Superhero (series) – Introduction

Why am I writing a book about superheroes? After all, I’m a Christian pastor. Can I justify writing a book on such an unbiblical concept such as superhumans with superpowers? I admit that at first glance, this book appears to be unbiblical, but that’s merely the surface. Remember: don’t judge a book by its cover. To discover Truth, we must dig into the depths beyond the surface. The real question we need to ask ourselves is, “What biblical truths can we learn by studying superheroes?” For all superheroes only exist because of the One true Superhero: Jesus. The purpose of this book is to define the qualities of a superhero and reveal how all of those qualities come from GOD. 

Ever since I was a little boy, I had been fascinated by superheroes. And like many others kids, I wore Superman and/or Batman pajamas with an attached cape. I played with my action figures and used my imagination to create different scenarios for which the superheroes would be needed in order to save the day. I had even created my own mask out of a paper plate and made up my own superhero name. Eventually, however, life redirected my attention to other matters such as sports, girls, jobs, bills, etc. But in recent years, Marvel has released many superhero movies. And as an adult, those movies spoke to my inner child and inspired me to once again think about superheroes. While watching the 2012 movie, The Avengers, I thought, “It would be so awesome to be a real superhero!”

Almost as soon as I finished that thought, I had another: “Because it would be awesome to be a real superhero, I bet there are people who have attempted to fight crime while wearing ridiculous outfits.”

I then went home and researched news articles that might have mentioned such people and sure enough, there have been grown adults who attempted to fight crime in ridiculous costumes! One such example was in Seattle, Washington – a man by the name of Phoenix Jones. In fact, he was the leader of the “Rain City Superheroes” – a group of 10 crime-fighters at that time. While I admired Jones’ passion to patrol the city and keep it safe, I also recognized that real superheroes possess more than enthusiasm. But it made me think: “What if superheroes were real? What would they actually look like? Would they even bother wearing a costume? Are superheroes actually possible? Do superheroes exist?”

And – yes! They are not only possible, but they are real! Their appearance doesn’t usually match our expectations, but superheroes do exist. 

GOD uses ordinary people to achieve extraordinary accomplishments. Heroes are not specific species born into existence, nor are they genetically modified or engineered beings; rather, they are average humans who become above-average people due to the decisions they make out from their free willHow a person freely responds to the challenges and difficulties of life will determine if he/she is a hero. An example of a hero would be a man who risks getting injured by pulling a woman out of a burning vehicle in order to save her life. That would be a heroic act; therefore, we can recognize that man as a hero. But how will that man choose to live the remaining time of his life after the initial heroic moment? Will that incident puff up his pride and cause him to glorify himself? Will he continue to respond in a consistent heroic manner in the future? Will he be a one-hit-wonder? Will he later decide that taking risks for other people is too dangerous and that he’s not willing to sacrifice anymore? It’s worth thinking about it. Anyone can become a hero by simply doing one noteworthy act. Just one noteworthy act can bump someone up from average status to above-average status. But should we set our standards so low? 

A superhero is not a Superman who comes to Earth from outer space wielding supernatural powers; rather, a superhero is merely a hero with supreme status due to his/her decision to go above and beyond the call of duty through sacrificial love on a consistent basis. An example of a superhero would be Mother Teresa — she went above and beyond by sacrificing nearly everything in order to dedicate her life to loving the unloved. She proved that a woman can be a superHERo.

Sadly, superheroes should be common, but they are not. In this sinful and fallen world, people are often selfish. And because of this sad truth, you would think that superheroes shine and stand out against the backdrop of the darkness in this world. Unfortunately, superheroes often go unnoticed unless the spotlight of fame happens to highlight them. Mother Teresa was one of the superheroes who ended up in the spotlight. But there are many superheroes who work in the background, blend in, and go unnoticed. People are usually distracted with entertainment, celebrities, and their own problems, and so the background superheroes go unrecognized. But there’s another reason why superheroes often go unnoticed: they don’t need the recognition. Superheroes are not superheroes because they get recognized as such; rather, they are superheroes whether anyone recognizes them or not simply because of what they do and who they are. Superheroes do not live for the praise of humanity; they’re not in it for the audience applause, they’re merely doing it for the cause. They don’t seek to please people; rather, they desire to pursue people with a loving purpose. 

In reality, superheroes don’t typically wear ridiculous costumes. So, how can we recognize these superheroes working in the background who go unnoticed? In order to find these superheroes, you need only to seek to find the character qualities of these superheroes. So, what are these qualities? I have dedicated one chapter per character quality so that we can expound upon each quality and discover the depth beyond the surface of superheroes. Superheroes:

  1. recognize evil because they realize there is an absolute standard of goodness by which all evil can be known (GOD is the standard for all that is good)
  2. recognize what is right and wrong because they realize there is an absolute moral standard by which all wrong can be known (GOD is the standard of all that is right)
  3. are full of love and are compelled to act out from love (GOD is love and love comes from GOD)
  4. desire to save people from danger and/or death (this desire comes from love)
  5. see beyond problems, through the potential and to the possibilities (if they are to save people, they need to be solution seekers)
  6. do not “what if” themselves into failure (because they are solution seekers)
  7. are willing to sacrifice for the betterment of others (if the solution means sacrifice, then so be it)
  8. make themselves available to be used (sacrificial love steps forward and offers service)
  9. are not blue cord bums (they walk the walk and don’t just talk the talk)
  10. go above and beyond the call of duty (if you’re going to make yourself available, don’t just put your foot in the water — dive in)
  11. are courageous, committed, consistent, and unwilling to quit (going all in is to never back out; because they are willing to do what is necessary, they will not back down, give in, or give up)
  12. know why they do what they do
  13. do it for the cause, not for an audience applause — they don’t need recognition (they are only motivated by love)
  14. understand that meaningful REALationships require love; they desire to be loved
  15. understand that teamwork works — Batman linked with Robin; Ironman was smart, but still linked with Avengers; even Superman linked with Justice League)
  16. understand pain and suffering
  17. have real problems because they’re real people (in an intimate connection with close personal relationships, they can receive as much as they give by simply admitting they don’t want to deal with their problems alone)
  18. make conscious decisions to overcome darkness with Light
  19. are more than conquerors (our problems don’t define us; exterior circumstances should never alter our inner dispositions)
  20. are woven together by faith (we are defined by our identity and our identity is found in origin)
  21. understand their calling
  22. are always ready for battle because they wear the Belt of Truth
  23. understand Truth
  24. are always ready for battle because they wear the Breastplate of Righteousness
  25. are always ready for battle because they wear the Shoes of Readiness
  26. are always ready for battle because they hold the Shield of Faith
  27. are always ready for battle because they wear the Helmet of Salvation
  28. are always ready for battle because they carry the Sword of the Spirit
  29. live, eat, and breathe Truth
  30. are always ready for battle because they pray at all times and on every occasion (Powerful Prayer – Part 1)
  31. understand who they are praying to (nature of GOD)
  32. understand who they are praying to (Jesus)
  33. understand who they are praying to (Trinity)
  34. know how and when to pray (Powerful Prayer – Part 2)
  35. Superheroes have superpowers!
  36. are focused and completely committed
  37. understand what it means to be a Superhero
  38. choose to be superheroes rather than evil villains

My Duty: The Revealed (Introduction)

GOD. Jesus. Heaven. Angels. Hell. Devil. Demons. Satan. Soul. Spirit. Rapture. Revelation. Eternity…

I am a Christian. I wrote this book for other believers of the Christian faith. If you are an agnostic, atheist or believe in some other god (idol) other than the Triune GOD of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then this book may not be for you. However, if you desire to understand the Bible, then this book is definitely for you. I wrote this book for Christians in order to encourage, uplift, motivate, inspire, and challenge them, but if you are an unbeliever and want a good insight on what the Christian faith is truly about, then I recommend reading this book. In fact, if you are an unbeliever, I recommend that you read this book so that you will no longer be deceived into believing lies about Christianity. This book will answer challenging or difficult questions and also clear up misconceptions about Christianity and provide understanding as to why unbelievers have misunderstanding regarding Truth.

[Dig Deeper: What is Truth?]

A wise man once told me that the most compelling piece of evidence isn’t found in books, test tubes, decaying scrolls, or even events predicted centuries earlier — the greatest evidence for the relevance of the Word of GOD, and GOD Himself, lies within those who have experienced GOD’s power and presence firsthand. Well, I have firsthand experience, which makes my testimony one of the most compelling pieces of evidence of GOD’s love; however, no book (not even my own testimony, LAST REQUEST) will ever be more important than THE BIBLE.

Firsthand experience is definitely the most powerful experience (because it is the fastest route to becoming a believer), but without the foundation that the Bible builds within you, the firsthand experience can be doubted, written off, mistaken for something else and then GOD can somehow vanish from the picture of understanding. The Bible is the foundation of life. But what is the Bible? I like to view it this way:

The Bible

I once purchased a book called Invitation to Critical Thinking, Sixth Edition for my college class, “Critical Reasoning.” Although useful then, the book is even more useful now because I am going to use it to make a very crucial point in understanding why the Bible is important and necessary for life:

Reflecting on the occasion of this sixth edition of Invitation to Critical Thinking, we find it rather sobering to realize that this textbook is as old as many of the students who read it. Much has changed in the world since this book was first published, and so the book itself has had to change to remain in touch with the world inhabited by its students. Many of the examples we used in earlier editions have disappeared from common shared awareness down the memory hole into the dustbin of history. And yet the need in this generation for basic critical thinking skills remains as deep and urgent as ever.

