Come And See…

If you prefer to read this message, I provided the words below:

The purpose of this message is to reinforce the fact that relationship is the key to the “come and see” opportunity. 

“Philip went to look for Nathanael and told him, ‘We have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth.’
‘Nazareth!’ exclaimed Nathanael. ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth?’
‘Come and see for yourself,’ Philip replied.”
(John 1:45-46) -NLT

Chronologically, before this moment of conversation between Philip and Nathanael ever happened, John the Baptist had baptized Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22), Jesus was tempted for 40 days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13), and John the Baptist had publicly proclaimed Jesus as the promised Messiah that they had all been waiting for (John 1:29-34). 

Obviously, Nathanael wasn’t there when John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus as Messiah; otherwise, he would have known who Philip was talking about. In fact, not many people at this point really knew who Jesus was — they only knew Him as the carpenter’s son. This was at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus hadn’t even performed His first miracle yet. When Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus, this was the beginning of Jesus’s ministry when He first started gathering His disciples. 

“The following day John was again standing with two of his disciples. As Jesus walked by, John looked at him and declared, ‘Look! There is the Lamb of God!’
When John’s two disciples heard this, they followed Jesus. Jesus looked around and saw them following. ‘What do you want?’ he asked them.
They replied, ‘Rabbi’ (which means “Teacher”), ‘where are you staying?’
‘Come and see,’ he said.”
(John 1:35-39) -NLT

Do you notice something that both stories have in common? In both stories, a person said, “come and see” and then the person/people went and saw. But why? Why did they go and see? In both stories, an established relationship between those people in conversation was the key in convincing the other to go and see. Conversation was the key in convincing the other. That’s important so I’ll say it again, but I’ll say it a little differently: relationship is the key to “come and see.” 

Now, we know that Philip and Nathanael were friends because it is written that Philip went looking for Nathanael. You don’t just go looking for people you don’t know, right? (“Helllooooo? Person I don’t know? Where are yooouuuuuu?) Plus, if they weren’t already friends, Philip’s response probably wouldn’t have worked so well. (“Come and see for yourself!”; “I don’t know you, bro!”)

Without that pre-existing relationship, the connection wouldn’t have been possible. Because Philip had a relationship with Nathanael, Philip was able to lead Nathanael to Jesus. Because John the Baptist already had a relationship with his two disciples, he was able to lead them to Jesus. 

“Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of these men who heard what John said and then followed Jesus.”
(John 1:40) -NLT

In the very next verse we learn that one of those two disciples who left John the Baptist was Andrew — Simon Peter’s brother! (The second disciple was most likely John — not John the Baptist, but the author of the book!) 

“Andrew went to find his brother, Simon, and told him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means “Christ”). Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. Looking intently at Simon, Jesus said, ‘Your name is Simon, son of John—but you will be called Cephas’ (which means “Peter”).”
(John 1:41-42) -NLT

And in those two verses, it is written that Andrew — because of his relationship with Peter — was able to lead Peter to Jesus! 

This is worth repeating over and over again: Relationship is the key to “come and see.”


As a Christian, the ultimate end goal is for us to lead people to Jesus. But how can you lead people to youth group or the main church service unless you have pre-existing relationships with those people? Would people “come and see” if you asked them to come and see? Do they know you well enough to do that? Have you established relationships with the people you would like to invite here? How many of you know that it’s awkward to invite people you don’t know to places they don’t know? (“I know you don’t know me, but you should totally come with me to this place you don’t know.”)

As a pastor, I’m not just concerned with quantity (the amount of people present). I do want a lot of people to come, but I want them here for the right reason. Think about it: when the two disciples left John the Baptist and followed Jesus, Jesus turned to them and asked them, “What do you want?” Wow. It simply wasn’t enough to follow Jesus. Why were they doing it? Jesus essentially responded, “Why are you following me? Do you know who I am and what I’m all about? If you plan on following me, I expect you to know who I am and what I’m all about. Because there’s no sense in you following me unless you’re going to have a desire to do what I’m all about.”

Do you know who Jesus is and what He is all about? Love. Relationships. Relationship is foundational! Without relationship, ministry doesn’t exist! People are more important than programs. Activities can be fun, but they’re meaningless if we’re just trying to force people into our programs. Relationship is the base (foundation) that holds everything else up. People are important and loving people is what I’m all about here. 

It is my personal goal that you know and understand that you belong. You’re not an outsider or an outcast. There should be no cliques. I understand that it’s human nature for us to connect better with some people than others. But no one should be excluded and made to feel as if they don’t belong. We are one family. Your joy will be my joy; your troubles will be my troubles; your heartache will be my heartache; if you have something to celebrate, I want to celebrate with you! You need to know that you are loved. A lot of people will say what I’m about to say, but not many people will live up to it: I will take a punch in the face for you, I’ll take a bullet for you, and I’ll even get fired from my job for you. I will put my reputation on the line for you. And it is my hope that you would be willing to do the same for everyone else. 

It has been said by many influential people that no one will ever care about what you know until they first know that you care. In my experience, this is true. And as we now know, this is also true from GOD’s Word. Genuine authentic relationships matter. Youth group and/or church service is a place where we can be real with each other. There’s a lot of talk about people having safe spaces. I want youth group and/or church service to be your safe place. I want you to be able to be open and honest and be able to share your struggles and know that you’re going to be loved and everyone is going to have your back. Because the truth is this: we all struggle with something. Even me. Especially me. 

Life’s hard. And if it’s easy for you now, just know that it will be harder later on. In life, we will feel pushed to our limits and it’s sometimes overwhelming and you’ll just want to take a nap, like this little girl (video below):

I know. Especially the teenage years. I’ve been there. I remember my teenage years as if they happened last week. To be honest with you, I kinda failed at life during my teenage years.  

Deep down we all just want to be loved, cared for, accepted, and not worry about having to impress people all the time. It can be exhausting. But I want you to know that you’re going to be loved and cared for here. And we don’t need to impress anyone. No on here is better than anyone else. We just need to be authentic and genuine. We can be raw, we can be real, but we need to be one. We’re a team. We’re a family. 

