Why I Am A Christian & What I Believe

This entire blog is the Collections of Trenton. This post in particular is the concluding post of all prior posts of my Quest for Truth. Before reading this post, I recommend you read all prior posts that led up to this concluding post:

  1. First and foremost, read my testimony – it’s how I became a Christian!
  2. Truth is absolute and never relative.
  3. Can you admit that you don’t know everything?
  4. Acknowledging a lack of knowledge presents possibility.
  5. Within atheism, there only two possible paths: nihilism and secular humanism. Nihilism is a dead end.
  6. Materialism cannot account for minds, personality, or moral law. What is a thought?
  7. Naturalism is not able to explain either itself or the universe on a purely naturalistic premise.
  8. Secular humanism relies upon naturalism, evolution, and moral relativism.
  9. For evolution, there is a big difference between micro and macro.
  10. Moral relativism is absolutely absurd.
  11. Humans have free will.
  12. Atheism is intellectually dishonest.
  13. Does a Creator (GOD) exist?
  14. If GOD is the Creator, who created GOD?
  15. Is belief in an intelligent Creator reasonable [part 1/2]
  16. Is belief in an intelligent Creator reasonable [part 2/2]
  17. If GOD exists, what about evil?
  18. What about pain and suffering?
  19. The Epicurean Paradox
  20. Hell: Existence & Justification
  21. Hell: Absence of GOD’s presence?
  22. Absolute pantheism is self-defeating and must be rejected as Truth.
  23. Polytheism is irrational, collapses into monotheism, and does not account for either ultimate causality or ultimate unity, which is needed to explain a diverse, changing universe.
  24. Pluralism is self-refuting because many beliefs contradict each other. Therefore, if all are true, yet each one will negate the others, none of them will end up true.
  25. [ I completed a comparative study on all major religions, concluding with Christianity.]
  26. Neopaganism
  27. Baha’i 
  28. Hinduism
  29. Buddhism
  30. Jainism
  31. Confucianism
  32. Taoism (Daoism)
  33. Shinto
  34. Zoroastrianism (Parsiism, Mazdaism)
  35. Sikhism
  36. Islam
  37. Islam vs. Christianity
  38. Qur’an (and Hadith) vs. Bible
  39. Muhammad vs. Jesus
  40. Mormonism (Latter-Day Saints; LDS)
  41. Jehovah’s Witness (Watchtower Bible & Tract Society)
  42. To know Jesus, we must first know Judaism.
  43. We must know Christianity (summary).
  44. Is Judaism and Christianity complementary or contradictory?
  45. The Uniqueness of the Bible
  46. How Did We Get The Bible?
  47. What about the Apocrypha?
  48. The Dead Sea Scrolls
  49. Are the writings of the Bible reliable and accurate?
  50. Was the Bible inspired by GOD?
  51. Is The Bible Full Of Contradictions?
  52. Should The Bible Be Taken Literally?
  53. Creation in question: Six days?
  54. Creation in question: Genealogy?
  55. Miracles or myths?
  56. Could Jesus have fulfilled all of the Messianic prophecies by chance? Not a chance!
  57. Did Jesus actually die?
  58. Is the resurrection of Jesus authentic?
  59. Did Jesus ever claim to be GOD?
  60. The Trinity
  61. Is Christianity A Copycat Religion?
  62. Does The Bible Endorse Slavery?
  63. Is The Bible Anti-Women?
  64. Are Christians Narrow-Minded?
  65. If GOD is omniscient, didn’t GOD know Adam & Eve would sin?
  66. If GOD is love, how can the murders of the Canaanites be justified?
  67. Proof that Christianity is harmful?
  68. Harm in the name of atheism
  69. The Christianity Church History (multiple articles within)
  70. Why I’m a Protestant and not a Catholic – Part 1: Cornerstone
  71. Why I’m a Protestant and not a Catholic – Part 2: Church

Other Important Arguments:

  1. Marriage
  2. Abortion
  3. Pornography
  4. Homosexuality (see Marriage)
  5. Transgender
  6. Tolerance / Intolerance
  7. Alcohol
  8. Marijuana (pot, weed)
  9. Gambling
  10. Tattoos
  11. Karma / Reincarnation (see Hinduism)
  12. Suicide
  13. Euthanasia
  14. Forgiveness

Final Assessment and Conclusion?