-Joel Rudinow & Vincent E. Barry

The Bible is older than your grandparents and their grandparents before them. Unlike Invitation to Critical Thinking, the Bible hasn’t changed for a long time! Sure, it has been translated and paraphrased, but it has never had to cut out examples and create new examples within the book — the message has remained the same. Why? Because the knowledge and wisdom found in the Bible has always been and will always be applicable to life. Think about it — the people who wrote the books of the Bible did so hundreds upon hundreds of years ago. The message is still applicable to this day; in fact, the message is even more relevant and important today than it has ever been before. However, like my college text book, the need to connect Truth with the current generation is dire. Different translations have been made from the original versions of the original documents that make up the Bible to help people understand it better, but I have been led by the Holy Spirit to write this book to help you understand the importance of those words written in the Bible and how to apply those words to your own life. Like the authors of my college book explained, many things in life have disappeared from common shared awareness and have gone “down the memory hole into the dustbin of history.” There are three major reasons for the disappearance of Truth:

  1. Truth disappears when people are complacent or selfish and don’t pass it along to others.
  2. Truth disappears when people are lazy and don’t care enough to search through history’s files; in fact, many people are oblivious to the truth of today because they are not aware of the truth of yesterday.
  3. Truth becomes hidden, covered by the Counterfeiter in a layer of lies.

Everything has so much more depth than we realize. We need to look beyond the surface and dig deeper. The ocean is a great example of Depth versus Surface. Just going to the beach and looking at the ocean is a great experience. Many things can be found from the surface. It also makes you realize how small you are in this world. However, once you immerse yourself in the ocean, you realize that there is so much that you didn’t know! There’s so much to learn! The area that you can’t see from the surface is huge!

If you ride on a boat and look out over the vast landscape of water and see a little iceberg poking out, it is usually only the tip of the iceberg; what lies beneath the surface is actually a very large ice mass, and if your boat runs into the seemingly harmless ‘little’ iceberg, the large ice mass may very well tear a hole in the boat and cause it to sink. That is exactly how the famous ‘unsinkable’ Titanic boat met its demise.


What you cannot see is what has the depth to it. That which is unseen is truly enormous. It truly makes you realize just how small you are in this world. But most importantly, it makes you realize that there’s so much you didn’t see from the surface. People might think the ocean is big just by looking at the surface, but once they immerse themselves in the ocean, they find out how big it really is. The Bible is a lot like the ocean, and so is GOD and all of Heaven. Too many people want to merely look at The Bible’s surface instead of diving into the deep. Take the plunge! (Read the Bible!)

Owner's manual

When you buy an expensive device, it usually has a manual that belongs to it; a book that contains information and instructions about the operation and care of the device — it is a step-by-step guide. Most of the time, people tend to throw the manual to the side, forget about it and never read it. People say, “I can figure it out on my own! I can do this by myself! I’ll just do it my way!” The manual is taken for granted far too often. Well, we humans are the expensive devices and the Bible is the manual that belongs to us. The Bible is our “Owner’s Manual.”

We do own our bodies, but the ownership is temporary. That makes us stewards; we are merely looking after what belongs to GOD. GOD has given us the gift of free will, to choose how we use or abuse our bodies. Our body is ours. But the body does have a life expectancy (an expiration date); therefore, we need to take care of it. The Bible contains information and instructions; what not to do in order to keep operation of the ‘device’ to the best of its ability, how to keep it clean, etc… But most importantly, it gives us instructions on what to do. And as long as you follow the ‘to do list,’ you won’t have to worry about what not to do because you will already be staying clear from that dangerous path that will cause harm and damage to the ‘device,’ ultimately causing it to fail prior to its estimated expiration date. The Bible truly is a gift of wisdom from GOD, to us, in order to help us. But sadly, a lot of people want throw the ‘manual’ aside because they think they can figure it all out by themselves.

A long time ago, I had an expensive camera that my aunt mailed to me. I got excited about the camera but I threw the manual aside and didn‘t even attempt to read it because it was “way too long.” Simply put, reading the manual required too much effort and too much time. So, I tried to figure things out by myself. I did a fairly good job at doing so; however, on one particular day, I wanted to do something specific: I wanted to be in the picture. The problem was that no one else was around. I desired to do things on my own and I got my wish. I had to figure out how to set the timer so that I could be in the picture. But, because it was an expensive [older model] camera, there wasn’t just one button that needed to be pushed — there were about three different steps that needed to be taken in order to set that specific feature. I had to push this, push that, and then turn that. I couldn’t figure it out. Suddenly, I realized that I needed the manual. I searched for it, found it, and then read it. Not only did I read it, but I kept it close to where I kept my camera because I knew at that point that it belonged to my camera for a reason. And that is how the Bible relates to us humans. There are people who will eventually figure out that they can’t figure everything out in their lives on their own and then they will search the Bible for help. And once they figure out that the ‘manual’ is necessary and quite helpful, they keep it close to them because they know it belongs to them and is for them. Do not be intimidated because the ‘manual’ is long. It wouldn’t be so long if it didn’t need to be. If you want to be in the picture as well, you must know how to be in the picture. GOD is painting a picture of His will. If you want to be in that picture of GOD’s will, you must read the ‘manual’ in order to comprehend how to be in the picture.

Now, I know that a lot of people don’t want to read the Bible because they think it is outdated and no longer relevant, but in reality, it is still very much relevant. An inability to understand GOD’s Word doesn’t negate GOD’s Word. The Bible was originally written in the language of the streets. It was the language of fisherman, shopkeepers, and other regular people. The Bible was never written in such a way that only spiritual people could understand it; in fact, it was written by average people for average people. Back then, no one had a hard time understanding what was written and being said in the Bible because they all used the same language and slang. But as time went on, language and slang changed and modified to be what it is today, which makes the older versions of the Bible (such as King James Version) difficult to understand. This is why it is so important for Christians to be able and willing to adapt to change. Nowadays, we have multiple translations of the Bible, ranging from word-for-word, thought-for-thought, or paraphrased. We even have study Bibles that are arranged in chronological order!

Where there is a will, there is a way. That saying is old and familiar, yet still remains powerful if taken to heart. But that’s the thing — it is old and familiar and so it is taken for granted. Where did passion go?! Our nation has become a lazy and ungrateful nation. So many people nowadays are spoiled by pastors who preach the Word in sermons to crowds. In church, a pastor preaches an entire sermon on one tiny portion of scripture from GOD’s Word. It’s awesome (and a privilege) that we are able to hear the Word through a pastor in such a public display, but a lot of people miss out on the blessings and miracles of GOD because they are too lazy to read the Bible for themselves.

We need to take initiative and read the Bible. The entire Bible. From front to back, from beginning to end. The Bible, after all, is the owner’s manual to our lives. There is so much to learn from GOD’s Word! So, we need to read it and allow GOD to use His words as He would like to in us as we read, rather than us being spoon-fed scriptures as if we were babies who couldn’t handle a big-boy meal of the entire Bible. Let GOD take the reigns — teaching you, knowing you, and changing you from the inside-out. Read the whole book. There are parts in the Bible that GOD will use to teach you something that a pastor wouldn’t think to preach a sermon about. If you don’t read the entire Bible, you will miss out on the wisdom that GOD gave you in the form of that book. The Bible is composed of 66 books that were written over a span of 1,500 years by 40 different authors who lived on three different continents and wrote in three different languages. Don’t settle for a mere sample of this meaty meal!

Many people believe they wouldn’t be able to read the Bible because they wouldn’t be able to relate to it, but I know (from firsthand experience) that is not true. Each of us can find little glimpses of ourselves within the pages of that awe-inspiring book. The people in the Bible are a whole lot like you and I, and a lot of them were far from perfect. Actually, one of the reasons why I love GOD’s Word so much is because it reveals how all of the people who ended up as people of greatness started out as average people that didn’t have much that was special about them, or they were people who made bad decisions until they got saved and turned their lives around. But they became people of greatness because they allowed GOD to work within their lives to transform them and place them into greatness. The Bible records with honesty all of the heinous acts of humanity — even from those who represent GOD! Not even GOD’s faithful followers were exempt from hiding their flaws! And it is the Bible’s honesty and humility to highlight mistakes of mankind that lend credibility to the GOD of Truth. We need to open our eyes, look beyond the surface and into the depth, and see what GOD would have each of us understand about ourselves and about others. There’s much to uncover still; there’s much to discover still. But there’s much that has already been revealed. And it is my duty to share with you all that has been revealed to me.

flavorful feast

GOD’s Word is a flavorful feast — truly exquisite! You should savor each bite, taste every morsel, enjoy it thoroughly, and never want it to end. It’s not a meal to swallow whole (as a pelican or crocodile would do). You don’t ‘eat’ GOD’s Word for the taste either — you ‘eat’ it for the nutrients. GOD’s Word is not to fill your body, it is to provide for your soul. You also shouldn’t rush through the ‘meal’ because you’re in a hurry — “I’ve got places to go, things to do, people to see!” — Calm down! You’ve got eternity to go places, do things, and to see people, but you’ve only got this lifetime for that eternity. And you determine what that eternity will be… Heaven or Hell. So, sit down and enjoy your meal! Don’t be the white rabbit in Wonderland — you’re not late! We’re never late. Unless prevented from completing our journey through life, we always arrive exactly when we’re intended to arrive. Some say it is possible to arrive early, to leave before GOD would have liked us to depart due to unfortunate incidents such as murder or suicide, but for the most part, we arrive when we are intended to arrive because we determine our destination through the means our own freewill. Our own actions determine our path. Again, it’s what we do in this lifetime that determines that eternity.