It all boils down to this: Do you love people? Do you care about people? Do you want what’s best for them? Do you want people to know Truth and to experience eternal joy? It all starts with relationship. And it’s quite possible that you’re in a position right now where you’re doing everything you can to just try to love yourself. I get it. I’m here for you. We are here for you. But it is my goal that we will also be there for everyone else beyond the church walls.

Relationship is the key to “come and see.”

Call To Action

There’s always a new challenge popping up on social media: In fact, I just made one on my TikTok account (@pointlessthorns): #laughwithoutsmiling ! But there’s also been other challenges created: duct tape, duck lips, setting yourself on fire, doing polar bear plunge into freezing water, or even using ice and salt to burn yourself. People are strange. I’m a weirdo, but I’m not that strange. I’m not setting myself on fire. But I want to give you a real challenge that will not only be challenging for you, but it will actually benefit your life and the lives of others if you do it: the “Come And See” challenge. 

The ultimate end goal is for you (as a Christian) to be able to invite people to come to youth group and/or church. But as I’ve already said, it’s kinda awkward to invite the people you don’t know to places they don’t know. But by simply introducing yourself to others, getting to know them, and doing intentional acts of kindness, you can build a bridge of trust that will help lead others to Jesus — to a life of love! Relationship is the key to “come and see.” Relationship is the bridge that leads to discipleship. I’ll teach on discipleship at a later time. But for now, just know that it means the process of trying to be like Jesus. Becoming like Jesus is a lifelong process of growth. We’re all growing — even me. I may be a little farther along in the growth process, but I’m still growing and I’m still learning. 

So here’s the challenge: I want you to choose three people who need love the most. Who are they? Think of them in your mind right now. You know who needs love the most. After you choose those three people, I want you to do intentional acts of kindness for those people for the next month. Give a compliment, ask how they’re doing (and actually listen to the answer), buy them a snack just because, or even clean up their trash for them. Something. Anything! But show them that they matter! Three people for one month with many intentional acts of kindness in order to love others. 

By the end of the month, you should have three new friends. It may sound terrifying — especially if you’re an introvert — but it’s easier than you might think. Here’s some encouragement for you: those who need love the most will typically respond well to acts of love they receive. Those who need love the most are typically those who have been hurt the most. They might be standoffish at first, but that’s just a protective shield they put up so they won’t get hurt again. It is your job to convince them to lower that shield. And you will be able to do that with intentional acts of kindness. Even an abused dog will eventually come and eat food out from your hand after it learns you love it. Intentional and consistent acts of kindness. One month. Three people.

Establishing and building relationships takes time. I understand that. The ultimate end goal is for us to have a solid relationship within the church and then for you to be able to have that relationship with others beyond the church walls, which will give you the opportunity to say to them, “Come and see for yourself.” If we can make our youth group and/or church environment the “come and see” place, then you’ll not only want to invite people, but it’ll also be easy for you to do that. 

I Want To Hear From YOU:

Suggestions? For church to become the “come and see” place, what would help create that environment? It’s not only awkward to invite people you don’t know to a place they don’t know, but I understand that you inviting people requires you to put your reputation on the line. So, if this place isn’t a place you would want to invite your friends to, I need to know why so we can try to fix that. What would make it the “come and see” place? Please understand that the goal isn’t to make church the most hip and trendy place. The goal is not popularity. The goal is to make church the most home-like environment so people feel welcomed and comfortable.

I actually want you to put thought into this answer. And also, because I care about you, I care about what you think and how you feel. Your thoughts matter to me; I value your opinions. I just want honesty. I’m looking for genuine and authentic answers. I’m looking for practical solutions to a potential problem. What can we do to make church the “come and see” place? Obviously, we first need to become the “come and see” type of person. And that means we need good relationships. Please repeat after me: Relationship is the key to “come and see.”

Superhero: Solution Seekers

If you would rather read this message, the words are provided below:

This is Part 5 of my Superhero series. In the introduction of this series, I provided the argument that heroes are real and then I distinguished between heroes and superheroes. I also provided a list of what defines a superhero. In Part 1, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute standard of Good and realize that evil is a mere privation of what is good. In Part 2, we learned that superheroes recognize the absolute moral standard and realize that what is wrong can only be known by the standard of what is right. In Part 3, I defined and expounded upon love because all superheroes are full of love and are compelled to act out from love. In Part 4, I explained that superheroes desire to save people from all forms of danger and/or death and this desire comes from love.

In this message (Part 5), I’m going to examine another defining characteristic of superheroes: they are solution seekers!

Solution seeker! Yes! Being a solution-seeker is a great concept and a wonderful thing to write on a resume! But there’s one problem: we often worry about what’s wrong. Many people are prone to pointing out problems. In fact, I just pointed out a problem by pointing out that problem. (Oh no! That’s a problem!) But wait – there’s more! I have good news to share! Where there are problems, there can be solutions! In fact, here is a solution to problems: Never point out a problem unless you’re also willing to seek a solution. At the very least, you must be willing to seek a solution to a problem or else you become the problem. For the one who refuses to seek a solution accepts the problem as a permanent pain.

If seeking solutions is such an easy answer to pesky and persistent problems, why are there so many people who are depressed and/or filled with anxiety or worry? Why do so many people consider suicide? Well, there exists two major evil villains that prevent people from seeking solutions: Fear and Doubt – they are the fork in the tongue of the serpent. Many people often allow problems to paralyze them from going forward due to fear of failure; many people also what-if themselves into indecisiveness and doubt themselves into idleness.

Fear and Doubt:

Fear paralyzes people and prevents possibility. Even if you do not fear anything, you can still be denied possibility due to Doubt. If Doubt becomes a barrier between you and Belief, it becomes equal to fear in the sense that it still prevents you from possibility. The person who allows Fear and Doubt to take control becomes his/her own problem because he/she is imprisoned within his/her own mind. In the prison of problems, your only cellmate is stagnation.