Error is a parasite on Truth. Every error contains an element of truth. A simple example from arithmetic would be helpful to illustrate this point. For the sum 1 + 2, the correct answer is 3. Let us call the correct answer “T” to stand for Truth. There is only one correct answer, but theoretically there are an infinite number of wrongs answers. If you take one of the wrong answers, say 4, you would see that, while it is wrong, it is, in a somewhat perverted sense, dependent on the right answer — it has no original existence but is derived by adding 1 to T, that is, T + 1. In the same way, another wrong answer, 2, is T-1. We could therefore say that, while the true answer is absolute, the incorrect answer is relative to the correct answer because it is arrived at by adding to or subtracting from the right answer. Is it any wonder why GOD’s Word commands us not to add or subtract anything away from what GOD has revealed to us (Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Revelation 22: 18-19)?

Where there is a privation of good, evil will be; consequently, counterfeits are inevitable to exist where evil exists since evil is a counterfeit of good. To find Truth, one must know what Truth is so that the counterfeit can be identified. Every counterfeit has been created by using Truth and then either adding to it or subtracting from it. Take for example a common game often found in magazines. Can you find the difference? There are five differences in the image (below), but the main concern is the stone rolled away. The truth is that Jesus was crucified, buried, and then rose again on the third day; the lie is that the resurrection never occurred and Jesus is not The Way.



The ubiquity of counterfeit money affects all our lives. Those who choose to do evil take the truth and either add to it or subtract from it in order to create a counterfeit. The agenda of the adversary is to get you to willingly accept a lie and integrate it into your life. Once accepted and absorbed, the lie affects every aspect of your life.


Ted Bundy was a rapist and serial killer who was connected to the deaths of at least 36 people. Bundy used a smile to mask his vile intentions. He was a successful predator because he knew how to twist truth to his advantage. He knew that if he offered females the facade of truth, they would willingly accept his lie without investigating beyond the surface. He often lured his victims into his car by pretending to be injured and asking them for help. Bundy possessed charm and intelligence and used that to his advantage. He was outwardly confident and active in social and political matters. He graduated the University of Washington with a degree in psychology and had even been accepted into law school. However, everything that appeared to be good about Ted Bundy was a lie; his convincing claims were counterfeit claims, conceived by a con artist, not compelled by the character of Christ.

The deceiving demon who was once an angel from above is the adversary. Satan is the Salesman and conniving Counterfeiter who conquers by means of confusion. I’ve stated this before already, but it warrants repeating: indeed, it was the submission of Abraham in his supreme test — would he be willing to sacrifice his son? — that appears to have provided Islam with its name. Abraham is by far the most important figure in the Qur’an, for he passed the ultimate test of willingness to sacrifice his own son if that was the requirement. It is ironic that Islam was birthed from Judaism and Christianity yet it refuses to see the bridge that has been marvelously and immaculately extended from Judaism to Christianity. It is quite compelling to find in research how Christianity completes and complements Judaism without any true contradictions to be found. In “Spirit of Islam,” Ali said, “The glory of Islam consists in having embodied the beautiful sentiments of Jesus in definite laws.”

Islam branched off from Judaism and Christianity. It is a demonic religion which attempts to denounce Christ as the Savior. In that sense, it should essentially be Judaism; however, Muslims do not believe that the Jews are the chosen people. Islam is a religion that used Truth as its blueprint and then fabricated lies around the shape of Truth in order to give the appearance of Truth. Like Ted Bundy, Muhammad was a con artist who presented convincing lies; he was a counterfeit of Christ and Islam is a counterfeit of Christianity. Likewise, all other religions are built on grains of Truth and then covered over with layers of lies. All false religions have used the Truth (GOD; Christ; Christianity) and have either added to it or subtracted from it. They’re all counterfeits.

Reality is either the universe only, GOD only, or the universe and GOD(s). The universe is not all that exists; therefore, atheism is wrong and must be rejected as Truth. GOD is not all that exists; therefore, pantheism is wrong and must be rejected as Truth. If GOD and the universe exist, then either there is one GOD or many gods. There are not multiple gods; therefore, polytheism is wrong and must be rejected as Truth. If there is only one GOD, then this GOD is either finite or infinite. There is not only one finite god; therefore, finite godism is wrong and must be rejected as Truth. If there is one infinite GOD, then either there is intervention of this GOD in the universe (theism) or there is not (deism). Jesus has revealed that there is an infinite GOD who intervenes; therefore, deism is wrong and must be rejected as Truth. Thus, theism is true.

