Come And See…

If you prefer to read this message, I provided the words below:

The purpose of this message is to reinforce the fact that relationship is the key to the “come and see” opportunity. 

“Philip went to look for Nathanael and told him, ‘We have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth.’
‘Nazareth!’ exclaimed Nathanael. ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth?’
‘Come and see for yourself,’ Philip replied.”
(John 1:45-46) -NLT

Chronologically, before this moment of conversation between Philip and Nathanael ever happened, John the Baptist had baptized Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22), Jesus was tempted for 40 days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13), and John the Baptist had publicly proclaimed Jesus as the promised Messiah that they had all been waiting for (John 1:29-34). 

Obviously, Nathanael wasn’t there when John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus as Messiah; otherwise, he would have known who Philip was talking about. In fact, not many people at this point really knew who Jesus was — they only knew Him as the carpenter’s son. This was at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus hadn’t even performed His first miracle yet. When Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus, this was the beginning of Jesus’s ministry when He first started gathering His disciples. 

“The following day John was again standing with two of his disciples. As Jesus walked by, John looked at him and declared, ‘Look! There is the Lamb of God!’
When John’s two disciples heard this, they followed Jesus. Jesus looked around and saw them following. ‘What do you want?’ he asked them.
They replied, ‘Rabbi’ (which means “Teacher”), ‘where are you staying?’
‘Come and see,’ he said.”
(John 1:35-39) -NLT

Do you notice something that both stories have in common? In both stories, a person said, “come and see” and then the person/people went and saw. But why? Why did they go and see? In both stories, an established relationship between those people in conversation was the key in convincing the other to go and see. Conversation was the key in convincing the other. That’s important so I’ll say it again, but I’ll say it a little differently: relationship is the key to “come and see.” 

Now, we know that Philip and Nathanael were friends because it is written that Philip went looking for Nathanael. You don’t just go looking for people you don’t know, right? (“Helllooooo? Person I don’t know? Where are yooouuuuuu?) Plus, if they weren’t already friends, Philip’s response probably wouldn’t have worked so well. (“Come and see for yourself!”; “I don’t know you, bro!”)

Without that pre-existing relationship, the connection wouldn’t have been possible. Because Philip had a relationship with Nathanael, Philip was able to lead Nathanael to Jesus. Because John the Baptist already had a relationship with his two disciples, he was able to lead them to Jesus. 

“Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of these men who heard what John said and then followed Jesus.”
(John 1:40) -NLT

In the very next verse we learn that one of those two disciples who left John the Baptist was Andrew — Simon Peter’s brother! (The second disciple was most likely John — not John the Baptist, but the author of the book!) 

“Andrew went to find his brother, Simon, and told him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means “Christ”). Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. Looking intently at Simon, Jesus said, ‘Your name is Simon, son of John—but you will be called Cephas’ (which means “Peter”).”
(John 1:41-42) -NLT

And in those two verses, it is written that Andrew — because of his relationship with Peter — was able to lead Peter to Jesus! 

This is worth repeating over and over again: Relationship is the key to “come and see.”


As a Christian, the ultimate end goal is for us to lead people to Jesus. But how can you lead people to youth group or the main church service unless you have pre-existing relationships with those people? Would people “come and see” if you asked them to come and see? Do they know you well enough to do that? Have you established relationships with the people you would like to invite here? How many of you know that it’s awkward to invite people you don’t know to places they don’t know? (“I know you don’t know me, but you should totally come with me to this place you don’t know.”)

As a pastor, I’m not just concerned with quantity (the amount of people present). I do want a lot of people to come, but I want them here for the right reason. Think about it: when the two disciples left John the Baptist and followed Jesus, Jesus turned to them and asked them, “What do you want?” Wow. It simply wasn’t enough to follow Jesus. Why were they doing it? Jesus essentially responded, “Why are you following me? Do you know who I am and what I’m all about? If you plan on following me, I expect you to know who I am and what I’m all about. Because there’s no sense in you following me unless you’re going to have a desire to do what I’m all about.”

Do you know who Jesus is and what He is all about? Love. Relationships. Relationship is foundational! Without relationship, ministry doesn’t exist! People are more important than programs. Activities can be fun, but they’re meaningless if we’re just trying to force people into our programs. Relationship is the base (foundation) that holds everything else up. People are important and loving people is what I’m all about here. 

It is my personal goal that you know and understand that you belong. You’re not an outsider or an outcast. There should be no cliques. I understand that it’s human nature for us to connect better with some people than others. But no one should be excluded and made to feel as if they don’t belong. We are one family. Your joy will be my joy; your troubles will be my troubles; your heartache will be my heartache; if you have something to celebrate, I want to celebrate with you! You need to know that you are loved. A lot of people will say what I’m about to say, but not many people will live up to it: I will take a punch in the face for you, I’ll take a bullet for you, and I’ll even get fired from my job for you. I will put my reputation on the line for you. And it is my hope that you would be willing to do the same for everyone else. 

It has been said by many influential people that no one will ever care about what you know until they first know that you care. In my experience, this is true. And as we now know, this is also true from GOD’s Word. Genuine authentic relationships matter. Youth group and/or church service is a place where we can be real with each other. There’s a lot of talk about people having safe spaces. I want youth group and/or church service to be your safe place. I want you to be able to be open and honest and be able to share your struggles and know that you’re going to be loved and everyone is going to have your back. Because the truth is this: we all struggle with something. Even me. Especially me. 

Life’s hard. And if it’s easy for you now, just know that it will be harder later on. In life, we will feel pushed to our limits and it’s sometimes overwhelming and you’ll just want to take a nap, like this little girl (video below):

I know. Especially the teenage years. I’ve been there. I remember my teenage years as if they happened last week. To be honest with you, I kinda failed at life during my teenage years.  

Deep down we all just want to be loved, cared for, accepted, and not worry about having to impress people all the time. It can be exhausting. But I want you to know that you’re going to be loved and cared for here. And we don’t need to impress anyone. No on here is better than anyone else. We just need to be authentic and genuine. We can be raw, we can be real, but we need to be one. We’re a team. We’re a family. 

It all boils down to this: Do you love people? Do you care about people? Do you want what’s best for them? Do you want people to know Truth and to experience eternal joy? It all starts with relationship. And it’s quite possible that you’re in a position right now where you’re doing everything you can to just try to love yourself. I get it. I’m here for you. We are here for you. But it is my goal that we will also be there for everyone else beyond the church walls.

Relationship is the key to “come and see.”

Call To Action

There’s always a new challenge popping up on social media: In fact, I just made one on my TikTok account (@pointlessthorns): #laughwithoutsmiling ! But there’s also been other challenges created: duct tape, duck lips, setting yourself on fire, doing polar bear plunge into freezing water, or even using ice and salt to burn yourself. People are strange. I’m a weirdo, but I’m not that strange. I’m not setting myself on fire. But I want to give you a real challenge that will not only be challenging for you, but it will actually benefit your life and the lives of others if you do it: the “Come And See” challenge. 

The ultimate end goal is for you (as a Christian) to be able to invite people to come to youth group and/or church. But as I’ve already said, it’s kinda awkward to invite the people you don’t know to places they don’t know. But by simply introducing yourself to others, getting to know them, and doing intentional acts of kindness, you can build a bridge of trust that will help lead others to Jesus — to a life of love! Relationship is the key to “come and see.” Relationship is the bridge that leads to discipleship. I’ll teach on discipleship at a later time. But for now, just know that it means the process of trying to be like Jesus. Becoming like Jesus is a lifelong process of growth. We’re all growing — even me. I may be a little farther along in the growth process, but I’m still growing and I’m still learning. 