“Love is the most characteristic and comprehensive act of the human being. We are most ourselves when we love. We are most the people of GOD when we love.” (Eugene H. Peterson)

The Bible is a gift from GOD to us to help us live to our full potential, filled with love. It helps us to see what is truly there and not what appears to be there.

Have you ever looked into a mirror only to realize that you had something disgusting stuck between your teeth? Everything usually seems fine until we step away and take a good look at ourselves — then we see a clear picture which reveals that we have flaws. The Bible reflects who we are and reveals our flaws gently, but also tells us how to overcome and change. It is a very optimistic and encouraging message. GOD is perfect but He will let you know that you have ‘something in your teeth’ gently, without embarrassing you or making you feel stupid. And GOD’s Word will act as a mirror to help you remove the gross stuff from your ‘teeth’ — GOD will guide and direct you. The Bible is GOD’s way of gently helping us remove flaws from our lives while helping us to live better and more fulfilled lives. It is refinement.

GOD can be viewed as your best friend as well as your parent. GOD is love. I want you to think about this now: If you had a friend who constantly asked you for things, asked you to do something for him/her, but that friend never really wanted to listen to you, and never felt like doing anything nice for you, how far would that relationship go? How long would it last? Well, this is what we humans do to GOD all the time! A lot of us only come to GOD when we want something, when we need something, but never just have an open relationship with GOD, never just communicate and talk. Some never give GOD thanks, never stop to merely thank GOD for all the good He has done, is now doing, and the good that He will do. GOD knows us and actually tries to maintain a relationship with us, but it’s kind of hard to do that when we don’t know GOD. It’s especially hard when someone doesn’t want to know GOD. Most of the time, people don’t even attempt to know GOD. Well, the Bible is a great way to learn about GOD and to keep in constant communication with Him. The Bible is like one huge love letter that GOD wrote to us. Relationships are a two-way street. Both directions. Give and receive in order to complete.

On my spare time I love to be a nature photographer. I know the difference between looking and absorbing. I try to visit different beautiful scenic locations as often as I can. While I’m at these places, I usually find that people who arrive after me usually leave before me. And that is because I don’t just look at the beautiful scenery, I absorb it. I stay as long as I can, absorbing the beauty in, and pondering on what makes it so beautiful and how much work was put into making it be so beautiful. To me, certain things are so beautiful because of how detailed they are — so much work, effort, and tender loving care is put in by GOD into all of His creations. I realize that, no matter how great my photography may look from the surface, it isn’t that great at all because that’s all it will ever be — it is only surface level. My photography doesn’t have a 3-D picture beyond the focus of the 2-D photograph. Basically, I merely capture a small portion of a creation that was designed, crafted by the hand of GOD. I take a picture of GOD’s artwork. GOD’s artwork, on the other hand, does have depth to it and there are messages and meanings behind every single seemingly insignificant thing He does. With GOD, there is depth.

But we humans can only merely copy the greatest artist of all time — GOD! Why, Earth itself is a masterpiece artwork created by GOD. Viewed from space, Earth looks like a beautiful masterpiece against a black backdrop. Zoom out far enough and it looks like a mere marble of blue amongst larger marbles (the other planets); however, once you take a closer look and find out what makes Earth so beautiful, you realize just how much detail is involved with it. Wow! And Earth is merely a tiny detail to GOD’s masterpiece called The Universe. There are details layered beneath details, layered beneath details, etc… It’s amazing.

You can think about the Bible in the same way as any other beautiful location, especially the ones that all the tourists typically flock to. You can go to a beautiful scenic location, look at it, take a few pictures, and then head to the gift shop before you go on about your life. Likewise, you can read a sentence or two in the Bible (maybe even a whole verse! Whoa!), and then you could quickly decide what they mean and make a mental check next to them, and then head off to the gift shop so you can purchase your paperweight cross with ‘John 3:16’ engraved on it so you can bring it to work and feel spiritual, or you can spend days and weeks (or even months and years) actually being spiritual by meditating and praying on what a particular passage is truly talking about by chewing on it, reflecting on it, and soaking it in. The Bible has depth to it. It is not just words on a page. Words on a page is mere surface level. The Bible has depth to it. Nothing in GOD’s Word is only surface, there’s always depth as well. We must dig deeper.

Magic Eye Roses

When a man gives a woman flowers because he is in love with her, he is not really giving the woman a floral arrangement. The man is giving the woman his heart. The flowers are symbolic — they symbolize his heart. In this picture, the 2-D image of the roses has a 3-D image of a heart beyond the surface. The heart can be seen in the depth beyond the surface once you change your perspective to look beyond the surface. There is depth to even the smallest actions that have become ritualistic and sometimes redundant. The words in the Bible may appear as roses, but it is actually GOD revealing His heart to us. Beyond the surface is the depth that you have to actually change your focus in order to see. We can take the message of the Bible literally without interpreting its various literary devices in a woodenly literal way.

“Interpretation according to the literal sense will take account of all figures of speech and literary forms found in the text. We distinguish between lyric poetry and legal briefs, between newspaper accounts of current events and epic poems. We distinguish between the style of historical narratives and sermons, between realistic graphic description and hyperbole. Failure to make these distinctions when dealing with the Bible can lead to a host of problems with interpretation.”

-R.C. Sproul

Understanding GOD’s Word requires the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth in the depth beyond the surface. But we have to actually read GOD’s Word to be able to understand GOD’s Word. So, let us stop being spoiled and merely held over for the time being by little snacks from sermons we hear at church and let us dive into the main meal! Not only do we need to read GOD’s Word, but we need to absorb it as well. But we need to be prepared before we begin.


Now, unfortunately for me (when I do photography), in order to even be able to obtain a picture of GOD’s artwork, I have to get as close as I possibly can to the subject I wish to capture, depending upon which lens I happen to have with me at the time. How does one ‘get close’ and/or obtain his/her goal? You must observe, think, study, pray, take action, and then wait in faith — and it must be done in that order, all of them being completed. I’ll give you an example:

I once saw a beautiful bluebird. At the time, I didn’t have a telephoto lens and wasn’t able to zoom in from afar; therefore, I had to get close in order to capture a picture of quality. I couldn’t get close to it — it flew away every time I tried to get near it. I couldn’t get close enough to get a good picture of quality! The closer you get, the more detail of beauty you’re able to capture. I discovered that in order for me to get close enough to photograph that bluebird, I needed to be where it was eventually going to end up. I had already tried to approach it where it was currently at, but that didn’t work because it saw me approaching and then flew away. The only way that I was going to get close was to get the bird to come to me. But how? I observed. I watched that bluebird for several days from a distance, not once bothering it. I then thought about birds and typical bird behavior. I then studied its flight pattern. I noticed that it always did a clockwise circle around my neighborhood, from north to east, south, west, and then back up north again, and always landed on a particular spot on a particular fence. So, I then prayed that GOD would guide His creation to the place that had been revealed to me and then I stood behind a tree (very close distance from ‘the spot’ with a clear view) and waited. I waited… and waited…

But while I waited, I continued to pray and believed in faith that GOD would deliver. After all, if anyone could talk that bluebird into landing on ‘the spot,’ it was its Creator, GOD. I waited there for four (4) hours. Finally, after the four-hour-long wait, that bluebird landed right next to me, right on ‘the spot.” — CLICK! — I took its picture, it was startled, and then flew away. I rejoiced!

I observed, thought, studied, prayed, took action and believed by faith. At the time that I did those steps, I wasn’t aware that I had followed those steps. I didn’t even know that there were essential steps, but I later figured out why I was able to succeed. With patience and dedication I accomplished my goal and obtained the reward for it. Patience and dedication are also required for the Bible. In the same way, you must study it first, then pray about it, and then take action from what you have learned from it. Without application, knowledge is of little value. Once you study GOD’s Word, you study Love and Wisdom. After studying Love and Wisdom, you then pray about it all and receive guidance and direction. And then the final step is to take action and do Love and live Wisdom.


“GOD is foundational for living. There is immense significance in everything that we do. Our speech and our actions and our prayers are all, every detail of them, involved in this vast building operation comprehensively known as the Kingdom of GOD. But we don’t build the foundation. The foundation is given. The foundation is firmly in place.”
-Eugene H. Peterson

“We are never outsiders or spectators to anything in ‘heaven and earth.’ GOD doesn’t work impersonally from space; He works with us where we are, as he finds us.”
-Eugene H. Peterson

I am going to take you on a journey through the Bible and act as a tour guide along the way by digging for depth and sharing with you what I find. But before we go digging in the depth, we need to pray for wisdom and discernment. May GOD equip us, enable us, empower us, enhance us, and advance our understanding in order to be properly aligned with GOD’s will and Word. May we be blessed with discernment and our knowledge and understanding be expanded and our wisdom increased. May lies be exposed and Truth revealed.

And now that we are prepared to take a journey through the Bible, let’s start digging in the depth and study what we find. You may want to read the Bible for yourself (and I suggest you do) as we go along in order to compare notes with me. I’m sure that you will be able to dig up something that I overlooked. Why? Because I’m human and I make mistakes. Because we are all unique and therefore create and generate thoughts differently. Also, GOD’s Word is not just a one-dig operation; it is an excavation that requires diligence. Moreover, it is not a one-person job — teamwork is necessary. It’s like digging for diamonds or sifting through dirt and rocks trying to find gold. You may miss the gold the first time around, so you should read the Bible over and over again. Each time you read GOD’s Word, I guarantee you will find something new. But let’s go through this particular journey together and see what we can dig up.