There Is Hope:

I’m going to let you in on a secret in the hope that you’re going to tell everyone and it will no longer be a secret: Doubt fears Belief, and Fear doubts Belief. Even with as much hatred and evil as Fear and Doubt have within themselves, they still understand the concept of teamwork; together, they can imprison you! However, Doubt fears Belief. Doubt fears Belief because Belief banishes Doubt away. Where is your concept of teamwork? You cannot have teamwork with Fear or Doubt while seeking Possibility. Fear and Doubt already work together with plans of destruction and their target is you! You can only pair up with Belief and Vision in order to find Possibility. Belief banishes Doubt from you when you and Belief join together to create a team. Together, you can then overcome Fear because you would believe that you can do so. However, because Fear doubts Belief, Fear will follow you, doubting that Belief will remain within you. Since Belief banishes doubt from you when you team up with Belief, Doubt will live inside of Fear (who is following you), motivating Fear to follow you. However, the pursuit will be in vain because Belief is eternal so long as you never have an about-face of doubt. That means you will always be able to find Possibility so long as you team up with Belief. But belief in what? Not what, but who! Belief in the Savior, Christ Jesus! The Savior is the Solution – we simply need to seek the Solution to all problems if we are to find the specific solutions for specific problems!

Resist and Receive:

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God, and God will come close to you.”
(James 4:7-8) -NLT

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.”
(Matthew 7:7-11) -NLT

The special stipulation to this promise is found in James 4:2-3; our desires need to be in alignment with GOD’s will. Ask yourself three important questions:

  1. For what are you asking?
  2. Why are you asking for that specific request?
  3. Will it benefit the Kingdom of GOD?

Knowing GOD takes faith, focus, and follow-through. Jesus promises a reward for the passionate pursuit of seeking GOD’s will.

What Does GOD Say About Fear?

There are over 300 instances in the Bible in which we are instructed not to fear. There are two major reasons why we should not fear:

  1. Trust in GOD;
  2. love for others.

(1) There should be no fear in this limited lifetime because we know our eternal destiny:

Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”
(Matthew 10:28-31) -NLT

(2) Why would we fear the outcome of choosing to love?:

And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”
(1John 4:17-18) -NLT

Therefore, we do not fear people nor do we fear punishment. Perfect love casts out all fear. And since we trust in GOD – who is love (1John 4:8,16) – and we choose to love GOD and others, we have no reason to fear.

What Does GOD Say About Doubt?

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”
(Psalm 94:19) -NLT

Do you see how this works? Belief banishes doubt. Faith (trust) in GOD creates hope. With hope, one has reason to seek solutions. While seeking the Solution, the Holy Spirit gives the seeker wisdom and vision. Wisdom and vision plan out and produce possibilities.

And Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ He said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord, save me.’ Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’ And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’ ”
(Matthew 14:28-33) -ESV

Peter had faith and so he walked on water. However, he allowed doubt within and he started to sink. But remember: doubt was living inside of fear and fear is faithful to follow. Doubt and fear joined forces and caused Peter to sink. But in seeking the Savior, the Solution was found: trust in the Lord is the solution. Faith creates hope and hope gives birth to possibilities.

Then Jesus told them, ‘I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, “May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,” and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.’ ”
(Matthew 21:21) -NLT

So, faith is foundational and prayer is powerful. But in order to pray we must first be seeking GOD. If prayer, however, is one of the keys to being a solution seeker, then prayer needs to be properly understood.

Faith-filled Purposeful Prayer:

Prayer needs to be purposeful if it is to be powerful (I’ll expound upon prayer in parts 21-22). Prayer is not a means of merely asking for what we want. GOD is not a magic genie and prayer is not the magic lamp by which to summon GOD. Prayer is a connection between us and GOD. A healthy relationship requires constant communication. So, talk. Prayer is also a way to love others. We should pray for others (Ephesians 6:18-19). But we should also pray that GOD’s will be done and not our own (Matthew 26:39, 42, 44). In the connection of prayer, the goal is to come into alignment with GOD’s will. Regarding prayer, it is important to remember that GOD always answers our prayers in one of three possible ways: yes, no, or not yet. And it is important to thank GOD for all the “no” answers. All the “no” answers eventually lead to the “yes” moment. When we pray, we must pray for the right reasons. Motive matters. We don’t need a mantra, we need a meaningful connection with the Maker. Prayers need to be genuine and purposeful. But remember: you don’t always need to know exactly what to say (Romans 8:26-28). Just be honest.

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”
(James 1: 6-8) –NIV

Doubts are sometimes unavoidable and seem inevitable. Whether intellectually based or emotionally charged, all doubts need to be doubted and examined. If you find yourself doubting, you’re certainly not alone in your struggle. In Mark 9:24, the father of the possessed son asked Jesus to help his unbelief. Having the courage to doubt your doubts and investigate their causes leads to greater confidence in your relationship with Jesus. In seeking the Savior, He can help work through your doubts to increase your faith. Therefore, investigate your doubts. Seek Truth. Be specific about what your doubts are – write them out and list reasons for and against them. Also, pray! And never stop praying (1Thessalonians 5:17)! Like the father of the possessed son, we too can ask GOD to help with unbelief. Be a Solution seeker! This is important because belief casts out doubt and love casts out fear. The faith-filled become the faith-full! The faithful and loving solution-seeker is stable and also able to pursue possibilities.

Beyond, Through, and To:

“Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you.”
(1Peter 5:7) –NCV

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7) -NLT

Though the Bible does not explicitly say that worry is a sin, we can still logically conclude that it is a sin by examining all the available evidence. One simply cannot trust GOD to provide if one worries about provision. Likewise, one cannot trust GOD about wellbeing if one worries about wellbeing. Faith is trust. There’s no trust in worrying because worrying comes from doubting GOD.

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”
(Hebrews 11:6) -NLT

Know this: GOD already told us He will take care of all our needs (Matthew 6:25-34).