Final Assessment:

Judaism is in alignment with the prerequisites laid out by logic. Judaism meets the requirements of an absolute Truth, a Moral Law, a Necessary Being who is also the Moral Law Giver, a created universe, and thereby affirming a Creator, which affirms the teleological argument of creation. Judaism also provides an explanation for the existence of evil and the pervasiveness of evil in free will, the fall of mankind, sin, repentance, sacrificial cleansing, and forgiveness. Furthermore, the religion of Judaism was built on the foundation of established history. the New Testament (Christianity) clearly complements the Old Testament (Judaism). In many ways, the New Testament completes the Old Testament; however, the Old Testament is the solid foundation on which the New Testament stands. Like a covenant marriage, both the Old and New Testaments are inseparable and united together as one. Thus, the one is known as the Bible. And because they cannot be separated, Scripture interprets Scripture.

Archaeology has established the historicity of the people and events described in the Bible. The information we now possess clearly indicates that the Bible is historically reliable and is not the product of myth, superstition, or embellishment. From the standpoint of ancient history, the New Testament documents are reliable, accurate, and incomparable. And since the evidence for other books from antiquity is much less, to reject the great evidence for the basic New Testament is to reject the reliability of all ancient history. A thorough examination of the Bible seems to reveal that the 66 books within were inspired by GOD.

To deny miracles is to deny the existence of the universe and your own creation. If the theistic GOD exists, miracles are possible; if the Creator GOD exists, then the miraculous is not only possible but actual. If there is a GOD who can act, then there can be acts of GOD. If GOD exists, then we should come to human history with the expectation of the miraculous, not with a naturalistic bias against it. The only way to show that miracles are impossible is to disprove the existence of GOD, which is an actual impossibility.

It is not only logical improbability that rules out the theory that Jesus engineered his prophecy fulfillments; it is morally implausible that an all-powerful and all-knowing GOD would allow His plans for prophetic fulfillment to be ruined by someone who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. If GOD made the predictions to be fulfilled in the life of Christ, He would not allow them to be fulfilled in the life of any other. The GOD of Truth would not allow a lie to be confirmed as being true if that lie were to be a lie against the very nature and identity of GOD. The historical evidence for Christ’s death is greater than that for almost any other event in the ancient world. The bodily resurrection of Christ is the crowning proof that Jesus was who He claimed to be — GOD manifested in human flesh. The doctrine of the Trinity cannot be proven by human reason; it is only known because it is revealed by special revelation (in the Bible, which is the Word of GOD). However, just because it is beyond reason does not mean that it goes against reason. There is no contradiction, yet we lack total comprehension. The doctrine of the Trinity, though explainable, is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. The central issue is the deity of Christ, a doctrine inseparable from the Trinity. If one accepts the biblical teaching about the deity of Christ, then a plurality in the Godhead has been acknowledged. Conversely, if the doctrine of the Trinity is received, the deity of Christ is part of the package. The credibility of Christ snapped Western history like a dry twig, into BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini). Anno Domini is Latin which means “in the year of our Lord.” J. Warner Wallace, an ex-atheist and homicide detective, did a fantastic job explaining how Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the only explanation for how everything in history changed, in his book, Person of Interest. In his book, he employs a unique investigative strategy to confirm the historicity and deity of Jesus—without relying on the New Testament manuscripts.

A truth claim can be substantiated by miracles; the miracles that substantiate the truth claim can be substantiated by history; history can be substantiated by archaeological findings; and archaeological findings can be substantiated by other history outside the immediate truth claim. The only way to disprove Christianity is to oppose and reject the vast majority of all history and also prove that a Creator GOD does not exist. For all reasons listed within all of my written arguments, that is why I, Trenton Gill (Pointless Thorns), am no longer an atheist, but a Christian.

(See also: Are Christians narrow-minded?)