Start here: Why every Christian needs to read the Bible

And then read this: Should The Bible Be Taken Literally?

Below are quick links to each book of the Bible:

  • Genesis
  • Exodus
  • Leviticus
  • Numbers
  • Deuteronomy
  • Joshua
  • Judges
  • Ruth
  • 1Samuel
  • 2Samuel
  • 1Kings
  • 2Kings
  • 1Chronicles
  • 2Chronicles
  • Ezra
  • Nehemiah
  • Esther
  • Job
  • Psalms
  • Proverbs
  • Ecclesiastes
  • Song of Songs (Song of Solomon)
  • Isaiah
  • Jeremiah
  • Lamentations
  • Ezekiel
  • Daniel
  • Hosea
  • Joel
  • Amos
  • Obadiah
  • Jonah
  • Micah
  • Nahum
  • Habakkuk
  • Zephaniah
  • Haggai
  • Zechariah
  • Malachi
  • How the Old Testament and New Testament relate
  • Matthew
  • Mark
  • Luke
  • John
  • Acts
  • Romans
  • 1Corinthians
  • 2Corinthians
  • Galatians
  • Ephesians
  • Philippians
  • Colossians
  • 1Thessalonians
  • 2Thessalonians
  • 1Timothy
  • 2Timothy
  • Titus
  • Philemon
  • Hebrews
  • James
  • 1Peter
  • 2Peter
  • 1John
  • 2John
  • 3John
  • Jude
  • Revelation

Defending Marriage

First and foremost, may it be known that this argument is a defense of marriage, not an attack on homosexuals. However, in order to defend marriage properly, homosexuality must be addressed. It is my hope to effectively convey my argument with love and respect. I intend to defend the Design of marriage; the layout of my argument is as follows: definition, biology, anthropology, GOD’s Word, why it is important to defend marriage, conclusion, call to action, and finally an invitation.

For Christians like myself, we have only three options by which to live out our beliefs: (1) Speak the truth out from love, (2) feel intimidated and lie so as not to offend, or (3) remain fearful and cower in silence. For me, the first option is the only option. The reason I collected Truth and compiled this argument is because a 13-year old girl (whom I love with all my heart) asked me what I thought about gay people. This teenage girl has questions regarding sexual orientation because our society has allowed pluralism and relativism to inundate our public education systems (here’s an example); consequently, Truth is under attack (as is evident from TIME Magazine’s April 2017 cover and text within). In February 2014, ABC News released an article which stated that they have found there to be 58 different options for one’s gender to be identified. In many other articles by different sources, the number is much higher. One such example of gender identification is “Pangender.” defines Pangender as “noting or relating to a person whose gender identity is not limited to one gender and who may feel like a member of all genders at the same time.” Some people even claim it’s normal or right to have sex with nature or “get off” with nature.

This argument is not intended to address such issues as gender identity — that topic has already been addressed exhaustively in others’ works. The purpose of this argument is to defend marriage and humans’ inherent Design. I am merely responding to a demand for us to approve of something we believe to be wrong. That’s why this is a defense and not an attack. Nowadays, even the most fair, gentle, balanced statement can be labeled as hate speech; however, my belief is not born from bigotry and should not be passed off as prejudice. I can accept a person without approving of that person’s actions. Using critical thinking, it is my hope that I can explain the reasoning behind the belief for the Design of marriage and the necessity to defend the definition of marriage. And before you (the reader) allow yourself to accept the intellectually dishonest claim that “homophobia is the problem,” let us honestly examine what that statement means. The “homophobia” argument is misleading for two reasons:

  1. It implies a phobic condition that the accused person most likely does not truly possess. A phobia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, is defined as “an irrational dread or fear of object or activity, leading to significant avoidance of the dreaded object.” But I do not fear homosexuals nor feel the necessity to avoid such individuals.
  2. The argument prematurely assumes that a negative response to homosexuality can be construed as a phobia. Would it be a prejudice or phobia or could the rejective response simply be conviction and comprehension? There is a difference between belief and bigotry.

I know many people on a personal level who proclaim themselves to be homosexuals and not one of them is a bad human being (in my opinion); in fact, all of them possess good qualities and I would consider them to be my friends. This argument is not against homosexuals; rather, it is for the intended Design of marriage. Marriage is important to defend because the disintegration of the definition of marriage will create at least three catastrophic consequences: (1) the denigration of biblical authority, (2) the sexual exploitation of children, and (3) the loss of a coherent definition of family. Again, I intend to defend the Design of marriage; the layout of my argument is as follows: definition, biology, anthropology, GOD’s Word, why it is important to defend marriage, conclusion, call to action, and finally an invitation.

In order to defend marriage and also encourage the growth of better marriages, we must first know the definition of marriage. Can the undefined be defended? How can we defend what we ourselves do not understand? The ability to articulate the basic truths about marriage is every Christian’s responsibility. Love of GOD demands Truth; love of our neighbor demands action; GOD demands that actions of Truth be spoken through love. The definition of marriage can be found by examining (1) GOD’s Word, (2) biology, and (3) anthropology. However, there is simple and decisive evidence that the “conjugal view” is not peculiar to religion, or to any religious tradition. Even if one rejected GOD, Truth about marriage would still be evident. Ancient thinkers such as Xenophanes, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Musonius Rufus, and Plutarch reached remarkably similar views of marriage. Even in cultures favorable to homoerotic relationships (as in ancient Greece), something akin to the “conjugal view” has prevailed — and nothing like same-sex marriage was even considered.

Marriage should be defined as a covenant between one male and one female, both being of a proper age of maturity that would enable a mutual consent to a lifelong partnership that is designed to unite the two as one in a committed relationship. The union of the two as one should not be detached, divided, disconnected or divorced unless death separates them or the sin of sexual immorality defiles the covenant and creates a chasm between the commitment that would cause division.

What about same-sex marriage? What about marriage equality? Is the definition of marriage discrimination against homosexuals? In short, the definition of marriage does not discriminate against anyone or anything found beyond the boundaries of the definition. A distinction does not mean there’s an unfair discrimination. Exclusion does not equate to discrimination. Truth is absolute and narrowly defined (see the argument on absolute Truth). And what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong (see the argument on moral relativism).


For example, electrical conductivity can provide an analogy to better help us understand the Design. For a copy machine to produce a copy, it must first be connected to power. Its electrical cord has ‘male’ prongs that must be inserted into the ‘female’ outlet holes in order to be connected to the ‘power’ as designed. Without that correct connection, the copy machine will not produce a copy. Likewise, humans are males and females, possess male and female parts, and reproduction will not occur unless the correct connection is established. Of course two males or two females could adopt a child. A same-sex couple could also have medical professionals use the sperm/egg combination from others and legally obtain rights to a child. There are many options that could be used to obtain children; however, those options are only stealing from the Design and therefore concede that the Design is good and necessary. And if you don’t like the cord and outlet analogy, think of magnets. Magnets have two poles: north and south (N & S). Let’s call them male and female (M & F). M attracts F; F attracts M. But M repels M and F repels F. A human can force M & M / F & F together, but it’s not the design and as soon as the human lets go, M will align itself and pair up with F. It’s the Design.


People found outside the defined boundaries of marriage are simply unqualified to exist within the definition. Every definition of marriage excludes someone. For example, many advocates of same-sex marriage think marriage should exclude polygamous and polyamorous couples. Also, almost everyone (thankfully) believes marriage should exclude underage and incestuous couples. If any and every type of relationship should be called marriage, it’s no longer a helpful term. Marriage cannot mean everything or everyone, or else marriage means nothing. Same-sex marriage is not about including those wrongly excluded from an existing institution; it’s about completely recasting and redefining that institution while continuing to use the same name. Redefining marriage would ultimately teach that marriage is about emotional union and cohabitation, without any inherent connections to bodily union or family life. If marriage is centrally an emotional union, rather than one inherently ordered to family life, it becomes much harder to show why the state should concern itself with marriage any more than with friendship.

Same-sex marriage is now legal, but should it be? Same-sex marriage should be legal if marriage is only a way that the government acknowledges feelings of love and affection between people. If that’s all there is to marriage, keeping marriage from same-sex couples would be discrimination. The distinctions made between relationships can either be based on essential qualities or arbitrary qualities. Essential qualities qualify and are essential in order to define.  Disqualifications within definitions does not constitute as discrimination. Truth is absolute and never relative. Truth is narrow and exact, but determining right from wrong is necessary and loving, not hateful.

Why should marriage be defined as being one male and one female? Why not two males or two females? Again, the central issue is the definition of marriage itself. Two males together do not qualify and neither do two females together. If love was the only qualifying prerequisite to marriage, that would open pandora’s box and many problems would arise. If marriage were only about companionship, there would be nothing to distinguish it from other very important, human unions. Is marriage something that’s defined or something that’s described? In other words, is marriage a cultural construct we can redefine at will (such as which side of the road we drive on), or a feature of reality we discover and describe (such as gravity)? The definition of marriage can be discovered and described by examining biology, anthropology, and the Bible.


Natural (in the subjective sense, as in “natural to me”) does not mean right; the created intent for sexual expression must dictate what forms of sexual expression are acceptable. People possess free will and are able to pursue any path they choose; however, we cannot grant their demand that the Design for marriage and family be revised to suit what is natural to them, yet unnatural in fact.