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”
(Philippians 4:8-9) -NLT

Pray Your Way To Peace:

Prayer is not our last resort; rather, it is our first line of defense! And that is why prayer is being discussed here in addition to the end of this book. How do we get GOD’s peace? By putting into practice what we learned. We have learned that we need to put our trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6). So, let us put into practice our faith by living confidently in Christ. We can pray our way into peace! Look beyond the problem, through the potential and to the possibilities by seeking the power of GOD in prayer. If we focus on all that is good and right, our focus won’t be on what is bad and wrong. That’s easier said than done – I know. But no one ever said that what is simple is also easy. If we fill our minds with GOD’s Word, we won’t have enough room to fill our minds with the Satan’s lies and the world’s ways. Christians must think about what they’re thinking about and not allow their minds to wander into the chaotic circus of sin. In our spiritual warfare, we need to wear the helmet of salvation (explain in Part 19) because it is spiritual armor for the mind. Negative thoughts can be replaced with positive ones, and the more that godly substitution takes place, the more peace and joy we can experience. Many times we are asking GOD to change our situation when GOD desires to change our stinkin’ thinkin’! GOD’s peace is promised to guard those who pray – with thanksgiving – about everything.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
(Romans 8:28) -NLT

Stay Focused:

We already know the ending of the story! Christ returns, evil is banished to Hell, and all believers will live happily ever after with Jesus for eternity (Revelation 19-21). Knowing this, our focus should simply be on how to continually make things better until Christ returns. GOD gave people the great gift of free will. Where free will exists, evil is always possible; in fact, bad things are inevitable in this sinful fallen world. But GOD created us to create good while we choose to live a life of love. So, what are you creating? In order to be a solution seeker, we must trust in GOD and love others. Belief banishes doubt and love expels fear. Without fear and doubt, GOD’s peace will be with you and GOD’s power will enable you to be more than a conquerer in Christ (Romans 8:37).


“Show mercy to those who have doubts. Save others by snatching them from the fire of hell.”
(Jude 1: 22-23) –GW

You can be a superhero! You can be a superhero by simply being a consistent solution seeker! In the name of Jesus, go be a defender of the faith by helping others battle fear and doubt. Peter was saved while sinking in the sea of doubt because he reached out to Jesus. All people can find salvation by doing exactly what Peter did – by reaching out to Jesus and trusting Him to save. In fact, I did the same thing when I once found myself sinking and Jesus saved me too! To read my testimony, see my other article, “My Testimony: From Agnosticism, To Atheism, To Christianity“.

Here’s the bottom line: When a problem comes along, you must whip it! Whip it good… in the name of Jesus!



Life or Death?

“A good reputation is more valuable than the most expensive perfume. The day one dies is better than the day he is born! It is better to spend your time at funerals than at festivals. For you are going to die, and it is a good thing to think about it while there is still time.”
(Ecclesiastes 7: 1-2) -TLB

What is death? Is death the end of life? Have you given death much thought? If you haven’t given death much thought, you haven’t reflected on life enough. Before I Die is a global art project that invites people to contemplate death and reflect on their lives. Originally created by the artist Candy Chang on an abandoned house in New Orleans after she lost someone she loved, today there are over 2,000 walls around the world. I encourage you to look through the website and examine many of the responses people wrote. How many of those responses reflect a life well lived?

When someone dies, people who knew the deceased person share memories about him/her. When you die, you most likely will be remembered for the true person you had been. If you were to die today, what would people say about you tomorrow? What would they know about you? What would they not know about you that you would want them to know? How would they describe you? That’s the purpose of an obituary – it explains who you were.

The worst obituary I have ever read came from the Reno Gazette-Journal:

“Marianne Theresa Johnson-Reddick born Jan 4, 1935 and died alone on Aug. 30, 2013. She is survived by her 6 of 8 children whom she spent her lifetime torturing in every way possible. While she neglected and abused her small children, she refused to allow anyone else to care or show compassion towards them. When they became adults she stalked and tortured anyone they dared to love. Everyone she met, adult or child was tortured by her cruelty and exposure to violence, criminal activity, vulgarity, and hatred of the gentle or kind human spirit. On behalf of her children whom she so abrasively exposed to her evil and violent life, we celebrate her passing from this earth and hope she lives in the after-life reliving each gesture of violence, cruelty, and shame that she delivered on her children. Her surviving children will now live the rest of their lives with the peace of knowing their nightmare finally has some form of closure.”


The purpose of this message is to give you a second chance (or 3rd, 4th, or 100th chance). GOD inspired me with this message in order to give you another chance to repent of any wrongdoing and to become the person you are meant to be. You could die tomorrow; you could die tonight. Regardless of how many chances GOD has already given you, this could be your last chance. We should all start by examining our own hearts. Perhaps you could relate with that awful obituary and you have also held resentment toward someone. GOD commands forgiveness. If you struggle with forgiveness, please read my other article, “The Frog In Your Jar.”

It doesn’t matter where you start, it matters if you finish and where you finish. There have been people born into money yet ended up miserable and broke when they died. Some people are so poor all they have is money. There have been people who were born into poor families yet they ended up having money at the end of their lives. I once read a news article about someone who had received a terminal diagnosis from a doctor and then ended up beating the illness and living many years longer than the doctor claimed she would live. What does it all mean? How can we make sense of it all?

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.”
(Exodus 14:21) -ESV

“When she couldn’t hide him any longer she got a little basket-boat made of papyrus, waterproofed it with tar and pitch, and placed the child in it. Then she set it afloat in the reeds at the edge of the Nile.”
(Exodus 2:3) -MSG

In an attempt for population control, Pharaoh of Egypt had ordered that all newborn males of the Hebrew population be drowned in the Nile River. Moses was born in secret and protected for about three months until his mother could no longer hide him. The life of Moses started as an abandoned baby in a basket in the very river where he was supposed to have been drowned. Moses’ life began where it was supposed to end. Do you feel like you’re at your end? GOD declares that at your end you will find the beginning. How? The beginning in Christ is found at the end of yourself.

