement of the city is 12,000 stadia (12 x 1,000 = 12,000). The measurement of its wall is 144 cubits (12 x 12 = 144). This represents the perfect size for a whole host of GOD’s people. The foundations of the city wall are adorned with 12 precious stones, which represents the 12 tribes of Israel (see Exodus 28:15-21). The broad street of the city was like transparent glass, which represents the pureness and holiness that is to be found there. There is no sanctuary because GOD is the sanctuary. The city does not need the sun nor the moon because GOD illuminates His light (see Isaiah 24:23; John 8:12). The gates will never close, which represents the everlasting peace that will be found there. Everything is good because GOD is good and only the good will be allowed in (see Leviticus 11:45; 19:2; 20:7,26). This is the restoration of what GOD had originally intended; thus, GOD completes His great reversal of Genesis 1:26-27 and everyone is truly in His image and will dwell with Him as He intended from the beginning.

The Source of Life:
There is a river of living water that flows from the throne of GOD down the middle of the broad street and the tree of life is on both sides of the river, bearing 12 kinds of fruit. There are 12 because it’s sustenance for all of GOD’s people. The leaves of the tree are for healing the nations and there will no longer be any curse (see Ezekiel 47:12). This is the great reversal and restoration of the garden of Eden (see Genesis 2:8-14; 3:22-24; Zechariah 14:11). We will see His face [clearly] and His name will be on our foreheads (see 1Corinthians 13:12). We will reign forever (see Daniel 7:18).

The Time Is Near:
Then an angel told John that GOD has sent His angel to show everyone what must “quickly” take place. How could this message be for 1st century AD believers and only those believers if Christ was to come quickly thereafter? Because Christ has not yet returned and it has been around 1,922 years since Revelation was written. That’s because Revelation concerns the past, present, and future. John was instructed not to seal the prophetic words because “the time is near.” How could it be near at the time when John saw and heard the mysteries of GOD? The answer is found in 2Peter 3:8-9 and Isaiah 55:8-9. It’s all in GOD’s perfect timing, but GOD’s timing is not as we know timing to be. And so John (and all of us) is told that those who wash their robes are blessed (see 7:14); the blessed are the ones who come in through Christ. Those not allowed in, who will be kept outside are the darkness dwellers, the evil-doers (compare 11:2 to 22:15). The book of Revelation ends with an invitation for anyone to “come” (compare 3:20 to 22:17), but also a serious warning that if anyone adds to the words of this book, GOD will add to him/her the plagues that are written in the book and if anyone takes away from the words of this book, GOD will take away his/her share of the tree of life and the Holy City (see Deuteronomy 4:1-2). And yet again, the book concludes with another promise that He is coming quickly. But how soon? We don’t know.

Putting The Pieces Together:
I do not believe that all of Revelation is in chronological order; some things need to be pieced together. And that doesn’t seem to be out of character for GOD to do; after all, His prophecies were centuries in advance for people to understand later and even Jesus spoke in parables (see Matthew 13:10-16; Isaiah 6:9-10) with the purpose of eluding the ‘children of Satan’ (see John 8:39-47). Just like 13:18 calls us to seek wisdom to discern the meaning behind ‘666,’ the entire book of Revelation demands wisdom in order to be understood. Revelation can be understood by the children of GOD with the help of the Holy Spirit to interpret. Because wisdom comes from GOD (see Proverbs 2; Jeremiah 33:3; Daniel 2:20-22; Amos 3:7; Matthew 13:11; John 8:31-32; Colossians 2:2), we can ascertain the main message of this book.