So here’s the challenge: I want you to choose three people who need love the most. Who are they? Think of them in your mind right now. You know who needs love the most. After you choose those three people, I want you to do intentional acts of kindness for those people for the next month. Give a compliment, ask how they’re doing (and actually listen to the answer), buy them a snack just because, or even clean up their trash for them. Something. Anything! But show them that they matter! Three people for one month with many intentional acts of kindness in order to love others. 

By the end of the month, you should have three new friends. It may sound terrifying — especially if you’re an introvert — but it’s easier than you might think. Here’s some encouragement for you: those who need love the most will typically respond well to acts of love they receive. Those who need love the most are typically those who have been hurt the most. They might be standoffish at first, but that’s just a protective shield they put up so they won’t get hurt again. It is your job to convince them to lower that shield. And you will be able to do that with intentional acts of kindness. Even an abused dog will eventually come and eat food out from your hand after it learns you love it. Intentional and consistent acts of kindness. One month. Three people.

Establishing and building relationships takes time. I understand that. The ultimate end goal is for us to have a solid relationship within the church and then for you to be able to have that relationship with others beyond the church walls, which will give you the opportunity to say to them, “Come and see for yourself.” If we can make our youth group and/or church environment the “come and see” place, then you’ll not only want to invite people, but it’ll also be easy for you to do that. 

I Want To Hear From YOU:

Suggestions? For church to become the “come and see” place, what would help create that environment? It’s not only awkward to invite people you don’t know to a place they don’t know, but I understand that you inviting people requires you to put your reputation on the line. So, if this place isn’t a place you would want to invite your friends to, I need to know why so we can try to fix that. What would make it the “come and see” place? Please understand that the goal isn’t to make church the most hip and trendy place. The goal is not popularity. The goal is to make church the most home-like environment so people feel welcomed and comfortable.

I actually want you to put thought into this answer. And also, because I care about you, I care about what you think and how you feel. Your thoughts matter to me; I value your opinions. I just want honesty. I’m looking for genuine and authentic answers. I’m looking for practical solutions to a potential problem. What can we do to make church the “come and see” place? Obviously, we first need to become the “come and see” type of person. And that means we need good relationships. Please repeat after me: Relationship is the key to “come and see.”

Superhero: Armor of GOD: Sword of the Spirit

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below…

This is Part 20 of my Superhero series. In the introduction of this series, I provided the argument that heroes are real and then I distinguished between heroes and superheroes. I also provided a list of what defines a superhero. In Part 1, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute standard of Good and realize that evil is a mere privation of what is good. In Part 2, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute moral standard and realize that what is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. In Part 3, I defined and expounded upon love because all superheroes are full of love and are compelled to act out from love. In Part 4, I explained that superheroes desire to save people from all forms of danger and/or death and this desire comes from love. In Part 5, we learned that superheroes are solution seekers. In Part 6, we saw that solution seekers are willing to sacrifice if necessary. In Part 7, we saw that sacrificial love steps forward and offers service. In Part 8, we saw that superheroes go above and beyond the call of duty. In Part 9, we saw that superheroes never give up! In Part 10, we saw that superheroes don’t need recognition – they are motivated only by love! In Part 11, we saw that relationships matter and teamwork works! In Part 12, we saw that the struggle is real; however, Jesus is the real solution to our real problems. In Part 13, we saw that despite problems, superheroes are more than conquerors! In Part 14, we saw that true superheroes do not have identity crises – they know who they are even if others don’t! In Part 15, we saw that superheroes are always ready to fight evil with the belt of Truth. In Part 16, we saw that superheroes are always ready to resist evil by putting on the breastplate of righteousness. In Part 17, we saw that superheroes are always ready to walk with purpose. In Part 18, we saw that superheroes are always ready to deflect the enemy’s attacks by holding up the shield of faith. In Part 19, we saw that by wearing the helmet of salvation, superheroes always protect themselves from evil penetrating their minds with parasitic seeds of thought that contaminate, corrupt, and control.

In this message (Part 20), we will see that by using the Sword of the Spirit, superheroes can not only block the enemy’s attacks, but also drive the enemy away.


Continuing the examination of the whole armor of GOD, we are now instructed to take the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Roman soldiers had different types of swords at their disposal, but the word for “sword” here is taken from the Greek word machaira. This sword was approximately 19 inches long and both sides of the blade were sharp; it was a double-edged sword. 

Consider the following comic book characters: Katana (DC), Deadpool, The Swordsman, and Black Knight (Marvel) – they all use swords as their weapon of choice to fight their opponents. Though the sword is not a popular weapon of choice for superheroes, those who choose to use it find the sword to be extremely useful. And like the aforementioned superheroes, ancient Roman soldiers also considered the sword to be extremely useful. Because the sword is capable of cutting through things or even taking life away from people, it is a symbol of power. The mere sight of the sword being drawn out from its sheath could strike fear into a person’s heart. The Roman Empire equipped all soldiers with this symbol of power and fear as a reminder of their dominance and control. And just as apostle Paul used the soldier’s armor to call attention to ways of defending ourselves, Paul also calls attention to the sword as an offensive weapon. Why? Because defense without offense is unsustainable stamina.

Just as bread/manna is actually the Word of GOD (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; John 6:35,41,48,51), Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword is also the Word of GOD. The term “word” is taken from the Greek word rhema, which describes something that is spoken clearly; spoken vividly; spoken in undeniable language; or spoken in unmistakable, unquestionable, certain, and definite terms. Thus, this word is a special word of clarity that supernaturally comes into a believer’s mind. Some excellent examples of this can be seen in Matthew 10:19-20, John 14:26, and Acts 4:8-13. But we must understand that the rhema comes out from the logos. In other words, the Holy Spirit uses the written Word (that’s already within us) to extract and highlight a special Word of clarity for a specific time and for a specific purpose. If you don’t consume the written Word, then the Holy Spirit cannot highlight which specific Word to use at a specific time. Logos is prerequisite for rhema

When Jesus told us that all who live by the sword will die by the sword (Matthew 26:52), Jesus was telling us that if we use violent, forceful, or underhanded methods against other people, we can expect those same methods to be used against us. Violence begets violence. Those who practice violence will come to violent ends. Essentially, the measure and method you use toward others will be the measure and method by which you also will be judged (Matthew 7:2; Mark 4:23-25).

If those who live by the sword also die by the sword, why did Paul call the Word of GOD the Sword? Are we supposed to strike people down like the Crusaders did? Are we supposed to beat people over the head with our Bibles and subdue them into submission until they claim to be Christians? No! Conquest and forced conversion only has the power to change minds, but never hearts. And even the change of mind will most likely be superficial and temporary. If threatened, someone might proclaim to be converted; however, that same person will most likely revert to earlier beliefs once the threat of dying is no longer a possible outcome.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
(Hebrews 4:12) -ESV


As is evident from Revelation 1:16; 2:12, the double-edged sword comes from the mouth of the Lord — it is the spoken Word! The phrase “two-edged” or “double-edged” is taken from the Greek word distomos, which is a compound of the word di, meaning two, and the word stomos, which is the Greek word for one’s mouth. Thus, this double-edged sword is a two-mouthed sword. How so? GOD’s Word cuts in two ways. As explained in Hebrews 4:12, GOD’s Word cuts through sin, pride, and disobedience when it enters us humans. However, because GOD’s Word boomerangs and never returns void (Isaiah 55:10-11), the Word moves through us and out of our mouths, which then becomes the other side of the blade. So, GOD’s Word goes out from His ‘mouth,’ cuts into us, and then boomerangs back and out from our mouths, which not only strikes down the enemy, but also supernaturally splices into other humans. However, it is important to understand that GOD’s Word is not a sword that cuts people down; rather, it is the Sword used to cut people free from their enslavement of sin. GOD’s Word cuts through calloused and hardened hearts, exposing lies, revealing Truth, causing conviction, and leads to repentance and alignment with the absolute moral standard of GOD’s will. While striking the enemy down, the Word also sets people free (John 8:32)!