“If any one of you wants to follow Me, you will have to give yourself up to God’s plan, take up your cross, and do as I do. For any one of you who wants to be rescued will lose your life, but any one of you who loses your life for My sake and for the sake of this good news will be liberated.”
(Mark 8: 34-35) -Voice

“If you have heard Jesus and have been taught by Him according to the truth that is in Him, then you know to take off your former way of life, your crumpled old self – that dark blot of a soul corrupted by deceitful desire and lust – to take a fresh breath and to let God renew your attitude and spirit. Then you are ready to put on your new self, modeled after the very likeness of God: truthful, righteous, and holy.”
(Ephesians 4: 21-24) -Voice [See also Romans 12:2)

Understand this: Moses grew up, became a murderer, and ran away to start a new life somewhere else. However, GOD spoke to Moses from a burning bush and gave him another chance and changed his life. Even though Moses was chosen from the day he was born, it wasn’t until Moses was at his own end that he found his true beginning. Moses didn’t find his calling until he gave up trying to do everything his own way. Miracles didn’t come through Moses until he decided to let go and let GOD guide. And because Moses seized the second chance GOD gave him, he ended up as a prominent leader who led the Israelites out of slavery. That’s how Moses was remembered! I’m pretty confident that his obituary wouldn’t have even mentioned the fact that he had once murdered an Egyptian. I’m pretty sure Moses’ obituary would have read something like this: “He led the Israelites out of slavery, parted the Red Sea, got lost for 40 years, but then finally found the promised land. He was a good leader.”

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(Romans 8: 38-39) –NLT

GOD loves us so much that He provides opportunities for us to change. Most people don’t live to their full potential because they live in fear. The fears of pain and failure usually prevent people from even taking one single step of faith outside of their comfort zones. Refer back to Ecclesiastes 7:2 – it is good for us to think about our death while we still have the time to do so. So, let’s do that. Let’s ponder on our death for a moment.

Why in the human experience do we die? Your body is programmed (intelligently designed) to expire. Your body tells itself to age and to allow death to overtake it. It is a process called apoptosis. But why? Let us look at the definition of the process that kills us:

Apoptosis:  A genetically directed process of cell self-destruction that is marked by the fragmentation of nuclear DNA, is activated either by the presence of a stimulus or removal of a suppressing agent or stimulus, and is a normal physiological process eliminating DNA-damaged, superfluous, or unwanted cells —called also programmed cell death.

Apoptosis is basically the act of our body committing suicide at a very slow rate. What we see at old age is the privation of the good in the original design. Regardless of whether or not our mind is aware of this, our soul knows that the body is temporary and that the soul has somewhere else to be (2Corinthians 5:1). The very difference between a body that is declared alive and a body that is declared dead is the soul within or the lack thereof. Dead bodies are interesting. There is a noticeable difference between a body (shell) that contains a soul and one that does not. When the soul exits the physical body, that body no longer moves and it begins to decay and rot even faster than it had with the soul inside of it. Truth be told, the energy of the soul is the energy source that keeps our bodies going. But the energy that powers our souls comes from the Source — GOD!

Can you imagine what Earth would be like if it were full of humans who did not die? As if pride doesn’t run rampant enough in this world! We would have people gloating, “Who cares?! I can’t die anyway!” People would do whatever they wanted without regard for anyone else. It would be complete chaos.

What would be served as a consequence for mistakes if death didn’t exist? If death didn’t exist, would there be consequences at all? Death is the destination of all negative consequences. Sure, one can do something that will burn and inflict pain, correct? And isn’t it also correct that someone can do something that will lead to hunger? But all minor consequences ultimately lead to the major of death if not dealt with and managed. If we view death in this manner, it becomes a good thing. Limits. Rules. Guidelines. Commandments. If only the world would seek Truth! All things, regardless of how small or insignificant they may be, call attention to the greatness of GOD!

Look at the definition of apoptosis again. It says it “is activated either by the presence of a stimulus or removal of a suppressing agent or stimulus.” – That’s exactly right! It is both! The presence of GOD that grants life and enables life to exist is what causes us to grow and live! The removal of GOD’s presence is the death. Imagine the process as GOD’s hand of life coming to us, being upon us, and then leaving again. That is your lifespan. Imagine the process as a plasma ball: When you place your hand on the plasma ball, the ball comes to life and forms a bond with your hand. When you remove your hand, the ball goes into a neutral mode again. GOD’s hand is upon us! GOD is with us! Right here, right now!


“Through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything he wants to do in and through me will be done. I can hardly wait to continue on my course. I don’t expect to be embarrassed in the least. On the contrary, everything happening to me in this jail only serves to make Christ more accurately known, regardless of whether I live or die. They didn’t shut me up; they gave me a pulpit! Alive, I’m Christ’s messenger; dead, I’m his bounty. Life versus even more life! I can’t lose. As long as I’m alive in this body, there is good work for me to do.”
(Philippians 1: 19-22) -MSG

Paul was in prison while he contributed his writings that ended up being a part of GOD’s living word! Do you know the link between Paul and so many others that ended up being a part of GOD’s living word? Faith in GOD and living a life without fear! Faithful and fearless! Unless we come to the end of ourselves and start living our new lives in Christ, we will never experience miracles! We cannot allow fear to keep us from the calling. What do you want to do before you die? What do you believe GOD has called you to do before your expiration date arrives?

“Don’t be afraid of people. They can kill you, but they cannot harm your soul. Instead, you should fear God who can destroy both your body and your soul in hell.”
(Matthew 10: 28) –CEV

“The Lord says to his people, ‘I comfort you because of who I am. Why are you afraid of mere men? They are only human beings. They are like grass that dries up.’ ”
(Isaiah 51: 12) –NIRV

If you allow the fear of pain to prevent progress, you’ll never fulfill your purpose. We must become so faithful and full of love that we would sacrifice ourselves to make lives better for others.

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”
(1 John 4: 18) –NKJV

In the name of Christ Jesus, by the power of GOD, I cast out all fear right now!