Purpose determines function. What is the purpose of marriage? Love may be a reason to get married, but it is not a function of marriage. One of the functions of marriage between a male and a female is procreation. Because sexual intercourse is the only biological process that leads to procreation, this implies that marriage requires gender diversity. Male and male cannot accomplish this for sperm and sperm cannot unite and form a baby. Female and female cannot procreate because egg and egg cannot unite and form a baby. Only the combination of male and female (sperm and egg) can produce offspring. Husband/wife marriages begin the families that are the building blocks of civilization. Severing the tie between marriage and children compromises the role marriage plays in securing the future of a culture and furthers the destructive notion that marriage is just about furthering personal happiness. But happiness is merely pleasure without purpose. Plus, it obscures that one function of marriage that clearly demonstrates why marriage requires a male and a female. It is the coordination toward a single end that makes the union; achieving the end would deepen the union but is not necessary for it. It’s not that the relationship of marriage and the comprehensive good of rearing children always go together. It is that, like a ball and socket, they fit together. It is the Design.

Another function of male and female marriage is to regulate sexuality and confine the act of sexual intercourse to the husband and wife. By regulating sexual intercourse within the confines of marriage drastically reduces or nearly eliminates the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Further, by regulating sexual intercourse within the confines of marriage, it enables a happier and healthier committed and relationship between parents; consequently, children have happier and healthier parents.

Another function of marriage between a male and a female is to ensure that a child gets from both parents the attention, care and provision he/she requires until young adulthood is reached. Both father and mother influence their children in different and essential ways that are necessary for healthy child development. If male and female are essential to bring different perspectives, skills, insights and wisdom to your work environment, how much more is that needed for the family and home environment?

It may be argued that homosexuality is inborn and must therefore be considered normal; however, what is inborn may be common but not normal. Again, we must compare existence of something to the intended Design of that something. Consider the following examples: deaf, blind, down syndrome, vitiligo, tetra amelia syndrome, cleft lip, autism, cystic fibrosis, cancer, or conjoined twins. All of the aforementioned could be argued that there’s nothing anyone can do to change who they are; however, who they are has little or nothing to do with what they do. Behavior can change even if people themselves remain relatively the same. Thus, “born this way” cannot justify sinful behavior that needs to be controlled in the majority of all situations. I concede that there exists a number of mentally challenged people who have little or no control over certain behaviors, but those people represent the exception to the original Design and not the rule. The Design is not redefined due to the rare exceptions. Abnormalities are only known to be such due to the awareness of what is normal; one cannot know what an abnormality is without first knowing what is normal. Common does not equate to normal; a defect, disorder or disfunction can be common, but should not be considered normal.

A number of unhealthy tendencies seem to be inborn; however, inborn does not indicate what is healthy or natural. In 2002, Dr. Redford Williams of Duke University said evidence of an “anger gene” had been found. In 2004, the Journal of Neuroscience released findings linking a gene to alcohol addiction. In 2011, an analysis of 54 studies indicated existence of a “depression gene.” And in 2015, Dr. Richard Friedman asserted that there may be an “infidelity gene” and that the tendency of lustful looks are not our fault. It may be true that all these conditions are inborn; however, it is absurd to accept them as healthy or normal. Our desires should never guide us. True direction comes from the compass of Christ-centered conviction. Orientation to homosexuality may be a desire someone possesses, but it is not the intended Design. Orientation to pedophilia is also an inclination that was never intended yet exists. Inborn tendencies should not be considered to be legitimized and healthy behaviors. If everything inborn is good, how do we account for birth defects?


Start at the beginning and recognize a cluster of facts: humans are social; they live in groups. They strongly seek to reproduce. They are sexually embodied. They carry out sexual (not asexual) reproduction. They devised an institution to link male and female and raise children. It is not just coincidence or tradition that marriage has at all times and in all societies been a relationship between men and women. The concept of same-sex marriage never occurred until recent times because it was a contradiction in terms. In the proper definition of marriage, both spouses are held accountable for any children produced by their sexual relationship. By recognizing and promoting marriage, the community makes it more likely that when a baby is born a mother and father will be around.

Numerous studies over an extended period of time and with multiple researchers demonstrates that children fare better when cared for by their biological mothers and fathers. A 2008 report published by the Witherspoon Institute entitled “Marriage and the Public Good: Ten Principles” summarizes this data. In addition, an exhaustive study of all research compiled in a 120-page report on same-sex parenting and adoption revealed that children who live with married moms and dads show, on average, advantage in literacy and graduation rates, emotional health, family and sexual development, and behavior as both adults and as children. In the right design of marriage, married adults become practiced at thinking about others. This curbs the urge for immediate gratification relationally, sexually and financially. Children raised in this environment learn that commitment should not be taken lightly.

The Bible: 

If the biblical testimony requires us to conclude that marriage belongs to the state to define it in whatever way it pleases, then so be it. But if the biblical testimony identifies marriage as belonging primarily to GOD and not established by the state but recognized by it, that’s another matter altogether. Christians should know what the Bible says about something as important to the human experience as marriage and sexuality. If GOD’s Word is purposefully disregarded in specific areas, thus creating blank spaces where direction was previously provided, an ancient sin is revived in which compromised obedience to GOD in one area cripples respect for GOD’s Word in other — perhaps all — areas of life and conduct. Compromise begets compromise. So what does GOD’s Word say about marriage?

There is a Design and an absolute standard for which everything should be based and judged. Marriage is for one male and one female; the two will become one. The two in marriage must remain faithful to each other. The monogamous male-female union, introduced in Genesis, is the only model of sexual behavior consistently praised in both Old and New Testaments.

(Genesis 1:27-28; 2:18,23-24; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Deuteronomy 17:17; Malachi 2:14-16; Matthew 19:4-6; Romans 1:26-27; 1Corinthians 6:9-10; 7:2; 1Timothy 1:9-10; 3:2,12)

Many people within the apostasy of which we now live– specifically the “Progressive Christianity” movement– publicly proclaim lies about GOD’s Word, such as Leviticus 18:22 saying that pedophilia is wrong, not homosexuality. But that is a blatant boldfaced lie which comes directly from Satan. Leviticus 18:22, in Hebrew, says you shall not lie with זָכָר [zakar] (zaw-kawr’), which means “male,” as you would with אִשָּׁה [ishshah] (ish-shaw’), which means “woman.” This pertains specifically to gender, not age. In Hebrew, a boy or young man is the word יֶלֶד [yeled] (yeh’-led), such as the little boy Naomi nursed in Ruth 4:16. And יַלְדָּה [yaldah] (yal-daw’) means “girl.” (Compare Joel 3:3 and Zechariah 8:5 to see the difference.) The ancient and eternal Word of GOD in this matter is clear: GOD’s design for sexual relation is one male and one female. And both biology and anthropology affirm this to be true.

(Matthew 19:4-6)
4 And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning [
746] made them male [730] and female [2338], 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man [444] shall leave his father [3962] and mother [3384] and be joined [2853] to his wife [1135], and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together [4801], let no man separate.”

Beginning [746] = arche (ar-khay’), from archomai (ar’-khom-ahee), which means through the implication of precedence, to commence; in order of time, to begin. Thus, arche means from the beginning. When was that? Genesis. The English title “Genesis” comes from the Septuagint (the pre-Christian Greek translation of the Pentateuch) and means “origin” or “beginning,” which is an apt title because Genesis is all about origins, or the beginning. In fact, the first phrase in the Hebrew text of Genesis 1:1 means “in the beginning” [7225].

father [3962] = pater (pat-ayr’)

mother [3384] = meter (may’-tare)

Why is father and mother important? Father is male; mother is female. Jesus affirms the original design from the beginning. What is this design? Male and female are to be joined together as one.

joined [2853] = kollao (kol-lah’-o), which means to be joined together, glued, or cemented, becoming one, bonded together, now inseparable.

joined together [4801] = suzeugnumi (sood-zyoog’-noo-mee), which is a compounded word from sun (soon) and zeugos (dzyoo’-gos). The word sun means with or together, denoting union. The word zeugos indicates a couple as oxen would be yoked together. Thus, the word means a union of two who become yoked together. And in proper context, this means that a male and female become yoked together and become a union, working together as one.

Therefore, Jesus Himself affirms the original design for any marriage as being one male and one female — it has been this way since the beginning. And basic biology confirms this to be true.

(Romans 1:26-27)
26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading [
819] passions [3806]; for their women exchanged the natural [5446] function for that which is unnatural [3844; 5449], 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural [5446] function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent [808] acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error [4106].”

degrading [819] = atimia (at-ee-mee’-ah), from atimos (at’-ee-mos), which means without honor; there is no honor present to even lower. The word atimia means to lower down from a place of honor and signifies shame and disgrace because of the move away from honor.

passion [3806] = pathos (path’-os), which means an affection of the mind which stimulates a passionate desire. Used by the Greeks of either good or bad desires; however, it is always used to describe bad desires in the New Testament. In proper context, this passionate desire is one of lust and that’s why it is a dishonorable passion.

natural [5446] = phusikos (foo-see-kos’), which means according to nature, governed by natural instincts, such as in nature itself where nature produces, germinates, pollinates, sprouts, and brings forth new life. In context, this refers to the female naturally needing the male’s seed in order to produce. And this is why male and female is according to nature and is the natural design.

Unnatural [3844; 5449] = para phusis (par-ah’ foo’-sis), which means against nature, contrary to nature, or opposed to nature, which will not bring forth or produce. In other words, it is a blatant rebellion against GOD’s command to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:22,28; 8:17; 9:1,7).

Indecent [808] = aschemosune (as-kay-mos-oo’-nay), which does mean indecent or unseemliness, but also means nakedness and shame as we see the same word used in Revelation 16:15.