Words Are Powerful:

How powerful are words? Let’s begin by realizing that GOD spoke the universe into existence (Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24) – that’s how powerful words can be! When GOD created everything, He did it by starting with a formless void and then shaping it with His Word. Likewise, our lives are a formless void until GOD’s Word comes in to bring life and peace, beauty and order. The opposite is true as well: when GOD’s Word departs from our lives, they descend back into chaos.

But let’s also recognize the fact that words possess power even if they come from finite and fallible human beings. Words possess the power to affect emotions and even alter the direction in which a person will travel. Harmful words are like swords that cut people down (Psalm 55:21; 64:3; Proverbs 12:18). How many negative memories do you still have in your mind of hurtful words? Perhaps they came from strangers, friends, family, or even someone you loved most. I still carry with me a memory from my childhood when someone told me I should have been a girl because I had been crying. I also have a memory from my early adulthood when a relative of mine commented on how much time I ‘wasted’ on playing guitar and writing songs: “That will never amount to anything; dreams don’t pay bills.” But I also have memories of hearing the pretty girl I liked talk about what a perfect male looked like and me realizing I looked nothing like the male she described. I also have memories of hearing people tell me that either I wasn’t good enough or the work I presented wasn’t good enough. The old saying that “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” is a lie. As the old joke goes, those who don’t think that words hurt has never been hit in the head with a dictionary. Words can hurt; they do hurt. The power of the spoken word is so great that many people have ended up committing suicide due to their inability to block the hurtful words from penetrating their hearts and minds. In fact, at the age of 17, I even wrote out my own suicide letter because I had not been able to handle the heavy load of hurtful words I collected throughout the years.

“The words of the wicked kill; the speech of the upright saves.”
(Proverbs 12:6) –MSG

“What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words.”
(Proverbs 18:21) –GNT

“I can guarantee that on judgment day people will have to give an account of every careless word they say. By your words you will be declared innocent, or by your words you will be declared guilty.”
(Matthew 12:36-37) –GW

How powerful are words? Words penetrate both mind and heart. Words can cut people down, but words can also build people up. So, what words will we speak? If we are all to be judged by our words, then it would be wise to speak life by speaking GOD’s Word. In fact, Paul tells us that GOD’s Word is our Sword and offensive weapon in our spiritual battle against evil. Like a fencing match or real sword fight, GOD’s Word is the Sword that blocks the enemy’s sword from connecting with our hearts and minds and also helps us to drive the enemy away.

Jesus provided the example for us when He spent 40 days in the wilderness to be tempted. The devil knows Scripture. When the devil spit out sword thrusts of destructive words, Jesus responded by using the Sword in a counter attack to not only block the attack, but to also drive the enemy away. Just as Jesus said, “it is written” (Matthew 4:4,7,10) as His offensive attack against the enemy, that must also be our response. With the shield of faith in one hand and GOD’s Word as your Sword in your other hand, you can block the enemy’s attacks and launch your own attack to drive the enemy away. Ultimately, GOD’s Word enables us to fight the lies of the great Liar and be more than conquerors in Christ (Matthew 4:10; Romans 8:37; James 4:7).

In the 1999 movie, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the scene where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan battle against Darth Maul can provide a visual depiction of what our spiritual battle looks like against evil. Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon and then immediately turns his attention toward Obi-Wan. Imagine Darth Maul as a demon, Qui-Gon as an unprepared human who allowed evil to overtake him, and Obi-Wan as yourself. Obi-Wan screamed in horror at the sight of Qui-Gon falling. Likewise, we should all be screaming in horror at the knowledge that millions of people are succumbing to the devil and his demonic deeds. But we are not exempt (1Corinthians 10:11-13). The demons are going to turn their attention toward us. Obi-Wan was prepared to battle against evil and prevailed over Darth Maul. Are you prepared to effectively battle against the devil and his demons? If the adversary knows how to use the Sword, how much more should you know how to use it? Have you been trained up in the ways of the Lord? Do you know how to handle the Sword?

The Sword Is A Weapon:

Without GOD’s Word, we have no offensive weapon to drive the enemy away. In the 2010 movie, The Book Of Eli, the evil villain, Carnegie, spoke the truth when he reprimanded his henchmen, informing them that capturing the Bible was of utmost importance because, “It’s a weapon!” And because GOD’s Word is the best weapon against evil, Satan has done everything possible in this life to ban it, burn it, discredit it, and disregard it. But of course, we already know that GOD’s Word lasts forever (Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 24:35) and Satan knows this as well. And because the enemy knows that GOD’s Word is forever, he often uses the tactic of twisting the text in order to manipulate the masses. There are many buildings proclaiming to be Christian churches, but upon closer investigation, the pastors are devils in disguise. There are many wolves in sheep clothing. We shouldn’t be surprised by this – Jesus and His disciples told us it would be this way (Matthew 7:15; 10:16; Acts 20:28-31; Romans 16:17-18; 2Corinthians 11:13-15; 1Timothy 4:1-2; 6:3-5; 2Timothy 3:1-9; 4:2-5; 2Peter 2:1-3; 1John 4:1,5-6). GOD’s Word warns us about false teachers in the world. And this is why it is important for us to have the Sword. However, an available weapon won’t be of any use to a person who doesn’t know how to use it. In order to use GOD’s Word, you must know GOD’s Word. Do you know the Word of GOD? Is it in you?

The Word Saves:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
(2Timothy 3:16-17) -ESV

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
(Romans 10:17) -ESV

Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what should we do?’ Peter replied, ‘Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.’ Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, ‘Save yourselves from this crooked generation!’ Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.”
(Acts 2:37-41) -NLT

GOD’s Word is the Sword that cuts people free from the Counterfeiter’s cage of captivity. Those who have been released from the the devil’s dungeon (like myself) find themselves shouting praises of gratitude for the gift of GOD’s grace. Like Paul, I was once blind to the Truth, but now I see! Think about it! How did 3,000 people get saved in one day? Because Peter was so amazing? No. Peter finally allowed the Holy Spirit to guide him and he used the Sword of the Spirit. Thousands of people were saved due to Peter and the apostles slicing through Satan’s snares with the Sword of the Spirit – GOD’s Word! In fact, in Acts 4:4, it is written that 5,000 men had been saved due to the preaching of the Gospel – and that number didn’t even include women or children! Thousands of people can be saved if we would only allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we share the Gospel with them! Do you know GOD’s Word? Are you sharing the Gospel like Jesus commanded us to do?

Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:18-20) -NLT

Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”
(2Timothy 4:2-5) -NLT

Are you able to defend the faith like the apostles had been able to do (2Corinthians 10:5; 1Peter 3:15)? If you don’t know GOD’s Word, then you are not trained to use the Sword. If you’re not able to use the Sword, the devil and his demons will use the Sword against you. How do you know if someone is preaching the true Word of GOD? What if someone uses GOD’s Word by twisting the text like Satan did? Without GOD’s Word, we cannot know Truth. If we do not know Truth, we will inevitably believe lies. If you have the Bible in your possession, then you have the Sword in your possession. If you do not know GOD’s Word, you do not know how to use the Sword. If, however, you do know GOD’s Word, then you know how to use the Sword. Understand this: Satan has targeted you and is coming after you. Are you prepared to not only block the enemy’s attacks but to also drive him away? If you don’t know how to use the Sword, you better start training before it’s too late. If you do know how to use the Sword, you need to start training others how to use it. It’s time to take up the Sword! It’s time to cut people free from bondage and to release them from the darkness of the devil’s dungeon! How do we do that? We reflect the Light and shine bright!