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
(Psalm 23: 4) –ESV

“So we do not set our sights on the things we can see with our eyes. All of that is fleeting; it will eventually fade away. Instead, we focus on the things we cannot see, which live on and on.”
(2 Corinthians 4:18) -Voice

“He will swallow up death forever.”
(Isaiah 25:8) -NKJV

“Then the saying will come true: ‘Death swallowed by triumphant Life! Who got the last word, oh, Death? Oh, Death, who’s afraid of you now?’ ”
(1 Corinthians 15: 54-55) -MSG

“So place yourselves under God’s authority. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you.”
(James 4: 7) –GW

“Can anyone really harm you for being eager to do good deeds? Even if you have to suffer for doing good things, God will bless you. So stop being afraid and don’t worry about what people might do.”
(1 Peter 3: 13-14) –CEV

“I am the resurrection and the source of all life; those who believe in Me will live even in death. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never truly die. Do you believe this?”
(John 11: 25-26) -Voice

Do you believe?! If you are filled to the brim with faith, then you will believe that nothing is impossible for GOD-of-all-creation! GOD has all control! Jesus conquered death; therefore, death does not actually exist! Death is a mirage. Death of our physical bodies exist, but who cares? GOD’s hand is upon us! GOD is with us! Right here, right now, and forever more! This life is not all that there is! But our time here is our only time to live this one life — and we have work to do before we leave!

I challenge you to step out in faith. Banish fear! Just as a factory has an assembly line which inspects products for defects, we are being inspected and put to the test. Be aware. Not beware. But be aware. There is no need to beware so long as you be aware. Fear clouds judgment; awareness enhances judgment. Are you aware? Do your best while in the test. Remember: it’s not where you begin that matters, it’s where you end up. Are you aware that you are a child of GOD-Almighty?! Are you aware that GOD who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1John 4:4)?!


What many people view as their ceiling is actually the floor of the next level. A ceiling is the limit imposed upon us by the world’s standards. But I tell you that the ceiling has no sealing and there is more to life than the world is revealing. GOD has a plan for your life. But you need to decide to leave your comfort zone and take a leap of faith in the direction GOD is leading you. You will have to challenge yourself to get to the next level. The world’s ways keeps people complacent in their comfort-coffins. Many people are alive yet not living — they are merely existing! There’s more to life than what you are shown. Do you want to experience the next level?

To ponder on death is to reflect on life. Who or what do you reflect? To see my reflection, read my other article, “Reflection and Direction.”

GOD is giving you another chance today. Think beyond your current circumstance. I challenge you to think about what you want your obituary to say after you’re dead and gone and compare that to what it would actually say if you were to die today.

Now, go and live your life today in such a way as to lead yourself to your goal of tomorrow. You can accomplish anything in alignment with GOD’s will so long as you are faithful and fearless. The choice to either banish fear or be controlled by fear is a life or death decision. But if death only brings you to the end of yourself and to the beginning of life in Christ, is death to be feared at all? What would you try to accomplish if you knew you would not fail? What makes you feel alive inside? How can you make the world a better place? What are you going to do before you die? I challenge you to start here: who needs to hear the Gospel before they die? If anyone came to mind, start your new and awesome journey by loving those people and sharing the good news of the next life when we will be in the presence of the Source of all life.

The Heart Is The Start

When meeting someone for the first time, one of the first (if not the first) questions people usually ask is, “What do you do for a living?”

Many people try to identify others by the things they do or the way they look instead of seeing them for who they truly are, what they care about, and who they are striving to become. I believe it is more important to know who a person is striving to become than to know what it is that person currently does. Truly, the heart should be the start because what’s important is hidden within and often remains unseen.

And so, we are going to play a game. I am going to describe to you seven different people. As I am describing these people to you, I want you to try to imagine what each person looks like. First, imagine whether the person is male or female. After you assume the gender of the person, I want you to imagine the age, height, and weight of the person. I want you to also imagine if the person has a lot of facial hair or if the person is clean shaven. Imagine the person’s skin tone, hair color and even the eye color. Does the person have freckles? Does the person have scars? What clothing would the person be wearing? After I describe all seven individuals, I will reveal the identity of each person.

Take out a piece of paper, a writing utensil, and write the numbers one through seven going down. Write your guess after reading each description. The answers will follow. (Let me know if you guessed any correctly, and if so, how many.)

The Descriptions:

(1) This person had a sister and a brother who both died at an early age. Not too much longer after the death of both siblings, this person’s mother also died. This person eventually became a part-owner of a store, but the business failed. This person studied law. This person eventually fell in love; however, this person’s love interest also eventually died. With only two saddlebags to hold all of this person’s possessions, this person moved to a new city to live in at the age of 28. This person eventually got into politics. This person ran for president year after year and got rejected year after year; however, this person finally got elected as the president of the United States at the age of 52.

(2) This person was born in 1929. This person lived in a confined space with many other people and felt as if the atmosphere was suffocating at times. At the age of only 15, this person got arrested. At the young age of 16, this person died from typhoid fever; in addition, all family members with the exception of the father ended up dying.

(3) This person was born in Australia. As a child, this person struggled mentally, emotionally, and even physically. At one point, this person considered suicide. At the age of 21, this person graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. This person is now a Christian evangelist and motivational speaker.

(4) This person was one of eight siblings and was also the runt of the litter. Being the smallest, this person was sent to watch over sheep rather than being in war or hunting. On one occasion, a special visitor came to the father and desired to choose one of the siblings for a special task and rare position. But on this occasion, this person was excluded from the other siblings and wasn’t even presented as a choice to the special visitor. Neither the father nor the siblings thought very much of this person.

(5) This person dressed with clothing that proclaims importance and that is because this person possesses an important title or position. This person was one of the few who comprised the ruling class in the area. This person was a successful person by human standards. However, this person eventually caused an innocent and much loved man to receive a death sentence and was later despised because of it.

(6) This person grew up agnostic and eventually became a performer in Hollywood for the entertainment industry and had been in dozens of television shows. This person became a nihilistic atheist whose only concern was experiencing fun. Sadly, this person’s nihilism brought this person to write out a suicide letter, considering everything in life to be worthless and meaningless — even life itself. After failing to commit suicide, this person eventually left the entertainment industry and ended  up receiving unemployment checks until working such jobs as a janitor for an elementary school and as a groundskeeper for an apartment community. By the world’s standards, this person became a failure and an insignificant and invisible nobody.