Error [4106] = plane (plan’-ay), which is a wandering away from Truth and/or morality. It is akin to planao (plan-ah’-o) in a wandering and forsaking of the right path (see James 5:20), whether in doctrine (2Peter 3:17; 1John 4:6), or in morals (2Peter 2:18; Jude 1:11); though, in Scripture, doctrine and morals link together. In fact, errors in doctrine are not infrequently the effect of relaxed morality, and vice versa.

Altogether in proper context, a male acting on degrading lust-filled passion for another male is unnatural just as a female with female is unnatural. And so again, the original design of a male and female is affirmed.

(1Corinthians 6:9-10)
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [
3120], nor homosexuals [733], 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.”

effeminate [3120] = malakos (mal-ak-os’), which means soft, effeminate, a male who dresses and/or acts as a female. Voluptuous. It could even refer to a catamite— a boy kept for homosexual practices.

homosexual [733] = arsenokoites (ar-sen-ok-oy’-tace), which is a compound of the word arsen (ar’-sane), which means male or man, and the word koite (koy’-tay), which primarily means “a place for lying down.” It also means the marriage bed and is used in reference to cohabitation and sexual intercourse. Thus, arsenokoites does mean a homosexual or a sodomite, which is a male who lies with a male as with a female. And that is the exact condemnation as it is written in Leviticus 18:22.

(1Corinthians 7:2)
“But because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband.”

(1Timothy 1:9-10)
9 realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers 10 and immoral men and homosexuals [
733] and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching”

(1Timothy 3:2)
“An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach”

(1Timothy 3:12)
“Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households.”

What about homosexuality in the animal kingdom? Doesn’t homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom prove it is natural? Well… are you a mere animal or are you a human being created in the image of GOD (Genesis 1:26-27)? Should the actions of animals really be imitated? Animals often murder other animals for nothing more than territorial issues. There have been several documented incidents where an animal murders another animal and doesn’t even eat it. Even for those that protect their own kind, do they love thy neighbor? Do they love their enemies? Some animals eat their young, but that doesn’t mean we should be cannibals. Dogs eat their own vomit. Not a good behavior to emulate (Proverbs 26:11; 1Peter 2:22). Some insects devour their partners after mating — please don’t do that. We simply cannot use animal behavior as a basis for morality or to justify our sinful desires. In fact, in most cases animals are the examples of what not to do (Psalm 49:20; 2Peter 2:12). Animals are unable to sin because they don’t have a mind capable of accountability nor do they have the moral law written on their hearts as humans do (Psalm 40:8; Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26; Romans 2:15; 2Corinthians 3:3; Hebrews 8:10). Morality is objective. Without the absolute moral standard, everything would be mere preference and nothing could be wrong. Logic proves that moral relativism is absolutely absurd. We are not mere animals and we will be held accountable for our actions (Revelation 20:11-15).

So, can a gay person go to Heaven? I’m going to rephrase the question based on who GOD says we are. So, can human beings created in the image of GOD go to heaven even though they struggle with temptations? Yes! That’s the beauty of the Gospel! This is not homo vs hetero or us vs them ordeal. We all struggle with temptations. We’re all sinners who fall short of the glory of GOD. Is homosexual activity a sin? Yes. Stop trying to justify your sins. But you know what else is a sin? Adultery, divorce, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. The sad truth is that a lot of straight people are heading straight toward Hell. The good news is that our temptations don’t have to determine our direction and ultimate destination. So, how do sinful humans get to heaven? We repent, confess our sins, admit that we are incapable of saving ourselves, confess Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, and place our trust in His finished work, get baptized in the Holy Spirit, and continue our process of sanctification while faithfully living out GOD’s Word in obedience. And through this process of sanctification, the Holy Spirit will produce fruit through us. But to answer your question, yes— a person who struggles with same-sex attraction can go to heaven because we don’t have to act on our temptations. In fact, we’re called to flee our temptations. GOD will give us our escape route. We just need to follow His lead.

In Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus said that in the beginning, they were created male and female. In addition, Jesus said that a man will leave his father and mother and will become one with his wife. Marriage was clearly identified as a union between a male and a female. Furthermore, Jesus specifically mentioned father and mother. Why? Because father is male and mother is female. No living thing, until GOD made woman, was capable of becoming one flesh with the man. In Genesis 2:18, GOD pronounced the absence of woman as being “not good” because it left man alone and incapable of accomplishing GOD’s purposes for humanity in His world. Scripture conveys marriage as being closely tied to procreation (biology confirms this).

Marriage is an institution created by GOD for unique and particular purposes. These purposes are evident even if GOD’s existence is denied. In light of the way GOD originally made the world, we can better see human relationships in the larger context of what GOD intended them to be. Only in recent decades has there been any sort of attempt to argue that the Bible does not expressly condemn sexual relationships of every kind outside the context of marriage. Jesus grounded His ideas about marriage in what we might call “GOD’s created intent.” The world in which we now live is not the way it was supposed to be. Homosexuality is an unnatural condition that GOD never intended, but which exists as one of many manifestations of fallen human nature. Just as a junkyard is not the best place to learn how to build cars, so too our corrupt culture, fallen and sinful society, and personal preferences aren’t the best place to learn how to build marriages. Junkyards usually reveal what comes of a creation when it is not properly cared for; the damage is evident.

Something or someone can exist without being aligned with the Design. What is common is not necessarily what is normal. Tetra-Amelia syndrome, for example, is not the Design; however, it exists. Cancer is common; however, it is not the Design and is not normal. Homosexuality is common; however, that orientation is not the Design and is not normal. Being born deaf or blind is not the Design; however, that happens. But should we despise or hate the abnormality of the person? Absolutely not. If you would not hate a person who has autism, you should not hate a person who is homosexual. They are both human beings. A sane and rational person would not hate someone for being blind; likewise, a sane and rational person would not hate a homosexual. Most people are fortunate enough to be born into the normal Design; however, some people are not.

GOD’s original intended Design was perfect; however, in a fallen world, humans continue to make choices that produce consequences that result in humans existing out of alignment. Rust is the privation of metal. Rot is the privation of wood. Cold is the privation of heat. Darkness is the privation of light. Hatred is the privation of love. Evil is the privation of GOD (objective moral standard). Though a person may be out of alignment, there is never a reason to hate a person who is out of alignment; in fact, a person out of alignment provides the need for love that can serve as an invitation back into alignment. We also do not have the authority to make the final judgement on those who willfully remain out of alignment or those who simply don’t have a means to be in alignment; however, Jesus did give us authority to preach GOD’s Word and only what GOD’s Word declares. We cannot tell others whether or not they are going to Heaven or Hell, but we have been given authority to remind others what is right and to share GOD’s Word. My opinion doesn’t matter, but we must not dismiss GOD’s Word. We are to never alter Truth to accommodate personal preference, desire, or sin. You can accept a person without agreeing with that person’s actions. You can disagree with someone and still love that person.

In John 9, you will find that Jesus healed a man who had been born blind. His disciples asked Jesus why that man had been born blind; they asked if he had sinned or if his parents had sinned. The disciples [wrongly] assumed that the blindness was GOD’s wrath against sin. Jesus responded:

“’It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,’ Jesus answered. ‘This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.’ ”
(John 9:3) -NLT

GOD has a plan. GOD’s wisdom is beyond our own comprehension (see Isaiah 55:8-9) and His Plan obviously involves loving others so that others will see the power of GOD. Nick Vujicic is a solid example of GOD’s power presented through those who don’t live within The Design. But then again… GOD is in control. GOD allows certain things to happen so that at the end of it all, the evidence will add up to either our guilty or innocent verdict. Do you not realize that this life is training for the next? Despite the abnormalities that exist here and now, GOD’s power and love will be revealed in Heaven when we are restored to our intended design. As Christians, we have but three duties:

  1. Love GOD
  2. Love others
  3. Preach the Gospel.

(3-a) Continue to love others – even if they refuse the Truth.

Is homosexuality the Design? No. But how are we to treat those who do not live within the Design? Are we not called to love them? Yet it is also our duty to speak the Truth. So how are we to handle situations such as these? GOD’s Word has the answer:

“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”
(Ephesians 4:15-16) -NLT

“Make sure no outsider who now follows God ever has occasion to say, ‘God put me in second-class. I don’t really belong.’ And make sure no physically mutilated person is ever made to think, ‘I’m damaged goods. I don’t really belong.’ ”
(Isaiah 56:3) –MSG

Why Is It Important To Defend Marriage?:

Law tends to shape beliefs; beliefs shape behavior; beliefs and behavior affect human interests and human well-being. As we deprive marriage policy of definite shape, we deprive it of public purpose. The logic of rejecting the conjugal conception of marriage thus leads, by way of formlessness, toward pointlessness. Consider the following example by Maggie Gallagher:

“There is no reason in the world why we — or the law — cannot redefine ‘cat’ to mean ‘furry, domestic animal with four legs and a tail.’ Defining ‘cat’ in this way has certain advantages. It reveals the deep underlying similarities for example between those two formerly opposite classifications: ‘dog’ and ‘cat.’ Not to mention ‘gerbil,’ ‘rabbit,’ and ‘guinea pig.’ What is lost in redefining ‘cat’ in this way? Well, there is one little thing: we now no longer have a word that means ‘cat.’ If we want to speak to each other about cats, we will either have to invent a new term, and hope it will still communicate the full valence of the old word (rich with historic associations and symbolic over-tones), or we will have to do without a word for ‘cat’ at all. One might reasonably foresee, without charting all the particular specific mechanisms, that it might become harder to communicate an idea for which we no longer have any word.”