Summary of the Counterfeiters:

Satan’s tactics include covering Christ with layers of lies in an attempt to create confusion. May the lies be exposed and Truth revealed! Truth is the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; three persons in one essence. There is only one GOD. I believe in GOD the Father, the Creator of Heaven, Earth, and the entire universe. I believe in Jesus Christ, GOD’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:15-17). Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself as the unblemished lamb for the forgiveness of our sins, was crucified, buried, and rose again on the third day thereby conquering death and granting us everlasting life. Christ ascended into Heaven and will one day return in the same manner He ascended. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and everlasting life. Amen. Credo!

2Corinthians 11:3-4 says, “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully.”

Galatians 1:8-9 says, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!

Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear, so that when you are accused, those who denounce your Christian life will be put to shame. You should be able to demolish arguments raised up against the knowledge of GOD, taking every thought captive to obey Christ. You need to hold to the faithful message as taught so you will be able both to encourage with sound teaching and to refute those who contradict it. (See, 1Peter 3:15-16; 2Corinthians 10:5; Titus 1:9)

Conclusion to the Quest For Truth:

Scripture supernaturally slices through society’s superficial sensationalism and separates us from sin in order to save us from ourselves. Christ rebuked the redundancy and ridiculousness of religious rituals as He revealed what was real on His mission of relentless rescue.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Faith is beyond reason but not contrary to reason. Faith is not blind. Faith is more than merely believing that GOD exists; it is trusting in GOD who does exist. It’s an inferential leap into the light. Faith is not merely believing that something is true; it is being prepared to act upon that belief and rely upon it. And of course, GOD’s Word tells us that faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen (Hebrews 11:1).

God? Which god? The GOD. The One and only. GOD is the Necessary Being. The GOD of all creation. The GOD that is the same yesterday, today, and forever; He is the first, He is the last; He is the beginning and the end. The GOD of historical happenings; the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. The GOD who is a shepherd yet a king; He cares, protects, and leads. He is the rock, the foundation on which all else is built. GOD is personal, reciprocal, completely committed, trustworthy, and faithful. GOD is the Father who has all authority, provides guidance, and loves unconditionally. GOD is the GOD of new beginnings and second chances; He is the GOD of forgiveness and restoration. GOD is grace and mercy yet He is Holy, righteous and just. GOD is omnipotent and can do anything yet He chose to redeem us. GOD is omniscient yet loves us despite what He knows. GOD is omnipresent yet in His higher authority He gives us free will and the authority to make important decisions as if His outranking authority wasn’t present to give the command. GOD is the GOD of Truth, not confusion or contradiction. GOD is revealed in Christ Jesus who is the “exact representation” of the great I Am. To know Christ is to know GOD. GOD is love and love is sacrificial. GOD’s omnipotence is showcased in a powerful presentation of powerlessness on the cross. GOD is so loving that He allowed the humans He loves to crucify Him so that He may save them from themselves. That is my GOD.

Creation can be thought of as the imposition of order on a formless chaos. GOD is the Creator of all things invisible and visible, spiritual and physical, who from the beginning of time and by His omnipotent power made everything from nothing (ex nihilo). The Creator is beyond the creation. Creation is good because GOD is good and GOD made creation. There is no place in Christian theology for the Gnostic or dualist idea of the world as an inherently evil place. The world as we see it is not as it was intended to be. Though creation is currently saturated with sin, creation was created to be good and will inevitably be restored to its intended good nature (Revelation 21-22). The image of GOD as artist conveys the idea of personal expression in the creation of something beautiful. Human beings are created in GOD’s image. Those in GOD’s image must dedicate themselves to GOD. The idea of the “image of GOD” can be taken to refer to some kind of correspondence between human reason and the rationality of GOD as Creator. There seems to be some deep-seated relationship between the reason within (the rationality of our minds) and the reason without (the rational order and structure of the physical world around us). The existence of all things can be considered to be a consequence of a relationship of causal dependence between the creation and its Creator. There are, so to speak, physical or metaphysical fingerprints within creation, which provide the basis for an inductive argument to the existence of its cause and origins. GOD the artist leaves His signature on all of creation. Intelligent design is one of the many collective proofs for the existence of GOD the Creator. For creation, there needs to be a Creator. Creativity is of the creation; the creation is of the Creator. Intelligent design demands an intelligent Designer. An honest examination of the universe and its working order and intelligent design calls attention to the creation; thus, creation calls attention to the Creator and thereby leaves us all without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).