In 19:11, Heaven opens and there is a Rider (Jesus) on a white horse. Heaven opening is important for determining the Revelation timeline. If we examine Isaiah 24:18-19, we see that Heaven opens and there is a great earthquake that splits the earth. If we examine 16:17-19, we see that during the seventh and final bowl, there is a great earthquake, the ‘great city’ splits into three, islands flee, mountains disappear, 100-pound hailstones are riddling the earth, and Jesus announces, “It is done!” If we examine 2Peter 3:10-13, we see that the coming of Christ brings about the destruction of the old Earth. If we examine 21:1-2, we see that there is a new Heaven and a new Earth. In 21:6, we see Jesus announcing, “It is done!” So it seems that the seventh bowl and the ‘great city’ splitting is the old Earth being destroyed as the Harvest (14:14-20) happens and everyone is being separated and finding themselves at their trial for judgment (1Thessalonians 4:17). The ‘great city’ is Babylon (17:5,18); Babylon is Satan’s domain; Earth was where Satan was thrown to, becoming his domain (12:17); Earth is the prostitute who acts as a covering for its inhabitants; Babylon is Earth because it is saturated in sin; hence, the rapture/Harvest and then a new Heaven and new Earth. It also makes sense that Babylon the Great is Earth because the beast and the kings turn on her. Earth’s destruction is because of the antichrists and all the ‘kings’ who have the mark of Satan. Because the only way to make things right is to start anew in the new Heaven and Earth, which is ready for GOD’s people. It makes sense that chapter 17 is giving us insight to Babylon the Great that is seen as already fallen in chapter 18 and that’s why Heaven celebrates in 19:1-5. And then 19:6-10 provides an introduction to Jesus who arrives in 19:11-16, who comes to defeat the beast and his army in 19:17-21. And the conquering of the beast and his armies happens before the seventh and final bowl. If we examine 16:14-16, we see that the armies have assembled and are ready for war, but then 16:17 states that “it is done” and Babylon has fallen; therefore, a lot happens between 16:16 and 16:17. In 16:19, it states that Babylon the Great was remembered, as if the descriptions are what happened (past tense) and how it came to be that it was done. The lightning, thunder, and earthquake together form the sign that indicates transition. The only transition left after Christ conquering the beast and his armies is our final judgment, which we see in 20:11-15. And after the final judgment, GOD’s people experience the new Heaven and new Earth, as is seen in chapter 21. And 22:1-5 seems to be an explanation about that new Heaven and Earth. And then John’s vision concludes in 22:6-21. However, 22:6-9 seems to be the same exact scene from 19:9 when John was in Heaven. This is most likely why both concern the new Heaven and new Earth. It is unlikely that John would have mistakenly worshipped the same angel twice. The only information that is uncertain as to how it fits in the timeline of events is the release of Satan and the ‘1,000’ years that is mentioned. Has Satan already been released? Is he currently gathering everyone for a final war? Will he be released at some point in the future? However, knowing the time of Satan’s release is not necessary for comprehending the main message of Revelation.

Summary and Conclusion:
The book of Revelation is the story of the great reversal and restoration of the Creator’s original good design. Revelation brings us back to Genesis. It is a message of hope filled with warnings. To have faith in the slaughtered Lamb is to share victory with the Lion of Judah; the victor only conquers under the covering of Christ. The conquering is completed by Christ and His angelic clean-up crew (see Deuteronomy 32:35-36; Romans 12:19). Though persecution may be imminent to believers, our greatest danger is actually complacency and compromise with the evil world system. The central message is GOD’s sovereignty over human history. Cataclysmic disaster is predicted for the world, yet through it all GOD is in control. GOD will deliver His people and create a new Heaven and a new Earth where His people will dwell with Him for all eternity. GOD is doing all the work; all He asks of us is three things: be faithful, be obedient (obedience produces fruit), and endure until the end (see Matthew 24:13; Revelation 13:10). The message of the book is clear and can be summed up in two words: “GOD wins” or “Love wins” — they are the same. Everything will eventually be unveiled; therefore, stay faithful, do not be afraid, and remember that you are loved (see Matthew 10:26-33). Revelation is the conclusion of the Bible, which is a long love letter. The ending reads something like this: “I love you and one day, we will be together again.” And for that reason, we need to live as if Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back tomorrow.

The Pope Is A Nope

Some History:

Where did the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church come from? In the early days of the Roman Empire, Rome was the imperial capital. The church there was the largest and wealthiest in the empire. By the middle of the third century its membership approached 30,000. It had no rival in the west.