(7) As a baby, this person was born in a dirty place where animals typically go to eat. There never seemed to be anything remarkable about this person; in fact, this person worked an ordinary job as a typical carpenter. When this person was around 30 years of age, this person went above and beyond to love people. And yet despite of this person’s great love, this person was condemned to a death sentence on false accusations and died a horrible death. People mocked this person as this person died.

The Revealing:

(1) It was only after years of rejection and ‘failure’ that this man succeeded. That man was Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln signed the first of the Homestead acts, allowing poor people to own land. He also established the United States Department of Agriculture, he signed the Morrill Land-Grant Act which led to creation of numerous universities, and he also issued the Emancipation Proclamation which led to abolishing slavery in US.

(2) The young girl named Anne Frank eventually went on to inspire millions of people despite the fact that she wasn’t even alive here on Earth. Her father (only remaining family member) found Anne’s diary, was amazed by her maturity and character and then got it published. Anne provided wonderful insight into a dark moment of history inundated with Nazis and also showed the world that maturity can be found in youth and a hero can look like a female.

(3) This person is Nick Vujicic; he was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. Nick has encouraged, motivated and inspired millions of people simply because he overcame and never quit. Though he lives a life without limbs, his heart propels him in the direction he needs to go.

(4) This person is the great David of the Bible. Though no one else thought much of David because of his appearance, GOD saw David’s heart and it looked like a lampstand ready to shine GOD’s light. Before Samuel anointed David as the king who would replace Saul, Samuel saw David’s brother and thought he would be king because of his appearance. But examine GOD’s response:

“When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, ‘Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.’ But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’ ”
(1Samuel 16:6-7) -ESV

(5) This person is one of the many Pharisees whom Jesus opposed and often rebuked. These are the people who seemed like they had it all together and were doing everything right! Though the Pharisees had the appearance of importance and right character, they lacked heart. Examine the words of Jesus regarding the Pharisees:

“Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by others…. Woe to you, blind guides…. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness…. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?”
(Matthew 23:1-5, 16, 27-28, 33) -ESV

(6) This person is me, Trenton Gill. Worthless and meaningless is how I saw myself. Yet somehow, GOD saw in me the goodness I never saw in myself. Jesus knew my good heart and He saved me from myself and helped me to repent (turn around) and start living a righteous life of servitude that gives praise to GOD rather than the superficial life that would receive praise from people.

(7) This person is Christ Jesus. Jesus — fully GOD — became fully human in order to save us from ourselves. By His great sacrificial love, our bloodstained sinful selves have been whitewashed and cleansed and we will be able to live in His presence for all eternity.

When I described each person, did the physical appearance ever make a difference as to who they ended up becoming? Did age or gender make a difference? Did all of their ‘current’ jobs, tasks, labels or titles ever define who they would end up becoming? Did their history of whatever they lacked ever define who they would eventually become? No. Who you are right now can change so long as you possess the desire to change and put forth the effort and never quit.

Therefore, if you’re reading this and we don’t know each other, I will not risk shaming you by asking you what you do for a living. What you currently do is sometimes irrelevant to who you are and who you will become. After all, the famous rocker, Jon Bon Jovi, was a janitor before he became famous and eventually helped out with different charities. There’s something more important I want to ask you than what you do for a living: “Who are you and who are you striving to become?”

Share with me the following:

  • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  • What are your dreams?
  • What do you care about most in life?
  • Where do you want to end up in the near future and distant future?
  • Who do you want to become?
  • After you leave Earth and go into eternity, what do you want to leave behind for everyone else still living on Earth?

You can be the person you desire to be; you can be the person you dream to be. Do you know your identity? Dare to dream! Vision and belief that are united with wisdom leads to possibility; possibility harbors potential; therefore, full potential is only possible with vision and belief. Do you believe? How is your faith?

“Jesus told them. ‘I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.’ ”
(Matthew 17:20) -NLT

“The Lord answered, ‘If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea,” and it would obey you!’ ”
(Luke 17:6) -NLT

“I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”
(Philippians 4:13) -GW

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.’ ”
(Matthew 19:26) -NLT

Through Christ, you can accomplish anything so long as it is in alignment with GOD’s will. Again, I want to ask you a very important question: who are you and who are you striving to become? You need to know your identity.

“But Amos stood up to Amaziah: ‘I never set up to be a preacher, never had plans to be a preacher. I raised cattle and I pruned trees. Then GOD took me off the farm and said, “Go preach to my people Israel.”’ ”
(Amos 7: 14-15) -MSG

Scripture states that Amaziah was a priest and Amos was a shepherd. Amaziah basically told Amos not to preach in Bethel because it offended him and others.

I can relate to Amos quite well because I have told many people the same message and many people have responded by telling me the same thing that Amos heard. I never set up to be a preacher; I never had plans of being a preacher. Amos was a shepherd. I was an atheist actor in the entertainment industry with aspirations of fame and fortune. I had my sights set on money. But my desires and my title changed after I found my identity. And many people often tell me not to preach because my words sometimes offends people. It saddens me that people would get offended by Truth, but I must rank truth as more important than feelings. And it’s not my Truth to change. I didn’t write the Book of Truth, I merely share the message. I’m a messenger.

Pastor, teacher, or messenger — titles are irrelevant to GOD’s calling and are obsolete in Heaven. Titles are created by humans to accommodate human agenda; moreover, titles are not indicative of the true calling and cannot change the character of any human. As of right now — November 15, 2017 — I do not possess a certified title of pastor or minister; however, the lack of an official title doesn’t take away from my calling. I will continue to fulfill my calling and eventually people will throw a title on me because of the way I’m living out my calling. Consider the following four examples:

(1) Albert Einstein failed an entrance examination for the school of ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. He didn’t have a title then, but GOD designed him to be a genius. Later in life, he was awarded a Ph.D., became a professor at Karl-Ferdinand University in Prague, became President of the German Physical Society, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, and received the Copley Medal from the Royal Society. Einstein is proof that a ‘nobody’ can be a ‘somebody’ of great significance. Einstein’s wisdom would have helped the human race advance whether he acquired those titles or not. But he acquired those titles because he lived out his calling and then humans threw titles on him.