If we change the definition of a word, multiple other associated words would need to change as well. If you change the meaning of the word, you change the thing itself. Extending marriage to same-sex couples leaves us without a word for that unique relationship that has always been called marriage, whether in the Bible, from biology, or known throughout human history from anthropology. Changing the definition of marriage is an attempt to alter history in addition to the future.

Think about the abortion debate. Are opponents of abortion considered “pro-life” or “anti-choice” (or anti-woman, or anti-reproductive health, or religious fundamentalists)? Are proponents of abortion “pro-choice” or “pro-abortion” (or anti-life, or pro-murder, or godless secularists)? Is abortion a health-care issue, the elimination of tissue, or the taking of an innocent life? Words matter. (See my argument against abortion for my answer on this debate.)

Because words do matter, many people rely upon ‘experts’ to provide definitions of what is or what is not acceptable. The irony is that Truth is never to be considered absolute unless it benefits those who are attempting to alter Truth and change definitions. Why would an ‘expert’ make matters more definitive if Truth is relative? Who is an ‘expert’ anyway? Isn’t an ‘expert’ a mere human being who was simply dedicated to obtaining documentation from what could have been a biased educational institute? Would, then, an ‘expert’ be defined as someone who was committed to a cause for a specified amount of time? But should a commitment to a cause determine the ‘expert’ title? Wasn’t Dr. Josef Mengele committed to a cause? Wasn’t he committed to that cause for a long time? But was that cause right? By whose standards is right to be judged? Was Hitler’s cause based on the foundation of Truth? A true expert is one who knows Truth and lives by Truth in a commitment to the absolute moral standard of righteousness.

Redefining marriage redefines family and parenthood; however, multiple studies have already concluded that children fare better with both mother and father. The answer to family problems is to correct the problems, not redefine the family. What is marriage, then, if not the institution it’s always been? What defines it, if not essential characteristics like permanence, exclusivity and procreation? If marriage is simply defined by affection and companionship, then what would stop pedophiles from claiming discrimination? The truth is that the pedophile movement could not have made significant gains (like it has) if the gay-rights movement hadn’t paved the way by challenging the definition of marriage and restrictions on sexual behavior. In fact, the points that ‘experts’ made about homosexuality 40 years ago are the same points that are now being made regarding pedophilia. These points include the following:

  1. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association asserts that a pedophile has a diagnosable condition only if the person feels bad or anxious about what that person is doing. After all, it is believed by many that pedophilia is not a choice, it is simply the orientation that natural exists.
  2. William Pomeroy, formerly of the Alfred Kinsey Research Team, told Citizen magazine that adult/child sex can be “wonderful and beautiful,” adding that the only downside is that the consequences society applies against such behavior “can be absolutely horrendous.”
  3. According to Dr. John Money and many other advocates, pedophilia should be viewed as a sexual orientation, not a disease or a disorder.
  4. Many advocates of pedophilia believe that adult/child sexual relationships can be healthy, affirming, loving, thoughtful, and responsible way of life.

And if human beings are to be ‘fair’ to each other, how will it be possible to permit marriage to some and exclude others? At what point will tolerance topple Truth and take over? I say that it already has begun. The foundation has already crumbled and we are in the fall. The approval of same-sex marriages has already started the domino effect. Think about it. Why couldn’t a woman marry her dog that she loves? Some say that’s too far, but would it be? Once laws are changed for some, it becomes a violation against those who have not yet been included. Those who are not included cry out terms such as “discrimination,” “intolerance,” “hatred,” “bigotry,” and even “injustice.” But even if marriage remains to be between people only, why couldn’t brother and sister get married? Why can’t a 34-year old male marry a 13-year old female? Many cry out, “How can love be wrong?” But where is the line between right and wrong? The approval of one previously taboo practice paves the way and makes room for approval of the next, more serious taboo. Once Truth becomes relative, right is only in the sight of the beholder and consequences become obsolete. Happiness becomes their god and they sacrifice everyone for the sake of self.

At a practical level, redefining marriage based on the sincerity of a couple’s commitment or the depth of their affection disconnects marriage from procreation and family. And if not tied to procreation, why limit it to a couple? What if three people share a sincere commitment and deep affections? In the same name of fairness, marriage would have to be extended to consenting polygamous and polyamorous couples. Nor could marriage be restricted from incestuous couples, deeply committed friends, or those who believe pedophilia to be right. In this view, it’s difficult to see why any committed group of persons should be left out of marriage. Also, transgenderism has been making headlines in recent years and being forced into public schools. Children (influenced by indoctrination) are being allowed to proclaim their own identity without being of a mature age that would enable them to make such an informed and responsible decision. So if a child is supposedly mature enough to proclaim that he is actually a she (or vice versa), why wouldn’t that same child also be mature enough to proclaim that he/she is in love with a much older person? If that were so, marriage would be forced to also extend to that couple who shares affection with each other, thus granting marriage rights to those who believe pedophilia to be right.


Don’t think it could happen? Think again. It’s like Fair Housing laws. Once we allow for one, we must allow for all. But is that right? My argument is no  – it is wrong. It’s wrong because the definition should not be changed; the definition should not be changed because the Design has not changed.



To use hate as an excuse to dismiss the increasingly sophisticated arguments for traditional marriage is intellectually dishonest and cowardly, and it is a textbook example of the logical fallacy known as ad hominem (attacking the character or motivations of those presenting the arguments instead of dealing with their arguments). Claiming discrimination assumes a new definition of marriage as proof for the new definition. It’s circular reasoning.

Marriage “equality,” as this is being called, is illogical when examining the definition of marriage. The equality of all persons does not equal the equality of all lifestyles or all relationships. For example, the mere fact that all persons are created equal does not mean that polygamy, ancestral marriage, or pedophilia ought therefore to be made legal. We cannot move logically from the equality of persons to the equality of actions, choices, lifestyles, or relationships. It simply does not follow.


Marriage offers the world a picture of the fidelity, commitment and love that GOD has for His people. As created, marriage enabled male and female to reflect GOD’s image together. As redeemed, marriage reflects Christ’s love for the Church. Marriage, when properly practiced, brings security and stability to a society that no other relationship can bring. Redefining marriage is unnecessary, unreasonable, and contrary to the common good. Marriage will always be what marriage was created to be, regardless of what activists, judges, runaway legislatures or majority of voters decide. In a world that continues to disregard GOD and practice unrighteousness, we must not conform, but be transformed by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:1-2), align ourselves in GOD’s will and rise above. If we have to choose between obedience to GOD and obedience to any human authority, then we must obey GOD (Acts 4:19-20; 5:29).

Because the one male and one female of a proper age of maturity is a created normalcy, it trumps all cultural or personal attempts to alter it. Truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally. We simply must not meet a legitimate need in an illegitimate way. Humans can cover up Truth; however, Truth can never be erased and will one day be known. All that is concealed will eventually be revealed (Job 12:22; Daniel 2:22;  Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17; 12:3).

Call To Action:

GOD commands us to speak the Truth out from love (Ephesians 4:15). GOD also commands us to humble ourselves (Psalms 22:26; James 4:10; 1Peter 5:5-7) and confess our sins to one another so that we may be saved (James 5:16; 1John 1:9).

In terms of cultural significance, silence either signifies irrelevance or complete victory. To not offer any guidance on same-sex marriage to the next generation is a dereliction of duty. We cannot remain silent on such an important issue such as marriage; however, we must speak the truth out from love.

May it be known that our responsibility is bigger than merely fighting against same-sex marriage; our responsibility is to fight for marriage. Failed marriages burden innocent bystanders, including children and ultimately all society. This means that we need to humble ourselves and confess our sins regarding marriage. Marriage is not what it should be in the present because marriage has been taken for granted in the past. How can we boldly proclaim the importance of marriage when the sins of heterosexual natural design marriage have been swept under the rug? We are guilty! We must confess our own sins and correct the situation! As Christians, the only way to defend marriage is to defend marriage from all that is attacking it.

What has been attacking marriage for years? Unreasonable expectations, promiscuity (see “Sex Matters” article) and attachment to wrong people, adultery, pornography (see my argument against pornography), abuse, and divorce! It is estimated there is one divorce every 13 seconds! That’s over 46,000 divorces a week! It is also estimated that divorce alone costs local, state, and federal government $33 billion each year! For these reasons and much more, GOD hates divorce. We need to stand up and speak out for the truth and good of marriage! But ignorance to GOD’s design for marriage is evident. Those who do not understand and cannot articulate the meaning of marriage will either be unwilling or unable to stand against that which compromises it. Marriage must be both taught and portrayed as an institution that is bigger than our desires, whims, feelings and affections. If we are to defend marriage from same-sex marriage, we must honestly acknowledge and confess our own failings about sex and marriage. Like it or not, same-sex marriage exists because heterosexuals did not live in alignment with GOD’s design for marriage; consequently, the beauty of marriage had been pulled through the mud and made to look unappealing and open to subjection. Yes — it’s our fault. Are you ready to accept responsibility for the damage we have done? I am.

“Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but don’t notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself don’t see the log in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the log out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck in your brother’s eye.”
(Luke 6: 41-42)

The most important question is not “What are we going to do about same-sex marriage?” It is “What are we going to do for marriage?” Marriage of one male and one female of a proper mature age is unquestionably a beautiful union of two who become one. However, we (heterosexuals) have become our own worst enemy because we have been neglecting GOD’s design for marriage for years. Too often, homosexuality is singled out as “what’s wrong with America” while other sexual sins get to slide with a free pass. This is wrong. There is no path forward to building a strong marriage culture that does not begin with a revival of GOD’s people to His design for marriage. We must focus on getting our own houses in order before trying to correct those outside the Church. If our light shines bright, those living in the darkness will notice and will be attracted toward the light. The way out of distress is not, in the first instance, via political change, but by repentance, leading to revival and renewal.