It is written in Psalm 119:130 that GOD’s Word gives light. Why? Because GOD is able to bring unbelievers out of the darkness and into the light. Jesus is the Light
(2Samuel 22:29; Job 12:22; Psalms 18:28; Isaiah 42:16; John 1:5; 8:12; 12:46; Acts 26:16-18; Ephesians 5:8; 1Peter 2:9-10; 1John 1:5-10). And Jesus commanded us to be the light in the darkness of this world (Matthew 5:14). So, we are the light? But John 9:5 states that Jesus is the Light. So, which is it? Both. The first half of John 9:5 is the key to understanding this. Jesus “passed the torch” to His followers. Jesus is the primary Light; we are the secondary light, a reflection of the Light. We are light-bearers. As the light of the sun is to the moon, so the light of the Son is to us. Jesus shines the Light, the light enters us, casts out darkness, and then we reflect that light to everyone around us.

However, examine Matthew 5:14 in context. Jesus spoke about salt and light. But right before He spoke about salt and light, He gave the Sermon on the Mount and spoke about the “Beatitudes,” which is a list of blessings. In this, there are nine individual promises that come together to form one: we will be blessed if we are in alignment with GOD’s will. Within the entirety of the Beatitudes, there is only one command: rejoice and be glad. It happens to be in the midst of the warnings about persecution. The command is immediately followed by a promise that we will have a great reward in Heaven. This means we need to begin with the end in mind and make decisions based on our eternal destination, not our temporal circumstances (Psalm 30:5). Like Paul, we need to keep our eyes on the prize if we are to obtain the Beatitudes’ promise of being blessed (1Corinthians 9:24; Philippians 3:14).

Jesus then goes on to say that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We already discussed the light, but what about the salt? Salt is a necessity of life and has been used as a seasoning, a preservative, a disinfectant, and even used on icy conditions. Think: Are we preserving all the good qualities of life? Are we enhancing the ‘flavor’ of life? Are we a disinfectant, helping to eliminate the ‘germs’ of false doctrines? Are we being used for icy conditions? Are we thawing ice-cold hearts with our love? Are we helping people gain traction on slippery slopes? Our salty ‘flavor’ should cause people to salivate for salvation. Are we shining the Light and sharing the Gospel or are we hiding under a basket, thereby making it a casket? Hiding the Light under a basket is remaining silent when we should be speaking the Word. Superheroes don’t hide under baskets! Couch potato Christians are consumers in comfort-coffins. 

Comfort Is The Coffin Of Christianity:

When Jesus told us not to hide our light under a basket (Matthew 5:14-16), He meant that we should not go into hiding and remain sheltered. In fact, Jesus commanded us to go out into the world, sharing the Gospel (Matthew 28:28-20). Do not be content with the knowledge of your own salvation!

“None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.”
(1Corinthians 10:24) –GNT

Keep being compassionate to those who still have doubts, and snatch others out of the fire to save them. Be merciful over and over to them, but always couple your mercy with the fear of God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh.”
(Jude 1:22-23) -TPT

If you are content with your own comfort and decide to build protective walls around yourself and refuse to leave that safety-box, it is more than likely that you will shelter yourself into non-existence. How can superheroes save anyone if they are hiding in a box? Evil wants you to build walls of comfort around yourself and for you to stay in your safety-box – the longer you stay inside your sheltered life, the more that shelter becomes your coffin. And if you stay inside your sheltered life, how could you have relationships with others and lead people to Christ? If you cut yourself off from the rest of the world, you cut yourself off from GOD’s plan for your life. If you cut yourself off from GOD’s will, you will be the substance without its source and you will slowly wither and die. Don’t shelter yourself; however, don’t live as the rest of this world lives. Rise above with love and speak out and reach out while inviting others in. 

The safety-box of a sheltered life is a comfort-coffin. People try to justify their sheltered lives in many different ways, but here is the truth: those who are content with their own salvations and live sheltered lives don’t obey GOD’s laws nor live by His decrees. GOD has called us to love others – it’s not possible to reach out (with love) to those in the darkness if we are hiding in our safety-box (hiding our light). 

Everyone’s coffin is different, yet they are all the same: the coffin is crafted to contour to your comfort. What does your coffin look like? It’s important to know what your coffin looks like – knowing what it looks like will help you stay out of it! A coffin can look like the car that someone loves to work on and invest in, it can look like the sports team someone spends all his/her time studying, it could look like the beer can someone can’t let go of long enough to use his/her hands for a better purpose, or it could even look like someone’s television set or his/her own apartment/house. Understand this: a coffin can even look like protection against evil. Although the coffin appears to be protection that keeps evil away from you, is the opposite – you need to realize that it is a trap, designed to keep you out of the world. Evil doesn’t want Christians out in the world. A comfort-coffin can even look like a church building. 

I urge you – do not seek shelter! I urge you to step outside of your sheltered life; I urge you to get out of your comfort-coffin. Batman does not stay in the Batcave! If he did, he would never save anyone. Too many men are hiding in their man-caves. Do your hobbies consume all of your free time leaving you unable to help others? Examine your decisions and the motives behind your decisions. With the time you do have, do you use it to advance the Kingdom of GOD? Are you willing to leave your comfort-coffin in order to save others? Are you willing to go places you might not want to go and help people regardless of your opinion of them? Do your video games, beer pong, sports, etc. stand in the way of leading people to Christ? We are called to love others and to lead people to Christ. Let us go out and do exactly that! How? By knowing GOD’s Word and sharing the Good News! But how can you do that if you don’t know GOD’s Word? Is it in you?

The Word Is The Link To Your Sword:

Because rhema (a special word of clarity from the Holy Spirit) only comes from logos (the written Word of GOD), we must first know the Word of GOD in order to receive the Sword. Some people sit idly by in the darkness of their comfort-coffins, hoping to receive a Sword from GOD. But we will only receive the Sword by living in the light and reading our Bibles.

Consider the classic 1986 video game, Legend of Zelda. The main character, Link, can find and collect helpful items that enable him to live a victorious life. In the game, you are able to uncover hidden areas and discover game-changing items such as a map, compass, food, potion, shield, candle, bomb, key, boomerang, or even an upgraded sword. 

To be a superhero in the name of the Savior, we must go on a quest much like Link does in the Legend of Zelda. Think about it. The only way Link will ever find and attain any game-changing items and reach the end of the game is by advancing forward, examining everything, and using his gifts while battling evil. To Link, game-changing items help him to be victorious and reach the end; likewise, superheroes end up as conquerors for Christ due to the life-changing Word. Link has a map and compass to help him find his way; likewise, we have GOD’s Word and moral compass to guide us in life. Link is sustained by food he finds; GOD’s Word is our food. Link has potion to give him life; GOD’s Word comes from the Lord, the Lord is Life and gives life. Link has a shield to protect him from evil’s attacks; we have the whole armor of GOD. Link has a candle to give him light to use in the darkness; the Lord is the Light and we are the light of the world. Link has a bomb he can use to blast his way through walls; we destroy strongholds with Truth-bombs. Link has a key to unlock new areas; by reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit will help us understand ‘secret passages’ and this will unlock new areas of life for us. Link has a boomerang that returns to him; we have GOD’s Word, which also acts as a boomerang because it never returns void. Link can get an upgraded sword; we receive a Sword as an upgrade after knowing the Word. According to, Link can attain an upgraded Magical Sword by following these steps:

Requirement: Min. 12 Heart Containers

From the starting screen, head right one screen, up five screens, left two screens, down one screen, left one screen up one screen, left two screens, down one screen, left two screens, and up one screen to find yourself in part of the graveyard.

Push the middle grave in the third column from the left to reveal a stairwell leading to the sword.”