(2) Adolf Hitler was considered a great leader at one point, but his title didn’t alter the demonic demeanor within him. Hitler’s title labeled him to be a leader and respected ruler; however, his orders to his army brought about the deaths of millions of innocent people. Hitler’s earthly title amongst the nazis meant very little to the soldiers who opposed him; moreover, his title meant nothing in the big picture of eternity. The nazis called him Fuhrer, which meant, “leader.” But do you know what he is called in Heaven? Well, he isn’t called anything because he’s not in Heaven.

(3) Pastor Steve Fender from Livingway Church of San Antonio, Texas shared with me one of the most amazing testimonies I’ve ever heard. After an alter call at one of Steve’s services, a man by the name of Ernest had asked Steve to talk to him and pray with him. Eventually, Ernest confessed to being a Mexican mafia hitman and that he had killed a lot of people. Ernest asked if GOD would still accept him because of all the murders he had committed and Steve told Ernest that no one is too far gone to be saved. Pastor Steve asked Ernest to lift up his hands in surrender to GOD; Ernest told Steve that he would, but only if Steve would hold his shirt down so that no one would see his gun while his arms were up. Ernest — a hitman with a loaded gun in church service — gave his life to Christ that day and eventually led many other people to Christ. One day, Ernest was shot while walking the streets. When pastor Steve arrived at the scene, Ernest was face down on the ground, already dead. In Ernest’s hand appeared to be a gun; however, it was a copy of the New Testament. The world labeled Ernest as a murderer; Ernest proclaimed himself to be a murderer at one point; however, Ernest was made new in Christ and was called to be a preacher. Ernest’s title of ‘hitman’ wasn’t his true title. And once Ernest realized his real identity, he received his true calling and his true title. Repentance and faith bring salvation. Despite his past, Ernest was a preacher and that is how we should remember him.

(4) There are [far too] many people who earned the title of being a Priest, yet they were then later convicted and declared to be pedophiles.

There are some people who possess the title of ‘Priest’ (like Amaziah), yet their character proclaims them to be frauds and dirty — just like the Pharisees whom Jesus condemned. Amaziah was wrapped up in religion (rules, regulations, and rituals) and neglected to have a relationship with GOD.

Ponder on this: Jesus was wisdom in human form, yet He didn’t possess a Ph.D. Jesus didn’t need a P-H-D because he was with the title of G-O-D. His title was Messiah, or Christ, or Savior; however, He didn’t receive that title until after He already fulfilled the role. No one except His disciples gave Him the title of Messiah before His crucifixion. But the lack of the title didn’t take away from His calling.

Though the world tells us to take up titles, we are called to live the calling. Do not allow yourself to be beguiled by titles! Do not be fooled into believing you are who the world says you are! To fulfill your calling, you need only to look beyond the façade of worldly titles and possess zeal for the seal of GOD’s approval. The start is the heart!

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
(Psalm 51:10) -ESV

“And he called the people to him and said to them, ‘Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.’…. But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person.’ ”
(Matthew 15:10-11, 18-20) -ESV

Amaziah was a Priest, yet GOD chose a shepherd (like David) named Amos to do the preaching of His Word. Amos made himself available to be used! If Amos was capable of caring for a herd and tending little details such as yard work [with honesty and integrity], then he could be trusted to do and say what was right – to preach. GOD basically said, “I don’t care that other humans label Amaziah as a Priest. Amos is my preacher.”

I challenge you to know your identity and pursue your calling rather than a title. Take action on what GOD has called you to do. If the world declares you to be nothing but a janitor yet GOD calls you to preach, then you’re a preacher! If the world declares you to be nothing but an old man (like Noah) yet GOD calls you to build an ark and protect the animals, then you’re a contractor, carpenter, soon-to-be sailor and captain, and wildlife preservationist! If the world declares you to be nothing but a tax collector yet GOD calls you to write a book, then you’re an author! Worldly titles mean nothing. Do not get so wrapped up in nothing that you end up missing out on everything GOD has for you. What is the true title you possess? Proclaim it in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of GOD-Almighty! But know and understand that the heart is the start. In order to fulfill your calling, you need to purify and protect your heart. The reason David was chosen above all others was because he was a man after GOD’s own heart (1Samuel 13:14).

“But as for those whose heart goes after their detestable things and their abominations, I will bring their deeds upon their own heads, declares the Lord God.”
(Ezekiel 11:21) -ESV

But for those of us who desire to fulfill our true calling, all we need to do is ask Jesus to purify our hearts and align our thoughts with His will. By seeking first the Kingdom of GOD (GOD’s will), everything else will fall in place.

“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.”
(Ezekiel 36:26-27) -ESV

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”
(Matthew 6:33) -ESV

Once purified, we must put on the breastplate of righteousness for protection (read Ephesians 6:10-20; see also Isaiah 59:17). Take note that the heart is protected by righteousness. A righteous life prevents the penetration of sin that desires to find its way in. Sin finding its way into the heart is like a sperm finding its way into an egg. We must protect the heart because the heart is the start.

“But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.”
(James 1:14-15) -ESV

I want to pray for three types of people:

  • If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior yet you desire to do so, I want to pray with you and encourage you in your decision.
  • If you need to purify your heart and desire for GOD to remove your heart of stone and give you a new heart of flesh, let me know and I’ll pray with you and continue to pray for you. And I will also partner with you in a commitment to protecting your newly purified heart.
  • If the Holy Spirit has purified your heart throughout this message and you now desire to put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect your purified heart, I want to pray with you and continue to pray for you. And I will also partner with you in a commitment of fellowship to ensure accountability of a righteous life.