Jesus is the Hebrew Messiah and the Greek Christ, the Anointed One, Divinely appointed King of Israel, the Cornerstone, the Light, the Prince of Peace, Deliverer, Mediator, Good Shepherd, Redeemer, and Righteous One. Jesus carried our sorrows and became the suffering servant on our behalf. He was wounded for our transgressions, pierced with holes so that we may be united with the Holy. His achievements are grounded in His identity; His identity is demonstrated in His achievements. Jesus is prophet, priest, and king. Jesus is Lord; He is the second person in the Trinity. He is fully divine yet fully human. If Christ was only man, then He is entirely irrelevant to any thought about GOD; if He is only GOD, then He is entirely irrelevant to any experience of human life. Because humans were unable to ascend by works, GOD descended to accomplish the work we were unable to achieve. The Son of GOD became the Son of Man, and received what is ours in such a way that He transferred to us what is His, making that which is His by nature to become ours through grace. Jesus is grace; Jesus is mercy. Jesus is the visible image of the invisible GOD. Jesus is GOD; Jesus is love; GOD is love. Jesus is the great I am. Jesus was Immanuel and walked with us — GOD was certainly with us! Jesus is the Savior; the truth, the way, and the life.

Salvation can be a purely secular notion, concerned with political emancipation or the general human quest for liberation; however, Christian salvation is distinctive. The fundamental sense of “sin” is something that separates humanity from GOD. Salvation is the breaking down of the barrier of separation between humanity and GOD on account of Christ and instead providing a bridge of unification. Salvation can be seen as being released from captivity or delivered from certain death. Salvation can be likened to the liberation of a prisoner of war, of someone freed from slavery, or someone being pardoned from death row. The death of Christ provided redemption and secured the freedom of believers from both the slavery to sin and the unattainable perfect Holy standard. Salvation required sacrifice, but the sanctification had always been short lived and sin stained us over and over again. However, Jesus became the unblemished perfect sacrificial lamb, died for us, and did for us what we could never do for ourselves. The death of Jesus was the price paid for our liberation. Christ was our substitute. We deserved to perish in our sins, but Christ took our death upon Himself in order to give us life. Unlike the daily sacrifices of the Law, the Savior’s sacrifice was offered once only, and was accomplished in its entirety, and can thus be relied upon permanently. If GOD were to become a human being, the resulting divine person would have both the obligation (as a human being) and the ability (as GOD) to make the necessary satisfaction. The death of Jesus Christ upon the cross demonstrates GOD’s total opposition to sin, while at the same time revealing His great love. But how was redemption accomplished and salvation secured? Satan knew the Savior (Messiah) was being sent and desired to stop the salvation. Satan was the lion seeking to devour (1Peter 5:8). Satan saw Jesus, felt hate and desired to obliterate; however, Jesus was the bait that Satan did not anticipate. GOD used the work of the devil to defeat him and his demons; death and destruction were absorbed in Christ and life emerged three days later with total redemption and permanent salvation for all who believed. Jesus was the lamb who became the lion; He holds the key to both death and life. All who accept the crucified Christ and say He is the Savior will accept salvation and defeat the devil. The redemption of humanity was necessary for the natural rectitude of the created order to be restored to what GOD originally declared to be good.

The Holy Spirit is the counselor who produces conviction and the invisible illuminator. The Holy Spirit shines light on what is innately ours and inspires us to seek after the everlasting beyond the stars. As the third person in the Trinity, He is the penetrating and permeating presence. The Holy Spirit is Truth. No one comes into faith apart from the Holy Spirit. Divine revelation and wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit; He recalls His word to believers and opens the eyes of their minds to understanding. The Spirit is the ground or Source of spiritual gifts; He equips us, enables us, empowers us, and enhances our efforts while emboldening us to act on faith. The Holy Spirit is GOD’s power, presence, and proceedings in the world. He is a personal being rather than an impersonal force, power, or activity. The Son can be seen as the Word of GOD and the Holy Spirit as the breath of GOD. He is the bond or binding of love between the Father and the Son. Not only is the Spirit the bond of unity between Father and Son on the one hand; the same Spirit is also the bond of unity between GOD and believers on the other. The Holy Spirit reveals, renews, restores, reminds, and redirects. The Holy Spirit provides unity within the church and is the core of inspiration and understanding. If there is love to be found, the Spirit is there; if there is Truth to be discovered, it is only found by the illuminating light of the Spirit.