Likewise, in order for superheroes (Christians) to receive a rhema (Sword), we must be willing to take the required action of the necessary steps. What are these necessary steps? Just as there was a minimum requirement of 12 heart containers for Link to receive the Magical Sword, there is a minimum requirement for us to receive the Sword: we must read the Bible. Just as there are directions to follow in order for Link to receive the Magical Sword, there are directions we must follow to receive the Sword: read the Bible, study the Bible, meditate on what is written, and trust the Holy Spirit to present you with the Sword at the right time. Link received the Magical Sword only after the secret passage was revealed. Likewise, the special Sword we receive from the Holy Spirit is like a secret passage being revealed. But if we have not read GOD’s Word, then the Holy Spirit cannot help us bring it to mind at the right time for a specific purpose. Link had to put forth effort in order to attain game-changing items. Likewise, we must also put forth effort in order for the life-changing Sword. All we need to do is know the Word. Have you consumed the Word? By consuming the Word you can receive the Sword. Is it in you?

Whatever Floats Your Boat

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below…

Countless times I have heard someone tell me, “Do whatever floats your boat.” Essentially, this saying means that people should do whatever makes them happy. But is that truly good advice? Should you do whatever floats your boat? Is the pursuit of happiness equal to the pursuit of purpose? The book of Ecclesiastes alone showcases how the pursuit of pleasure is “vanity,” meaningless, or merely smoke; however, multiple celebrities have revealed that pursuing pleasure will never be enough to live out purpose.


A harbor can be a noun or a verb. A harbor is a part of a body of water along the shore deep enough for anchoring a ship. But to harbor is also to keep or hold in the mind. Relate “harbor” with bad thoughts and negativity. You are the boat. If you harbor (keep in your mind) the bad thoughts, then the boat (you) will harbor (will remain anchored and without movement). But should a boat remain anchored? Boats are made for sailing, not sitting. You are not meant to keep negativity or evil in your mind and remain idle. All the bad you keep in your mind will anchor you and tie you down to your past and prevent you from sailing into your future. A floater’s future isn’t much different than the floater’s present. Is that much of a future? Let go of the bad. How can you grasp onto anything new and good while your hands are still full of the bad of which you refuse to let go? Let go and sail! It is better to sink after sailing than to forever float after being anchored in the harbor.


Like the horse in the picture (above), Moses believed he was confined to one area in life. In fact, the Israelites under Egyptian control also believed they had been confined to only one area in life. Many people are like the horse tied to a lightweight plastic chair. Many people don’t even realize that they are free to go because they believe they are tied to something that’s preventing them from moving forward. Understand this: the Adversary wants you to be idle; the enemy wants you to merely float. Why? Because a boat in the harbor is not a boat out in the sea; a horse tied to a chair is not a horse that goes into all nations, delivering good news.

“But Moses protested to God, ‘Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?’ ”
(Exodus 3:11) -NLT

“But Moses protested again, ‘What if they won’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say, “The Lord never appeared to you!”?’ Then the Lord asked him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ ‘A shepherd’s staff,’ Moses replied. ‘Throw it down on the ground,’ the Lord told him. So Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake! Moses jumped back.”
(Exodus 4:1-3) -NLT

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have or what you don’t have. GOD asked Moses what he had and Moses told him he only had a stick. But GOD used that stick to create a miracle! And that staff became his measuring stick of faith; in fact, that’s probably one of the reasons why he always carried it with him. Every time Moses looked at that staff, he remembered GOD’s power. How close was Moses to a miracle? So close he could touch it! So close, in fact, that the miracle had been with him the whole time – he had been holding on to his miracle! Has your miracle been with you the whole time? All we need to do is move toward GOD (James 4:8) and GOD will prove that all things are possible through Him (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; 18:27). All Moses had to do was allow GOD inside in order for the miracle to be activated. Eventually, no matter how afraid or hesitant Moses felt, deep down inside he knew that GOD creates possibilities and all he had to do was to continue progressing forward in faith. All he had to do was make a decision to allow GOD to cut him loose from the Adversary’s anchor, the deadweight of doubt and feeling of fear.

Never tell yourself, “I can’t.” Instead, tell yourself, “I will try.” If you fail, never tell yourself, “I quit.” Instead, tell yourself, “I will try again. Never ask yourself, “Who am I? What difference can I make?” Instead, tell yourself, “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world” (1John 4:4).

Some people need to set themselves free from themselves. If you have been struggling with doubt, fear, or addictions, know that you possess the power to walk away in the name of Jesus. You can walk away at any time. In the name of Jesus, by the power of GOD, you will no longer be bound to your addiction(s) and you will no longer be steered by your affliction(s). Proclaim your freedom, believe it, and simply walk away from it. We are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37). Give the addiction(s) and affliction(s) to GOD and allow Christ inside of you in order to activate your miracle.

In his book “Save Me from Myself: How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs, and Lived to Tell My Story,” the late 1990’s and early 2000’s rock star, Brian ‘Head’ Welch walked away completely clean and sober after he had asked Jesus to take it all away from him so that he could live the right way. With GOD, all things are possible.

Consider again the horse and the plastic chair. If the horse in the picture were to walk away, the blue chair would follow behind it. But either one of four things would most likely happen:

  1. The horse would realize that the chair is tied to it and then begrudgingly accept that the chair is just the way of life and there’s nothing it can do except drag the chair everywhere it goes;
  2. the horse would get spooked by the chair and run; it would run long enough only to exhaust itself, never breaking free from the torment of the chair;
  3. the horse would get spooked and run; it would run long enough that it would eventually break loose from the chair yet still end up exhausted and probably end up in a location it never desired to go, or;
  4. the owner of the horse would care enough to calm the horse and help the horse see the chair for what it really is: it’s mere deadweight that needs to be cut loose; furthermore, the chair possesses no real power.

Some people believe their anchors are just the way of life and there’s nothing that can be done about it. Some people exhaust themselves by their own efforts. Some people allow that which drags behind them to steer them toward an undesired destination due to fear. Understand this: you can walk away from your addiction(s)! The addiction(s) may follow you, but until you allow the Owner (GOD) to cut that deadweight loose, you will only exhaust yourself by your own efforts. Freedom does require action. You have to move. Like Lot, you must decide to walk away and not look back (Genesis 19:26). But when we walk away, we do not just aimlessly wander like the Israelites did for 40 years (Joshua 5:6). We need to walk toward the Owner so He can cut the deadweight loose. Walk with Jesus – nothing evil can stay with you if you are with Jesus because Jesus casts evil out. You simply cannot dwell in the darkness if you walk with Jesus because Jesus is the the Light (John 8:12). Ask GOD to take it from you. GOD will provide a way of escape if you seek Him (1Corinthians 10:13). Proclaim it: you are free from your addiction(s) and you can overcome your affliction(s)! May it be so. Amen.

The person that holds you back is often yourself. More often than not, the chains that bind you are mental and not physical. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, listen to Nick Vujicic. Nick was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, which is a rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs. Nick has no arms and no legs! Yet despite his physical condition, GOD helped Nick break the mental chains that tried to bind him and now he’s a motivational speaker who inspires people all throughout the world.
(After you finish this message, watch Nick’s message, “Learn To Live The Life God Has Called You To” and then set sail! But first finish this message.)

Before Moses ever led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the parting of the Red Sea, he lived with doubt and fear as his anchors that held him in the harbor. Moses didn’t believe he could accomplish anything of significance. At that time, he believed he was just a man with a speech impediment and a regrettable past. Consequently, Moses stayed where he was at in life. He had been a floater.

Don’t allow your mental hangups to tie you down and prevent you from sailing for the Savior. Are you anchored in the harbor? Are you only floating while merely existing? Don’t you realize that boats are meant to sail? I’ll say it again: it is better to sink after sailing than to forever float after being anchored in the harbor. It is better to sail for the Savior than to be anchored by the Adversary. Don’t be a floater. Sail, boat! Sail!