In addition, certain early Christian writers from the second century and on had referred to Peter and Paul as founders of the church at Rome and to Rome’s bishops as successors to the apostles. Yet this respect for the history of the church of Rome did not prevent these same writers from openly disagreeing with the bishop of Rome when they believed him to be in error. In fact, up to the times of Emperor Constantine (312-337), the bishop of Rome exercised no authority outside the city.

As the church developed under Constantine, it naturally tended to follow the pattern of the empire, with the bishop of a provincial capital having authority over the bishops of the other cities of the province. In 325, the Council of Nicea recognized the bishops of Alexandria, Egypt; Antioch, Syria; and Rome as preeminent in their areas.

In 330, Constantine moved his residence from Rome to Constantinople, meaning “City of Constantine,” today’s Istanbul. Authority in the church moved east along with Constantine. Soon the bishop of Constantinople was considered to have authority equal to the bishops of Alexandria, Antioch, and Rome.

In 440, Leo I was elected bishop of Rome. He immediately proclaimed himself the supreme head of all Christendom. He established the ecclesiastical dynasty of Peter, which continues in the Roman Catholic Church today. In 451, Emperor Valentinian III put this into law: “As the primacy of the Apostolic See is based on the title of the blessed Peter, prince of episcopal dignity, on the dignity of the city of Rome, and on the decision of the Holy Synod, no illicit steps may be taken against this See to usurp its authority.”

In 451, another church council was called at Chalcedon, a suburb of Constantinople. Approximately 450 bishops were invited, but no more than 340 were present at any one time. Although Leo did not attend, his influence was evident. Thus, it was to everyone’s surprise that the council gave the bishop of Constantinople authority equal to that of the bishop of Rome, making Constantinople for the east what Rome was for the west. The action of this council confirmed the independent authority of the bishop or patriarch of Constantinople over the eastern church.

Leo’s representative at the council protested vehemently, but the decision stood. The church now had two heads: the bishop of Rome over the western church and the bishop of Constantinople over the eastern church.

In the sixth century, the bishop of Rome came to be called the pope. The word pope comes from the word papa and originally was a reference to the fatherly care exercised by all bishops. In subsequent centuries the Roman Catholic Church, as the western church came to be known, has remained monolithic. The eastern church subdivided into many self-governing ethnic Orthodox churches, which together compose a federation known as the Eastern Orthodox Church.

The whole controversy between the eastern church and the western church was based upon the assumption that there is an office of “bishop” that is different from and has greater authority than the office of “pastor” or “elder.” Do you think that is true? What church offices were present in the New Testament Church (see 1Timothy 3)?

The Pope And The Rock:

So why the pope? The Roman Catholic Church claims that Peter was the first pope, the successor of Christ. They say he is there­fore Christ’s vicar and the visible and infallible head of the church, having power and authority over all the other apostles and the entire church. Catholic leaders also claim that Christ built His church upon Peter and gave him the keys to unlock and close the kingdom of Heaven and Hell to anyone as he chose. They assert that the popes in past history up to the present are Peter’s succes­sors, and have the same power of the keys.

These far-reaching claims are based on the verses found in Matthew 16:18-19. Let us make a careful and critical examina­tion of these verses and see what Jesus said and what He actually meant:

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

The New Testament was originally written in the Greek, from which the Latin, English, and other versions were translated. If you study the Greek text you will find that the word Peter and the word Rock (on which Christ was to build His church) are two separate and distinct words, each having a different meaning. The word Peter in Greek is petros, which means “a piece of rock; a stone; a single stone; movable, insecure, shifting, or roll­ing.” The word rock is petra, which means “a rock; a cliff; a projecting rock; mother rock; huge mass; solid formation; fixed; immovable; enduring.”

The word petros for Peter in the Greek is in the masculine gender and the word petra for the rock is in the feminine gender. Petros and petra are two distinct words in the Greek. Petros is a shifting, rolling, or insecure stone, while petra is a solid, immov­able rock. In the English language the gender is not specified by the article. We say the fork, the spoon, and the knife. The three words have the same article. In the Greek, as in many of the modern languages, each noun and corresponding article is in the masculine, feminine, or neuter gender. In many cases it is an arbitrary arrangement, regardless of sex.