The doctrine of the Trinity can be regarded as the outcome of a process of sustained and critical reflection on the pattern of divine activity revealed in Scripture, and continued in Christian experience. The self-revelation of the One and only GOD took place in different ways at different times. GOD operates in different ways and the three persons refer to different modes of action. The same GOD acts in three different manners at any given point in history and continues in the present. The Trinity is GOD; GOD is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; GOD is One. GOD is the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sanctifier. The Trinity is three distinct persons in One essence. The doctrine of the Trinity can thus be seen as a summary of the story of GOD’s dealings with Israel and the church. It narrates the story of how GOD created and redeemed humanity, affirming that it is the story of the One and the same GOD throughout. It spells out exactly who the GOD we are dealing with actually is: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity thus identifies and names GOD but identifies and names GOD in a manner consistent with the biblical witness. It is not a name which we have chosen; it is a name which has been chosen for us, and which we are authorized to use. The doctrine of the Trinity thus centers on the recognition that GOD is named by Scripture, and within the witness of the church. The Trinity is an instrument of theological precision, which forces us to be explicit about the GOD under discussion. Christians do not believe in a generic god, but in a specific GOD who is known in and through a series of actions in history and in present time. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are woven into a great tapestry of divine salvation in a continuous narrative. The Trinity weaves together into a seamless garment the great threads of redemption. GOD is complex; the Trinity goes beyond reason but does not contradict reason. Just as it is written in Isaiah 55:8-9, “ ‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.’ ”

The church can either be seen as an individual Christian congregation or the total body of Christian believers. There is one universal church, consisting of all Christian believers, which takes the form of individual local churches in any given region. The many different individual churches are like the many different branches from the one tree. Of course, some rogue branches will go beyond the boundaries of what is biblically accurate and acceptable; GOD will cut those rogue branches off like a gardener trimming his hedges (Matthew 15:13; Romans 11:17-24). The unity of the kath’ holou (the whole) or catholicus (universal) church is in Christ. Jesus is the head and the church is the body. The body consists of all believers. We are all like individual jigsaw puzzle pieces that come together to form one picture. The unity of the church must not be understood sociologically or organizationally, but theologically. The church is one. One body. Just as the body itself has different parts (foot, leg, hand, or arm) yet makes up the whole body, the many different individual churches make up the one body of the universal church.

The church ought to be pure because GOD’s Word tells us to distinguish ourselves between the holy and the common, the sinner and the saint; therefore, righteousness is the goal. Though righteousness is the goal, the church is stained with sin and will never be able to achieve that pure status in this life; however, our inability to attain holiness in this life on this earth does not provide reason to sin nor does it excuse the sin (Romans 6; Hebrews 10:26-27). So long as the church is striving to be righteous, the unintentional sins can be overlooked and forgiven. The church will not become holy until the body is connected to the head at the end of age; consequently, the church must expect to find itself including both saints and sinners. To attempt a separation in this life is premature, improper, and unloving. The individual churches are hospitals for sinners, not a supercilious society of saints. For the saints, however, the individual churches act as recharging stations and help the saints to acquire what they need so they can go back out into the world. For the sinner, it is comforting to see that the saints are also in need and are not perfect. For the saints, it is comforting to see sinners who desire to become saints. The universal church is made up of sinners who will one day become saints, new saints, and older and experienced saints. But if the church is not defined by holiness, what is its distinguishing feature?