Some people have been anchored in agony due to addictions and afflictions; however, some people have been docked in the Dead Sea due to selfish decisions. Some people don’t want to sail because they’re only concerned about themselves. Some people are only concerned about keeping their own boats afloat; they only care about whatever floats their boats.

Those who float are in the Dead Sea. Though I am speaking of the Dead Sea figuratively, the actual physical location of the Dead Sea can help to understand the metaphorical sea of the dead. The Dead Sea’s unusually high salt concentration (about 33%) means that people can easily float due to natural buoyancy. But just as its name indicates, this sea is dead because the high concentration of salt prevents life such as fish, birds, and plants from living in it. The Dead Sea’s high concentration of salt is due to it having no outlets. Whatever water finds its way in will never find its way out; the water evaporates and the white of the salt remains.

Are you figuratively floating in the Dead Sea? Those who refuse to set sail for the Savior merely float in the Dead Sea. Those who continue to take and never give have no outlet. Without an outlet, you will come to nothing, leaving only the white of your bones behind. Don’t you realize we are more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)?

We are not called to be Couch Potato Christians, Blue Cord Bums, or faithless floaters. Many people know that Jesus told Peter and Andrew that if they followed Him, He would make them fishers of men (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17; Luke 5:10). People also know that Peter and Andrew left everything and followed Jesus (Matthew 4:20; Mark 1:18; Luke 5:11). Their decision to leave everything they knew and follow Jesus was the moment they decided to stop being floaters and to set sail for the Savior. By becoming disciples of Jesus, Peter and Andrew left their comfort zones in order to set sail into the sea of the lost to become fishers of men. However, many people fail to recognize an important part of this story which happened right before Peter and Andrew left everything to follow Jesus. Examine Luke 5:1-11 (NLT):

One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God. He noticed two empty boats at the water’s edge, for the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. Stepping into one of the boats, Jesus asked Simon, its owner, to push it out into the water. So he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.’ 5 ‘Master,’ Simon replied, ‘we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.’ And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, ‘Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man.’ For he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him. 10 His partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were also amazed. Jesus replied to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!’ 11 And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.

Jesus used Peter’s boat! Peter allowed Jesus into his boat! Peter was a fisherman and he needed his boat in order to catch fish. By Peter allowing Jesus into his boat, he allowed Jesus access to his livelihood. Verse 4 is the important part: Peter was instructed to go out where it was deeper in order to catch fish. When placed in proper perspective with verse 10, we can see that disciples must be willing to go out where it’s deeper in order to catch those who are lost. But we simply cannot do that if we are anchored or tied up at the dock, merely floating in the Dead Sea. We must set sail! And take note that verse 7 shows us that relationships matter and teamwork works. Without the other boat and teammates, Peter’s boat would have gone under.

Jesus had called Peter and Andrew (and even Paul later on) to leave the faithless life of being a floater in order to risk sinking after sailing (Luke 5:7; 2Corinthians 11:25). Jesus called them to leave what they considered to be their way of life (comfort) for a better way of life (calling). Jesus called them to leave their productive trade in order to be productive spiritually. We all need to fish for lost souls, but we can’t do that unless we risk sailing for the Savior. Jesus’ call challenged the men to leave everything — immediately. They didn’t make excuses about timing, ability, or comfort. They left everything and followed Jesus. And Jesus calls each of us to follow Him. Jesus called the disciples to fish for the lost as if they were fishing for food necessary for their own survival – that’s what Jesus meant when He commanded us to love others as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:39)! The Gospel is like the net, lifting people from the depths of dark waters into the light of day and transforming their lives. Remember: in order to make a catch, you must go out where it’s deeper. We must set sail. We must not be a faithless floater in the Dead Sea.

I challenge you: Seek GOD and He will provide a way of escape. Jesus can cut you loose from the Adversary’s anchor(s). Do not float in your comfort zone. Dead men float. Satan wants you to be a floater because he does not want you to be active in the sea of those who need to be saved. We are the Righteous League and the fishers of the lost! We are children of GOD, not children who are damned to the Dead Sea of selfishness. Don’t step foot in the Dead Sea ship; rather, choose relationship, discipleship, and worship! Sail, boat! Sail! We either sail for the Savior or remain stagnant, get stuck in the bitter salty sea of sin and eventually sink with Satan in his final sentencing. It is better to capsize for Christ than to dock in the Dead Sea and satisfy Satan by remaining stationary. Don’t listen to those who will invite you into the Dead Sea – there’s no outlet – they all float and you’ll float too!


REMEMBER: Watch Nick’s message, “Learn To Live The Life God Has Called You To” and then set sail for the Savior!

Are You A Blue Cord Bum?

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below:

“GOD spoke to Moses and Aaron: ‘How long is this going to go on, all this grumbling against me by this evil-infested community? I’ve had my fill of complaints from these grumbling Israelites’ ”
(Numbers 14:26-27) -MSG

In other translations of the Bible, GOD called the grumbling Israelites “sinful” or “wicked,” but in The Message translation, they were called “evil-infested.” I believe that is a good paraphrase for a sinful or wicked people. But why did GOD call the Israelites evil-infested? Well, GOD had performed many miracles and signs of wonders in order to free them from Pharaoh’s captivity in Egypt. GOD freed them from slavery and yet they complained about being free! GOD eventually brought the Israelites to a land of which evil people inhabited. GOD simply told the Israelites to take over the land. Moses sent 12 people to spy out the land and to see what it looked like. When the 12 people returned, they all agreed that it was indeed the good land GOD had said it was and that it flowed with milk and honey; however, 10 out of the 12 who investigated the land lamented and said that the mission was impossible because the people there were big and frightening. An astonishing 83% of the scouting crew said that GOD’s request couldn’t be done! Only Joshua and Caleb were solution seekers and said that it could be done. And then the Israelites wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb to death because of their optimism and faith. (What?!) So, let’s dig deeper and define what the community looked like to GOD and why they appeared to be evil-infested.

Infested: To inhabit or overrun in numbers or quantities large enough to be harmful, threatening, or obnoxious.

A definition of infested says, “large enough to be harmful, threatening.” Wait – threatening? Why would the community be of a threat to GOD? They weren’t – the community of people were a threat to themselves! They chose to allow evil to corrupt their lives. Their decisions. Their choices. Their free will. And their choices were infecting others throughout the community. Negativity spreads like wildfire; fear and doubt spreads like a plague. And when GOD asked Moses and Aaron, “How long is this going to go on,” GOD wasn’t actually expecting an estimated time of the approximate expiration date of their evil ways. GOD basically said, “Moses. Aaron. The people in your community increase in wickedness as time goes on; the evil grows greater every day.” And when GOD said, “I’ve had my fill of complaints,” He basically said, “I can no longer accept anymore of their evil and ungratefulness and lack of faith. Due to their rebellion and lack of repentance, they have brought judgment upon themselves.”

“Not one of you will enter the land and make your home there, the firmly and solemnly promised land, except for Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.”
(Numbers 14:30) -MSG

The only people GOD said He would allow to enter into the promised land were the two solution seekers. That’s how important it is to be a solution seeker.

“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a cord of blue on the tassel of each corner. And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after. So you shall remember and do all my commandments, and be holy to your God.’ ”
(Numbers 15:37-40) -ESV

People often concern themselves with things that simply don’t matter. They worry, have anxiety, and stress. For those people, they need to have constant reminders as to what truly matters. Some people don’t live the right way; some people refuse to abide by GOD’s absolute moral standard. Those people need constant reminders as to how to live the right way.  GOD was to the Israelites like a parent is to a child who constantly reminds the child, “No. Don’t do that. Don’t touch that. Don’t put that in your mouth! I know that’s what you want, but it’s not what you need. Stop it! Keep your hands to yourself! Put that back! If you don’t listen to me, you’re going to get in trouble!”