If we are truly aware of how much we have been forgiven, we will have more compassion for homosexual people. This does not mean an approval of homoerotic behavior; rather, it simply means to accept them for who they are and to be empathetic toward them and the battle they struggle against. I have interviewed many people who proclaim themselves to be homosexual and read many more testimonies others have written. I personally do not believe their orientation to be a choice any more than it is my choice to be attracted to anyone I might lust after. But we need to understand that the lust is not a must.

“A thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me so I would not exalt myself. Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.”
(2Corinthians 12:7-9) -HCSB

Like Paul and many other people, I also suffer from “a thorn in the flesh.” Like Paul, I have prayed fervently, desperately, with frustration, anger, or even tears on multiple occasions for GOD to take away this “thorn” in my flesh. But just as GOD did not take away Paul’s “thorn,” neither has GOD removed mine. People are sometimes wired differently and there ends up being a glitch in what would otherwise be a normal development. Most people are fortunate enough to be born into the normal Design; however, some people are not. Whatever degree of ‘construction’ and ‘nurture’ had conspired with genetic or chemical or hormonal hardwiring to produce my sexual orientation, I have not been able to change my orientation regardless of my spiritual growth. Logic is able to lead us to Truth, but logic cannot fight the battles of emotions we face. We all have our battles we must fight. Some of us have desires that must go unfulfilled that bring us to feel lonely, alienated, isolated, rejected, and fearful of always being alone with brokenness to feel like damaged goods and unloved. I initially believed that by ignoring my “thorn,” it would eventually go away and thereby make my depression go away. That didn’t work. Ignoring is not the path to redeeming. To overcome it, I had to confess it, confront it, and conquer it (with GOD’s help).

As long as we think we are better, or overlook our own sins of pride, gluttony, gossip, greed, lust, sloth, envy, or wrath, we will be unable to truly love homosexual people (and really all people) with the love Jesus wants us to demonstrate. Recognizing the depth of our own sin will help us be more gracious with others. We all struggle and not one of us is without sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:10). Repentance enables us to speak and act in truth and love. The church is to be the safe place where everyone can share each other’s burdens and collectively conquer while overcoming temptation.

The sins we now face challenge us because we invited them in and allowed them to flourish. How did we get to this point? Why is it necessary to defend marriage? In October 2005, wildlife researchers with the South Florida Natural Resources Center found a dead 13-foot python with a 6-foot alligator inside it, with its tail protruding from a hole in the python. The alligator had been the python’s last meal, but the python’s desire proved to be larger than life and it simply wasn’t able to handle all that it desired. What about us? Are our eyes bigger than our bellies? How did we get here? Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956), Mary Calderone (1904-1998), Hugh Hefner (1926-?), the Mattachine Society (1950) and Daughters of Bilitis organization (1955), the swingers and hippies of the 1960’s, no-fault divorce law of 1969, Stonewall riots (1969), Roe vs Wade (1973), American Psychiatric Association deleted homosexuality from its list of disorders (1973), Madonna (1958-?), Lawrence vs Texas (2003), acceptance and growth of pornography (see my argument against pornography), the entertainment industry, the advertisement industry, and the avalanche of advocates for all that is abhorrent have all slowly (see my argument, “Subtle”) added up to the current corruption of culture within a sin-filled society defined by sex and lust rather than love (see my argument, “What Are You Creating?”). There was Proposition 8 of 2010, and then eventually, on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court overruled GOD’s Word and redefined the definition of marriage and ruled that homosexual marriage be legal in all states. And this of course, is now leading to acceptance of other taboos such as polygamy, polyandry, incest, and pedophilia.

What has it all amounted to? It has all led to people who are now callous, desensitized, and rebellious. Should we tolerate tolerance? The slow changes never caused concern nor set off any alarms. The changes were slow enough that they were accepted and integrated, bit by bit, piece by piece. With expansion came clout and, more importantly, the power of persuasion. We have become desensitized and overly sexualized. We have let go of love and set aside the absolute moral standard.

In 1899, P. J. Conlon wrote for Monthly Journal of the International Association of Machinists that “[people] believe everything they see in the newspapers. If the newspaper says the sky is painted with green chalk that is what goes. Verily, I say unto you, the public is a hot mess.”

Many people who call themselves progressive don’t realize how archaic they actually are. People still believe what the media tells them to believe and then they paint over Truth with their preferred color arrangement and imagery and believe they have made a substantial change. A “hot mess” isn’t something new either. But unlike its original meaning, people have painted it over with an arrogant and ignorant idea that someone who is a mess can be sexy and that somehow warrants being desired. Altering Truth to accommodate personal preference doesn’t push progress; rather, it holds us back. We must separate feelings from facts. We must not allow emotion to direct our reasoning; rather, we need to find the reason for the emotion. Social change and personal experiences are relevant, but they don’t determine Truth. Archaeologists unearth remarkable relics that testify to Truth. What if the bystanders threw the dirt back in the pit as the archaeologists were attempting to dig the Truth out? That’s not progress. And neither is the painting of personal preferences over GOD’s Word.

People can be sincere, yet sincerely wrong. Their sincerity doesn’t make their wrong to be right, nor does their wrongness prove they are insincere. To be both is not only possible, it’s painfully common. But again, what is common should not always be considered normal. If you examine the big picture, it is evident that we have swallowed too much sin. We need to purge ourselves of the poisonous sin we have consumed before it’s too late. Like the python that died by swallowing a thrashing alligator, we are choking on our own choices of too much sin. We have swallowed the serpent’s sin and accepted the adversary’s advice because it was labeled as “fun.” We are choking on our desires. It’s not too late! We can still turn this around! But we must heed the warnings and repent! We the people are made in the image of GOD; male and female united together is the image of marriage; marriage is the image of the covenant of Christ and Church; and the covenant is the image of love between GOD and His creation. If we defile marriage, we defy GOD. Please remember that an increase of deception and an abandonment of Truth for the sake of personal preferences, desires, and sins is a sign of the end times (2Timothy 3:1-9; 4:3-4).

The origin of hypocrisy is in the inability to see yourself clearly. Before GOD’s Word is used as a telescope or microscope to reveal others’ sins, it must first be a mirror for yourself. Are we to ignore conviction to accommodate convenience and comfort?  I spent years confessing my sins and battling and overcoming my shortcomings. I’m not perfect right now, but I currently believe myself to be in alignment with GOD’s will. What do you need to repent of right now? How have you personally defied GOD by denying the covenant Design of marriage? It is true that homosexuality is not in alignment with the Design, but neither is promiscuousness, sex outside of marriage, adultery, or divorce.

“Some Pharisees approached [Jesus] to test Him. They asked, ‘Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on any grounds?’ ‘Haven’t you read,’ He replied, ‘that He who created them in the beginning made them male and female,’ and He also said: ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, man must not separate.’ ‘Why then,’ they asked Him, ‘did Moses command us to give divorce papers and to send her away?’ He told them, ‘Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because of the hardness of your hearts. But it was not like that from the beginning. And I tell you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.’ ”
(Matthew 19:3-9)

“If we say, ‘We have no sin,’ we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say, ‘We don’t have any sin,’ we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.”
(1John 1:8-10) -HCSB

Christ frees us from the power of sin (Romans 6:14) as we become new beings in Him (2Corinthians 5:17). By this we are certain that any sin condemned in Scripture can be overcome by GOD’s grace. We can believe something to be wrong and repent, yet still be tempted toward it. But sinful acts can be stopped. Temptations may stop, though usually not completely; however, temptations often decrease in power when righteousness is practiced. Temptations, to whatever extent they remain, can be resisted and do not need to define the individual. If behavior, self-identification, relational patterns, and general spiritual and emotional well-being have increased, then the individual has changed. The Bible never guarantees that renunciation of sin will prevent future temptation; however, the individual is promised the ability to resist temptations the may come:

“So, whoever thinks he stands must be careful not to fall. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.”
(1Corinthians 10:12-13)

GOD has not taken my “thorn” away, but Jesus took the crown of thorns for us in order for us to be able to escape temptation and conquer bad behaviors by replacing them with righteous practices. What do you need to repent of today? How can you shine your light and show the world the beauty of marriage that GOD intended? We must shine if those in the darkness are to ever find their way.


It’s about battling together for holiness, in repentance and faith, on a daily basis. It’s about the church being the church, as we all struggle toward holiness. I don’t know if you’ve shared your struggle with anyone else, but if you haven’t, you need to do so. We all need each other because we all fight battles. If you want to confess your battle so that you can confront it and conquer it, I will make myself available for you. If you need prayer, I’ll pray for you. If you want someone to help you with accountability, I will be that person for you. I am unable to compromise on Truth, but I am willing to accept you as you are as we both strive to become who GOD intends for us to be.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
(Proverbs 27:17) –NIRV

“A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”
(Ecclesiastes 4:12) –NLT

“Make sure no outsider who now follows God ever has occasion to say, ‘God put me in second-class. I don’t really belong.’ And make sure no physically mutilated person is ever made to think, ‘I’m damaged goods. I don’t really belong.’ ”
(Isaiah 56:3) –MSG

“Where two or three people meet together in my name, I am there with them.”
(Matthew 18:20) –NIRV

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”
(James 5:16) –NLT