To believe in the church is not to trust in the institution of the church, but to affirm that the church is ultimately called into being by GOD, with a mission and authorization which derives from GOD. What truly matters is the great commission. The distinguishing feature of the church should be both the preaching of the Gospel and the fruit that becomes evident from the seeds of love planted. The church is not an extension of Christ, but is united with Christ, and called and commissioned by Him to serve the world. The church is thus seen as an event, not an institution. A building does not make the church; rather, the people make the church and then buildings just happen to be built in order to accomplish the great commission. Jesus made disciples and then those disciples became the church. The disciples made more disciples and then those disciples did the same. Every believer is called to be equipped, enabled, empowered, enhanced and emboldened in order to accomplish the great commission. Individual churches are made up of those who are teaching and those who are learning; however, those who are learning are never to stay as the learner. We are all called to grow the church and advance GOD’s Kingdom. Every learner should eventually become a teacher and preacher. They are called in a special way to make the church present and operative where only through them can the church become the salt of the Earth. The church is made up of parts who should act as a whole. The distinguishing feature of the church is the message of the Gospel while performing acts of love.

Sacraments are certain rites or church ceremonies which are understood to possess a special spiritual significance. In normal Latin use, the word sacramentum meant “a sacred oath,” referring to the oath of allegiance and loyalty which was required of Roman soldiers. At its heart, a sacrament showcases commitment to Christ and is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches recognize seven sacraments: baptism, the eucharist, confirmation (or chrismation), confession, anointing of the sick, marriage, and ordination. Protestants, however, recognize only baptism and the eucharist (Holy Communion with bread and wine) as having been instituted by Christ. The Greek word eucharistia is “giving thanks” or “thanksgiving.” It is the basic Christian conviction that it enables or encourages a deeper fellowship or “communion” between the believer and Christ. The bread and wine represent the body and blood of Christ and is to serve as a reminder that Christ should always be within us and be our center.

Baptism is a witness to the grace of GOD, and marks the beginning of the human response to this grace. Baptism signifies new life through Jesus Christ, is participation in Christ’s death and resurrection (Romans 6:3-5; Colossians 2:12); a washing away of sin (1Corinthians 6:11); a new birth (John 3:5); an enlightenment by Christ (Ephesians 5:14); a reclothing in Christ (Galatians 3:27); a renewal by the Spirit (Titus 3:5); the experience of salvation from the flood (1Peter 3:20-21); an exodus from bondage (1Corinthians 10:1-2) and a liberation into a new humanity in which barriers of division, whether of sex or race or social status, are transcended (Galatians 3:27-28; 1Corinthians 12:13). Baptism is multifaceted, possessing many different dimensions and levels of meaning. The images are many but the reality is one. However, it is my personal belief that neither the eucharist nor water baptism can bring anyone into salvation because they both rely upon what a human can do and neglect to accept what Christ has already done. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, “For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift — not from works, so that non one can boast.” We must remember that the criminal on the cross beside Jesus was saved yet was never baptized nor partook in the eucharist. What saved the criminal on the cross was his faith in Christ and his confession of Christ.

The general term “Heaven” is referred to both as the future home of the believer (2Corinthians 5:1-2; Philippians 3:20) and as the present dwelling-place of Jesus Christ, from which He will come in final Judgement (Romans 10:6; 1Thessalonians 1:10; 4:16). Heaven is a consummation of the Christian doctrine of salvation, in which the presence, penalty, and power of sin have all been finally eliminated, and the total presence of GOD in individuals and the community of faith has been achieved. This consummation will be the final realization of the unity of the human race, which GOD willed from the beginning. Those who are united with Christ will form the community of the redeemed, “the holy city” of GOD. There will be the introduction of all that is new, including the faces we never knew; however, it will also be a great reunion and celebration of what we had once known, including the faces we had already been shown. Heaven can be seen as the restoration of the bliss of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2), when GOD dwelt with humanity in harmony. The pain, sorrow, and evil of a fallen world have finally passed away, and the creation restored to its original intention. The Christian vision of Heaven affirms that what the Psalmist longed for (Psalm 27:4) all his life will one day be the common privilege of the entire people of GOD — to gaze upon the face of their Lord and Savior, as they enter into His house, to dwell in peace eternally. The book of Revelation affirms that this will be the privilege of those in “Heaven” (the new earth under the new heavens), where saints will finally “see God’s face” (Revelation 22:4). To say any more than what has been revealed is to step outside our boundaries and trespass into what GOD has concealed. We can only imagine the greatness that will be, but I believe even our most imaginative images will fall short of the Creator’s creativity. Heaven is Home. We need not to say any more than that. It is my prayer that I will see you there.

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’ ” (John 14:6).


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