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
(Proverbs 27:17) -NIRV

First and foremost, GOD’s Word is supposed to keep us in alignment with GOD’s will. If you’re not reading GOD’s Word, how would you know GOD’s will? It is of utmost importance that we read GOD’s Word. But apart from GOD’s Word, people are supposed to be our constant reminders; we are supposed to help each other out. Refer back to Numbers 15:37-40. The community was never meant to rely on a blue cord to remind them of how to live – they were supposed to set their hearts on GOD’s will and then continually remind each other so that they wouldn’t become the evil-infested community that they became. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6) -NLT

How is one able to trust the Lord with all of his/her heart unless the Lord is already within that person’s heart? The grumbling Israelites – who witnessed many miracles! – simply did not have GOD within their hearts; otherwise, their faith would have cast out the doubt and their love would have expelled the fear that had stowed away within them. Perhaps they had GOD in their hearts when the Red Sea was parted and then closed up again on the Egyptians who had been pursuing them. But by this point in their journey, GOD was out of their hearts and fear and doubt was dwelling within them instead.

Unlike qualified U.S. Army infantrymen who receive a blue cord as an honor of completing their advanced individual training, GOD basically demoted the Israelites and put blue cords in charge instead of them. For the Israelites, receiving the blue cord was not an honor – it was a dishonorable discharge. That’s how lukewarm and mediocre the community’s faith had become. Ponder on that for a moment. How sad is that? Can you imagine getting fired from your job and your boss telling you that he was hiring a blue cord as your replacement? But that’s what happens when you become lukewarm because GOD detests lukewarm faith (Revelation 3:16). What I’m about to say obviously isn’t in the Bible, but imagine if the following conversation between GOD and the Israelites had existed:

GOD: “Grumbling Israelite, you’re fired! Blue cord, you’re hired!”

Israelite: “Wait! What?! The blue cord is taking my place? But it can’t even think! It doesn’t talk! It doesn’t do anything! How can a blue cord be my replacement?!”

GOD: “Truly, I tell you – that blue cord has more faith than you! The only thing that blue cord proclaims is my Holiness! That blue cord will proclaim that I am Holy, I am righteous, and I am faithful. Because every time you look at that blue cord, your very own mind will be reminded of how great and loving I am.”

In this present time in which we live, we have created our own versions of the ‘blue cord’ and they have become religious mediocre reminders of who a true Christian is supposed to be. We’ve created bumper stickers for our cars, book markers with scripture verses on them, bracelets, rings, picture frames, cross necklaces, and even t-shirts. These are all modern-day versions of the ‘blue cord’ – mediocre reminders as to how we should live. Now, I’m not saying that any of those items are bad. I am merely saying that we need to be the ‘Blue Cord Clan,’ not inanimate and inarticulate items! Items work as a reminder only for a short time and then they become camouflaged with the rest of the world because people become accustomed to seeing them. It’s called desensitization. It’s like the wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube man that became popular in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s that is now completely ineffective in 2019. In fact, the shape of that item even resembles the cross; conversely, to many atheists, an image of Jesus on the cross might as well be the inflatable tube man. It’s sad, but true. Once people are so used to seeing these items on a daily basis, people tend to forget the meaning behind the items and they no longer serve as an effective reminder. We – the people – need to be personal reminders for other people.

I want to give you an example of a ‘blue cord.’ Back when I was a property manager of an apartment community, my regional manager told me that I had to put out balloons at the front of the property every single day in order to attract prospective residents. The balloons worked, but only at first. After a certain amount of time had passed, the balloons just became a part of the landscape and no one seemed to notice anymore. Why not? Because the balloons were always there and they never changed. They weren’t personal, engaging, or otherwise inviting. They simply existed. In addition, many of the other apartment communities in that city did the exact same thing. People became accustomed to them being there and no longer paid them any attention. In the same regard, our ‘blue cord’ items such as cross necklaces have lost the ability to gain attention and effectively remind people of GOD’s love. In fact, I have seen sinners wear the cross necklace simply because it was made of gold or filled with diamonds. Many people use these ‘blue cord’ items to enhance their sense of fashion, but the message of the Gospel has been lost in the sinful society who has accepted superficial icons yet rejected repentance and real relationship.


Rihanna, for example, though depicted wearing a cross in these images, is a self-proclaimed “good girl gone bad” and she promotes promiscuity proudly. In the pseudo-feminism ideology of today, behaving in such a degrading way is viewed as liberating; however, sexual sin is not GOD’s will (1Corinthians 6:15-20). To be fair, I acknowledge that only Rihanna knows if she has truly accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior; however, by her actions she is not an accurate reflection of Christ. Like it or not, Rihanna is a role model for all girls everywhere who have access to magazines, television, or the internet because Rihanna is a current celebrity. The truth is that the oversexualization of her songs and performances will cause girls to believe that girls should flaunt their bodies, use their bodies to get what they want, and that casual sexual intercourse is ‘normal’ and acceptable. But the truth is that sex matters. The truth is that sex is for marriage and marriage needs to be defended. The truth is that the oversexualization of our society produces the pervasive plague known as pornography and also contributes to the abhorrent act of abortion. The truth is that representatives of Christ are never to cause someone else to stumble into sin (Romans 14; 1Corinthians 8). And if you don’t believe me that we have a problem of oversexualization, then perform a Google image search for “oversexualization” and examine the multiple pages that showcase our problem.


Is this the same woman depicted wearing the cross (above)? Sadly, yes.

If Rihanna claims to be a Christian, then I’m going to call her out: she is not in alignment with GOD’s will and she is not an accurate reflection/representative of Christ and needs to repent. If, on the other hand, Rihanna denies being a Christian, she has only affirmed through her actions what I previously stated in regards to unbelievers accepting superficial icons yet rejecting repentance and real relationship.

“My brothers and sisters, you were chosen to be free. But don’t use your freedom as an excuse to live under the power of sin. Instead, serve one another in love.”
(Galatians 5:13) -NIRV

Who are you? Are you a personal reminder to people about how to live for GOD? When people see you and the decisions you make, are they reminded that Christians are awesome and loving people? Or are you a ‘blue cord’ to be ignored? After all, the ‘blue cord’ is limited in its ability to call attention to GOD’s greatness. The ‘blue cord’ was only meant to be a reminder so that the people would wake up and start a revival. So, who are you? Are you someone who walks around with a cross necklace, hoping your fashion sense will remind people of how we should live, yet you pass by a homeless person without offering a meal? Are you someone who needs a personal reminder to remind you how to live the right way? If you’re a Christian, then act like it! You need to be an example to others, be a constant reminder, help them stay on track, and keep focused. We are to discern GOD’s will and not conform to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2).

Unlike a ‘blue cord,’ we are versatile and innovative and are not limited to our ability to be a reminder or reflection of Jesus. I don’t want to be a ‘blue cord’ that has lost all meaning to the world. Think about it! If you were to see an actual blue cord hanging from a shirt in this present time in which we live, would you be reminded of GOD? Probably not. You might be reminded of GOD now that I’ve told you this message, but I’m fairly certain that most of you wouldn’t think of GOD when seeing an actual blue cord. Not unless you’re super spiritual and are giving thanks to GOD for the materials that have been made available to us so that the blue cord you see could be there at the moment you see that cord. However, let’s be honest: how often do we give thanks to GOD while we’re out and about living the daily routines of our lives? (Your answer should be, “Not enough.”) 