The article in Greek is important. If one noun is in the masculine it must have a mas­culine article, and if it is in the feminine it must have a feminine article. The text under consideration in the Greek shows that petros is in the masculine, and petra in the feminine, proving that they are two distinct words; and each one has a different meaning. Now the question is, on which of the two, petros or petra, did Christ establish His church? Was it on petros, a movable stone, or petra, an immovable rock? Examine the text again:

“And I tell you [to Peter], you are Peter [petros; masculine gender], and on this rock [petra; feminine gender] I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

The text indi­cates clearly that the church of Christ is built on petra and not on Petros. Now, who is this petra or rock on which Christ built His true church? Let the Holy Bible again provide the answer. If the Bible provides the answer, we make no mistake in accepting it because the definition is authentic.

“and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock [petra] was Christ.”
(1Corinthians 10:4)

Here we have evidence that petra refers to Christ, and not to Peter, who is petros. (See more examples: Isaiah 28:16; Deuteronomy 32:4; 2Samuel 22:2-3; Psalm 118:22; Ephesians 2:20; 1Peter 2:6-7)

If Peter is the rock on which Christ was to build His church, Peter could not be overcome and the gates of Hell could not pre­vail against him. But the fact is that he was overcome, and the gates of Hell did prevail against him. Didn’t he deny his Lord? That happened after Christ told him that the Rock was not to be overcome. Jesus told Peter on one occasion: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” (Matthew 16:23). Peter himself gives the answer as to who the Rock is in Matthew 16:16, Acts 4:8-12, and 1Peter 2.

Paul also tells us that the petra is Christ. He says, “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1Corinthians 3:11). Peter is never designated by the word petra. Thus, Peter and Paul agree that Christ is the Rock. Yet the pope claims the title for himself. Which testimony should we accept?

“Let God be true though every one were a liar.”
(Romans 3:4)

If the church was built on Peter, then Peter would have been the head of the church. However, Peter was not the head of the church in his day. No one called Peter the pope, or Father Peter, or Holy Father Peter. Rather, Jesus said, “But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:8‑11)

“Call no man your father” did not refer to an earthly parent, but to the spiritual Father. Jesus recommended our paying full respect to earthly parents when He quoted the commandment to honor our fathers and mothers (Mark 7:10).

Sometimes 1Corinthians 4:15 is used to prove that we may call spiritual leaders our fathers. Paul writes: “For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” They were begotten through the Gospel and not through Paul.

Again, Paul writes, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). It is through the Gospel that we are begotten, and not through Paul or any other person. It is the Gospel that is the power of GOD unto salvation, and not man.

If Jesus delegated Peter as the head of the church, why did the other disciples quarrel among themselves as to who would be the greatest (Luke 9:46)? If this decision had already been made by Christ, why should the others fret about it? The other disciples would have submitted to the wish of their Master. Thus it seems evi­dent that no such appointment had been made by Jesus. And if Peter was the head, it would be difficult to explain the anointing of John that was evident in John 13:21-25, John 21:20-23, and the fact that John wrote the book of Revelation.

Neither Peter nor any of his successors were heads of the true church. Paul explains this when he told us that the head of every man is Christ (1Corinthians 11:3). (See also Romans 12:5; 1Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 1:22) We are the body; Jesus is the head. We are responsible to the head, which is Christ, and not to men who try to circumvent the work of Christ and take His place. Christ is the head of every person, and we are responsible to Him as individuals.


There exists no evidence in the Bible that Peter was the Rock or a pope. Peter wrote two epistles, but he does not use the title of pope in either of them; in addition, Peter himself proclaims Jesus to be the Rock and Cornerstone. Moreover, the church in the days of the apostles did not recognize Peter as pope or the head of the church. Neither does the true church today. The pope is a nope and that is why GOD inspired Martin Luther and all the reformers. Praise GOD for the reformers and the reformation movement; otherwise, you would have to give your thanks to the pope and hope he delivers the message for you. But because of the Rock (Jesus), we now have direct access (see Hebrews 10:19-22) to GOD and can approach Him with our praises, prayers, and petitions.

“For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”
(Ephesians 2:18-22)