The ‘blue cord’ has lost its meaning to this world; it only serves as a reminder to those who know that it is supposed to actually be a reminder. If an audience were to be seated in an auditorium and a blue cord was dangling in front of a microphone, what would an audience get out of that? It is more than likely that the audience would not be reminded of GOD’s love, they would not understand the significance, and they would leave. A blue cord by itself says nothing. The meaning behind that blue cord has been lost in time. And how much more time is needed before the meaning of our fish symbol <>< gets lost in time? Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. But it’s just the same to unbelievers. The ‘blue cords’ have no power to change hearts of the unbelievers. I should know – I was once one of them! So, how did I get saved? By personal relationship. (See my other article, “Why I Am A Christian” for my testimony and defense of the Christian faith.) 

The ‘blue cord’ items that we have created as Christians do not possess the power of reminding people of GOD’s love in the same capacity that we humans possess. We can speak and be heard. We can actually listen to people and help address their concerns. We are able to alter our approach in order to effectively convey the message to the listener. A ‘blue cord’ is limited in what it can do. We need to be the personal representatives of the Truth of GOD’s love.

I want to be a personal reminder, just as Joshua and Caleb were personal reminders to their community. And every single time someone sees me, I want them to think of Jesus and what they should be doing and how they should be living. If people see us and think of Christ, yet think horrible of Christ due to our horrible actions, we have failed to accurately reflect Christ. It is extremely important that we live out a life of love so that we will accurately reflect Christ. If people see us and think of Christ, and think good thoughts about Christ due to our good deeds, we can help those who are lost and lead them to Jesus. 

The idea of this ‘Blue Cord Clan’ is so that people are reminded of GOD’s love, mercy, and grace every time they look at you! The only reason why the blue cord works as a reminder is because it stands out from the rest of the attire. I challenge you to stand out, speak out, reach out, and invite others in. Be the reflection and the reminder of Christ’s love. And if you do happen to wear the modern-day ‘blue cord’ items such as shirts, bumper stickers, hats, etc., you need to make sure that you’re not giving GOD a bad name! Don’t give love a bad name. If you’re representing GOD, do so the right way! Our symbols mean nothing to unbelievers. What matters is the way we live. If we do wrong while representing GOD’s name, the unbelievers will be quick to blame and proclaim that GOD does not have a good name thereby putting us to shame. We need to be the accurate reflection of Christ’s love in all that we do. Don’t allow a ‘blue cord’ to take your job! So, right now, I challenge you to find the nearest ‘blue cord’ item and to tell it, “You’re not taking my job!” And just for clarification, Jesus told us what we’re supposed to be doing:

Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ ”
(Matthew 28:18-20) -NLT

We have a duty we are called to do. Not our bumper stickers; not our t-shirts. You. Me. Us. As Christians, we need to accept our call of duty and “go and make disciples.”

Church History (Introduction)

What does church history look like? When reading and studying the entire history of the church, we must keep our focus on the bigger picture and compare what GOD’s Word actually teaches to what GOD’s people actually did or did not do. There has always been and will always be deviation from Truth and lights that get extinguished from the church, leaving only darkness in some areas and at some times. This all is from the Fall. From Cain murdering his brother, Abel, to the Day of Christ’s return and the battle of Armageddon, GOD’s people and the church will always be forced to shine light through the darkness of this world. Sadly, when evil infiltrates and contaminates GOD’s people, the world is left with doubt about GOD and His Word. And when they look at the stained glass in the church window, they are uncertain if the color red should represent the claim of Christ’s sacrificial blood or the notorious fame of a blood-thirsty mass of supercilious saints who masquerade about with malicious motives and pious performances. GOD’s people must live out a delicate balance of love and Truth. Even the slightest ‘one-degree’ deviation demonstrates demonic deeds that make the world believe blood-saturated saints to be devils in disguise and Christ a mere guise.

This is what church history looks like — it is one long war with many battles of GOD’s people trying to keep the faith, defend Truth, yet all the while correct the mistakes that have tarnished the perfect name of GOD. As representatives of GOD, Christians, with wrong actions, are capable of driving people away from right belief. I recently encountered the trending hashtag on Twitter, “ChurchToo”, which essentially was used for people to share their horrible stories of how church members or church leaders abused their position and power in order to sexually assault people, or mentally or physically abuse people. Are all the accusations true? Probably not. This hashtag popped up only after sexual allegations against celebrities became popular news headlines and Hollywood started devouring itself like a king snake swallowing another snake. Many unbelievers probably took advantage of the situation in order to throw mud on the church. However, many of the “ChurchToo” accusations are undoubtedly true, coming from victims who had once been afraid to speak up but now emboldened to do so because of what’s happening in Hollywood. It is all a sobering reminder of the real problem of sin in this world and humanity’s inability to save themselves. While reading and studying church history, it is important to keep in mind the bigger picture of the Creator’s original design and intent, the Fall, and the purpose of Christ to reunite the creation with Creator. Keep these following points in mind while reading and studying church history:

  • Humanity’s inability and often refusal to abide by the absolute moral standard does not prove GOD’s standard to be wrong, it only reveals that the Law is good and necessary (read Romans 7).
  • Purity is good & commendable, which is highlighted by the uproar against immorality. The Law is good and necessary, which is highlighted by the uproar against injustice.
  • The church is not a country club for saints but a hospital for sinners (read Matthew 9:11-13). The church is not a place for perfect people, but for finite and fallible fallen people who need a perfect GOD.
  • Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone needs Jesus, all the time, even those in the church — especially those in the church.
  • The church is not above correction; in fact, all Christians should be held to a higher standard because they should know better (read James 3:1; 4:17).
  • We should not confuse the problem of sin with the only solution of Jesus and the absolute moral standard as being the problem. The mistakes of humanity are not accurate reflections of the character quality of the perfect GOD.
  • To purge the church of sin is to restore the church to righteousness; restored churches will help victims heal from pseudo-saints.
  • Sin is the problem, not the church, unless sin is in the church, then the church becomes a problem, but not the problem.

It all leads back to the beginning and we must keep our focus on the bigger picture and compare what GOD’s Word actually teaches to what GOD’s people actually did or did not do. For it is GOD’s Word and only GOD’s Word that should define how the church is to be both operated and viewed. And with that said, may GOD’s light of Truth shine as you read and study even the darkest periods of the church and remember that the church is the purified Bride of Christ at the end of days. View the church as a total makeover transformation, much like we have seen on reality television shows. The church is to be viewed as a whole and seen as Christ will see her at the end of days — she’s beautiful! Just as individual humans have had bad pasts before becoming good later in life, the church is the same. Just as individual humans have seemed ugly prior to receiving a total makeover transformation and then looking marvelous, the church is the same. Don’t judge the church by her past, judge the church by who she strives to become and who Jesus tells us she will be. Church history reveals the growth of the church. Just as Abraham’s descendants are beyond counting (Genesis 15:5), the church started out with a dozen disciples and it will end with a countless number (Revelation 7:9). Don’t judge a sequoia tree by the sprout or seed — only in its final stage will you know what its glorious state will be.



If you are already a Christian, then church history is your family history. Studying church history is like opening a photo album with commentary and exploring family heritage. If you are a Christian and do not know church history, it is imperative that you take the journey to learn the past. Our past history will help mature us for the future by rooting us in reality, replacing ignorance with Truth, and opening us up to understanding of what actually happened rather than us assuming what might have happened or what we wished would have happened. The beauty of church history is that it enables us to learn from past mistakes, which will help us to grow in righteousness and help us to stay in alignment. Church history provides us with perspective and helps us plan for our purpose. As you learn church history, may you be in awe of GOD’s faithfulness despite humanity’s unfaithfulness. Though church history is the study of the works of men and women, it is ultimately the study of the work of GOD.

[ Read: Church History – Part 1 ]